Ejemplo n.º 1
FSlateShaderResourceProxy* FSlateRHIResourceManager::GetShaderResource( const FSlateBrush& InBrush )
	check( IsThreadSafeForSlateRendering() );

	FSlateShaderResourceProxy* Texture = NULL;
	if( !InBrush.IsDynamicallyLoaded() && !InBrush.HasUObject() )
		Texture = ResourceMap.FindRef( InBrush.GetResourceName() );
	else if (InBrush.GetResourceObject() && InBrush.GetResourceObject()->IsA<UMaterialInterface>())
		Texture = GetMaterialResource(InBrush);
	else if( InBrush.IsDynamicallyLoaded() || ( InBrush.HasUObject() ) )
		if( InBrush.HasUObject() && InBrush.GetResourceObject() == nullptr )
			// Hack for loading via the deprecated path
			LoadUObjectForBrush( InBrush );

		Texture = FindOrCreateDynamicTextureResource( InBrush );

	return Texture;
FSlateShaderResourceProxy* FSlateRHIResourceManager::GetTexture( const FSlateBrush& InBrush )
	check( IsThreadSafeForSlateRendering() );

	FSlateShaderResourceProxy* Texture = NULL;
	if( !InBrush.IsDynamicallyLoaded() && !InBrush.HasUObject() )
		Texture = ResourceMap.FindRef( InBrush.GetResourceName() );
	else if( InBrush.IsDynamicallyLoaded() || ( InBrush.HasUObject() ) )
		Texture = GetDynamicTextureResource( InBrush );

	return Texture;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * Loads a UTexture2D from a package and stores it in the cache
 * @param TextureName	The name of the texture to load
bool FSlateRHIResourceManager::LoadTexture( const FName& TextureName, const FString& ResourcePath, uint32& Width, uint32& Height, TArray<uint8>& DecodedImage )
	check( IsThreadSafeForSlateRendering() );

	bool bSucceeded = true;
	uint32 BytesPerPixel = 4;

	TArray<uint8> RawFileData;
	if( FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray( RawFileData, *ResourcePath ) )
		IImageWrapperModule& ImageWrapperModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<IImageWrapperModule>( FName("ImageWrapper") );
		IImageWrapperPtr ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper( EImageFormat::PNG );
		if ( ImageWrapper.IsValid() && ImageWrapper->SetCompressed( RawFileData.GetData(), RawFileData.Num() ) )
			Width = ImageWrapper->GetWidth();
			Height = ImageWrapper->GetHeight();
			const TArray<uint8>* RawData = NULL;
			if (ImageWrapper->GetRaw( ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8, RawData))
				DecodedImage.AddUninitialized( Width*Height*BytesPerPixel );
				DecodedImage = *RawData;
				UE_LOG(LogSlate, Log, TEXT("Invalid texture format for Slate resource only RGBA and RGB pngs are supported: %s"), *TextureName.ToString() );
				bSucceeded = false;
			UE_LOG(LogSlate, Log, TEXT("Only pngs are supported in Slate"));
			bSucceeded = false;
		UE_LOG(LogSlate, Log, TEXT("Could not find file for Slate resource: %s"), *TextureName.ToString() );
		bSucceeded = false;

	return bSucceeded;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool FSlateRenderer::IsViewportFullscreen( const SWindow& Window ) const
	check( IsThreadSafeForSlateRendering() );

	bool bFullscreen = false;

	if (FPlatformProperties::SupportsWindowedMode())
		if( GIsEditor)
			bFullscreen = false;
			bFullscreen = Window.GetWindowMode() == EWindowMode::Fullscreen;
		bFullscreen = true;

	return bFullscreen;
Ejemplo n.º 5
FSlateShaderResource* FSceneViewport::GetViewportRenderTargetTexture() const
	return (BufferedSlateHandles.Num() != 0) ? BufferedSlateHandles[CurrentBufferedTargetIndex] : nullptr;