Ejemplo n.º 1
// ovrLexer::CopyResult
void ovrLexer::CopyResult( char const * buffer, char * token, size_t const maxTokenSize )
	// NOTE: if any multi-byte characters are ever treated as quotes, this code must change
	if ( IsQuote( *buffer ) )
		size_t len = UTF8Util::GetLength( buffer );
		const uint32_t lastChar = UTF8Util::GetCharAt( len - 1, buffer );
		if ( IsQuote( lastChar ) )
			// The first char and last char are single-byte quotes, we can now just step past the first and not copy the last. 
			char const * start = buffer + 1;
			len = OVR_strlen( start );	// We do not care about UTF length here since we know the quotes are a single bytes
			OVR_strncpy( token, maxTokenSize, start, len - 1 );

	OVR_strcpy( token, maxTokenSize, buffer );
Ejemplo n.º 2
tells if a character is a letter.
replace this when wxWindows gets regex library. (without strange licensing
wxString GetEquals(
    wxString var,
    wxString value)
    if (!wxEchoVariable::Exists(var)) {
        // TODO: when we implement the set variable, check for a set variable as well
        #ifdef CHECKED		
            wxMessageBox(wxString("wxHTML #if\\else error: Variable ") + var + wxString(" not found."),"Error",wxICON_ERROR);
        return wxString("0"); // false

    wxString tmp = wxEchoVariable::GetValue(var);

    if (IsQuote( value.GetChar(0) ))
        value = value.Mid(1);
    if (IsQuote(value.GetChar(value.Length()-1)))
        value = value.Mid(0,value.Length()-1);

    if (tmp.CmpNoCase(value) == 0) return wxString("1");
    return wxString("0");
Ejemplo n.º 3
// ovrLexer::NextToken
ovrLexer::ovrResult ovrLexer::NextToken( char * token, size_t const maxTokenSize )
	int const BUFF_SIZE = 8192;
	char buffer[BUFF_SIZE];

	SkipWhitespace( p );

	bool inQuotes = false;
	uint32_t ch = UTF8Util::DecodeNextChar( &p );
	ptrdiff_t bufferOfs = 0;
	while( !IsWhitespace( ch ) || inQuotes )
		if ( ch == '\0' )
			UTF8Util::EncodeChar( buffer, &bufferOfs, '\0' );
			CopyResult( buffer, token, maxTokenSize );
			return ( bufferOfs <= 1 ) ? LEX_RESULT_EOF : LEX_RESULT_OK;
		else if ( IsQuote( ch ) )
			if ( inQuotes )	// if we were in quotes, end the token at the closing quote
				UTF8Util::EncodeChar( buffer, &bufferOfs, ch );
				UTF8Util::EncodeChar( buffer, &bufferOfs, '\0' );
				CopyResult( buffer, token, maxTokenSize );
				return LEX_RESULT_OK;
			inQuotes = !inQuotes;

		int encodeSize = UTF8Util::GetEncodeCharSize( ch );
		if ( bufferOfs + encodeSize >= BUFF_SIZE - 1 || bufferOfs + encodeSize + 1 >= (int32_t)maxTokenSize )
			// truncation
			UTF8Util::EncodeChar( buffer, &bufferOfs, '\0' );
			CopyResult( buffer, token, maxTokenSize );
		UTF8Util::EncodeChar( buffer, &bufferOfs, ch );
		// decode next character and advance pointer
		ch = UTF8Util::DecodeNextChar( &p );
	buffer[bufferOfs] = '\0';
	CopyResult( buffer, token, maxTokenSize );
	return LEX_RESULT_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void PrintListGeneric(VyParseTree* tree, char oDelim, char cDelim){
	printf("%c", oDelim);

	/* Print each element recursively */
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < ListTreeSize(tree); i++){	
		VyParseTree* next = GetListData(tree,i);
			PrintParseTree(GetListData(next, 1));
		else if(IsSubstitution(next)){

			PrintParseTree(GetListData(next, 1));
		else if(next->type == TREE_LIST){
			VyParseTree* first = GetListData(next, 0);
			if(first->type == TREE_IDENT && StrEquals(GetStrData(first), "infix")){
				PrintListGeneric(GetListData(next, 1), '{','}');
			else if(first->type == TREE_IDENT && StrEquals(GetStrData(first), "quote-substitutions")){
				PrintListGeneric(GetListData(next, 1), '[',']');

	/* If it wasn't an empty list, remove the extra space generated by the item inside */
	if(ListTreeSize(tree) > 0){

	printf("%c ", cDelim);  
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void MacroReplacement (StrBuf* Source, StrBuf* Target)
/* Perform macro replacement. */
    ident       Ident;
    Macro*      M;

