Ejemplo n.º 1
void Corpse::DepopNPCCorpse() {
	if (RemoteCallSubscriptionHandler::Instance()->IsSubscribed("Entity.Events")) {
		std::vector<std::string> params;
		RemoteCallSubscriptionHandler::Instance()->OnEvent("Entity.Events", params);

	if (IsNPCCorpse())
		player_corpse_depop = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Corpse::MakeLootRequestPackets(Client* client, const EQApplicationPacket* app) {
	// Added 12/08. Started compressing loot struct on live.
	char tmp[10];
	if(player_corpse_depop) {
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, 0);

	if(IsPlayerCorpse() && corpse_db_id == 0) {
		// SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, 0);
		client->Message(13, "Warning: Corpse's dbid = 0! Corpse will not survive zone shutdown!");
		std::cout << "Error: PlayerCorpse::MakeLootRequestPackets: dbid = 0!" << std::endl;
		// return;

	if(is_locked && client->Admin() < 100) {
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, 0);
		client->Message(13, "Error: Corpse locked by GM.");

	if(being_looted_by == 0)
		being_looted_by = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	if(this->being_looted_by != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		// lets double check....
		Entity* looter = entity_list.GetID(this->being_looted_by);
		if(looter == 0)
			this->being_looted_by = 0xFFFFFFFF;

	uint8 Loot_Request_Type = 1;
	bool loot_coin = false;
	if(database.GetVariable("LootCoin", tmp, 9))
		loot_coin = (atoi(tmp) == 1);

	if (this->being_looted_by != 0xFFFFFFFF && this->being_looted_by != client->GetID()) {
		SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, 0);
		Loot_Request_Type = 0;
	else if (IsPlayerCorpse() && char_id == client->CharacterID()) {
		Loot_Request_Type = 2;
	else if ((IsNPCCorpse() || become_npc) && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID())) {
		Loot_Request_Type = 2;
	else if (GetPlayerKillItem() == -1 && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID())) { /* PVP loot all items, variable cash */
		Loot_Request_Type = 3;
	else if (GetPlayerKillItem() == 1 && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID())) { /* PVP loot 1 item, variable cash */
		Loot_Request_Type = 4;
	else if (GetPlayerKillItem() > 1 && CanPlayerLoot(client->CharacterID())) { /* PVP loot 1 set item, variable cash */
		Loot_Request_Type = 5;

	if (Loot_Request_Type == 1) {
		if (client->Admin() < 100 || !client->GetGM()) {
			SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, 2);

	if(Loot_Request_Type >= 2 || (Loot_Request_Type == 1 && client->Admin() >= 100 && client->GetGM())) {
		this->being_looted_by = client->GetID();
		EQApplicationPacket* outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_MoneyOnCorpse, sizeof(moneyOnCorpseStruct));
		moneyOnCorpseStruct* d = (moneyOnCorpseStruct*) outapp->pBuffer;

		d->response		= 1;
		d->unknown1		= 0x42;
		d->unknown2		= 0xef;

		/* Dont take the coin off if it's a gm peeking at the corpse */
		if(Loot_Request_Type == 2 || (Loot_Request_Type >= 3 && loot_coin)) {
			if(!IsPlayerCorpse() && client->IsGrouped() && client->AutoSplitEnabled() && client->GetGroup()) {
				d->copper		= 0;
				d->silver		= 0;
				d->gold			= 0;
				d->platinum		= 0;
				Group *cgroup = client->GetGroup();
				cgroup->SplitMoney(GetCopper(), GetSilver(), GetGold(), GetPlatinum(), client);
			else {
				d->copper		= this->GetCopper();
				d->silver		= this->GetSilver();
				d->gold			= this->GetGold();
				d->platinum		= this->GetPlatinum();
				client->AddMoneyToPP(GetCopper(), GetSilver(), GetGold(), GetPlatinum(), false);


		auto timestamps = database.GetItemRecastTimestamps(client->CharacterID());
		outapp->priority = 6;
		if(Loot_Request_Type == 5) {
			int pkitem = GetPlayerKillItem();
			const Item_Struct* item = database.GetItem(pkitem);
			ItemInst* inst = database.CreateItem(item, item->MaxCharges);
			if(inst) {
				if (item->RecastDelay)
					inst->SetRecastTimestamp(timestamps.count(item->RecastType) ? timestamps.at(item->RecastType) : 0);
				client->SendItemPacket(EmuConstants::CORPSE_BEGIN, inst, ItemPacketLoot);
			else { client->Message(13, "Could not find item number %i to send!!", GetPlayerKillItem()); }


		int i = 0;
		const Item_Struct* item = 0;
		ItemList::iterator cur,end;
		cur = itemlist.begin();
		end = itemlist.end();

		int corpselootlimit = EQLimits::InventoryMapSize(MapCorpse, client->GetClientVersion());

		for(; cur != end; ++cur) {
			ServerLootItem_Struct* item_data = *cur;
			item_data->lootslot = 0xFFFF;

