Ejemplo n.º 1
void tool::source::Column::Maximum(SizeType value)
	if (IsDebug())
		__Info("Column Maximum = %zu", value);
	m_maximum = value;
HRESULT CIoSupport::Shutdown()
#ifdef _XBOX
  // fails assertion on debug bios (symptom lockup unless running dr watson)
  // so you can continue past the failed assertion).
  if (IsDebug())
    return E_FAIL;
  return S_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Simulator::Process(NMEAInfo &basic)


  basic.location = FindLatitudeLongitude(basic.location, basic.track,

  // use this to test FLARM parsing/display
  if (IsDebug() && !IsAltair())
Ejemplo n.º 4
 // todo(jonahr): Eventually could add support for all conditions/operating
 // systems, but these are the ones in use for now
 void validateConfigBase(const GPUTestConfig &config)
     EXPECT_EQ(IsWindows(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionWin]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsOSX(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionMac]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsLinux(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionLinux]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsAndroid(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionAndroid]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsNexus5X(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionNexus5X]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsPixel2(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionPixel2]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsIntel(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionIntel]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsAMD(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionAMD]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsNVIDIA(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionNVIDIA]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsDebug(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionDebug]);
     EXPECT_EQ(IsRelease(), config.getConditions()[GPUTestConfig::kConditionRelease]);
void WaveTrace( char const *wavname, char const *funcname )
	if ( IsX360() && !IsDebug() )

	static CUtlSymbolTable s_WaveTrace;

	// Make sure we only show the message once
	if ( UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL == s_WaveTrace.Find( wavname ) )
		DevMsg( "%s directly referenced wave %s (should use game_sounds.txt system instead)\n", 
			funcname, wavname );
		s_WaveTrace.AddString( wavname );
Ejemplo n.º 6
void tool::source::Column::Newline(const SizeType& column, 
	std::string string)
	if (column > m_maximum)
		__Error("Check Column Failed: columns greater than %zu (Column = %zu) "
			", file %s, line %zu, string \"%s\"", m_maximum, column, 
			m_read.Pathname().c_str(), m_line, string.c_str());
		if (IsDebug())
			__Info("line %zu, column %zu, string \"%s\"", 
				m_line, column, string.c_str());
Ejemplo n.º 7
// 追跡リストからオブジェクトを削除する
void TrackDeleteObj(UINT64 addr)
    // 引数チェック
    if (addr == 0)

    if (IsMemCheck() == false)
        // リリースモードでは追跡しない

    if (disable_tracking)

        o = SearchTrackingList(addr);
        if (o == NULL)

            if (IsDebug())
                printf("TrackDeleteObj: 0x%x is not Object!!\n", (void *)addr);
        DeleteTrackingList(o, true);
Ejemplo n.º 8
// Remove the object from the tracking list
void TrackDeleteObj(UINT64 addr)
	// Validate arguments
	if (addr == 0)

	if (IsMemCheck() == false)
		// Don't track in the release mode

	if (disable_tracking)

		o = SearchTrackingList(addr);
		if (o == NULL)

			if (IsDebug())
				printf("TrackDeleteObj: 0x%x is not Object!!\n", (void *)addr);
		DeleteTrackingList(o, true);
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Load a static copy buffer (g_temppaintbuffer) with the requested number of samples, 
// with the first sample(s) in the buffer always set up as the last sample(s) of the previous load.
// Return a pointer to the head of the copy buffer.
// This ensures that interpolating pitch shifters always have the previous sample to reference.
//		pChannel:				sound's channel data
//		sample_load_request:	number of samples to load from source data
//		pSamplesLoaded:			returns the actual number of samples loaded (should always = sample_load_request)
//		copyBuf:				req'd by GetOutputData, used by some Mixers
// Returns: NULL ptr to data if no samples available, otherwise always fills remainder of copy buffer with
// 0 to pad remainder.
char *CAudioMixerWave::LoadMixBuffer( channel_t *pChannel, int sample_load_request, int *pSamplesLoaded, char copyBuf[AUDIOSOURCE_COPYBUF_SIZE] )
	int samples_loaded;
	char *pSample = NULL;
	char *pData = NULL;
	int cCopySamps = 0;

	// save index of last sample loaded (updated in GetOutputData)
	int sample_loaded_index = m_sample_loaded_index;

