Ejemplo n.º 1
static string toStr(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleScriptWorldRef world, WKBundleRangeHandleRef rangeRef)
    if (!rangeRef)
        return "(null)";

    WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(page);

    JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContextForWorld(frame, world);
    JSValueRef rangeValue = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptWrapperForRangeForWorld(frame, rangeRef, world);
    ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, rangeValue));
    JSObjectRef rangeObject = (JSObjectRef)rangeValue;

    JSValueRef startNodeValue = propertyValue(context, rangeObject, "startContainer");
    ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, startNodeValue));
    JSObjectRef startNodeObject = (JSObjectRef)startNodeValue;

    JSValueRef endNodeValue = propertyValue(context, rangeObject, "endContainer");
    ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, endNodeValue));
    JSObjectRef endNodeObject = (JSObjectRef)endNodeValue;

    int startOffset = propertyValueInt(context, rangeObject, "startOffset");
    int endOffset = propertyValueInt(context, rangeObject, "endOffset");

    ostringstream out;
    out << "range from " << startOffset << " of " << dumpPath(context, startNodeObject) << " to " << endOffset << " of " << dumpPath(context, endNodeObject);
    return out.str();
Ejemplo n.º 2
EXPORTAPI JSValueRef Hyperloop_Binary_IsEqual(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception) {
    if (argumentCount < 2)
        *exception = HyperloopMakeException(ctx, "Wrong arguments passed to IsEqual");
        return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);

    auto isObject_a = JSValueIsObject(ctx, arguments[0]);
    auto isObject_b = JSValueIsObject(ctx, arguments[1]);

    if (isObject_a && isObject_b)
        auto obj_a = HyperloopJSValueToVoidPointer(ctx, arguments[0], exception);
        auto obj_b = HyperloopJSValueToVoidPointer(ctx, arguments[1], exception);

        // nullptr means both objects are not a native object
        if (obj_a == nullptr && obj_b == nullptr) {
            return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, JSValueIsStrictEqual(ctx, arguments[0], arguments[1]));

        return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, (obj_a == obj_b));
    else if (!isObject_a && !isObject_b) {
        return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, JSValueIsStrictEqual(ctx, arguments[0], arguments[1]));

    return JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, false);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static JSObjectRef propertyObject(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef object, const char* propertyName)
    JSValueRef value = propertyValue(context, object, propertyName);
    if (!value || !JSValueIsObject(context, value))
        return 0;
    return const_cast<JSObjectRef>(value);
Ejemplo n.º 4
Type GetType(JSValueRef value)
    if (JSValueIsNull(g_ctx, value))
        return VTYPE_NULL;
    if (JSValueIsBoolean(g_ctx, value))
        return VTYPE_BOOL;
    if (JSValueIsNumber(g_ctx, value))
        return VTYPE_DOUBLE;
    if (JSValueIsString(g_ctx, value))
        return VTYPE_STRING;

    if (JSValueIsObject(g_ctx, value))
        JSObjectRef obj = JSValueToObject(g_ctx, value, NULL);

        if (JSObjectIsFunction(g_ctx, obj))
            return VTYPE_FUNCTION;
        if (IsArray(obj))
            return VTYPE_LIST;

        return VTYPE_DICTIONARY;

    return VTYPE_INVALID;
Ejemplo n.º 5
static JSObjectRef getElementById(WKBundleFrameRef frame, JSStringRef elementId)
    JSContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(frame);
    JSObjectRef document = propertyObject(context, JSContextGetGlobalObject(context), "document");
    if (!document)
        return 0;
    JSValueRef getElementById = propertyObject(context, document, "getElementById");
    if (!getElementById || !JSValueIsObject(context, getElementById))
        return 0;
    JSValueRef elementIdValue = JSValueMakeString(context, elementId);
    JSValueRef exception;
    JSValueRef element = JSObjectCallAsFunction(context, const_cast<JSObjectRef>(getElementById), document, 1, &elementIdValue, &exception);
    if (!element || !JSValueIsObject(context, element))
        return 0;
    return const_cast<JSObjectRef>(element);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Tests whether a JavaScript value is an array object
 * This invokes Array.isArray(value) and returns its result
EXPORTAPI bool HyperloopJSValueIsArray(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value) 
    if (JSValueIsObject(ctx, value)) 
        JSObjectRef global = JSContextGetGlobalObject(ctx);
        JSValueRef exception = JSValueMakeNull(ctx);
        JSStringRef string = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("Array");
        JSObjectRef array = JSValueToObject(ctx, JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, global, string, &exception), &exception);
        if (!JSValueIsNull(ctx, exception)) 
            return false;

        string = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("isArray");
        JSObjectRef isArray = JSValueToObject(ctx, JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, array, string, &exception), &exception);
        if (!JSValueIsNull(ctx, exception))
            return false;

