VectorTreeItemId BFBackupTree::GetTaskItems (wxTreeItemId idParent, bool bGoDeep /*= true*/)
    VectorTreeItemId vec;

    wxTreeItemId idCurr;
    wxTreeItemIdValue idCookie;

    if (ItemHasChildren(idParent))
        for (idCurr = GetFirstChild(idParent, idCookie);
             idCurr = GetNextChild(idParent, idCookie))
            if (ItemHasChildren(idCurr) == bGoDeep)
                VectorTreeItemId vecSub(GetTaskItems(idCurr, true));

                for (ItVectorTreeItemId it = vecSub.begin();
                     it != vecSub.end();
                if (IsTask(idCurr))

    return vec;
void BFBackupTree::OnDeleteTask (wxCommandEvent& rEvent)
    if ( IsTask(lastItemId_) )
    /* one task */
        BFTask* pTask = GetTaskByItem(lastItemId_);

        if (pTask == NULL)

        if ( BFMainFrame::Instance()->QuestionYesNo(_("Should this task be deleted?")) )
    /* a couple of tasks */
        // get the affected tree-item-ids
        VectorTreeItemId vecIds( GetTaskItems(lastItemId_, true) );

        // get the corrosponding BFTask
        BFTaskVector vecTasks;
        for (ItVectorTreeItemId it = vecIds.begin();
             it != vecIds.end();

        // create the question string
        wxString str = wxString::Format("Should this %d tasks be deleted?\n", vecTasks.size());
        for (BFTaskVectorIt it = vecTasks.begin();
             it != vecTasks.end();
            str = str + "\n\t" + (*it)->GetName();

        // ask the user
        if ( BFMainFrame::Instance()->QuestionYesNo(str) )
            // delete the tasks
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
int Skt4uInit (void)
int Ark;

   if (! bInitDone)  /* Aucune socket ouverte */
       for (Ark=0 ; Ark<SizeOfTab(HistoSocket) ; Ark++)
          HistoSocket[Ark].skt = INVALID_SOCKET;
#ifdef WINDOWS
   /* liberation des sockets appartenant a des taches mortes */
       for (Ark=0 ;  Ark<SizeOfTab(HistoSocket) ; Ark++)
     if (      HistoSocket[Ark].skt!=INVALID_SOCKET 
           && !IsTask(HistoSocket[Ark].hTask) )
            TcpClose (& HistoSocket[Ark].skt);
    }  /* InitDone */
} /* Skt4wInit */
Ejemplo n.º 4
// pre-process input file, creating a tmp file
// In order to get the return code of the C pre-processor, I'm
// spawing a batch file that invokes CL, and creates a signal file
// if it is successful.
VOID NEAR DoPreProcess
    char szBuffer[255];

    HANDLE hInstCpp;
    TASKENTRY taskentry;
    FILE * hFile;
    CHAR * szTempBatch;
    CHAR * szTempSig;
    CHAR * szTempRoot;
    ERR err = ERR_CPP;		// assume error
    int cbTempFilenames;
    char * szComSpec;

    // figure out the names of the temp files
    // (note: uses OEM char set)
    szTempRoot = tempnam(".", "~mkt");		// get base name for temp files
    hFile = fopen(szTempRoot, "w");		// create the file now, to
    if (hFile == NULL)				// reserve this set of names

    cbTempFilenames = strlen(szTempRoot)+1+3+1;	// base name + ext + null
    szTempBatch = malloc(cbTempFilenames);	// for .BAT file
    strcpy(szTempBatch, szTempRoot);
    strcat(szTempBatch, ".bat");

    szTempSig = malloc(cbTempFilenames);	// for .SIG file
    strcpy(szTempSig, szTempRoot);
    strcat(szTempSig, ".sig");

    szTempFile = malloc(cbTempFilenames);	// for pre-processed oupput 
    strcpy(szTempFile, szTempRoot);
    strcat(szTempFile, ".inp");

    // CONSIDER: Check for existence of any of these files, if any exist, then
    // CONSIDER: try a different base name for the files.

    // open the temp .BAT file
    hFile = fopen(szTempBatch, "w");
    if (hFile == NULL)
	goto cleanup2;

    // all errors after this point should go to 'cleanup'

    if (fputs(szBatchStart, hFile) < 0)	// write the first part
	goto cleanup;

    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s %s%s %s>",
		   szCppExe, szCppOpts, szCppDefs, szInputFile);

    // convert this string to the OEM char set
    AnsiToOem(szBuffer, szBuffer);

    // append szTempFile
    strcat(szBuffer, szTempFile);
    strcat(szBuffer, "\n");
    if (fputs(szBuffer, hFile) < 0)		// write the CPP command
	goto cleanup;
    sprintf(szBuffer, szBatchEnd, szTempSig);
    if (fputs(szBuffer, hFile) < 0)	// write the error check code
	goto cleanup;

    hFile = NULL;		// file no longer open

    szComSpec = getenv("COMSPEC");
    if (szComSpec == NULL)
	szComSpec = "";

    sprintf(szBuffer, "%s /c %s", szComSpec, szTempBatch);
    hInstCpp = WinExec(szBuffer, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED);   // shell the pre-processor
    if (hInstCpp < 32)		// if error spawning pre-processor
	goto cleanup;