    /* Remember the current input and switch to Source */
    StrBuf* OldSource = InitLine (Source);

    /* Loop substituting macros */
    while (CurC != '\0') {
        /* If we have an identifier, check if it's a macro */
        if (IsSym (Ident)) {
            /* Check if it's a macro */
            if ((M = FindMacro (Ident)) != 0 && !M->Expanding) {
                /* It's a macro, expand it */
                ExpandMacro (Target, M);
            } else {
                /* An identifier, keep it */
                SB_AppendStr (Target, Ident);
        } else if (IsQuote (CurC)) {
            CopyQuotedString (Target);
        } else if (IsSpace (CurC)) {
            if (!IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (Target))) {
                SB_AppendChar (Target, CurC);
            NextChar ();
        } else {
            SB_AppendChar (Target, CurC);
            NextChar ();

    /* Switch back the input */
    InitLine (OldSource);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static unsigned Pass1 (StrBuf* Source, StrBuf* Target)
/* Preprocessor pass 1. Remove whitespace. Handle old and new style comments
 * and the "defined" operator.
    unsigned    IdentCount;
    ident       Ident;
    int         HaveParen;

    /* Switch to the new input source */
    StrBuf* OldSource = InitLine (Source);

    /* Loop removing ws and comments */
    IdentCount = 0;
    while (CurC != '\0') {
        if (SkipWhitespace (0)) {
            /* Squeeze runs of blanks */
            if (!IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (Target))) {
                SB_AppendChar (Target, ' ');
        } else if (IsSym (Ident)) {
            if (Preprocessing && strcmp (Ident, "defined") == 0) {
                /* Handle the "defined" operator */
                SkipWhitespace (0);
                HaveParen = 0;
                if (CurC == '(') {
                    HaveParen = 1;
                    NextChar ();
                    SkipWhitespace (0);
                if (IsSym (Ident)) {
                    SB_AppendChar (Target, IsMacro (Ident)? '1' : '0');
                    if (HaveParen) {
                        SkipWhitespace (0);
                        if (CurC != ')') {
                            PPError ("`)' expected");
                        } else {
                            NextChar ();
                } else {
                    PPError ("Identifier expected");
                    SB_AppendChar (Target, '0');
            } else {
                SB_AppendStr (Target, Ident);
        } else if (IsQuote (CurC)) {
            CopyQuotedString (Target);
        } else if (CurC == '/' && NextC == '*') {
            if (!IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (Target))) {
                SB_AppendChar (Target, ' ');
            OldStyleComment ();
        } else if (IS_Get (&Standard) >= STD_C99 && CurC == '/' && NextC == '/') {
            if (!IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (Target))) {
                SB_AppendChar (Target, ' ');
            NewStyleComment ();
        } else {
            SB_AppendChar (Target, CurC);
            NextChar ();

    /* Switch back to the old source */
    InitLine (OldSource);

    /* Return the number of identifiers found in the line */
    return IdentCount;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void MacroArgSubst (MacroExp* E)
/* Argument substitution according to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E), */
    ident       Ident;
    int         ArgIdx;
    StrBuf*     OldSource;
    StrBuf*     Arg;
    int         HaveSpace;

    /* Remember the current input and switch to the macro replacement. */
    int OldIndex = SB_GetIndex (&E->M->Replacement);
    SB_Reset (&E->M->Replacement);
    OldSource = InitLine (&E->M->Replacement);

    /* Argument handling loop */
    while (CurC != '\0') {

        /* If we have an identifier, check if it's a macro */
        if (IsSym (Ident)) {

            /* Check if it's a macro argument */
            if ((ArgIdx = FindMacroArg (E->M, Ident)) >= 0) {

                /* A macro argument. Get the corresponding actual argument. */
                Arg = ME_GetActual (E, ArgIdx);

                /* Copy any following whitespace */
                HaveSpace = SkipWhitespace (0);

                /* If a ## operator follows, we have to insert the actual
                 * argument as is, otherwise it must be macro replaced.
                if (CurC == '#' && NextC == '#') {

                    /* ### Add placemarker if necessary */
                    SB_Append (&E->Replacement, Arg);

                } else {

                    /* Replace the formal argument by a macro replaced copy
                     * of the actual.
                    SB_Reset (Arg);
                    MacroReplacement (Arg, &E->Replacement);

                    /* If we skipped whitespace before, re-add it now */
                    if (HaveSpace) {
                        SB_AppendChar (&E->Replacement, ' ');

