int DSNLEXER::NeedSYMBOL() throw( IO_ERROR ) { int tok = NextTok(); if( !IsSymbol( tok ) ) Expecting( DSN_SYMBOL ); return tok; }
bool Read() { bool result = false; EatSpace(); if (index < length) { result = true; char c = Current(); if (IsAlpha(c) || c == '_') ParseIdentifier(); else if (IsDigit(c)) ParseIntegerLiteral(); else if (c == '"') ParseStringLiteral(); else if (c == '\'') ParseCodePointLiteral(); else if (IsSymbol(c)) ParseSymbols(); else result = false; } return result; }
int DSNLEXER::NeedSYMBOLorNUMBER() throw( IO_ERROR ) { int tok = NextTok(); if( !IsSymbol( tok ) && tok!=DSN_NUMBER ) Expecting( "symbol|number" ); return tok; }
void flext_base::cb_anything(flext_hdr *c,const t_symbol *s,int argc,t_atom *argv) { Locker lock(c); if(UNLIKELY(!s)) { // apparently, this happens only in one case... object is a DSP object, but has no main DSP inlet... // interpret tag from args if(!argc) s = sym_bang; else if(argc == 1) { if(IsFloat(*argv)) s = sym_float; else if(IsSymbol(*argv)) s = sym_symbol; else if(IsPointer(*argv)) s = sym_pointer; else FLEXT_ASSERT(false); } else s = sym_list; } thisObject(c)->CbMethodHandler(0,s,argc,argv); }
int Expression::parse( const char * pParse ) { release(); const char * pStart = pParse; const char * pEnd = pStart + strlen( pParse ); while( *pParse && pParse < pEnd ) { // skip whitespaces if( *pParse && isspace( *pParse ) ) { pParse++; continue; } Token token; token.nType = TOKEN_ERROR; char ch = *pParse++; if ( IsSymbol( ch ) ) { token.nType = TOKEN_SYMBOL; token.sToken += ch; while( IsSymbol( *pParse ) ) token.sToken += *pParse++; } else { for(unsigned int i=0;i<sizeof(TOKENS)/sizeof(TOKENS[0]);i++) { if ( TOKENS[i].cBegin == ch ) { token.nType = TOKENS[i].nType; if ( TOKENS[i].cEnd != 0 ) pParse = CopyToken( pParse, TOKENS[i].cEnd, token ); break; } } } // push the new token m_Tokens.push( token ); } return (int)m_Tokens.size(); }
/*! \todo there is probably also a shortcut for Max and jMax \todo size checking */ FLEXT_TEMPIMPL(void FLEXT_CLASSDEF(flext))::GetAString(const t_atom &a,char *buf,size_t szbuf) { #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD atom_string(const_cast<t_atom *>(&a),buf,(int)szbuf); #else if(IsSymbol(a)) STD::strncpy(buf,GetString(a),szbuf); else if(IsFloat(a)) STD::snprintf(buf,szbuf,"%f",GetFloat(a)); else if(IsInt(a)) STD::snprintf(buf,szbuf,"%i",GetInt(a)); else *buf = 0; #endif }
std::string SEXPR::AsString( size_t aLevel ) { std::string result; if( IsList() ) { if( aLevel != 0 ) { result = "\n"; } result.append( aLevel* 4, ' ' ); aLevel++; result += "("; SEXPR_VECTOR const* list = GetChildren(); for( std::vector<SEXPR *>::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it ) { result += (*it)->AsString( aLevel ); if( it != list->end() - 1 ) { result += " "; } } result += ")"; aLevel--; } else if( IsString() ) { result += "\"" + GetString() + "\""; } else if( IsSymbol() ) { result += GetSymbol(); } else if( IsInteger() ) { std::stringstream out; out << GetInteger(); result += out.str(); } else if( IsDouble() ) { std::stringstream out; out << std::setprecision( 16 ) << GetDouble(); result += out.str(); } return result; }
void ParseSymbols() { StartToken(); switch (Previous()) { case '/': if (Current() == '/') { ParseLineComment(); break; } else if (Current() == '*') { ParseBlockComment(); break; } // Yes. No break. This is deliberate. default: { String4 tinySource = {}; tinySource.Append(Previous()); lastSourceToken.tokenType = TokenType::Reserved; lastSourceToken.tokenIndex = FindOperator(tinySource); for (int i = index; i < length && IsSymbol(source[i]); ++i) { tinySource.Append(source[i]); auto tokenIndex = FindOperator(tinySource); if (tokenIndex != -1) { lastSourceToken.tokenIndex = tokenIndex; lastSourceToken.length = i - index + 2; } } int offset = lastSourceToken.length - 1; index += offset; position.column += offset; break; } } }
