Ejemplo n.º 1
HitTestingTreeNode::HitTest(const ParentLayerPoint& aPoint) const
  // This should only ever get called if the point is inside the clip region
  // for this node.

  // When event regions are disabled and we have an APZC on this node, we are
  // actually storing the touch-sensitive section of the composition bounds in
  // the clip region, and we don't need to check against the mEventRegions.
  // If there's no APZC, then we do need to check against the mEventRegions
  // (which contains the layer's visible region) for obscuration purposes.
  if (!gfxPrefs::LayoutEventRegionsEnabled() && GetApzc()) {
    return HitTestResult::HitLayer;

  // convert into Layer coordinate space
  Maybe<LayerPoint> pointInLayerPixels = Untransform(aPoint);
  if (!pointInLayerPixels) {
    return HitTestResult::HitNothing;
  LayerIntPoint point = RoundedToInt(pointInLayerPixels.ref());

  // test against event regions in Layer coordinate space
  if (!mEventRegions.mHitRegion.Contains(point.x, point.y)) {
    return HitTestResult::HitNothing;
  if (mForceDispatchToContent ||
      mEventRegions.mDispatchToContentHitRegion.Contains(point.x, point.y))
    return HitTestResult::HitDispatchToContentRegion;
  return HitTestResult::HitLayer;
Ejemplo n.º 2
HitTestingTreeNode::HitTest(const ParentLayerPoint& aPoint) const
  // This should only ever get called if the point is inside the clip region
  // for this node.

  if (mOverride & EventRegionsOverride::ForceEmptyHitRegion) {
    return HitTestResult::HitNothing;

  // convert into Layer coordinate space
  Maybe<LayerPoint> pointInLayerPixels = Untransform(aPoint);
  if (!pointInLayerPixels) {
    return HitTestResult::HitNothing;
  LayerIntPoint point = RoundedToInt(pointInLayerPixels.ref());

  // test against event regions in Layer coordinate space
  if (!mEventRegions.mHitRegion.Contains(point.x, point.y)) {
    return HitTestResult::HitNothing;
  if ((mOverride & EventRegionsOverride::ForceDispatchToContent) ||
      mEventRegions.mDispatchToContentHitRegion.Contains(point.x, point.y))
    return HitTestResult::HitDispatchToContentRegion;
  return HitTestResult::HitLayer;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool GrFixedClip::apply(GrContext*,
                        GrDrawContext* drawContext,
                        const SkRect* devBounds,
                        bool isHWAntiAlias,
                        bool hasUserStencilSettings,
                        GrAppliedClip* out) const {
    if (fScissorState.enabled()) {
        SkIRect tightScissor;
        if (!tightScissor.intersect(fScissorState.rect(),
                                    SkIRect::MakeWH(drawContext->width(), drawContext->height()))) {
            return false;
        if (devBounds && IsOutsideClip(tightScissor, *devBounds)) {
            return false;
        if (!devBounds || !IsInsideClip(fScissorState.rect(), *devBounds)) {
            if (fHasStencilClip) {
                out->makeScissoredStencil(tightScissor, &fDeviceBounds);
            } else {
            return true;

    out->makeStencil(fHasStencilClip, fDeviceBounds);
    return true;