        JSValueRef result = JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, isArray, global, 1, &value, &exception);

        if (JSValueIsNull(ctx, exception) && JSValueIsBoolean(ctx, result)) 
            return JSValueToBoolean(ctx, result);
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static JSValueRef
js_emit (JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSObjectRef thisObject,
	 size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[],
	 JSValueRef * exception)
  JsonObject *obj;
  JsonNode *node;
  gchar *buffer;
  if (argumentCount != 1)
      *exception = JSValueMakeNumber (ctx, 1);
      return NULL;
  if (JSValueIsObject (ctx, arguments[0]) == false)
      *exception = JSValueMakeNumber (ctx, 1);
      return NULL;

  obj = json_object_new();

  js_value (ctx, (JSObjectRef) arguments[0], &node);
  json_object_set_member (obj, "emit", node);

  JsonNode *node1 = json_node_new (JSON_NODE_OBJECT);

  if (node1 == NULL)
      json_object_unref (obj);
      return NULL;

  json_node_set_object (node1, obj);

  JsonGenerator *gen = json_generator_new();

  if (gen == NULL)
      json_node_free (node1);
      return NULL;

  json_generator_set_root (gen, node1 );
  buffer = json_generator_to_data (gen,NULL);

  if (buffer == NULL)
      json_node_free (node1);
      g_object_unref (gen);
      return NULL;

  json_node_free (node1);
  g_object_unref (gen);

  puts (buffer);
  g_free (buffer);

  return NULL; /* shouldn't be an object ? */
Ejemplo n.º 8
VJSObject VJSObject::GetPropertyAsObject( const VString& inPropertyName, JS4D::ExceptionRef *outException) const
	JSStringRef jsName = JS4D::VStringToString( inPropertyName);
	JSValueRef value = JSObjectGetProperty( fContext, fObject, jsName, outException);
	JSObjectRef objectRef = ((value != NULL) && JSValueIsObject( fContext, value)) ? JSValueToObject( fContext, value, outException) : NULL;
	JSStringRelease( jsName);
	return VJSObject( fContext, objectRef);
Ejemplo n.º 9
void LayoutTestController::setValueForUser(JSContextRef context, JSValueRef element, JSStringRef value)
    if (!element || !JSValueIsObject(context, element))

    WKRetainPtr<WKBundleNodeHandleRef> nodeHandle(AdoptWK, WKBundleNodeHandleCreate(context, const_cast<JSObjectRef>(element)));
    WKBundleNodeHandleSetHTMLInputElementValueForUser(nodeHandle.get(), toWK(value).get());
Ejemplo n.º 10
static JSValueRef
seed_gobject_signal_connect_on_property (JSContextRef ctx,
					 JSObjectRef function,
					 JSObjectRef thisObject,
					 size_t argumentCount,
					 const JSValueRef arguments[],
					 JSValueRef * exception)
  gulong id = 0;
  JSObjectRef this_obj;
  signal_privates *privates;

  privates = (signal_privates *) JSObjectGetPrivate (thisObject);
  if (!privates)
    g_error ("Signal constructed with invalid parameters"
	     "in namespace import \n");

  this_obj =
    (JSObjectRef) seed_value_from_object (ctx, privates->object, exception);

  if ((argumentCount > 2) || (argumentCount == 0))
      seed_make_exception (ctx, exception, "ArgumentError",
			   "Signal connection expected"
			   " 1, or 2 arguments. Got " "%zd", argumentCount);

      return JSValueMakeNull (ctx);

  if (JSValueIsNull (ctx, arguments[0]) ||
      !JSValueIsObject (ctx, arguments[0]) ||
      !JSObjectIsFunction (ctx, (JSObjectRef) arguments[0]))
      seed_make_exception (ctx, exception, "ArgumentError",
			   "Signal connection requires a function"
			   " as first argument");
      return JSValueMakeNull (ctx);

  if (argumentCount == 1)
      id = seed_gobject_signal_connect (ctx, privates->signal_name,
					(JSObjectRef) arguments[0], this_obj,

  else if (argumentCount == 2)
      id = seed_gobject_signal_connect (ctx, privates->signal_name,
					(JSObjectRef) arguments[0],
					this_obj, (JSObjectRef) arguments[1]);

