Ejemplo n.º 1
void CMasternode::Check(bool fForce)

    if(ShutdownRequested()) return;

    if(!fForce && (GetTime() - nTimeLastChecked < MASTERNODE_CHECK_SECONDS)) return;
    nTimeLastChecked = GetTime();

    LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    //once spent, stop doing the checks
    if(IsOutpointSpent()) return;

    int nHeight = 0;
    if(!fUnitTest) {
        TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain);
        if(!lockMain) return;

        CCoins coins;
        if(!pcoinsTip->GetCoins(vin.prevout.hash, coins) ||
           (unsigned int)vin.prevout.n>=coins.vout.size() ||
           coins.vout[vin.prevout.n].IsNull()) {
            nActiveState = MASTERNODE_OUTPOINT_SPENT;
            LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Failed to find Masternode UTXO, masternode=%s\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort());

        nHeight = chainActive.Height();

    if(IsPoSeBanned()) {
        if(nHeight < nPoSeBanHeight) return; // too early?
        // Otherwise give it a chance to proceed further to do all the usual checks and to change its state.
        // Masternode still will be on the edge and can be banned back easily if it keeps ignoring mnverify
        // or connect attempts. Will require few mnverify messages to strengthen its position in mn list.
        LogPrintf("CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is unbanned and back in list now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort());
    } else if(nPoSeBanScore >= MASTERNODE_POSE_BAN_MAX_SCORE) {
        nActiveState = MASTERNODE_POSE_BAN;
        // ban for the whole payment cycle
        nPoSeBanHeight = nHeight + mnodeman.size();
        LogPrintf("CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is banned till block %d now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), nPoSeBanHeight);

    int nActiveStatePrev = nActiveState;
    bool fOurMasternode = fMasterNode && activeMasternode.pubKeyMasternode == pubKeyMasternode;

                   // masternode doesn't meet payment protocol requirements ...
    bool fRequireUpdate = nProtocolVersion < mnpayments.GetMinMasternodePaymentsProto() ||
                   // or it's our own node and we just updated it to the new protocol but we are still waiting for activation ...
                   (fOurMasternode && nProtocolVersion < PROTOCOL_VERSION);

    if(fRequireUpdate) {
        if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
            LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    // keep old masternodes on start, give them a chance to receive updates...
    bool fWaitForPing = !masternodeSync.IsMasternodeListSynced() && !IsPingedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_MNP_SECONDS);

    if(fWaitForPing && !fOurMasternode) {
        // ...but if it was already expired before the initial check - return right away
        if(IsExpired() || IsWatchdogExpired() || IsNewStartRequired()) {
            LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state, waiting for ping\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    // don't expire if we are still in "waiting for ping" mode unless it's our own masternode
    if(!fWaitForPing || fOurMasternode) {

            nActiveState = MASTERNODE_NEW_START_REQUIRED;
            if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
                LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

        bool fWatchdogActive = masternodeSync.IsSynced() && mnodeman.IsWatchdogActive();
        bool fWatchdogExpired = (fWatchdogActive && ((GetTime() - nTimeLastWatchdogVote) > MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS));

        LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- outpoint=%s, nTimeLastWatchdogVote=%d, GetTime()=%d, fWatchdogExpired=%d\n",
                vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), nTimeLastWatchdogVote, GetTime(), fWatchdogExpired);

        if(fWatchdogExpired) {
            nActiveState = MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_EXPIRED;
            if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
                LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

        if(!IsPingedWithin(MASTERNODE_EXPIRATION_SECONDS)) {
            nActiveState = MASTERNODE_EXPIRED;
            if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
                LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    if(lastPing.sigTime - sigTime < MASTERNODE_MIN_MNP_SECONDS) {
        nActiveState = MASTERNODE_PRE_ENABLED;
        if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
            LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    nActiveState = MASTERNODE_ENABLED; // OK
    if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
        LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());
void CMasternode::Check(bool fForce)

    if (ShutdownRequested()) return;

    if (!fForce && (GetTime() - nTimeLastChecked < MASTERNODE_CHECK_SECONDS)) return;
    nTimeLastChecked = GetTime();

    LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    //once spent, stop doing the checks
    if (IsOutpointSpent()) return;

    int nHeight = 0;
    if (!fUnitTest) {
        Coin coin;
        if (!GetUTXOCoin(outpoint, coin)) {
            nActiveState = MASTERNODE_OUTPOINT_SPENT;
            LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Failed to find Masternode UTXO, masternode=%s\n", outpoint.ToStringShort());

        nHeight = chainActive.Height();

    if (IsPoSeBanned()) {
        if (nHeight < nPoSeBanHeight) return; // too early?
        // Otherwise give it a chance to proceed further to do all the usual checks and to change its state.
        // Masternode still will be on the edge and can be banned back easily if it keeps ignoring mnverify
        // or connect attempts. Will require few mnverify messages to strengthen its position in mn list.
        LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is unbanned and back in list now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort());
    } else if (nPoSeBanScore >= MASTERNODE_POSE_BAN_MAX_SCORE) {
        nActiveState = MASTERNODE_POSE_BAN;
        // ban for the whole payment cycle
        nPoSeBanHeight = nHeight + mnodeman.size();
        LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is banned till block %d now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), nPoSeBanHeight);

    int nActiveStatePrev = nActiveState;
    bool fOurMasternode = fMasternodeMode && activeMasternode.pubKeyMasternode == pubKeyMasternode;

    // masternode doesn't meet payment protocol requirements ...
    bool fRequireUpdate = nProtocolVersion < mnpayments.GetMinMasternodePaymentsProto() ||
                          // or it's our own node and we just updated it to the new protocol but we are still waiting for activation ...
                          (fOurMasternode && nProtocolVersion < PROTOCOL_VERSION);

    if (fRequireUpdate) {
        if (nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
            LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    // keep old masternodes on start, give them a chance to receive updates...
    bool fWaitForPing = !masternodeSync.IsMasternodeListSynced() && !IsPingedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_MNP_SECONDS);

    if (fWaitForPing && !fOurMasternode) {
        // ...but if it was already expired before the initial check - return right away
        if (IsExpired() || IsSentinelPingExpired() || IsNewStartRequired()) {
            LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state, waiting for ping\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    // don't expire if we are still in "waiting for ping" mode unless it's our own masternode
    if (!fWaitForPing || fOurMasternode) {
            nActiveState = MASTERNODE_NEW_START_REQUIRED;
            if (nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
                LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

        if (!IsPingedWithin(MASTERNODE_EXPIRATION_SECONDS)) {
            nActiveState = MASTERNODE_EXPIRED;
            if (nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
                LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

        // part 1: expire based on machinecoind ping
        bool fSentinelPingActive = masternodeSync.IsSynced() && mnodeman.IsSentinelPingActive();
        bool fSentinelPingExpired = fSentinelPingActive && !IsPingedWithin(MASTERNODE_SENTINEL_PING_MAX_SECONDS);
        LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- outpoint=%s, GetAdjustedTime()=%d, fSentinelPingExpired=%d\n",
            outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetAdjustedTime(), fSentinelPingExpired);

        if (fSentinelPingExpired) {
            if (nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
                LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    // We require MNs to be in PRE_ENABLED until they either start to expire or receive a ping and go into ENABLED state
    // Works on mainnet/testnet only and not the case on regtest.
    if (Params().NetworkIDString() != CBaseChainParams::REGTEST) {
        if (lastPing.sigTime - sigTime < MASTERNODE_MIN_MNP_SECONDS) {
            nActiveState = MASTERNODE_PRE_ENABLED;
            if (nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
                LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    if (!fWaitForPing || fOurMasternode) {
        // part 2: expire based on sentinel info
        bool fSentinelPingActive = masternodeSync.IsSynced() && mnodeman.IsSentinelPingActive();
        bool fSentinelPingExpired = fSentinelPingActive && !lastPing.fSentinelIsCurrent;

        LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- outpoint=%s, GetAdjustedTime()=%d, fSentinelPingExpired=%d\n",
            outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetAdjustedTime(), fSentinelPingExpired);

        if (fSentinelPingExpired) {
            if (nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
                LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());

    nActiveState = MASTERNODE_ENABLED; // OK
    if (nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) {
        LogPrint(MCLog::MN, "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", outpoint.ToStringShort(), GetStateString());