			// Dont display the item if it's in a bag

			// Added cursor queue slots to corpse item visibility list. Nothing else should be making it to corpse.
			if(!IsPlayerCorpse() || item_data->equip_slot <= MainCursor || item_data->equip_slot == MainPowerSource || Loot_Request_Type>=3 ||
				(item_data->equip_slot >= 8000 && item_data->equip_slot <= 8999)) {
				if(i < corpselootlimit) {
					item = database.GetItem(item_data->item_id);
					if(client && item) {
						ItemInst* inst = database.CreateItem(item, item_data->charges, item_data->aug_1, item_data->aug_2, item_data->aug_3, item_data->aug_4, item_data->aug_5, item_data->aug_6, item_data->attuned);
						if(inst) {
							if (item->RecastDelay)
								inst->SetRecastTimestamp(timestamps.count(item->RecastType) ? timestamps.at(item->RecastType) : 0);
							// MainGeneral1 is the corpse inventory start offset for Ti(EMu) - CORPSE_END = MainGeneral1 + MainCursor
							client->SendItemPacket(i + EmuConstants::CORPSE_BEGIN, inst, ItemPacketLoot);

						item_data->lootslot = i;


		if(IsPlayerCorpse() && (char_id == client->CharacterID() || client->GetGM())) {
			if(i > corpselootlimit) {
				client->Message(15, "*** This corpse contains more items than can be displayed! ***");
				client->Message(0, "Remove items and re-loot corpse to access remaining inventory.");
				client->Message(0, "(%s contains %i additional %s.)", GetName(), (i - corpselootlimit), (i - corpselootlimit) == 1 ? "item" : "items");

			if(IsPlayerCorpse() && i == 0 && itemlist.size() > 0) { // somehow, player corpse contains items, but client doesn't see them...
				client->Message(13, "This corpse contains items that are inaccessable!");
				client->Message(15, "Contact a GM for item replacement, if necessary.");
				client->Message(15, "BUGGED CORPSE [DBID: %i, Name: %s, Item Count: %i]", GetCorpseDBID(), GetName(), itemlist.size());

				cur = itemlist.begin();
				end = itemlist.end();
				for(; cur != end; ++cur) {
					ServerLootItem_Struct* item_data = *cur;
					item = database.GetItem(item_data->item_id);
					Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::None, "Corpse Looting: %s was not sent to client loot window (corpse_dbid: %i, charname: %s(%s))", item->Name, GetCorpseDBID(), client->GetName(), client->GetGM() ? "GM" : "Owner");
					client->Message(0, "Inaccessable Corpse Item: %s", item->Name);

	// Disgrace: Client seems to require that we send the packet back...

	// This is required for the 'Loot All' feature to work for SoD clients. I expect it is to tell the client that the
	// server has now sent all the items on the corpse.
	if(client->GetClientVersion() >= ClientVersion::SoD) { SendLootReqErrorPacket(client, 6); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool Corpse::Process() {
	if (player_corpse_depop)
		return false;

	if (corpse_delay_timer.Check()) {
		for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LOOTERS; i++)
			allowed_looters[i] = 0;
		return true;

	if (corpse_graveyard_timer.Check()) {
		if (zone->HasGraveyard()) {
			player_corpse_depop = true;
			database.SendCharacterCorpseToGraveyard(corpse_db_id, zone->graveyard_zoneid(),
				(zone->GetZoneID() == zone->graveyard_zoneid()) ? zone->GetInstanceID() : 0, zone->GetGraveyardPoint());
			ServerPacket* pack = new ServerPacket(ServerOP_SpawnPlayerCorpse, sizeof(SpawnPlayerCorpse_Struct));
			SpawnPlayerCorpse_Struct* spc = (SpawnPlayerCorpse_Struct*)pack->pBuffer;
			spc->player_corpse_id = corpse_db_id;
			spc->zone_id = zone->graveyard_zoneid();
			Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::None, "Moved %s player corpse to the designated graveyard in zone %s.", this->GetName(), database.GetZoneName(zone->graveyard_zoneid()));
			corpse_db_id = 0;

		return false;
	if(corpse_res_timer.Check()) {
		can_rez = false;

	/* This is when a corpse hits decay timer and does checks*/
	if (corpse_decay_timer.Check()) {
		/* NPC */
		if (IsNPCCorpse()){
			return false;
		/* Client */
		if (!RuleB(Zone, EnableShadowrest)){
		else {
			if (database.BuryCharacterCorpse(corpse_db_id)) {
				player_corpse_depop = true;
				corpse_db_id = 0;
				Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::None, "Tagged %s player corpse has burried.", this->GetName());
			else {
				Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::Error, "Unable to bury %s player corpse.", this->GetName());
				return true;
		return false;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Corpse::DepopNPCCorpse() {
	if (IsNPCCorpse())
		player_corpse_depop = true;