String PropertyUtils::getFormattedNumber( String numberStr, IsoString numberFormat ) { if ( numberStr.IsEmpty() ) return numberStr; size_t im = numberFormat.Find( 'm' ); if ( im == String::notFound ) return String().Format( numberFormat.c_str(), stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) ); numberFormat.DeleteRight( im ); numberFormat.DeleteLeft( 1 ); StringList tokens; numberFormat.Break( tokens, '.', true/*trim*/ ); size_t fraction = stringToIntSafe( tokens[1] ); size_t width = stringToIntSafe( tokens[0] ) - fraction; assert( width > 0 ); int hours = Trunc( stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) ); switch ( fraction ) { case 3: { int minutes = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 ); IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd",width ) + ":%02d"; return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ) ); } case 5: { int minutes = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 ); int minutesfrac = Trunc( ((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*10); IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd", width ) + ":%02d.%d"; return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ), Abs( minutesfrac ) ); } case 6: { int minutes = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 ); int seconds = Trunc( ((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 ); IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd", width ) + ":%02d:%02d"; return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ), Abs( seconds ) ); } case 8: { int minutes = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 ); int seconds = Trunc( ((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 ); int secondsfrac = Trunc( (((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 - seconds)*10 ); IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd", width ) + ":%02d:%02d.%d"; return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ), Abs( seconds ), Abs( secondsfrac ) ); } case 9: { int minutes = Trunc( (stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 ); int seconds = Trunc( ((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 ); int secondsfrac = Trunc( (((stringToFloatSafe( numberStr ) - hours)*60 - minutes)*60 - seconds)*100 ); IsoString formatStr = '%' + IsoString().Format( "%dd", width ) + ":%02d:%02d.%02d"; return String().Format( formatStr.c_str(), hours, Abs( minutes ), Abs( seconds ), Abs( secondsfrac ) ); } default: return String(); } }
static IsoString GetDemangledFunctionName( const char* symbol, IsoString& addrStr ) { IsoString symbolStr( symbol ); addrStr.Clear(); // Get mangled function name. Example: // /opt/PixInsight/bin/lib/ [0x7fa271347811] StringList tokens; symbolStr.Break( tokens, '(' , true/*trim*/ ); if ( tokens.Length() != 2 ) return symbolStr; // Take second token and split again. StringList tokens2; tokens[1].Break( tokens2, '+' , true/*trim*/ ); if ( tokens2.Length() != 2 ) return symbolStr; // If there is no function name, do not set the addr string. if ( !tokens2[0].IsEmpty() ) { addrStr = tokens2[1]; addrStr.DeleteChar( '(' ); addrStr.DeleteChar( ')' ); } // The first token of tokens2 contains the mangled string. Demangle it. size_t funcnameSize = 256; char funcname[ funcnameSize ]; int status; IsoString token( tokens2[0] ); const char* demangledFuncname = abi::__cxa_demangle( token.c_str(), funcname, &funcnameSize, &status ); return (status == 0) ? IsoString( demangledFuncname ) : symbolStr; }
IsoString MetaModule::ReadableVersion() const { int major, minor, release, build; IsoString dum1, dum2; GetVersion( major, minor, release, build, dum1, dum2 ); return Name() + IsoString().Format( " module version %02d.%02d.%02d.%04d", major, minor, release, build ); }
ImageDescriptionArray JPEGInstance::Open( const String& filePath, const IsoString& hints ) { Close(); try { Exception::EnableConsoleOutput(); JPEGImageOptions jpegOptions = JPEGFormat::DefaultOptions(); IsoStringList theHints; hints.Break( theHints, ' ', true/*trim*/ ); theHints.Remove( IsoString() ); for ( IsoStringList::const_iterator i = theHints.Begin(); i < theHints.End(); ++i ) if ( *i == "verbosity" ) { if ( ++i == theHints.End() ) break; int n; if ( i->TryToInt( n ) ) jpegOptions.verbosity = Range( n, 0, 3 ); } m_reader = new JPEGReader; m_reader->SetJPEGOptions( jpegOptions ); m_reader->Open( filePath ); return ImageDescriptionArray() << ImageDescription( m_reader->Info(), m_reader->Options() ); } catch ( ... ) { Close(); throw; } }