    Yield();			// give it a chance to start

    // find task associated with this instance.  In extreme cases it may have
    // finished even before we're executing this code.
    taskentry.dwSize = sizeof(TASKENTRY);
    if (TaskFirst(&taskentry) == 0) {
	goto taskdone;

    while (taskentry.hInst != hInstCpp) {
        if (TaskNext(&taskentry) == 0) {
	    goto taskdone;

    hTaskCpp = taskentry.hTask;

    while (IsTask(hTaskCpp))
	    SideAssert(TaskFindHandle(&taskentry, hTaskCpp) != 0);
	    if (taskentry.hInst != hInstCpp)
		    // different hInst associated with this htask,
		    // so the app must have terminated

	    Yield();		// wait until it's done



    // If signal file doesn't exist, then there was a problem pre-processing
    // the input file.  If it exists, then it worked.
    if (!MyRemove(szTempSig))
	err = ERR_NONE;		// it worked!

    if (hFile)					// close tmp batch file if
	fclose(hFile);				// error during write
    SideAssert(MyRemove(szTempBatch) == 0);	// delete tmp batch file

    SideAssert(MyRemove(szTempRoot) == 0);	// delete placeholder file

    if (err != ERR_NONE)			// report any error
void BFBackupTree::OnItemMenu(wxTreeEvent& rEvent)
    wxPoint         point   (rEvent.GetPoint());
    wxMenu          menu;
	wxMenu*			pMenu_backup = NULL;
	wxMenu*			pMenu_type = NULL;
    wxString        strLabel_ModifyTaskType(_("modify all sub-tasks to ..."));
    wxString        strLabel_DeleteTask(_("delete task"));
    wxString        strLabel_CreateDest(_("create destination directory"));
    wxString        strLabel_Backup(_("backup"));

    // remember the selected item
    lastItemId_ = rEvent.GetItem();

    // check if there are task-items as childs
    vecLastChildTasks_ = GetTaskItems(lastItemId_);

    if ( IsTask(lastItemId_) )
        BFTask* pTask = GetTaskByItem(lastItemId_);

        if (pTask == NULL)

        // ** create destination directory **
        if (pTask->GetType() == TaskDIRCOPY)
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_CREATEDESTINATION, strLabel_CreateDest);

        // ** delete task **
        menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_DELETETASK, strLabel_DeleteTask);

        // ** modify types **
        if ( vecLastChildTasks_.size() > 0)
            BFBackupTree::GenerateBackupMenu(pMenu_type, true, false);
            menu.AppendSubMenu(pMenu_type, strLabel_ModifyTaskType);

        // separator

        // ** backup **
        if (pTask->GetType() == TaskFILECOPY)
            BFBackupTree::GenerateBackupMenu(pMenu_backup, false);
            BFBackupTree::GenerateBackupMenu(pMenu_backup, true);

        menu.AppendSubMenu(pMenu_backup, strLabel_Backup);

        // separator

        // ** task settings **
        menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_TASKSETTINGS, _("Task settings"));
        // for non-existing (while backup created) directories
        menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_CREATEDESTINATION, strLabel_CreateDest);

        // right click on root item
        if (GetRootItem() == lastItemId_)
            // for real existing directories
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_ADDDESTINATION, _("add destination directory"));
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_DELETETASK, strLabel_DeleteTask);

            // ** modify types **
            if ( vecLastChildTasks_.size() > 0)
                BFBackupTree::GenerateBackupMenu(pMenu_type, true, false);
                menu.AppendSubMenu(pMenu_type, strLabel_ModifyTaskType);

            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_RUNBACKUP,          _("Run Backup...") );
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_PROJECTSETTINGS,    _("Project Settings") );
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_PROJECTPLANNER,     _("Project Planner") );
            if ( BFSettings::Instance().GetScheduler() == 0 )
                menu.Enable(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_PROJECTPLANNER, false);
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_PROJECTSAVE,        _("&Save Project") );
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_PROJECTSAVEAS,      _("Save Project &as ...") );
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_MODIFYDDESTINATION, _("modify destination"));
            menu.Append(BFBACKUPCTRL_ID_DELETETASK, strLabel_DeleteTask);

            // ** modify types **
            if ( vecLastChildTasks_.size() > 0)
                BFBackupTree::GenerateBackupMenu(pMenu_type, true, false);
                menu.AppendSubMenu(pMenu_type, strLabel_ModifyTaskType);

            BFBackupTree::GenerateBackupMenu(pMenu_backup, true);
            menu.AppendSubMenu(pMenu_backup, strLabel_Backup);

    if (menu.GetMenuItemCount() > 0)
        PopupMenu(&menu);//, point);