	// get data from source (copyBuf is expected to be available for use)
	samples_loaded = GetOutputData( (void **)&pData, sample_load_request, copyBuf );
	if ( !samples_loaded && sample_load_request )
		// none available, bail out
		// 360 might not be able to get samples due to latency of loop seek
		// could also be the valid EOF for non-loops (caller keeps polling for data, until no more)
		AssertOnce( IsX360() || !m_pData->Source().IsLooped() );
		*pSamplesLoaded = 0;
		return NULL;

	int samplesize = GetMixSampleSize();
	char *pCopy = (char *)g_temppaintbuffer;

	if ( IsX360() || IsDebug() )
		// for safety, 360 always validates sample request, due to new xma audio code and possible logic flaws
		// PC can expect number of requested samples to be within tolerances due to exisiting aged code
		// otherwise buffer overruns cause hard to track random crashes
		if ( ( ( sample_load_request + 1 ) * samplesize ) > ( TEMP_COPY_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof( portable_samplepair_t ) ) )
			// make sure requested samples will fit in temp buffer.
			// if this assert fails, then pitch is too high (ie: > 2.0) or the sample counters have diverged.
			// NOTE: to prevent this, pitch should always be capped in MixDataToDevice (but isn't nor are the sample counters).
			DevWarning( "LoadMixBuffer: sample load request %d exceeds buffer sizes\n", sample_load_request );
			Assert( 0 );
			*pSamplesLoaded = 0;
			return NULL;

	// copy all samples from pData to copy buffer, set 0th sample to saved previous sample - this ensures
	// interpolation pitch shift routines always have a previous sample to reference.

	// copy previous sample(s) to head of copy buffer pCopy
	// In some cases, we'll need the previous 2 samples.  This occurs when
	// Rate < 1.0 - in example below, sample 4.86 - 6.48 requires samples 4-7 (previous samples saved are 4 & 5)

		rate = 0.81, sampleCount = 3 (ie: # of samples to return )

		_____load 3______       ____load 3_______       __load 2__

		0		1		 2		 3		 4		 5		6		7		sample_index     (whole samples)

		^     ^      ^      ^      ^     ^     ^     ^     ^        
		|     |      |      |      |     |     |     |     |   
		0    0.81   1.68   2.43   3.24  4.05  4.86  5.67  6.48          m_fsample_index  (rate*sample)
		_______________    ________________   ________________
						^   ^                  ^ ^        	
						|   |                  | |                                    
	m_sample_loaded_index   |                  | m_sample_loaded_index
							|                  |
		m_fsample_index----   		       ----m_fsample_index

		[return 3 samp]     [return 3 samp]    [return 3 samp]
	pSample = &(pChannel->sample_prev[0]);

	// determine how many saved samples we need to copy to head of copy buffer (0,1 or 2)
	// so that pitch interpolation will correctly reference samples.
	// NOTE: pitch interpolators always reference the sample before and after the indexed sample.

	// cCopySamps = sample_max_loaded - floor(m_fsample_index);

	if ( sample_loaded_index < 0 || (floor(m_fsample_index) > sample_loaded_index))
		// no samples previously loaded, or
		// next sample index is entirely within the next block of samples to be loaded,
		// so we won't need any samples from the previous block. (can occur when rate > 2.0)
		cCopySamps = 0;
	else if ( m_fsample_index < sample_loaded_index )
		// next sample index is entirely within the previous block of samples loaded,
		// so we'll need the last 2 samples loaded.  (can occur when rate < 1.0)		
		Assert ( ceil(m_fsample_index + 0.00000001) == sample_loaded_index );
		cCopySamps = 2;
		// next sample index is between the next block and the previously loaded block,
		// so we'll need the last sample loaded.  (can occur when 1.0 < rate < 2.0)
		Assert( floor(m_fsample_index) == sample_loaded_index );
		cCopySamps = 1;
	Assert( cCopySamps >= 0 && cCopySamps <= 2 );

	// point to the sample(s) we are to copy
	if ( cCopySamps )
		pSample = cCopySamps == 1 ? pSample + samplesize : pSample;
		Q_memcpy( pCopy, pSample, samplesize * cCopySamps );
		pCopy += samplesize * cCopySamps;