bool FileDataCacheItem::Load( const IsoString& keyPrefix, int index ) { String s; if ( !Settings::Read( keyPrefix + IsoString().Format( "%08d", index+1 ), s ) ) return false; if ( s.IsEmpty() || !FromString( s ) ) throw CatchedException(); return true; }
IsoString ExponentialFunctionType::ElementId( size_type i ) const { switch ( i ) { case PIP: return "PIP"; case SMI: return "SMI"; } return IsoString(); }
IsoString CSSColorName( RGBA c ) { if ( c == 0 ) return "Transparent"; SetAlpha( c, 0xFF ); for ( const CSSColor& color : cssColors ) if ( color.value == c ) return; return IsoString(); }
api_bool InternalIconEnumerator::ProcessCallback( const char* iconId, void* data ) { #define enumeration reinterpret_cast<ProcessIconsByProcessIdEnumerationData*>( data ) ProcessInstance instance( (*API->Process->CreateProcessInstanceFromIcon)( ModuleHandle(), iconId ) ); if ( instance.IsNull() ) // ?! should not happen return api_false; if ( instance.ParentProcess().Id() == enumeration->processId ) enumeration->icons.Add( IsoString( iconId ) ); return api_true; #undef enumeration }
MessageBox::std_button MessageBox::Execute() { if ( API == nullptr ) { // Errors occurring before API initialization. #ifdef __PCL_WINDOWS ::MessageBoxW( 0, (LPCWSTR)p->text.c_str(), (LPCWSTR)p->caption.c_str(), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR|MB_TASKMODAL ); #else IsoString cmd( "xmessage -buttons Ok:0 -default Ok -center " ); cmd.Append( '\"' ); if ( !p->caption.IsEmpty() ) { cmd.Append( IsoString( p->caption ) ); cmd.Append( ": " ); } if ( !p->text.IsEmpty() ) cmd.Append( IsoString( p->text ) ); cmd.Append( '\"' ); system( cmd.c_str() ); #endif // __PCL_WINDOWS return StdButton::Ok; } // Request a PixInsight MessageBox primitive. return std_button( (*API->Global->MessageBox)( p->text.c_str(), p->caption.c_str(), p->button0, p->button1, p->button2, p->defaultButton, p->escapeButton, p->icon ) ); }
void JPEGInstance::Create( const String& filePath, int numberOfImages, const IsoString& hints ) { Close(); Exception::EnableConsoleOutput(); m_writer = new JPEGWriter; m_writer->Create( filePath ); JPEGImageOptions jpegOptions = JPEGFormat::DefaultOptions(); IsoStringList theHints; hints.Break( theHints, ' ', true/*trim*/ ); theHints.Remove( IsoString() ); for ( IsoStringList::const_iterator i = theHints.Begin(); i < theHints.End(); ++i ) { if ( *i == "quality" ) { if ( ++i == theHints.End() ) break; int q = jpegOptions.quality; if ( i->TryToInt( q ) ) jpegOptions.quality = Range( q, 0, 100 ); } else if ( *i == "optimized" ) jpegOptions.optimizedCoding = true; else if ( *i == "no-optimized" ) jpegOptions.optimizedCoding = false; else if ( *i == "arithmetic" ) jpegOptions.arithmeticCoding = true; else if ( *i == "huffman" ) jpegOptions.arithmeticCoding = false; else if ( *i == "progressive" ) = true; else if ( *i == "no-progressive" ) = false; else if ( *i == "verbosity" ) { if ( ++i == theHints.End() ) break; int n; if ( i->TryToInt( n ) ) jpegOptions.verbosity = Range( n, 0, 3 ); } } m_writer->SetJPEGOptions( jpegOptions ); }
void FilterLibrary::SaveAs( const String& _filePath ) { File f; f.CreateForWriting( _filePath ); if ( !filters.IsEmpty() ) for ( filter_list::const_iterator i = filters.Begin(); ; ) { f.OutText( i->ToSource() ); if ( ++i == filters.End() ) break; f.OutTextLn( IsoString() ); } f.Close(); filePath = _filePath; }
static void FindPreviews( StringList& items, const String& imageId, const String& previewId ) { if ( imageId.HasWildcards() ) { Array<ImageWindow> W = ImageWindow::AllWindows(); for ( size_type i = 0; i < W.Length(); ++i ) if ( String( W[i].MainView().Id() ).WildMatch( imageId ) ) FindPreviews( items, W[i], previewId ); } else { ImageWindow w = ImageWindow::WindowById( IsoString( imageId ) ); if ( w.IsNull() ) throw ParseError( "Image not found", imageId ); FindPreviews( items, w, previewId ); } }
