Ejemplo n.º 1
Bool WInit( HINSTANCE inst )
    Bool ok;

    ok = (inst != (HINSTANCE)NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        WCtl3DInit( inst );
        ok = JDialogInit();

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WRegisterMainClass( inst );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WRegisterPrevClass( inst );

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WInitStatusLines( inst );

    if( ok ) {
        WClipbdFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat( WR_CLIPBD_MENU );
        ok = (WClipbdFormat != 0);

    if( ok ) {
        WItemClipbdFormat = RegisterClipboardFormat( WItemClipbdFmt );
        ok = (WItemClipbdFormat != 0);

    if( ok ) {
        GetConfigFilePath( WProfileName, sizeof( WProfileName ) );
        strcat( WProfileName, "\\" WATCOM_INI );
        WInitOpts( WProfileName, WSectionName );
        WInitEditWindows( inst );
        ok = WInitRibbons( inst );

    return( ok );
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * everyInstInit - do initialization required by every instance of the spy
static BOOL everyInstInit( int cmdshow )
#ifndef NOUSE3D
    CvrCtl3DInit( Instance );
    CvrCtl3dRegister( Instance );
    CvrCtl3dAutoSubclass( Instance );
    HintWndInit( Instance, NULL, 0 );

    DDEMainWnd = CreateWindow(
        MAIN_CLASS,             /* Window class name */
        AppName,                /* Window caption */
        WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,    /* Window style */
        MainWndConfig.xpos,     /* Initial X position */
        MainWndConfig.ypos,     /* Initial Y position */
        MainWndConfig.xsize,    /* Initial X size */
        MainWndConfig.ysize,    /* Initial Y size */
        NULL,                   /* Parent window handle */
        NULL,                   /* Window menu handle */
        Instance,               /* Program instance handle */
        NULL );                 /* Create parameters */

    if( DDEMainWnd == NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );
    if( !CreateTrackWnd() ) {
        return( FALSE );
    InitTrackWnd( DDEMainWnd );

    ShowWindow( DDEMainWnd, cmdshow );
    UpdateWindow( DDEMainWnd );
    return( TRUE );

} /* everyInstInit */
Ejemplo n.º 3
/* Function to initialize all instances of Wde */
bool WdeInitInst( HINSTANCE app_inst )
    RECT        rect, screen, t;
    char        *title;

    /* initialize global variables */


    if( !JDialogInit() ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeInitResStrings() ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeInitCreateTable() ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOINITCONTROLOBJECTS );
        return( FALSE );

    WdeCtl3DInit( app_inst );
    WdeGetScreenPosOption( &rect );

    /* load the accelerator table */
    WdeAccel = LoadAccelerators( app_inst, "WdeAccelTable");

    /* if the window could not be created return FALSE */
    if( WdeAccel == (HACCEL)NULL ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_LOADACCELFAILED );
        return( FALSE );

    GetWindowRect( GetDesktopWindow(), &screen );

    if( !IntersectRect( &t, &screen, &rect ) ) {
        t.right = rect.right - rect.left;
        t.bottom = rect.bottom - rect.top;
        t.left = 0;
        if( screen.right - screen.left - t.right > 0 )
            t.left = ( screen.right - screen.left - t.right ) / 2;
        t.top = 0;
        if( screen.bottom - screen.top - t.bottom > 0 )
            t.top = ( screen.bottom - screen.top - t.bottom ) / 2;
        t.right += t.left;
        t.bottom += t.top;
    } else {
        t = rect;

    title = WdeAllocRCString( WDE_APPTITLE );
    /* attempt to create the main application window */
    hWinWdeMain = CreateWindow( WdeMainClass, title, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,
                                t.left, t.top, t.right - t.left, t.bottom - t.top,
                                (HWND)NULL, (HMENU)NULL, app_inst, NULL );
    if( title != NULL ) {
        WdeFreeRCString( title );

    /* if the window could not be created return FALSE */
    if( hWinWdeMain == NULL ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATEMAINWINDOW );
        return( FALSE );

    hWinWdeMDIClient = WdeCreateMDIClientWindow( hWinWdeMain, app_inst );

    /* attempt to create the main application info window */
    if( !WdeCreateInfoWindow( hWinWdeMain, app_inst ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATEINFOWINDOW );
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeCreateStatusLine( hWinWdeMain, app_inst ) ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATESTATUSLINE );
        return( FALSE );

    WdeInitialMenu = GetMenu( hWinWdeMain );
    WdeCurrentMenu = WdeInitialMenu;
    WdeResMenu = LoadMenu( app_inst, "WdeResMenu" );
    WdeDDEMenu = LoadMenu( app_inst, "WdeDDEMenu" );

    if( IsDDE ) {
        WdeSetAppMenuToRes( TRUE );

    if( !WdeInitialMenu || !WdeResMenu ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOINITMENUS );
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WdeInitHints() ) {
        WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOINITHINTS );
        return( FALSE );

    WdeInitRibbon( app_inst );

    if( WdeGetOption( WdeOptIsRibbonVisible ) ) {

    /* if the window was created Show and Update it */
    if( WdeGetOption( WdeOptIsScreenMax ) ) {
        ShowWindow( hWinWdeMain, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED );
    } else {
        ShowWindow( hWinWdeMain, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
    UpdateWindow( hWinWdeMain );

    WdeSetFontList( hWinWdeMain );

    if( !IsDDE ) {
        WdeDisplaySplashScreen( hInstWde, hWinWdeMain, 1125 );

    if( IsDDE ) {
        WdeInitToolMenu( app_inst, WdeDDEMenu );
    } else {
        WdeInitToolMenu( app_inst, WdeResMenu );
    WdeInitControls( app_inst );

    if( WdeGetOption( WdeOptIsCntlsTBarVisible ) ) {
        if( !WdeCreateControlsToolBar ( ) ) {
            WdeDisplayErrorMsg( WDE_NOCREATETOOLBOX );
            return( FALSE );