  return seed_value_from_ulong (ctx, id, exception);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * seed_exception_get_line:
 * @ctx: A #SeedContext.
 * @exception: A reference to a #SeedException.
 * Retrieves the line number the given exception was thrown from; keep in mind
 * that exceptions created from C have an undefined line number.
 * Return value: A #guint representing the line number from which @exception
 *               was thrown.
seed_exception_get_line (JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef e)
  JSValueRef line;
  g_assert ((e));
  if (!JSValueIsObject (ctx, e))
    return 0;
  line = seed_object_get_property (ctx, (JSObjectRef) e, "line");
  return seed_value_to_uint (ctx, line, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * seed_exception_get_file:
 * @ctx: A #SeedContext.
 * @exception: A reference to a #SeedException.
 * Retrieves the file name the given exception was thrown from; keep in mind
 * that exceptions created from C have an undefined file name.
 * Return value: A #gchar* representing the name of the file from which
 *               @exception was thrown.
gchar *
seed_exception_get_file (JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef e)
  JSValueRef line;
  g_assert ((e));
  if (!JSValueIsObject (ctx, e))
    return 0;
  line = seed_object_get_property (ctx, (JSObjectRef) e, "sourceURL");
  return seed_value_to_string (ctx, line, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * invoke a function callback
EXPORTAPI JSValueRef HyperloopInvokeFunctionCallback (JSContextRef ctx, void * callbackPointer, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef *exception)
    JSValueRef callback = *(JSValueRef*)callbackPointer;
    if (!JSValueIsObject(ctx, callback) || !JSObjectIsFunction(ctx, JSValueToObject(ctx,callback,exception))) {
        *exception = HyperloopMakeException(ctx,"Function callback is not a JS function object");
        return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);
    JSObjectRef callbackObj = JSValueToObject(ctx,callback,exception);
    return JSObjectCallAsFunction(HyperloopGlobalContext(), callbackObj, NULL, argumentCount, arguments, exception);
Ejemplo n.º 14
VJSObject VJSValue::GetObject( JS4D::ExceptionRef *outException) const
	VJSObject resultObj(fContext);
	if ((fValue != NULL) && JSValueIsObject( fContext, fValue))
		resultObj.SetObjectRef( JSValueToObject( fContext, fValue, outException));
		//resultObj.SetObjectRef(JSValueToObject(fContext, JSValueMakeNull(fContext), outException));
	return resultObj;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void JSArray::push(const JSValue& val) {
  JSValueRef prop = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx_, instance_, JSString("push"), nullptr);
  if (JSValueIsObject(ctx_, prop)) {
    JSObjectRef func = JSValueToObject(ctx_, prop, nullptr);
    if (JSObjectIsFunction(ctx_, func)) {
      JSValueRef arg = val;
      JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx_, func, instance_, 1, &arg, nullptr);
Ejemplo n.º 16
JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> LayoutTestController::markerTextForListItem(JSValueRef element)
    WKBundleFrameRef mainFrame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(InjectedBundle::shared().page()->page());
    JSContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(mainFrame);
    if (!element || !JSValueIsObject(context, element))
        return 0;
    WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> text(AdoptWK, WKBundleFrameCopyMarkerText(mainFrame, const_cast<JSObjectRef>(element)));
    if (WKStringIsEmpty(text.get()))
        return 0;
    return toJS(text);
Ejemplo n.º 17
EJ_BIND_FUNCTION(EJBindingCanvas, drawImage, ctx, argc, argv) {

	if( argc < 3 || !JSValueIsObject(ctx, argv[0]) ) return NULL;
	EJBindingImage* drawable = (EJBindingImage*)JSObjectGetPrivate((JSObjectRef)argv[0]);
	// NSObject<EJDrawable> * drawable = (NSObject<EJDrawable> *)JSObjectGetPrivate((JSObjectRef)argv[0]);
	EJTexture * image = drawable->texture;

	float scale = image?image->contentScale:1;
	short sx = 0, sy = 0, sw = 0, sh = 0;
	float dx = 0, dy = 0, dw = sw, dh = sh;	
	if( argc == 3 ) {
		// drawImage(image, dx, dy)
		dx = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[1]);
		dy = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[2]);
		sw = image?image->width:0;
		sh = image?image->height:0;
		dw = sw / scale;
		dh = sh / scale;
	else if( argc == 5 ) {
		// drawImage(image, dx, dy, dw, dh)
		dx = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[1]);
		dy = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[2]);
		dw = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[3]);
		dh = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[4]);
		sw = image?image->width:0;
		sh = image?image->height:0;
	else if( argc >= 9 ) {
		// drawImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh)
		sx = (short)(JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[1]) * scale);
		sy = (short)(JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[2]) * scale);
		sw = (short)(JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[3]) * scale);
		sh = (short)(JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[4]) * scale);
		dx = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[5]);
		dy = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[6]);
		dw = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[7]);
		dh = (float)JSValueToNumberFast(ctx, argv[8]);
	else {
		return NULL;
	//ejectaInstance->currentRenderingContext = renderingContext;
	renderingContext->drawImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
	// [renderingContext drawImage:image sx:sx sy:sy sw:sw sh:sh dx:dx dy:dy dw:dw dh:dh];