static void FindPreviews( StringList& items, const ImageWindow& w, const String& previewId ) { if ( previewId.HasWildcards() ) { Array<View> P = w.Previews(); for ( size_type i = 0; i < P.Length(); ++i ) if ( String( P[i].Id() ).WildMatch( previewId ) ) AddView( items, P[i] ); } else { View p = w.PreviewById( IsoString( previewId ) ); if ( p.IsNull() ) throw ParseError( "Preview not found", previewId ); AddView( items, p ); } }
IsoString CCDFrameProcess::Category() const { return IsoString("INDI"); // No category }
api_bool InternalIconEnumerator::IconCallback( const char* iconId, void* data ) { reinterpret_cast<IsoStringList*>( data )->Add( IsoString( iconId ) ); return api_true; }
void JPCInstance::Create( const String& filePath, int/*numberOfImages*/, const IsoString& hints ) { Close(); Exception::EnableConsoleOutput(); m_path = filePath; IsoStringList theHints; hints.Break( theHints, ' ', true/*trim*/ ); theHints.Remove( IsoString() ); for ( IsoStringList::const_iterator i = theHints.Begin(); i < theHints.End(); ++i ) { if ( *i == "lossy" ) m_jp2Options.lossyCompression = true; else if ( *i == "lossless" ) m_jp2Options.lossyCompression = false; else if ( *i == "compression-rate" ) { if ( ++i == theHints.End() ) break; if ( i->TryToFloat( m_jp2Options.compressionRate ) ) m_jp2Options.compressionRate = Range( m_jp2Options.compressionRate, 0.01F, 0.99F ); } else if ( *i == "signed" ) m_jp2Options.signedSample = true; else if ( *i == "unsigned" ) m_jp2Options.signedSample = false; else if ( *i == "tiled" ) m_jp2Options.tiledImage = true; else if ( *i == "untiled" ) m_jp2Options.tiledImage = true; else if ( *i == "tile-width" ) { if ( ++i == theHints.End() ) break; if ( i->TryToInt( m_jp2Options.tileWidth ) ) m_jp2Options.tileWidth = Range( m_jp2Options.tileWidth, 16, 8192 ); } else if ( *i == "tile-height" ) { if ( ++i == theHints.End() ) break; if ( i->TryToInt( m_jp2Options.tileHeight ) ) m_jp2Options.tileHeight = Range( m_jp2Options.tileHeight, 16, 8192 ); } else if ( *i == "layers" ) { if ( ++i == theHints.End() ) break; if ( i->TryToInt( m_jp2Options.numberOfLayers ) ) m_jp2Options.numberOfLayers = Range( m_jp2Options.numberOfLayers, 1, 10 ); } else if ( *i == "lrcp" ) m_jp2Options.progressionOrder = JPEG2000ProgressionOrder::LRCP; else if ( *i == "rlcp" ) m_jp2Options.progressionOrder = JPEG2000ProgressionOrder::RLCP; else if ( *i == "rpcl" ) m_jp2Options.progressionOrder = JPEG2000ProgressionOrder::RPCL; else if ( *i == "pcrl" ) m_jp2Options.progressionOrder = JPEG2000ProgressionOrder::PCRL; else if ( *i == "cprl" ) m_jp2Options.progressionOrder = JPEG2000ProgressionOrder::CPRL; } }
FilterParser::token_list FilterParser::Tokenize( const IsoStringList& linesUTF8 ) { token_list tokenList; bool blockComment = false; int row = 0; for ( IsoStringList::const_iterator i = linesUTF8.Begin(); i < linesUTF8.End(); ++i, ++row ) { IsoString token; int tokenCol = 0; for ( IsoString::const_iterator j = i->Begin(); j < i->End(); ++j ) { if ( blockComment ) { if ( *j == '*' ) if ( ++j < i->End() ) if ( *j == '/' ) { blockComment = false; /* * Uncomment the next line to turn block comments into * separators. * tokenCol = j - i->Begin() + 1; */ } } else { bool lineComment = false; switch ( *j ) { case ' ': case '\t': if ( !token.IsEmpty() ) { tokenList.Add( Token( token, row, tokenCol ) ); token.Clear(); } for ( IsoString::const_iterator k = j; ++k < i->End(); ++j ) if ( *k != ' ' && *k != '\t' ) break; tokenCol = j - i->Begin() + 1; break; /* case ',': if ( token.IsEmpty() ) throw SourceCodeError( "Expected a token before ','", row+1, int( j - i->Begin() + 1 ) ); tokenList.Add( Token( token, row, tokenCol ) ); token.Clear(); tokenCol = j - i->Begin() + 1; break; */ case '{': case '}': if ( !token.IsEmpty() ) { tokenList.Add( Token( token, row, tokenCol ) ); token.Clear(); } tokenList.Add( Token( IsoString( *j ), row, int( j - i->Begin() ) ) ); tokenCol = j - i->Begin() + 1; break; case '/': if ( ++j < i->End() ) { if ( *j == '/' ) lineComment = true; else if ( *j == '*' ) { blockComment = true; /* * Uncomment the next lines to turn block comments into * separators. * if ( !token.IsEmpty() ) { tokenList.Add( Token( token, row, tokenCol ) ); token.Clear(); } */ } else token += *--j; } break; default: token += *j; break; } if ( lineComment ) break; } } if ( !token.IsEmpty() ) tokenList.Add( Token( token, row, tokenCol ) ); } return tokenList; }