/* Determine if a the value of a string is constantly known (symbolic or numeric) */ bool ValueKnown (const string& o_formula) { bool result = true; string formula = StripParens (o_formula); list<string> operands = SeparateOperands (formula); // one operand only if (operands.size() == 1) { ///////////////////////////// Literal if (IsNumber (operands.front())) return true; ///////////////////////////// Literal if (IsSymbol (operands.front())) return true; ///////////////////////////// Value Request ///////////////////////////// Function Call if (IsFunctionCall (operands.front())) return ValueKnown (SeparateArguments (GetArguments (operands.front()))); return false; } /* if */ // multiple operands else { operands = OperandsOnly (operands); for (list<string>::iterator o = operands.begin(); o != operands.end(); o++) { if (!ValueKnown (*o)) return false; } /* for */ return true; } /* else */ } /* circuit_t::ValueKnown */
inline MsgBundle &Add(flext_base *th,int o,const t_atom &a) { const t_symbol *sym; if(IsSymbol(a)) sym = sym_symbol; else if(IsFloat(a)) sym = sym_float; #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX else if(IsInt(a)) sym = sym_int; #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD else if(IsPointer(a)) sym = sym_pointer; #endif else { error("atom type not supported"); return *this; } return Add(th,o,sym,1,&a); }
void flext_base::ToSysAtom(int n,const t_atom &at) const { outlet *o = GetOut(n); if(LIKELY(o)) { CRITON(); if(IsSymbol(at)) outlet_symbol((t_outlet *)o,const_cast<t_symbol *>(GetSymbol(at))); else if(IsFloat(at)) outlet_float((t_outlet *)o,GetFloat(at)); #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_MAX else if(IsInt(at)) outlet_flint((t_outlet *)o,GetInt(at)); #endif #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD else if(IsPointer(at)) outlet_pointer((t_outlet *)o,GetPointer(at)); #endif else error("Atom type not supported"); CRITOFF(); } }
bool GetToken(wxInputStream& input, wxString& result, unsigned int& lineNumber) { result.Empty(); SkipWhitespace(input, lineNumber); // Reached the end of the file. if (input.Eof()) { return false; } char c = input.GetC(); if (c == '\"') { // Quoted string, search for the end quote. do { result += c; c = input.GetC(); } while (input.IsOk() && c != '\"'); result += c; return true; } char n = input.Peek(); if (IsDigit(c) || (c == '.' && IsDigit(n)) || (c == '-' && IsDigit(n))) { bool hasDecimal = false; while (!IsSpace(c)) { result.Append(c); if (input.Eof()) { return true; } c = input.Peek(); if (!IsDigit(c) && c != '.') { return true; } input.GetC(); if (c == '\n') { ++lineNumber; return true; } } } else { if (IsSymbol(c)) { result = c; return true; } while (!IsSpace(c) && !input.Eof()) { result.Append(c); if (IsSymbol(input.Peek())) { break; } c = input.GetC(); if (c == '\n') { ++lineNumber; return true; } } } return true; }
virtual bool CbMethodResort(int inlet,const t_symbol *sym,int argc,const t_atom *argv) { const char *dst = GetString(sym); if(*dst != '/') return false; FLEXT_ASSERT(packet); { // treat destination string const char *var = strchr(dst,'%'); *packet << osc::BeginMessage(var?Convert(dst,var,argc,argv).c_str():dst); } while(argc) { if(IsSymbol(*argv)) { const char *hdr = GetString(*argv++); --argc; const char *var = strchr(hdr,'%'); if(var) { // variable found in string char typetag = var[1]; if(!typetag) // % is only character *packet << "%"; else if(hdr != var || var[2]) // variable not in front, or string more than 2 chars long -> substitute variables *packet << Convert(hdr,var,argc,argv).c_str(); else { // standalone switch(typetag) { case osc::TRUE_TYPE_TAG: *packet << true; break; case osc::FALSE_TYPE_TAG: *packet << false; break; case osc::NIL_TYPE_TAG: *packet << osc::Nil; break; case osc::INFINITUM_TYPE_TAG: *packet << osc::Infinitum; break; case osc::INT32_TYPE_TAG: { osc::int32 z = (argc--)?GetAInt(*argv++):0; *packet << z; break; } case osc::FLOAT_TYPE_TAG: { float z = (argc--)?GetAFloat(*argv++):0; *packet << z; break; } case osc::CHAR_TYPE_TAG: { Symbol s = (argc--)?GetASymbol(*argv++):NULL; *packet << (s?