	// don't overflow copy buffer
	Assert ( (PAINTBUFFER_MEM_SIZE * sizeof( portable_samplepair_t )) > ( ( samples_loaded + 1 ) * samplesize ) );
	// copy loaded samples from pData into pCopy
	// and update pointer to free space in copy buffer
	if ( ( samples_loaded * samplesize ) != 0 && !pData )
		char const *pWavName = "";
		CSfxTable *source = pChannel->sfx;
		if ( source )
			pWavName = source->getname();
		Warning( "CAudioMixerWave::LoadMixBuffer: '%s' samples_loaded * samplesize = %i but pData == NULL\n", pWavName, ( samples_loaded * samplesize ) );
		*pSamplesLoaded = 0;
		return NULL;

	Q_memcpy( pCopy, pData, samples_loaded * samplesize );
	pCopy += samples_loaded * samplesize;
	// if we loaded fewer samples than we wanted to, and we're not
	// delaying, load more samples or, if we run out of samples from non-looping source, 
	// pad copy buffer.
	if ( samples_loaded < sample_load_request )
		// retry loading source data until 0 bytes returned, or we've loaded enough data.
		// if we hit 0 bytes, fill remaining space in copy buffer with 0 and exit
		int samples_load_extra;
		int samples_loaded_retry = -1;
		for ( int k = 0; (k < 10000 && samples_loaded_retry && samples_loaded < sample_load_request); k++ )
			// how many more samples do we need to satisfy load request
			samples_load_extra = sample_load_request - samples_loaded;
			samples_loaded_retry = GetOutputData( (void**)&pData, samples_load_extra, copyBuf );

			// copy loaded samples from pData into pCopy
			if ( samples_loaded_retry )
				if ( ( samples_loaded_retry * samplesize ) != 0 && !pData )
					Warning( "CAudioMixerWave::LoadMixBuffer:  samples_loaded_retry * samplesize = %i but pData == NULL\n", ( samples_loaded_retry * samplesize ) );
					*pSamplesLoaded = 0;
					return NULL;

				Q_memcpy( pCopy, pData, samples_loaded_retry * samplesize );
				pCopy += samples_loaded_retry * samplesize;
				samples_loaded += samples_loaded_retry;

	// if we still couldn't load the requested samples, fill rest of copy buffer with 0
	if ( samples_loaded < sample_load_request )
		// should always be able to get as many samples as we request from looping sound sources
		AssertOnce ( IsX360() || !m_pData->Source().IsLooped() );

		// these samples are filled with 0, not loaded.
		// non-looping source hit end of data, fill rest of g_temppaintbuffer with 0
		int samples_zero_fill = sample_load_request - samples_loaded;

		Q_memset( pCopy, 0, samples_zero_fill * samplesize );
		pCopy += samples_zero_fill * samplesize;
		samples_loaded += samples_zero_fill;

	if ( samples_loaded >= 2 )
		// always save last 2 samples from copy buffer to channel 
		// (we'll need 0,1 or 2 samples as start of next buffer for interpolation)
		Assert( sizeof( pChannel->sample_prev ) >= samplesize*2 );
		pSample = pCopy - samplesize*2;
		Q_memcpy( &(pChannel->sample_prev[0]), pSample, samplesize*2 );

	// this routine must always return as many samples loaded (or zeros) as requested.
	Assert( samples_loaded == sample_load_request );

	*pSamplesLoaded = samples_loaded;

	return (char *)g_temppaintbuffer;
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void SignalDebugData( struct TDebug *obj )
    int thread;
    char debtype;
    struct TCreateProcessEvent cpe;
    struct TCreateThreadEvent cte;
    struct TLoadDllEvent lde;
    struct TExceptionEvent ee;
    int ExitCode;
    int handle;
    struct TDebugThread *newt;

    RdosWaitMilli( 5 );

    debtype = RdosGetDebugEvent( obj->FHandle, &thread );

    switch (debtype) {
        case EVENT_EXCEPTION:
            RdosGetDebugEventData( obj->FHandle, &ee );
            HandleException( obj, &ee, thread );

            RdosGetDebugEventData( obj->FHandle, &cte );
            HandleCreateThread( obj, &cte );
            obj->FThreadChanged = TRUE;