void FileDataCacheItem::Save( const IsoString& keyPrefix, int index ) const { Settings::Write( keyPrefix + IsoString().Format( "%08d", index+1 ), AsString() ); }
void INDIMountInterface::ComboItemSelected( ComboBox& sender, int itemIndex ) { if ( sender == GUI->MountDevice_Combo ) { m_Device = sender.ItemText( itemIndex ); if ( TheINDIDeviceControllerInterface != nullptr ) { INDIDeviceControllerInstance* pInstance = &TheINDIDeviceControllerInterface->instance; if ( pInstance == nullptr ) return; // Start update timer GUI->UpdateMount_Timer.Start(); } pcl::Sleep( 2 ); // Download stars from simbad database NetworkTransfer transfer; IsoString url( "" ); //IsoString url( "" ); SkyMap::geoCoord geoCoord; geoCoord.geo_lat = m_geoLat; SkyMap::filter filter; filter.dec_lowerLimit = (m_geoLat < 0) ? 90.0 - m_geoLat : m_geoLat - 90.0; filter.dec_upperLimit = (m_geoLat < 0) ? -90.0 : 90.0; filter.v_upperLimit = m_limitStarMag; m_skymap = new SkyMap( filter, geoCoord ); IsoString select_stmt = m_skymap->getASDLQueryString(); Console().WriteLn( "QueryStr = " + m_skymap->getASDLQueryString() ); url.Append( select_stmt ); transfer.SetURL( url ); transfer.OnDownloadDataAvailable( (NetworkTransfer::download_event_handler) &INDIMountInterface::DownloadObjectCoordinates, *this ); if ( !transfer.Download() ) { Console().WriteLn( "Download failed with error '" + transfer.ErrorInformation() + "'" ); if ( transfer.WasAborted() ) Console().WriteLn( "Download was aborted" ); } else { Console().WriteLn( String().Format( "%u bytes downloaded @ %.3g KiB/s", transfer.BytesTransferred(), transfer.TotalSpeed() ) ); StringList lines; m_downloadedFile.Break( lines, '\n', true/*trim*/ ); Console().WriteLn( m_downloadedFile.c_str() ); for ( size_t i = 0; i < lines.Length(); i++ ) { if ( i <= 1 ) continue; StringList tokens; lines[i].Break( tokens, '|', true/*trim*/ ); if ( tokens.Length() != 5 ) continue; if ( !tokens[1].IsNumeral() || !tokens[2].IsNumeral() || !tokens[3].IsNumeral() ) continue; SkyMap::object star; star.mainId = tokens[0]; star.ra = tokens[1].ToDouble(); star.dec = tokens[2].ToDouble(); star.v = tokens[3].ToDouble(); star.spType = tokens[4]; #if DEBUG Console().WriteLn( IsoString().Format( "star=%s, ra=%f, dec=%f, vmag=%f, sp=%s", star.mainId.c_str(), star.ra, star.dec, star.v, star.spType.c_str() ) ); #endif m_skymap->addObject( star ); } } m_downloadedFile.Clear(); } }
void INDIMountInterface::TabPageSelected( TabBox& sender, int pageIndex ) { if ( sender == GUI->SkyChart_TabBox ) { if ( pageIndex == 0 ) // AllSky tab page { m_isAllSkyView = true; } else if ( pageIndex==1 ) // FoV tab page { double CCD_chipHeight = 2200; double CCD_chipWidth = 2750; double CCD_pixelSize = 4.54/1000; double TEL_focalLength = 700; double FoV_width = CCD_chipWidth*CCD_pixelSize / TEL_focalLength*3438/60; double FoV_height = CCD_chipHeight*CCD_pixelSize / TEL_focalLength*3438/60; double limitStarMag = 13; double ra_center = m_scopeRA*360/24; double dec_center = m_scopeDEC; // download stars NetworkTransfer transfer; IsoString url( "" ); IsoString select_stmt = m_skymap->getASDLFoVQueryString( ra_center, dec_center, FoV_width, FoV_height, limitStarMag ); Console().WriteLn( "QueryStr = " + select_stmt ); url.Append( select_stmt ); transfer.SetURL( url ); transfer.OnDownloadDataAvailable( (NetworkTransfer::download_event_handler)&INDIMountInterface::DownloadObjectCoordinates, *this ); if ( !transfer.Download() ) { Console().WriteLn( "Download failed with error '" + transfer.ErrorInformation() + "'" ); } else { Console().WriteLn( String().Format( "%d bytes downloaded @ %.3g KiB/s", transfer.BytesTransferred(), transfer.TotalSpeed() ) ); StringList lines; m_downloadedFile.Break( lines, '\n', true/*trim*/ ); m_skymap->clearFoVObjectList(); if ( lines.Length() > 0 ) { for ( size_t i = 0; i < lines.Length(); i++ ) { if (i <= 1) continue; StringList tokens; lines[i].Break( tokens, '|', true/*trim*/ ); if ( tokens.Length() < 4 ) continue; if ( !tokens[1].IsNumeral() || !tokens[2].IsNumeral() || !tokens[3].IsNumeral() ) continue; SkyMap::object star; star.mainId = tokens[0]; star.ra = tokens[1].ToDouble(); star.dec = tokens[2].ToDouble(); star.v = tokens[3].ToDouble(); if ( tokens.Length() == 6 ) star.spType = tokens[5]; #if DEBUG Console().WriteLn( IsoString().Format( "star=%s, ra=%f, dec=%f", star.mainId.c_str(), star.ra, star.dec ) ); #endif m_skymap->addObjectToFoV( star ); } } } m_downloadedFile.Clear(); m_isAllSkyView = false; } } }
EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::EditEqCoordPropertyDialog(String raCoord, String decCoord):m_ra_hour(0),m_ra_minute(0),m_ra_second(0),m_dec_deg(0),m_dec_arcsecond(0),m_dec_arcminute(0),m_DEC_TargetCoord(String("")){ pcl::Font fnt = Font(); int labelWidth = fnt.Width(String('0', 20)); int editWidth = fnt.Width(String('0', 4)); CoordUtils::HMS ra_hms = CoordUtils::parse(raCoord); CoordUtils::HMS dec_hms = CoordUtils::parse(decCoord); SetWindowTitle( "Set equatorial coordinates for target object." ); RA_Property_Label.SetMinWidth(labelWidth); RA_Property_Label.SetText( "RA (" ); RA_Property_Label.SetTextAlignment(TextAlign::Left | TextAlign::VertCenter); RA_Hour_Edit.SetMaxWidth(editWidth); RA_Hour_Edit.SetText(IsoString(ra_hms.hour)); RA_Hour_Edit.OnEditCompleted( (Edit::edit_event_handler) &EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::EditCompleted, *this); RA_Colon1_Label.SetText(":"); RA_Minute_Edit.SetMaxWidth(editWidth); RA_Minute_Edit.SetText(IsoString(ra_hms.minute)); RA_Minute_Edit.OnEditCompleted( (Edit::edit_event_handler) &EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::EditCompleted, *this); RA_Colon2_Label.SetText(":"); RA_Second_Edit.SetMaxWidth(editWidth); RA_Second_Edit.SetText(IsoString(ra_hms.second)); RA_Second_Edit.OnEditCompleted( (Edit::edit_event_handler) &EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::EditCompleted, *this); DEC_Property_Label.SetMinWidth(labelWidth); DEC_Property_Label.SetText( "Dec (" ); DEC_Property_Label.SetTextAlignment(TextAlign::Left | TextAlign::VertCenter); DEC_Hour_Edit.SetMaxWidth(editWidth); DEC_Hour_Edit.SetText(IsoString(dec_hms.hour)); DEC_Hour_Edit.OnEditCompleted( (Edit::edit_event_handler) &EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::EditCompleted, *this); DEC_Colon1_Label.SetText( ":" ); DEC_Minute_Edit.SetMaxWidth(editWidth); DEC_Minute_Edit.SetText(IsoString(dec_hms.minute)); DEC_Minute_Edit.OnEditCompleted( (Edit::edit_event_handler) &EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::EditCompleted, *this); DEC_Colon2_Label.SetText( ":" ); DEC_Second_Edit.SetMaxWidth(editWidth); DEC_Second_Edit.SetText(IsoString(dec_hms.second)); DEC_Second_Edit.OnEditCompleted( (Edit::edit_event_handler) &EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::EditCompleted, *this); OK_PushButton.SetText( "OK" ); OK_PushButton.OnClick( (Button::click_event_handler) &EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::Ok_Button_Click, *this); Cancel_PushButton.SetText( "Cancel" ); Cancel_PushButton.OnClick( (Button::click_event_handler) &EditEqCoordPropertyDialog::Cancel_Button_Click, *this); RA_Property_Sizer.SetMargin(10); RA_Property_Sizer.SetSpacing(4); RA_Property_Sizer.Add(RA_Property_Label); RA_Property_Sizer.Add(RA_Hour_Edit); RA_Property_Sizer.Add(RA_Colon1_Label); RA_Property_Sizer.Add(RA_Minute_Edit); RA_Property_Sizer.Add(RA_Colon2_Label); RA_Property_Sizer.Add(RA_Second_Edit); RA_Property_Sizer.AddStretch(); DEC_Property_Sizer.SetMargin(10); DEC_Property_Sizer.SetSpacing(4); DEC_Property_Sizer.Add(DEC_Property_Label); DEC_Property_Sizer.Add(DEC_Hour_Edit); DEC_Property_Sizer.Add(DEC_Colon1_Label); DEC_Property_Sizer.Add(DEC_Minute_Edit); DEC_Property_Sizer.Add(DEC_Colon2_Label); DEC_Property_Sizer.Add(DEC_Second_Edit); DEC_Property_Sizer.AddStretch(); Buttons_Sizer.SetSpacing(4); Buttons_Sizer.AddSpacing(10); Buttons_Sizer.AddStretch(); Buttons_Sizer.Add(OK_PushButton); Buttons_Sizer.AddStretch(); Buttons_Sizer.Add(Cancel_PushButton); Buttons_Sizer.AddStretch(); Global_Sizer.Add(RA_Property_Sizer); Global_Sizer.Add(DEC_Property_Sizer); Global_Sizer.Add(Buttons_Sizer); SetSizer(Global_Sizer); }
