Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    Ihandle *dlg;
    Ihandle *lbl;

    IupOpen(&argc, &argv);

    lbl = IupMglLabel("\\int \\alpha \\sqrt{sin(\\pi x)^2 + \\gamma_{i_k}} dx");
    IupSetAttribute(lbl, "RASTERSIZE", "400x80");
    IupSetAttribute(lbl, "LABELFONTSIZE", "10");

//  IupSetAttribute(lbl, "BGCOLOR", "255 255 0");
//  IupSetAttribute(lbl, "FGCOLOR", "0 0 255");

    dlg = IupDialog(IupVbox(lbl, NULL));
    IupSetAttribute(dlg, "MARGIN", "10x10");
    IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "IupMglLabel Example");




    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void MglPlotTest(void)
  static Ihandle *dlg = NULL;
  if (!dlg)

  Ihandle *vboxr[MAXPLOT+1];       /* tabs containing the plots */
  Ihandle *vboxl, *hbox, *lbl1, *lbl2, *lbl3, *bt1,
          *boxinfo, *boxdial1, *boxdial2, *f1, *f2;
  int ii;

  IupMglPlotOpen();     /* init IupMGLPlot library */

  IupSetGlobal("MGLFONTS", "../etc/mglfonts");

  /* create plots */
  for (ii=0; ii<MAXPLOT; ii++)
    plot[ii] = IupMglPlot();
    IupSetAttribute(plot[ii], "OPENGL", "Yes");

  /* left panel: plot control
     Y zooming               */
  dial1 = IupDial("VERTICAL");
  lbl1 = IupLabel("+");
  lbl2 = IupLabel("-");
  boxinfo = IupVbox(lbl1, IupFill(), lbl2, NULL);
  boxdial1 = IupHbox(boxinfo, dial1, NULL);

  IupSetAttribute(boxdial1, "ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "SIZE", "20x52");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "GAP", "2");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "MARGIN", "4");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "EXPAND", "YES");
  IupSetAttribute(lbl1, "EXPAND", "NO");
  IupSetAttribute(lbl2, "EXPAND", "NO");

  IupSetAttribute(dial1, "ACTIVE", "NO");
  IupSetAttribute(dial1, "SIZE", "20x52");
  IupSetCallback(dial1, "BUTTON_PRESS_CB", (Icallback)dial1_btndown_cb);
  IupSetCallback(dial1, "MOUSEMOVE_CB", (Icallback)dial1_btnup_cb);
  IupSetCallback(dial1, "BUTTON_RELEASE_CB", (Icallback)dial1_btnup_cb);

  tgg1 = IupToggle("Y Autoscale", NULL);
  IupSetCallback(tgg1, "ACTION", (Icallback)tgg1_cb);
  IupSetAttribute(tgg1, "VALUE", "ON");

  f1 = IupFrame( IupVbox(boxdial1, tgg1, NULL) );
  IupSetAttribute(f1, "TITLE", "Y Zoom");

  /* X zooming */
  dial2 = IupDial("HORIZONTAL");
  lbl1 = IupLabel("-");
  lbl2 = IupLabel("+");
  boxinfo = IupHbox(lbl1, IupFill(), lbl2, NULL);
  boxdial2 = IupVbox(dial2, boxinfo, NULL);

  IupSetAttribute(boxdial2, "ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "ALIGNMENT", "ACENTER");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "SIZE", "64x16");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "GAP", "2");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "MARGIN", "4");
  IupSetAttribute(boxinfo, "EXPAND", "HORIZONTAL");

  IupSetAttribute(lbl1, "EXPAND", "NO");
  IupSetAttribute(lbl2, "EXPAND", "NO");

  IupSetAttribute(dial2, "ACTIVE", "NO");
  IupSetAttribute(dial2, "SIZE", "64x16");
  IupSetCallback(dial2, "BUTTON_PRESS_CB", (Icallback)dial2_btndown_cb);
  IupSetCallback(dial2, "MOUSEMOVE_CB", (Icallback)dial2_btnup_cb);
  IupSetCallback(dial2, "BUTTON_RELEASE_CB", (Icallback)dial2_btnup_cb);

  tgg2 = IupToggle("X Autoscale", NULL);
  IupSetCallback(tgg2, "ACTION", (Icallback)tgg2_cb);

  f2 = IupFrame( IupVbox(boxdial2, tgg2, NULL) );
  IupSetAttribute(f2, "TITLE", "X Zoom");

  lbl1 = IupLabel("");
  IupSetAttribute(lbl1, "SEPARATOR", "HORIZONTAL");

  tgg3 = IupToggle("Vertical Grid", NULL);
  IupSetCallback(tgg3, "ACTION", (Icallback)tgg3_cb);
  tgg4 = IupToggle("Horizontal Grid", NULL);
  IupSetCallback(tgg4, "ACTION", (Icallback)tgg4_cb);

  tgg6 = IupToggle("Box", NULL);
  IupSetCallback(tgg6, "ACTION", (Icallback)tgg6_cb);

  lbl2 = IupLabel("");
  IupSetAttribute(lbl2, "SEPARATOR", "HORIZONTAL");

  tgg5 = IupToggle("Legend", NULL);
  IupSetCallback(tgg5, "ACTION", (Icallback)tgg5_cb);

  lbl3 = IupLabel("");
  IupSetAttribute(lbl3, "SEPARATOR", "HORIZONTAL");

  bt1 = IupButton("Export", NULL);
  IupSetCallback(bt1, "ACTION", (Icallback)bt1_cb);

  vboxl = IupVbox(f1, f2, lbl1, tgg3, tgg4, tgg6, lbl2, tgg5, lbl3, bt1, NULL);
  IupSetAttribute(vboxl, "GAP", "4");
  IupSetAttribute(vboxl, "EXPAND", "NO");

  /* right panel: tabs with plots */
  for (ii=0; ii<MAXPLOT; ii++) {
    vboxr[ii] = IupVbox(plot[ii], NULL); /* each plot a tab */
    IupSetfAttribute(vboxr[ii], "TABTITLE", "Plot %d", ii); /* name each tab */
    IupSetHandle(IupGetAttribute(vboxr[ii], "TABTITLE"), vboxr[ii]);
  vboxr[MAXPLOT] = NULL; /* mark end of vector */

  tabs = IupTabsv(vboxr);
  IupSetCallback(tabs, "TABCHANGE_CB", (Icallback)tabs_tabchange_cb);

  hbox = IupHbox(vboxl, tabs, NULL);
  IupSetAttribute(hbox, "MARGIN", "4x4");
  IupSetAttribute(hbox, "GAP", "10");
  dlg = IupDialog(hbox);
  IupSetAttribute(dlg, "TITLE", "IupMglPlot Example");

  InitPlots(); /* It must be able to be done independent of dlg Mapping */

  tabs_tabchange_cb(tabs, vboxr[0]);


  IupSetAttribute(dlg, "SIZE", "300x");
  IupSetAttribute(dlg, "SIZE", NULL);