*GetString(s):'\0'); break; } case osc::RGBA_COLOR_TYPE_TAG: { osc::uint32 r = (argc--)?(GetAInt(*argv++)&0xff):0; osc::uint32 g = (argc--)?(GetAInt(*argv++)&0xff):0; osc::uint32 b = (argc--)?(GetAInt(*argv++)&0xff):0; osc::uint32 a = (argc--)?(GetAInt(*argv++)&0xff):0; *packet << osc::RgbaColor((r<<24)+(g<<16)+(b<<8)+a); break; } case osc::MIDI_MESSAGE_TYPE_TAG: { osc::uint32 channel = (argc--)?(GetAInt(*argv++)&0xff):0; osc::uint32 status = (argc--)?(GetAInt(*argv++)&0xff):0; osc::uint32 data1 = (argc--)?(GetAInt(*argv++)&0xff):0; osc::uint32 data2 = (argc--)?(GetAInt(*argv++)&0xff):0; *packet << osc::MidiMessage((channel<<24)+(status<<16)+(data1<<8)+data2); break; } case osc::INT64_TYPE_TAG: { osc::int64 z = 0; if(argc--) z += GetAInt(*argv++); if(argc--) z += GetAInt(*argv++); *packet << z; break; } case osc::TIME_TAG_TYPE_TAG: { double z = 0; if(argc--) z += GetAFloat(*argv++); if(argc--) z += GetAFloat(*argv++); *packet << osc::TimeTag(GetTimetag(z)); break; } case osc::DOUBLE_TYPE_TAG: { double z = 0; if(argc--) z += GetAFloat(*argv++); if(argc--) z += GetAFloat(*argv++); *packet << z; break; } case osc::STRING_TYPE_TAG: { Symbol s = (argc--)?GetASymbol(*argv++):NULL; *packet << (s?GetString(s):""); break; } case osc::SYMBOL_TYPE_TAG: { Symbol s = (argc--)?GetASymbol(*argv++):NULL; *packet << osc::Symbol(s?GetString(s):""); break; } case osc::BLOB_TYPE_TAG: post("%s %s - Blob type not supported",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); break; default: post("%s %s - Unknown type tag %s",thisName(),GetString(thisTag()),typetag); } } } else *packet << osc::Symbol(hdr); } else if(CanbeFloat(*argv)) *packet << GetAFloat(*argv++),--argc; else { post("%s %s - Invalid atom type",thisName(),GetString(thisTag())); ++argv,--argc; } } *packet << osc::EndMessage; if(!bundle && autosend) Send(true); return true; }
void SymbolParserThread::ParseFileSymbols(wxInputStream& input, std::vector<Symbol*>& symbols) { if (!input.IsOk()) { return; } wxString token; unsigned int lineNumber = 1; Symbol *return_symbol = nullptr; wxStack<Symbol *> symStack; symStack.push(nullptr); std::vector<Token> tokens; while (GetToken(input, token, lineNumber)) { tokens.emplace_back(token, lineNumber); } for (unsigned current_token = 0; current_token < tokens.size(); ++current_token) { token = tokens[current_token].token; lineNumber = tokens[current_token].lineNumber; if (token == "function") { unsigned int defLineNumber = lineNumber; Symbol *function = nullptr; // Lua functions can have these forms: // function (...) // function Name (...) // function Module.Function (...) // function Class:Method (...) wxString t1; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, t1, lineNumber, current_token)) break; if (t1 == "(") { // The form function (...) which doesn't have a name. If we // were being really clever we could check to see what is being // done with this value, but we're not. continue; } wxString t2; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, t2, lineNumber, current_token)) break; if (t2 == "(") { function = new Symbol(, t1, defLineNumber); if (return_symbol) { function->typeSymbol = return_symbol; return_symbol = nullptr; } // The form function Name (...). symbols.push_back(function); } else { wxString t3; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, t3, lineNumber, current_token)) break; if (t2 == "." || t2 == ":") { Symbol *module = GetSymbol(t1, symbols); if (module == nullptr) { module = new Symbol(, t1, defLineNumber, SymbolType::Module); symbols.push_back(module); } function = new Symbol(module, t3, defLineNumber); if (return_symbol) { function->typeSymbol = return_symbol; return_symbol = nullptr; } symbols.push_back(function); } } if (function) symStack.push(function); } else if (token == "decodadef") { //A decodadef will be in the form: //decodadef name { Definitions } //decodadef name ret unsigned int defLineNumber = lineNumber; wxString moduleName; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, moduleName, lineNumber, current_token)) break; wxString t1 = PeekNextToken(tokens, current_token, lineNumber); if (t1 == "{") { if (!GetNextToken(tokens, t1, lineNumber, current_token)) break; //outputWin->OutputMessage("Processing " + moduleName); Symbol *module = GetSymbol(moduleName, symbols); if (module == nullptr) { module = new Symbol(, moduleName, lineNumber, SymbolType::Type); symbols.push_back(module); } DecodaDefRecursive(symbols, lineNumber, module, tokens, current_token); } else { DecodaDefFunction(symbols, lineNumber, nullptr, tokens, current_token, moduleName); } } else if (token == "end") { if (symStack.size() > 1) symStack.pop(); } else if (token == "decodaprefix") { //A decodaprefix will be in the form: //decodaprefix Module name /* decodaprefix this __FILENAME__ decodaprefix this { Weapon nil } */ unsigned int defLineNumber = lineNumber; wxString moduleName; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, moduleName, lineNumber, current_token)) break; Symbol *module = GetSymbol(moduleName, symbols, SymbolType::Prefix); if (module == nullptr) { module = new Symbol(nullptr, moduleName, defLineNumber, SymbolType::Prefix); symbols.push_back(module); } wxString t1; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, t1, lineNumber, current_token)) break; //List of if (t1 == "{") { DecodaPrefixRecursive(symbols, lineNumber, module, tokens, current_token); } else { Symbol *sym_prefix = new Symbol(module, t1, defLineNumber, SymbolType::Prefix); sym_prefix->requiredModule = moduleName; symbols.push_back(sym_prefix); } } else if (token == "decodareturn") { //A decodaprefix will be in the form: //decodareturn Module unsigned int defLineNumber = lineNumber; wxString moduleName; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, moduleName, lineNumber, current_token)) break; Symbol *module = GetSymbol(moduleName, symbols); if (module == nullptr) { module = new Symbol(, moduleName, lineNumber, SymbolType::Type); symbols.push_back(module); } return_symbol = module; } else if (token == "=") { unsigned int defLineNumber = lineNumber; //If we find an equal sign, we need to find the left and right hand side unsigned start = current_token; //First handle +=, -=, *=, /= wxString prev = PeekPrevToken(tokens, current_token, lineNumber); if (prev == "+" || prev == "-" || prev == "*" || prev == "/") GetPrevToken(tokens, prev, lineNumber, current_token); wxStack<wxString> lhs_stack; wxString lhs; if (!GetPrevToken(tokens, lhs, lineNumber, current_token)) break; lhs_stack.push(lhs); int currentLine = lineNumber; prev = PeekPrevToken(tokens, current_token, lineNumber); while ((prev == "." || prev == ":" || prev == ")" || prev == "]") && lineNumber == currentLine) { if (prev == "." || prev == ":") { GetPrevToken(tokens, prev, lineNumber, current_token); lhs_stack.push(prev); wxString part; if (!GetPrevToken(tokens, part, lineNumber, current_token)) return; if (part == ")" || part == "]") { current_token++; prev = part; continue; } lhs_stack.push(part); } else if (prev == ")" || prev == "]") { GetPrevToken(tokens, prev, lineNumber, current_token); lhs_stack.push(prev); wxString open; wxString close; if (prev == ")") { open = "("; close = ")"; } else if (prev == "]") { open = "["; close = "]"; } int parenStack = 0; wxString part; if (!GetPrevToken(tokens, part, lineNumber, current_token)) return; for (;;) { if (part == close) parenStack++; if (part == open) { if (parenStack == 0) break; parenStack--; } lhs_stack.push(part); if (!GetPrevToken(tokens, part, lineNumber, current_token)) return; } lhs_stack.push(part); if (!GetPrevToken(tokens, part, lineNumber, current_token)) return; lhs_stack.push(part); } prev = PeekPrevToken(tokens, current_token, lineNumber); } //Parse rhs current_token = start; //First handle +=, -=, *=, /= wxString next = PeekNextToken(tokens, current_token, lineNumber); bool valid = true; for (int i = 0; i < next.size(); ++i) { if (IsSymbol(next[i]) || IsSpace(next[i])) { valid = false; break; } } wxString rhs; if (valid) { GetNextToken(tokens, next, lineNumber, current_token); rhs.Append(next); next = PeekNextToken(tokens, current_token, lineNumber); while ((next == "." || next == ":" || next == "(" || next == "[") && lineNumber == currentLine) { if (next == "." || next == ":") { GetNextToken(tokens, next, lineNumber, current_token); rhs.Append(next); wxString part; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, part, lineNumber, current_token)) return; rhs.Append(part); } else if (next == "(" || next == "[") { GetNextToken(tokens, next, lineNumber, current_token); rhs.Append(next); wxString open; wxString close; if (next == "(") { open = "("; close = ")"; } else if (next == "[") { open = "["; close = "]"; } int parenStack = 0; wxString part; if (!GetNextToken(tokens, part, lineNumber, current_token)) return; for (;;) { if (part == open) parenStack++; if (part == close) { if (parenStack == 0) break; parenStack--; } rhs.Append(part); if (!GetNextToken(tokens, part, lineNumber, current_token)) return; } rhs.Append(part); } next = PeekNextToken(tokens, current_token, lineNumber); } } //Build up the strings with the stacks if (lhs_stack.size() > 0 && rhs.size() > 0) { lhs.Empty(); while (!lhs_stack.empty()) { lhs.Append(; lhs_stack.pop(); } Symbol *assignment = new Symbol(, lhs, defLineNumber, SymbolType::Assignment); assignment->rhs = rhs; symbols.push_back(assignment); } //Reset token current_token = start; } } }
// function that tokenizes the input, using a structure of conscell's, where each conscell has a car and a cdr, // each car has two values, the type and the actual value. ConsCell* tokenize(char *expression) { ConsCell *current =malloc(sizeof(ConsCell)); ConsCell *Head = current; int i = 0; for (int i = 0; expression[i]; i++) { if (expression[i]==' ') continue; else if (expression[i] == '\n'){ continue; } if (expression[i]== '\t'){ continue; } Value *carVar = malloc(sizeof(Value)); Value *cdrVar = malloc(sizeof(Value)); if (expression[i]=='(') { carVar->type = 6; carVar->openValue = '('; } else if (expression[i]==')') { carVar->type=7; carVar->closeValue = ')'; } else { if (IsAnInt(expression, i)) { carVar->type=2; carVar->intValue=GiveInt(expression, i); i = getNextTerminal(expression, i); i -=1; } else if(IsSymbol(expression, i)) { int symbolLength=returnSymbolLength(expression, i); carVar->type=5; carVar->symbolValue=returnSymbol(expression, i, symbolLength); if (IsId(carVar->symbolValue)){ carVar->type = 9; carVar->idValue = carVar->symbolValue; } else if (IsPrimitive(carVar->symbolValue)) { carVar->type = 13; carVar->primValue = carVar->symbolValue; } i+=symbolLength; } else if(IsString(expression, i)) { carVar->type=4; carVar->stringValue=returnString(expression, i); int lengthOfString = findLengthOfString(carVar->stringValue); i+=lengthOfString; } else if(IsBoolean(expression,i)){ carVar->type = 1; carVar->boolValue=returnBoolean(expression,i); i +=1; } else if(IsFloat(expression, i)) { carVar->type=3; carVar->floatValue=GiveFloat(expression, i); i = getNextTerminal(expression, i); i -=1; } else if(expression[i] == ';') { free(carVar); free(cdrVar); break; } else { free(carVar); free(cdrVar); printf("Error: Bad syntax.\n"); ConsCell *emptyCons =malloc(sizeof(ConsCell)); Value *Val = malloc(sizeof(Value)); Val->type = 0; Val->intValue= 1; emptyCons->car = Val; Value *cdrVal = malloc(sizeof(Value)); cdrVal->type = 0; cdrVal->intValue = 0; current->car = cdrVal; cleanupCCLL(Head); return emptyCons; break; } } ConsCell *newCell = malloc(sizeof(ConsCell)); cdrVar->type = 8; cdrVar->cons = newCell; current = insertCC(current, carVar, cdrVar); current = newCell; } Value *cdrVal = malloc(sizeof(Value)); cdrVal->type = 0; cdrVal->intValue = 0; current->car = cdrVal; return Head; }