ArgumentList ExtractArguments( const StringList& argv, argument_item_mode mode, ArgumentOptions options ) { bool noItems = mode == ArgumentItemMode::NoItems; bool itemsAsFiles = mode == ArgumentItemMode::AsFiles; bool itemsAsViews = mode == ArgumentItemMode::AsViews; bool allowWildcards = !noItems && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::AllowWildcards ); bool noPreviews = itemsAsViews && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::NoPreviews ); bool recursiveDirSearch = itemsAsFiles && allowWildcards && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::RecursiveDirSearch ); bool recursiveSearchArgs = recursiveDirSearch && options.IsFlagSet( ArgumentOption::RecursiveSearchArgs ); // This is the recursive search mode flag, controlled by --r[+|-] bool recursiveSearch = false; // The list of existing view identifiers, in case itemsAsViews = true. SortedStringList imageIds; // The list of extracted arguments ArgumentList arguments; for ( StringList::const_iterator i = argv.Begin(); i != argv.End(); ++i ) { if ( i->StartsWith( '-' ) ) { Argument arg( i->At( 1 ) ); if ( recursiveSearchArgs && arg.Id() == s_recursiveSearchArg ) { if ( arg.IsSwitch() ) recursiveSearch = arg.SwitchState(); else if ( arg.IsLiteral() ) recursiveSearch = true; else arguments.Add( arg ); } else arguments.Add( arg ); } else { if ( noItems ) throw ParseError( "Non-parametric arguments are not allowed", *i ); StringList items; if ( itemsAsFiles ) { String fileName = *i; if ( fileName.StartsWith( '\"' ) ) fileName.Delete( 0 ); if ( fileName.EndsWith( '\"' ) ) fileName.Delete( fileName.UpperBound() ); fileName.Trim(); if ( fileName.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Empty path specification", *i ); fileName = File::FullPath( fileName ); if ( fileName.HasWildcards() ) { if ( !allowWildcards ) throw ParseError( "Wildcards not allowed", fileName ); items = SearchDirectory( fileName, recursiveSearch ); } else items.Add( fileName ); } else if ( itemsAsViews ) { String viewId = *i; if ( !allowWildcards ) if ( viewId.HasWildcards() ) throw ParseError( "Wildcards not allowed", viewId ); size_type p = viewId.Find( "->" ); if ( p != String::notFound ) { if ( noPreviews ) throw ParseError( "Preview identifiers not allowed", viewId ); String imageId = viewId.Left( p ); if ( imageId.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Missing image identifier", viewId ); String previewId = viewId.Substring( p+2 ); if ( previewId.IsEmpty() ) throw ParseError( "Missing preview identifier", viewId ); FindPreviews( items, imageId, previewId ); } else { if ( viewId.HasWildcards() ) { Array<ImageWindow> W = ImageWindow::AllWindows(); for ( size_type i = 0; i < W.Length(); ++i ) { View v = W[i].MainView(); if ( String( v.Id() ).WildMatch( viewId ) ) AddView( items, v ); } } else { ImageWindow w = ImageWindow::WindowById( IsoString( viewId ) ); if ( w.IsNull() ) throw ParseError( "Image not found", viewId ); AddView( items, w.MainView() ); } } } else items.Add( *i ); Argument arg( *i, items ); arguments.Add( arg ); } } return arguments; }
int LinearFitProcess::ProcessCommandLine( const StringList& argv ) const { ArgumentList arguments = ExtractArguments( argv, ArgumentItemMode::AsViews, ArgumentOption::AllowWildcards ); LinearFitInstance instance( this ); bool launchInterface = false; int count = 0; for ( ArgumentList::const_iterator i = arguments.Begin(); i != arguments.End(); ++i ) { const Argument& arg = *i; if ( arg.IsNumeric() ) { if ( arg.Id() == "r0" || arg.Id() == "reject-low" ) { CHECK_IN_NORM_RANGE; instance.rejectLow = arg.NumericValue(); } else if ( arg.Id() == "r1" || arg.Id() == "reject-high" ) { CHECK_IN_NORM_RANGE; instance.rejectHigh = arg.NumericValue(); } else throw Error( "Unknown numeric argument: " + arg.Token() ); } else if ( arg.IsString() ) { if ( arg.Id() == "v" || arg.Id() == "reference-view" ) instance.referenceViewId = arg.StringValue(); else throw Error( "Unknown string argument: " + arg.Token() ); } else if ( arg.IsSwitch() ) { throw Error( "Unknown switch argument: " + arg.Token() ); } else if ( arg.IsLiteral() ) { if ( arg.Id() == "-interface" ) launchInterface = true; else if ( arg.Id() == "-help" ) { ShowHelp(); return 0; } else throw Error( "Unknown argument: " + arg.Token() ); } else if ( arg.IsItemList() ) { ++count; if ( arg.Items().IsEmpty() ) { Console().WriteLn( "No view(s) found: " + arg.Token() ); throw; } for ( StringList::const_iterator j = arg.Items().Begin(); j != arg.Items().End(); ++j ) { View v = View::ViewById( *j ); if ( v.IsNull() ) throw Error( "No such view: " + *j ); if ( v.FullId() != IsoString( instance.referenceViewId ).Trimmed() ) instance.LaunchOn( v ); else Console().WarningLn( "<end><cbr>** Skipping reference view: " + v.FullId() ); } } } if ( launchInterface ) instance.LaunchInterface(); else if ( count == 0 ) { if ( ImageWindow::ActiveWindow().IsNull() ) throw Error( "There is no active image window." ); instance.LaunchOnCurrentView(); } return 0; }