            RdosGetDebugEventData( obj->FHandle, &cpe );
            HandleCreateProcess( obj, &cpe );

            HandleTerminateThread( obj, thread );
            obj->FThreadChanged = TRUE;
            if( !obj->CurrentThread ) {
                obj->CurrentThread = obj->ThreadList;
                while( obj->CurrentThread && !IsDebug( obj->CurrentThread ) )
                    obj->CurrentThread = obj->CurrentThread->Next;

                if (!obj->CurrentThread)
                    obj->CurrentThread = obj->ThreadList;

            RdosGetDebugEventData( obj->FHandle, &ExitCode );
            HandleTerminateProcess( obj, ExitCode);
            obj->FInstalled = FALSE;
            RdosSetSignal( obj->UserSignal );

        case EVENT_LOAD_DLL:
            RdosGetDebugEventData( obj->FHandle, &lde );
            HandleLoadDll( obj, &lde );
            obj->FModuleChanged = TRUE;

        case EVENT_FREE_DLL:
            RdosGetDebugEventData( obj->FHandle, &handle );
            HandleFreeDll( obj, handle );
            obj->FModuleChanged = TRUE;

    RdosClearDebugEvent( obj->FHandle );

    if( debtype == EVENT_EXCEPTION ) {
        if( obj->CurrentThread ) {
            DeactivateBreaks( obj->CurrentThread, obj->BreakList);

            if( thread != obj->CurrentThread->ThreadID ) {
                newt = LockThread( obj, thread );
                if( newt ) {
                    obj->CurrentThread = newt;
                    obj->FThreadChanged = TRUE;
                UnlockThread( obj );

        RdosSetSignal( obj->UserSignal );
        RdosContinueDebugEvent( obj->FHandle, thread );
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * recursively parse '<'tc_action'>'
 * note that array "action" grows during recursive parse.
static int
tc_action_parser(char *ifname, char **cpp, struct tc_action *action)
	char	*cp, *start, *end;
	char	type[MAX_WORD], w[MAX_WORD];
	int	depth, i;
	struct tb_profile profile[2];

	 * find a possibly nested pair of '<' and '>',
	 * make them pointed by 'start' and 'end'.
	start = strchr(*cpp, '<');
	if (start == NULL) {
		LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "conditioner action missing");
		return (0);
	depth = 1;
	cp = start + 1;
	do {
		end = strpbrk(cp, "<>");
		if (end == NULL) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0,
			    "conditioner action delimiter mismatch");
			return (0);
		if (*end == '<')
		else if (*end == '>')
		cp = end + 1;
	} while (depth > 0);
	*end = '\0';
	*cpp = end + 1;
	cp = start + 1;

	if (IsDebug(DEBUG_ALTQ)) {
		printf("tc_action_parser: [%s]\n", cp);

	if (!next_word(&cp, type)) {
		LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing conditioner action type");
		return (0);

	 * action type specific process
	if (EQUAL(type, "conditioner")) {
		if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0,
			    "missing conditioner name");
			return (0);
		action->tca_code = TCACODE_HANDLE;
		action->tca_handle = cdnr_name2handle(ifname, w);
		if (action->tca_handle == CDNR_NULL_HANDLE) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0,
			    "wrong conditioner name %s", w);
			return (0);
	} else if (EQUAL(type, "pass")) {
		action->tca_code = TCACODE_PASS;
	} else if (EQUAL(type, "drop")) {
		action->tca_code = TCACODE_DROP;
	} else if (EQUAL(type, "mark")) {
		if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing dscp");
			return (0);
		action->tca_code = TCACODE_MARK;
		action->tca_dscp = (u_int8_t)strtol(w, NULL, 0);
	} else if (EQUAL(type, "tbmeter")) {
		if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing tb profile");
			return (0);
		profile[0].rate = atobps(w);
		if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing tb profile");
			return (0);
		profile[0].depth = atobytes(w);
		if (tc_action_parser(ifname, &cp, &action[1]) == 0)
			return (0);
		if (tc_action_parser(ifname, &cp, &action[2]) == 0)
			return (0);

		if (qcmd_cdnr_add_tbmeter(action, ifname, NULL, &profile[0],
					  &action[1], &action[2]) != 0)
			return (0);
	} else if (EQUAL(type, "trtcm")) {
		int coloraware = 0;	/* default is color-blind */

