Ejemplo n.º 1
//sender should be of type VISIBLE (see template defined in JSObjectScriptManager
bool JSEventHandlerStruct::matches(v8::Handle<v8::Object> obj, v8::Handle<v8::Object> incoming_sender, const SpaceObjectReference& receiver)

    if (getIsSuspended() || getIsCleared())
        return false; //cannot match a suspended handler

    //decode the sender of the message
    String errorMessage = "[JS] Error encountered in matches of JSEventHandler.  Failed to decode sender of message as a visible object.  ";
    JSPositionListener* jsposlist = decodeJSPosListener(incoming_sender,errorMessage);

    if (jsposlist == NULL)
        return false;

    SpaceObjectReference* spref1 =  jsposlist->getToListenTo();

    //decode the expected sender
    if (! sender->IsNull())
        String errorMessageExpectedSender = "[JS] Error encountered in matches of JSEventHandler.  Failed to decode expected sender of event handler.  ";
        JSPositionListener* jsplExpectedSender = decodeJSPosListener(sender, errorMessageExpectedSender);

        if (jsplExpectedSender == NULL)
            return false;

        SpaceObjectReference* spref2 = jsplExpectedSender->getToListenTo();

        //check if the senders match
        if ( (*spref1)  != (*spref2))  //the senders do not match.  do not fire
            return false;

    //check if the pattern matches the obj
    for(PatternList::const_iterator pat_it = pattern.begin(); pat_it != pattern.end(); pat_it++)
        if (! pat_it->matches(obj))
            return false;

    //check if the message is *to* one of my presences
    if (jscont->canReceiveMessagesFor(receiver))
        return true;

    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSContextStruct::suspend()
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(error,"Error when suspending.  This context object was already cleared.");
        return v8::ThrowException( v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::New("Error.  Cannot suspend a context that has already been cleared.")) );

    JSLOG(insane,"Suspending all suspendable objects associated with context");
    for (SuspendableIter iter = associatedSuspendables.begin(); iter != associatedSuspendables.end(); ++iter)

    return JSSuspendable::suspend();
void JSWhenWatchedListStruct::debugPrintWatchedList()
    JSLOG(debug,"printing all elements of when watched list.");
    for (JSWhenWatchedIter iter = mItemsToWatch.begin(); iter!= mItemsToWatch.end(); ++iter)

Ejemplo n.º 4
bool Capabilities::givesCap(CapNum capabilitiesNum, Caps checkingCap,
                            JSPresenceStruct* ctxPres, JSPresenceStruct* onPres)
    if (! presenceSpecificCap(checkingCap))
        return (capabilitiesNum & checkingCap);

    //means its a presence-specific capability: should only return false if
    //trying to perform operation on presence passed through to sandbox and
    //if capability is not granted to that sandbox.

    if (onPres == NULL)
        JSLOG(error, "Error in checking whether given a capability.  "  <<\
              "Checking a presence-specific capability, but provided no " <<\
              "presence to check against.  Cap: " << (int)checkingCap);

    //ctxPres can be null when executing from root context
    if ((ctxPres == NULL) || (onPres == NULL))
        return true;

    if (ctxPres == onPres)
        //check if given capability
        return (capabilitiesNum & checkingCap);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void JSContextStruct::struct_registerSuspendable   (JSSuspendable* toRegister)
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(error,"Error when registering suspendable.  This context object was already cleared.");

    SuspendableIter iter = associatedSuspendables.find(toRegister);
    if (iter != associatedSuspendables.end())
        JSLOG(info,"Strangeness in registerSuspendable of JSContextStruct.  Trying to re-register a suspendable with the context that was already registered.  Unlikely to be an error, but thought I should mention it.");
    associatedSuspendables[toRegister] = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSTimerStruct::clear()
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(insane,"In JSTimerStruct, calling clear on a timer that has already been cleared.");
        return JSSuspendable::clear();

    v8::HandleScope handle_scope;



    if (! cb.IsEmpty())

    if (! mPersistentHandle.IsEmpty())
        //check to make sure object has adequate number of fields.
        CHECK_INTERNAL_FIELD_COUNT(mPersistentHandle,jstimer,TIMER_JSTIMER_TEMPLATE_FIELD_COUNT, v8::Boolean::New(true));

        //delete typeId, and return if have incorrect params for type id

        mPersistentHandle->SetInternalField(TIMER_JSTIMERSTRUCT_FIELD, External::New(NULL));