void CCDFrameInterface::StartExposureButton_Click(Button& sender, bool checked){ if (ThePixInsightINDIInterface!=0){ #if defined(WIN32) const char* tmpDir = getenv("TMP"); #else const char* tmpDir = getenv("TMPDIR"); #endif if (tmpDir!=NULL) { PixInsightINDIInstance* pInstance=&ThePixInsightINDIInterface->instance; if (pInstance==NULL) return; GUI->StartExposure_PushButton.Disable(); INDIPropertyListItem uploadLocal; bool serverSendsImage=true; if (pInstance->getINDIPropertyItem(m_Device,"UPLOAD_MODE","UPLOAD_LOCAL",uploadLocal)){ serverSendsImage=!(uploadLocal.PropertyValue==String("ON")); } for (int num=0; num<m_NumOfExposures;++num){ GUI->ExpFrame_Edit.SetText(String(num)); INDINewPropertyListItem newPropertyListItem; newPropertyListItem.Device=m_Device; newPropertyListItem.Property=String("CCD_EXPOSURE"); newPropertyListItem.Element=String("CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE"); newPropertyListItem.PropertyType=String("INDI_NUMBER"); newPropertyListItem.NewPropertyValue=String(m_ExposureDuration); GUI->ExposureDuration_Timer.Start(); bool send_ok = pInstance->sendNewPropertyValue(newPropertyListItem,true/*isAsynchCall*/); if (!send_ok){ break; } // TODO enable abort if (serverSendsImage){ while (!pInstance->getImageDownloadedFlag() && !pInstance->getInternalAbortFlag()){Sleep(1);ProcessEvents();} pInstance->setImageDownloadedFlag(false); } else { INDIPropertyListItem ccdExposure; bool serverExposureIsBusy=false; // timimg problem: wait until server sends BUSY do { pInstance->getINDIPropertyItem(m_Device,"CCD_EXPOSURE","CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE",ccdExposure); Sleep(1); ProcessEvents(); serverExposureIsBusy = ccdExposure.PropertyState==IPS_BUSY ; } while (!serverExposureIsBusy && (GUI->ExpDur_Edit.Text().ToFloat() < pcl_timeout) && !pInstance->getInternalAbortFlag()); do { pInstance->getINDIPropertyItem(m_Device,"CCD_EXPOSURE","CCD_EXPOSURE_VALUE",ccdExposure); Sleep(1); ProcessEvents(); } while((ccdExposure.PropertyState==IPS_BUSY)&& !pInstance->getInternalAbortFlag()); } if (pInstance->getInternalAbortFlag()){ // stop timer GUI->ExposureDuration_Timer.Stop(); GUI->ExposureDelay_Timer.Stop(); break; } if (serverSendsImage) { Array<ImageWindow> imgArray = ImageWindow::Open(String(tmpDir)+ String("/Image.fits"), IsoString("image")); if (imgArray.Length()!=0){ imgArray[0].ZoomToFit( false ); // don't allow zoom > 1 imgArray[0].Show(); } if (m_saveFrame) { IsoString source = IsoString(String(tmpDir)+ String("/Image.fits")); IsoString dest = IsoString(m_FrameFolder) + IsoString(this->m_FramePrefix) + IsoString("_") + IsoString(num) + IsoString(".fits"); std::ifstream infile(source.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary); std::ofstream outfile(dest.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); // get size of file infile.seekg(0, infile.end); long size = infile.tellg(); infile.seekg(0); // allocate memory for file content char* buffer = new char[size]; // read content of infile, size); // write to outfile outfile.write(buffer, size); // release dynamically-allocated memory delete[] buffer; outfile.close(); infile.close(); } } // wait until next exposure if (GUI->ExpDelayTime_Edit.Text().ToInt()!=0){ GUI->ExposureDelay_Timer.Start(); m_isWaiting=true; } while (m_isWaiting){ProcessEvents();} } pInstance->setInternalAbortFlag(false); GUI->StartExposure_PushButton.Enable(); } } }