            } else {

                /* An identifier, keep it */
                SB_AppendStr (&E->Replacement, Ident);


        } else if (CurC == '#' && NextC == '#') {

            /* ## operator. */
            NextChar ();
            NextChar ();
            SkipWhitespace (0);

            /* Since we need to concatenate the token sequences, remove
             * any whitespace that was added to target, since it must come
             * from the input.
            while (IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (&E->Replacement))) {
                SB_Drop (&E->Replacement, 1);

            /* If the next token is an identifier which is a macro argument,
             * replace it, otherwise do nothing.
            if (IsSym (Ident)) {

                /* Check if it's a macro argument */
                if ((ArgIdx = FindMacroArg (E->M, Ident)) >= 0) {

                    /* Get the corresponding actual argument and add it. */
                    SB_Append (&E->Replacement, ME_GetActual (E, ArgIdx));

                } else {

                    /* Just an ordinary identifier - add as is */
                    SB_AppendStr (&E->Replacement, Ident);


        } else if (CurC == '#' && E->M->ArgCount >= 0) {

            /* A # operator within a macro expansion of a function like
             * macro. Read the following identifier and check if it's a
             * macro parameter.
            NextChar ();
            SkipWhitespace (0);
            if (!IsSym (Ident) || (ArgIdx = FindMacroArg (E->M, Ident)) < 0) {
                PPError ("`#' is not followed by a macro parameter");
            } else {
                /* Make a valid string from Replacement */
                Arg = ME_GetActual (E, ArgIdx);
                SB_Reset (Arg);
                Stringize (Arg, &E->Replacement);

        } else if (IsQuote (CurC)) {
            CopyQuotedString (&E->Replacement);
        } else {
            SB_AppendChar (&E->Replacement, CurC);
            NextChar ();

#if 0
    /* Remove whitespace from the end of the line */
    while (IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (&E->Replacement))) {
        SB_Drop (&E->Replacement, 1);

    /* Switch back the input */
    InitLine (OldSource);
    SB_SetIndex (&E->M->Replacement, OldIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void ReadMacroArgs (MacroExp* E)
/* Identify the arguments to a macro call */
    unsigned    Parens;         /* Number of open parenthesis */

    /* Read the actual macro arguments */
    Parens = 0;
    while (1) {
        if (CurC == '(') {

            /* Nested parenthesis */
            SB_AppendChar (&Arg, CurC);
            NextChar ();

        } else if (IsQuote (CurC)) {

            /* Quoted string - just copy */
            CopyQuotedString (&Arg);

        } else if (CurC == ',' || CurC == ')') {

            if (Parens) {
                /* Comma or right paren inside nested parenthesis */
                if (CurC == ')') {
                SB_AppendChar (&Arg, CurC);
                NextChar ();
            } else if (CurC == ',' && ME_ArgIsVariadic (E)) {
                /* It's a comma, but we're inside a variadic macro argument, so
                 * just copy it and proceed.
                SB_AppendChar (&Arg, CurC);
                NextChar ();
            } else {
                /* End of actual argument. Remove whitespace from the end. */
                while (IsSpace (SB_LookAtLast (&Arg))) {
                    SB_Drop (&Arg, 1);

                /* If this is not the single empty argument for a macro with
                 * an empty argument list, remember it.
                if (CurC != ')' || SB_NotEmpty (&Arg) || E->M->ArgCount > 0) {
                    ME_AppendActual (E, &Arg);

                /* Check for end of macro param list */
                if (CurC == ')') {
                    NextChar ();

                /* Start the next param */
                NextChar ();
                SB_Clear (&Arg);
        } else if (SkipWhitespace (1)) {
            /* Squeeze runs of blanks within an arg */
            if (SB_NotEmpty (&Arg)) {
                SB_AppendChar (&Arg, ' ');
        } else if (CurC == '/' && NextC == '*') {
            if (SB_NotEmpty (&Arg)) {
                SB_AppendChar (&Arg, ' ');
            OldStyleComment ();
        } else if (IS_Get (&Standard) >= STD_C99 && CurC == '/' && NextC == '/') {
            if (SB_NotEmpty (&Arg)) {
                SB_AppendChar (&Arg, ' ');
            NewStyleComment ();
        } else if (CurC == '\0') {
            /* End of input inside macro argument list */
            PPError ("Unterminated argument list invoking macro `%s'", E->M->Name);

            ClearLine ();
        } else {
            /* Just copy the character */
            SB_AppendChar (&Arg, CurC);
            NextChar ();

    /* Deallocate string buf resources */
    SB_Done (&Arg);