    // Be careful after this! JSContextStruct::struct_deregisterSuspendable will
    // delete this object so you shouldn't use any member variables after
    // invoking it.
    if (jsContStruct != NULL)
        //cannot clear if amExecuting.
        if (amExecuting)

    // Note that since this allows the JS GC thread to destroy this object
    // in response to all references to it being lost,
    // we need to make sure it is absolutely the *last* operation we do on
    // member variables.
    // In this case, the above call will have deleted this JSTimerStruct, so we
    // don't even set it at all. It would have been unsafe to set it earlier
    // because we could have ended up with two threads trying to do the deletion.
    //noTimerWaiting = true;

    return v8::Boolean::New(true);
Ejemplo n.º 7
void JSSystemStruct::stripCapEscalation(Capabilities::CapNum& permNum, Capabilities::Caps capRequesting, JSPresenceStruct* jspres, const String& capRequestingName)
    if (! checkCurCtxtHasCapability(jspres,capRequesting))
        /*means trying to set this capability when don't have it in the base*/
        /*sandbox.  We should strip it.*/
        JSLOG(info,"Trying to exceed capability " + capRequestingName + " when creating sandbox.  Stripping this capability");
        permNum -= capRequesting;
Ejemplo n.º 8
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSEventHandlerStruct::resume()
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(info, "Error in resume of JSEventHandlerStruct.cpp.  Called resume even though the handler had previously been cleared.");
        return v8::ThrowException( v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::New("Error.  Called resume on a handler that had already been cleared.")));

    return JSSuspendable::resume();
Ejemplo n.º 9
//called from jsobjectscript.
void JSPresenceStruct::disconnectCalledFromObjScript()
    if (getIsCleared())

    if (! getIsConnected())
        JSLOG(error, "Error when calling disconnect on presence.  The presence wasn't already connected.");

    isConnected = false;

    if (mContext != NULL)
Ejemplo n.º 10
void JSContextStruct::struct_deregisterSuspendable (JSSuspendable* toDeregister)
    //don't want to de-register suspendables while I'm calling clear.
    //clear is already running through each and removing them from suspendables.
    if (inClear)
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(error,"Error when deregistering suspendable.  This context object was already cleared.");

    SuspendableIter iter = associatedSuspendables.find(toDeregister);
    if (iter == associatedSuspendables.end())
        JSLOG(error,"Error when deregistering suspendable in JSContextStruct.cpp.  Trying to deregister a suspendable that the context struct had not already registered.  Likely an error.");

Ejemplo n.º 11
//has more of a reset-type functionality than resume
//if the time has not been cleared, then, cancel the current timer,
//and start a new countdown to execute the callback.
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSTimerStruct::resume()
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(info,"Error in JSTimerStruct.  Trying to resume a timer object that has already been cleared.  Taking no action");
        return JSSuspendable::getIsSuspendedV8();


    return JSSuspendable::resume();
Ejemplo n.º 12
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSTimerStruct::suspend()
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(info, "Error in suspend of JSTimerStruct.cpp.  Called suspend even though the timer had previously been cleared.");
        return v8::ThrowException( v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::New("Error.  Called suspend on a timer that had already been cleared.")));

    JSLOG(insane,"suspending timer");

    //note, it is important that call to JSSuspendable::supsend occurs before
    //actually cancelling the deadline timer so that we're performing correct
    //checks for timer cleanup.
    v8::HandleScope handle_scope;
    v8::Handle<v8::Value>returner = JSSuspendable::suspend();
    // Note that since this allows the JS GC thread to destroy this object
    // in response to all references to it being lost,
    // we need to make sure it is absolutely the *last* operation we do on
    // member variables.
    noTimerWaiting = true;
    return handle_scope.Close(returner);
Ejemplo n.º 13
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSTimerStruct::struct_resetTimer(double timeInSecondsToRefire)
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(info,"Error in JSTimerStruct.  Calling reset on a timer that has already been cleared.");
        return JSSuspendable::clear();


    return JSSuspendable::resume();
Ejemplo n.º 14
//this function asks the jsObjScript to send a message from the presence associated
//with associatedPresence to the object with spaceobjectreference mHomeObject.
//The message contains the object toSend.
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSContextStruct::struct_sendHome(const String& toSend)

    NullPresenceCheck("Context: sendHome");

    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(error,"Error when sending home.  This context object was already cleared.");
        return v8::ThrowException( v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::New("Error.  Cannot call sendHome from a context that has already been cleared.")) );

    return v8::Undefined();
Ejemplo n.º 15
void JSPresenceStruct::connect(const SpaceObjectReference& _sporef)
    v8::HandleScope handle_scope;

    if (getIsConnected())
        JSLOG(error, "Error when calling connect on presence.  The presence was already connected.");

    isConnected = true;