static void Apply( GenericImage<P>& img, const View& view, const FluxCalibrationInstance& instance ) { FITSKeywordArray inputKeywords; view.Window().GetKeywords( inputKeywords ); if ( KeywordExists( inputKeywords, "FLXMIN" ) || KeywordExists( inputKeywords, "FLXRANGE" ) || KeywordExists( inputKeywords, "FLX2DN" ) ) { throw Error( "Already calibrated image" ); } if ( img.IsColor() ) throw Error( "Can't calibrate a color image" ); float Wc = instance.p_wavelength.GetValue( inputKeywords ); float Tr = Max( 1.0F, instance.p_transmissivity.GetValue( inputKeywords ) ); float Delta = instance.p_filterWidth.GetValue( inputKeywords ); float Ap = instance.p_aperture.GetValue( inputKeywords ) / 10; // mm -> cm float Cobs = Max( 0.0F, instance.p_centralObstruction.GetValue( inputKeywords ) ) / 10; // mm -> cm float ExpT = instance.p_exposureTime.GetValue( inputKeywords ); float AtmE = Max( 0.0F, instance.p_atmosphericExtinction.GetValue( inputKeywords ) ); float G = Max( 1.0F, instance.p_sensorGain.GetValue( inputKeywords ) ); float QEff = Max( 1.0F, instance.p_quantumEfficiency.GetValue( inputKeywords ) ); if ( Wc <= 0 ) throw Error( "Invalid filter wavelength" ); if ( Tr <= 0 || Tr > 1 ) throw Error( "Invalid filter transmissivity" ); if ( Delta <= 0 ) throw Error( "Invalid filter width" ); if ( Ap <= 0 ) throw Error( "Invalid aperture" ); if ( Cobs < 0 || Cobs >= Ap ) throw Error( "Invalid central obstruction area" ); if ( ExpT <= 0 ) throw Error( "Invalid exposure time" ); if ( AtmE < 0 || AtmE >= 1 ) throw Error( "Invalid atmospheric extinction" ); if ( G <= 0 ) throw Error( "Invalid sensor gain" ); if ( QEff <= 0 || QEff > 1 ) throw Error( "Invalid quantum efficiency" ); FITSKeywordArray keywords; float pedestal = 0; bool foundPedestal = false; for ( FITSKeywordArray::const_iterator i = inputKeywords.Begin(); i != inputKeywords.End(); ++i ) if ( i->name == "PEDESTAL" ) { if ( i->value.TryToFloat( pedestal ) ) foundPedestal = true; pedestal /= 65535; // 2^16-1 maximum value of a 16bit CCD. } else keywords.Add( *i ); if ( foundPedestal ) Console().NoteLn( "<end><cbr><br>* FluxCalibration: PEDESTAL keyword found: " + view.FullId() ); // double F = Wc * inv_ch * (1 - Tr) * Delta * Ap * Cobs * ExpT * AtmE * G * QEff; double F = Wc * inv_ch * (1 - AtmE) * Delta * ( Const<double>::pi() / 4 * ( Ap*Ap - Cobs*Cobs ) ) * ExpT * Tr * G * QEff; size_type N = img.NumberOfPixels(); typename P::sample* f = img.PixelData( 0 ); const typename P::sample* fN = f + N; double flxMin = DBL_MAX; double flxMax = 0; for ( ; f < fN; ++f, ++img.Status() ) { double I; P::FromSample( I, *f ); I = (I - pedestal)/F; *f = P::ToSample( I ); if ( I < flxMin ) flxMin = I; if ( I > flxMax ) flxMax = I; } img.Rescale(); keywords.Add( FITSHeaderKeyword( "FLXMIN", IsoString().Format( "%.8e", flxMin ), "" ) ); keywords.Add( FITSHeaderKeyword( "FLXRANGE", IsoString().Format( "%.8e", flxMax - flxMin ), "FLXRANGE*pixel_value + FLXMIN = erg/cm^2/s/nm" ) ); keywords.Add( FITSHeaderKeyword( "FLX2DN", IsoString().Format( "%.8e", F*65535 ), "(FLXRANGE*pixel_value + FLXMIN)*FLX2DN = DN" ) ); view.Window().SetKeywords( keywords ); }
IsoString SandboxProcess::Category() const { return IsoString(); // No category }
IsoString INDIMountProcess::Category() const { return IsoString("INDI"); // No category }
static void CriticalSignalHandler( int sig_num ) { sigset_t x; sigemptyset( &x ); sigaddset( &x, SIGSEGV ); sigaddset( &x, SIGBUS ); sigaddset( &x, SIGFPE ); sigaddset( &x, SIGILL ); sigaddset( &x, SIGPIPE ); //sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &x, NULL ); pthread_sigmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, &x, NULL ); void* addrList[ STACK_DEPTH ]; size_t addrLen = backtrace( addrList, sizeof( addrList )/sizeof( void* ) ); char** symbolList = backtrace_symbols( addrList, addrLen ); IsoString details; if ( symbolList != NULL ) { if ( symbolList[0] != NULL ) { details = STACK_TRACE_TITLE + IsoString().Format( STACK_TRACE_HEADER, sig_num, symbolList[0] ); for ( size_t i = 1; i < addrLen; ++i ) { if ( symbolList[i] != NULL ) { IsoString addrOffsetStr; IsoString demangledFuncname = GetDemangledFunctionName( symbolList[i], addrOffsetStr ); details.AppendFormat( "%d: ", addrLen-i ); details += demangledFuncname; if ( !addrOffsetStr.IsEmpty() ) { details += "(+"; details += addrOffsetStr; details += ')'; } details += '\n'; } } details += STACK_TRACE_BOTTOM; fprintf( stderr, "%s", details.c_str() ); } // symbolList must be freed free( symbolList ); } switch ( sig_num ) { case SIGSEGV: throw EUnixSegmentationViolation( details ); case SIGBUS: throw EUnixBusError( details ); case SIGFPE: throw EUnixFloatingPointException( details ); case SIGILL: throw EUnixIllegalInstructionException( details ); case SIGPIPE: throw EUnixIBrokenPipeException( details ); default: throw UnixSignalException( sig_num, details ); } }