    SetFocus( hWinWdeMain );

    return( TRUE );

Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Function to initialize all instances of WRE */
Bool WREInitInst( HINSTANCE app_inst )
    RECT        r, screen, t;
    char        *title;
    DWORD       style;

    if( !WRERegisterClipFormats( app_inst ) ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( !JDialogInit() ) {
        return( FALSE );

    WRECtl3DInit( app_inst );
    WREInitRibbon( app_inst );

    if( !WREInitResources( app_inst ) ) {
        return( FALSE );

    /* load the accelerator table */
    WREAccel = LoadAccelerators( app_inst, "WREAccelTable" );

    /* if the window could not be created return FALSE */
    if( WREAccel == NULL ) {
        WREDisplayErrorMsg( WRE_NOLOADACCELTABLE );
        return( FALSE );

    WREGetScreenPosOption( &r );
    GetWindowRect( GetDesktopWindow(), &screen );
    IntersectRect( &t, &screen, &r );

    title = WREAllocRCString( WRE_APPNAME );

    /* attempt to create the main application window */
    if( IsRectEmpty( &r ) ) {
        WREMainWin = CreateWindow( WREMainClass, title, style,
                                   CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,
                                   CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,
                                   (HWND)NULL, (HMENU)NULL, app_inst, NULL );
    } else {
        WREMainWin = CreateWindow( WREMainClass, title, style,
                                   r.left, r.top, r.right - r.left, r.bottom - r.top,
                                   (HWND)NULL, (HMENU)NULL, app_inst, NULL );

    if( title != NULL ) {
        WREFreeRCString( title );

    /* if the window could not be created return FALSE */
    if( WREMainWin == NULL ) {
        WREDisplayErrorMsg( WRE_NOCREATEAPPWINDOW );
        return( FALSE );

    WREMDIWin = WRECreateMDIClientWindow( WREMainWin, app_inst );

    /* attempt to create the main application ribbon */
    if( !WRECreateRibbon( WREMainWin ) ) {
        return( FALSE );

    if( !WRECreateStatusLine( WREMainWin, app_inst ) ) {
        return( FALSE );

    WREMenu = GetMenu( WREMainWin );
    if( WREMenu != (HMENU)NULL ) {
        EnableMenuItem( WREMenu, IDM_CUT, MF_GRAYED );
        EnableMenuItem( WREMenu, IDM_COPY, MF_GRAYED );
        EnableMenuItem( WREMenu, IDM_OPTIONS, MF_GRAYED );

    WREEnableMenus( FALSE );

    if( !WREInitHints() ) {
        WREDisplayErrorMsg( WRE_NOINITHINTS );
        return( FALSE );

    /* if the window was created Show and Update it */
    if( !WRENoInterface ) {
        if( WREGetOption( WREOptScreenMax ) ) {
            ShowWindow( WREMainWin, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED );
        } else {
            ShowWindow( WREMainWin, SW_SHOWNORMAL );
        UpdateWindow( WREMainWin );

        WREDisplaySplashScreen( WREInst, WREMainWin, 1250 );

    return( TRUE );
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * spyInit - initialization
static BOOL spyInit( HANDLE currinst, HANDLE previnst, int cmdshow )
    WNDCLASS    wc;
    HANDLE      memhdl;
    WORD        i;

    memhdl = memhdl;    /* shut up the compiler for non-NT version */
    Instance = currinst;
    ResInstance = currinst;
    if( !InitGblStrings() ) {
        return( FALSE );
    SpyMenu = LoadMenu( ResInstance, "SPYMENU" );
#ifdef __WATCOMC__
    _STACKLOW = 0;

    HandleMessageInst = MakeProcInstance( (FARPROC) HandleMessage, Instance );
    HintWndInit( Instance, NULL, 0 );

     * set up window class
    if( !previnst ) {
        wc.style = 0L;
        wc.lpfnWndProc = SpyWindowProc;
        wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
        wc.cbWndExtra = sizeof( LONG_PTR );
        wc.hInstance = Instance;
        wc.hIcon = LoadIcon( ResInstance, "APPLICON" );
        wc.hCursor = LoadCursor( (HANDLE)NULL, IDC_ARROW);
#ifdef __NT__
        wc.hbrBackground = NULL;
        wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
        wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
        wc.lpszClassName = SPY_CLASS_NAME;
        if( !RegisterClass( &wc ) ) {
            return( FALSE );

        if( !RegisterSnapClass( Instance ) ) {
            return( FALSE );

#ifndef NOUSE3D
    CvrCtl3DInit( Instance );
    CvrCtl3dRegister( Instance );
    CvrCtl3dAutoSubclass( Instance );

     * now make the main window
    LoadSpyConfig( NULL );
    SpyMainWindow = CreateWindow(
        SPY_CLASS_NAME,         /* Window class name */
        SpyName,                /* Window caption */
        WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,    /* Window style */
        SpyMainWndInfo.xpos,    /* Initial x position */
        SpyMainWndInfo.ypos,    /* Initial y position */
        SpyMainWndInfo.xsize,   /* Initial x size */
        SpyMainWndInfo.ysize,   /* Initial y size */
        (HWND)NULL,             /* Parent window handle */
        (HMENU)SpyMenu,         /* Window menu handle */
        Instance,               /* Program instance handle */
        NULL );                 /* Create parameters */

    if( SpyMainWindow == NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );
    MyTask = GetWindowTask( SpyMainWindow );

    ShowWindow( SpyMainWindow, cmdshow );
    UpdateWindow( SpyMainWindow );

    return( TRUE );

} /* spyInit */