Ejemplo n.º 16
//dist(a,b) < g
//timeToEval is going to be when the above condition will first be true.
bool JSWhenPred::whenToEval(JSVisibleStruct* a, JSVisibleStruct* b, float g, float& timeToEval)
    Vector3d posA = a->returnProxyPositionCPP();
    Vector3d posB = b->returnProxyPositionCPP();

    Vector3d velA = a->returnProxyVelocityCPP();
    Vector3d velB = b->returnProxyVelocityCPP();

    float root1, root2;
    bool hasRoot = computeDistPredFirstRoot(
        posA.x - posB.x,velA.x - velB.x,
        posA.y - posB.y,velA.y - velB.y,
        posA.z - posB.z,velA.z - velB.z,
        root1, root2);

    if ( ! ((a->getStillVisibleCPP()) && (b->getStillVisibleCPP())))
        JSLOG(info,"Warning.  Evaluating when predicate for object that is not visible");

    if ((root1>=0) && (root2 <0))
        timeToEval = root1;
        return true;

    if ((root2>=0) && (root1 <0))
        timeToEval = root2;
        return true;

    if ((root1 >= 0) && (root1 <= root2))
        timeToEval = root1;
        return true;

    if ((root2 >=0) && (root2<=root1))
        timeToEval = root2;
        return true;
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
//Destroys all objects that were created in this context + all of this context's
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSContextStruct::clear()
    inClear = true;
    JSLOG(insane,"Clearing a context.  Hopefully it works!");

    for (SuspendableIter iter = associatedSuspendables.begin(); iter != associatedSuspendables.end(); ++iter)

    if (hasOnConnectedCallback)
    if (hasOnDisconnectedCallback)

    inClear = false;
    return JSSuspendable::clear();
Ejemplo n.º 18
//first argument of args is a function (funcToCall), which we skip
v8::Handle<v8::Value> JSContextStruct::struct_executeScript(v8::Handle<v8::Function> funcToCall,const v8::Arguments& args)
    if (getIsCleared())
        JSLOG(error,"Error when executing.  This context object was already cleared.");
        return v8::ThrowException( v8::Exception::Error(v8::String::New("Error.  Cannot call execute on a context that has already been cleared.")) );

    //copying arguments over to arg array for execution.
    int argc = args.Length() -1;
    Handle<Value>* argv = new Handle<Value>[argc];

    for (int s=1; s < args.Length(); ++s)
        argv[s-1] = args[s];

    v8::Handle<v8::Value> returner =  jsObjScript->executeInContext(mContext,funcToCall, argc,argv);

    delete argv; //free additional memory.
    return returner;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void JSTimerStruct::iEvaluateCallback(Liveness::Token token)
    //lkjs; FIXME: Can weak reference clean up a timer
    //while it's in this function?  (If we try to use lock, we run
    //into a problem when the timer tries to clear itself.)
    if (!token)

    if (mCtx->stopped()) {
        JSLOG(warn, "Timer evaluateCallback invoked after stop request, ignoring...");
        noTimerWaiting=true; // Allow cleanup, see notes below

    amExecuting = true;
    emerScript->invokeCallbackInContext(emerScript->livenessToken(), cb, jsContStruct);

    //if we were told to kill the timer after firing, then check kill conditions
    //again in noReference.
    if (killAfterFire)

    //means that we have no pending timer operation.
    // Note that since this allows the JS GC thread to destroy this object
    // in response to all references to it being lost,
    // we need to make sure it is absolutely the *last* operation we do on
    // member variables.
    amExecuting = false;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void JSTimerStruct::evaluateCallback()
    Liveness::Token token=mLiveness.livenessToken();
    emerScript->invokeCallbackInContext(emerScript->livenessToken(), cb, jsContStruct);
    if (token) {
        if (mContext->stopped()) {
            JSLOG(warn, "Timer evaluateCallback invoked after stop request, ignoring...");
            noTimerWaiting=true; // Allow cleanup, see notes below

        //if we were told to kill the timer after firing, then check kill conditions
        //again in noReference.
        if (killAfterFire)

        //means that we have no pending timer operation.
        // Note that since this allows the JS GC thread to destroy this object
        // in response to all references to it being lost,
        // we need to make sure it is absolutely the *last* operation we do on
        // member variables.
Ejemplo n.º 21
void JSContextStruct::presenceDied()
    JSLOG(error,"[JS] Incorrectly handling presence destructions in context struct.  Need additional code.");