		for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
			if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
				LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing tb profile");
				return (0);
			profile[i].rate = atobps(w);
			if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
				LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing tb profile");
				return (0);
			profile[i].depth = atobytes(w);
		if (tc_action_parser(ifname, &cp, &action[1]) == 0)
			return (0);
		if (tc_action_parser(ifname, &cp, &action[2]) == 0)
			return (0);
		if (tc_action_parser(ifname, &cp, &action[3]) == 0)
			return (0);
		if (next_word(&cp, w)) {
			if (EQUAL(w, "coloraware"))
				coloraware = 1;
			else if (EQUAL(w, "colorblind"))
				coloraware = 0;

		if (qcmd_cdnr_add_trtcm(action, ifname, NULL,
					&profile[0], &profile[1],
					&action[1], &action[2], &action[3],
					coloraware) != 0)
			return (0);
	} else if (EQUAL(type, "tswtcm")) {
		u_int32_t cmtd_rate, peak_rate, avg_interval;

		if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing cmtd rate");
			return (0);
		cmtd_rate = atobps(w);

		if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing peak rate");
			return (0);
		peak_rate = atobps(w);

		if (!next_word(&cp, w)) {
			LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "missing avg interval");
			return (0);
		avg_interval = (u_int32_t)strtoul(w, NULL, 0);

		if (tc_action_parser(ifname, &cp, &action[1]) == 0)
			return (0);
		if (tc_action_parser(ifname, &cp, &action[2]) == 0)
			return (0);
		if (tc_action_parser(ifname, &cp, &action[3]) == 0)
			return (0);

		if (qcmd_cdnr_add_tswtcm(action, ifname, NULL,
					 cmtd_rate, peak_rate, avg_interval,
					 &action[1], &action[2], &action[3])
		    != 0)
			return (0);
	} else {
		LOG(LOG_ERR, 0, "unkown action type %s");
		return (0);

	*end = '>';	/* restore the end delimiter */

	return (1);
Ejemplo n.º 12
bool ModuleBase::Init(int32 nArgc, char* argv[])
	InitLog( nArgc, argv);

	MyLog::message("Begin ModuleBase::Init ModuleName[%s], Version[%s]", m_strModuelName.c_str(), "0.0.1");

	m_bDebug = GameUtil::GetCommandOpt("--Debug", nArgc, argv);
	MyLog::message("IsDebug=[%s]", IsDebug() ? "True" : "False");

	std::stringstream strArgs;
	std::string strConfig;

	for (int32 i = 0; i < nArgc; ++i)
		char* sArg = argv[i];
		strArgs<<" "<<sArg;
		if( strcmp( sArg, "-Path") == 0)
			MyPath::SetMainPath( argv[i+1] );
			MyLog::message("Path:%s", argv[i+1]);
		else if( (strcmp( sArg, "-StartConfig") == 0) || (strcmp( sArg, "-Config") == 0))
			strConfig = argv[i+1];
		else if( strcmp( sArg, "-Section") == 0)
			std::string strSection = argv[i+1];
			ConfigManager::SetCustomSection( strSection );

	MyLog::message("Start Args[%s]", strArgs.str().c_str());

	// set config file working directory
	std::string strPath = MyPath::MainPath();
	strPath += "Data/Config/";

	if (strConfig.length() > 0)
		std::string strPath = ConfigManager::MainPath() + strConfig;
		ConfigManager::LoadConfig( strPath.c_str(), true);

	// load argv argument
	ConfigManager::LoadStartConfig( nArgc, argv);

	// load log config

	// load srv config

	// set console width & height
	Console::SetBufferSize( ServerConfig::nConsoleW, ServerConfig::nConsoleH);

	// init server db
	std::string strDBFile;
	strDBFile = MyPath::MainPath();
	strDBFile += "Data/Server.db";
	DBLoader::SetDBFile( strDBFile.c_str() );

	// load argument define
	MyLog::message("Begin LoadModule[BaseServer]");
	Templates.AddTemplate( "ParamDefManager", ParamDefManager::Instance());
	MyLog::message("End LoadModule[BaseServer]");



#if DOG

	MyLog::message("End ModuleBase::Init() ModuleName[%s]", m_strModuelName.c_str());

	return true;