	return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 * seed_exception_get_message:
 * @ctx: A #SeedContext.
 * @exception: A reference to a #SeedException.
 * Retrieves the message of the given exception; this should be a
 * human-readable string describing the exception enough that a developer
 * could utilize the message in order to determine where to look to debug
 * the problem.
 * Return value: A #gchar* representing the detailed message of @exception.
gchar *
seed_exception_get_message (JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef e)
  JSValueRef name;
  g_assert ((e));
  if (!JSValueIsObject (ctx, e))
    return 0;

  name = seed_object_get_property (ctx, (JSObjectRef) e, "message");
  return seed_value_to_string (ctx, name, NULL);
Ejemplo n.º 19
JSValueRef LayoutTestController::computedStyleIncludingVisitedInfo(JSValueRef element)
    // FIXME: Is it OK this works only for the main frame?
    WKBundleFrameRef mainFrame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(InjectedBundle::shared().page()->page());
    JSContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(mainFrame);
    if (!JSValueIsObject(context, element))
        return JSValueMakeUndefined(context);
    JSValueRef value = WKBundleFrameGetComputedStyleIncludingVisitedInfo(mainFrame, const_cast<JSObjectRef>(element));
    if (!value)
        return JSValueMakeUndefined(context);
    return value;
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool JS4D::ThrowVErrorForException( ContextRef inContext, ExceptionRef inException)
	bool errorThrown;
	if ( (inException != NULL) && !JSValueIsUndefined( inContext, inException))

		bool bHasBeenAborted = false;

		// first throw an error for javascript
		VString description;
		if (ValueToString( inContext, inException, description, /*outException*/ NULL))
			if ( description. BeginsWith ( CVSTR ( "SyntaxError" ) ) && JSValueIsObject ( inContext, inException ) ) // Just to be super safe at the moment to avoid breaking everything
				JSObjectRef				jsExceptionObject = JSValueToObject ( inContext, inException, NULL );
				if ( jsExceptionObject != 0 )
					JSStringRef			jsLine = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString ( "line" );
					if ( JSObjectHasProperty ( inContext, jsExceptionObject, jsLine ) )
						JSValueRef		jsValLine = JSObjectGetProperty ( inContext, jsExceptionObject, jsLine, NULL );
						if ( jsValLine != 0 )
							double nLine = JSValueToNumber( inContext, jsValLine, NULL );
							VString		vstrLine ( "Error on line " );
							vstrLine. AppendReal ( nLine );
							vstrLine. AppendCString ( ". " );
							description. Insert ( vstrLine, 1 );
					JSStringRelease ( jsLine );
			else if ( description. Find ( CVSTR ( "Error: Execution aborted by caller." ) ) > 0 && JSValueIsObject ( inContext, inException ) )
				bHasBeenAborted = true;

			if ( !bHasBeenAborted )
				StThrowError<>	error( MAKE_VERROR( 'JS4D', 1));
				error->SetString( "error_description", description);
		errorThrown = !bHasBeenAborted;
		errorThrown = false;
	return errorThrown;
Ejemplo n.º 21
static string dumpPath(WKBundlePageRef page, WKBundleScriptWorldRef world, WKBundleNodeHandleRef node)
    if (!node)
        return "(null)";

    WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(page);

    JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContextForWorld(frame, world);
    JSValueRef nodeValue = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptWrapperForNodeForWorld(frame, node, world);
    ASSERT(JSValueIsObject(context, nodeValue));
    JSObjectRef nodeObject = (JSObjectRef)nodeValue;

    return dumpPath(context, nodeObject);
Ejemplo n.º 22
static JSValueRef
seed_gobject_signal_connect_by_name (JSContextRef ctx,
				     JSObjectRef function,
				     JSObjectRef thisObject,
				     size_t argumentCount,
				     const JSValueRef arguments[],
				     JSValueRef * exception)
  GType obj_type;
  JSObjectRef user_data = NULL;
  gchar *signal_name;
  GObject *obj;
  gulong id;

  if (argumentCount < 2 || argumentCount > 3)
      seed_make_exception (ctx, exception, "ArgumentError",
			   "Signal connection expected"
			   " 2 or 3 arguments. Got " "%zd", argumentCount);

      return JSValueMakeNull (ctx);

  if (JSValueIsNull (ctx, arguments[1]) ||
      !JSValueIsObject (ctx, arguments[1]) ||
      !JSObjectIsFunction (ctx, (JSObjectRef) arguments[1]))
      seed_make_exception (ctx, exception, "ArgumentError",
			   "Signal connection by name "
			   "requires a function" " as second argument");
      return JSValueMakeNull (ctx);

  if (argumentCount == 3)
      user_data = (JSObjectRef) arguments[2];

  signal_name = seed_value_to_string (ctx, arguments[0], exception);
  obj = (GObject *) JSObjectGetPrivate (thisObject);
  obj_type = G_OBJECT_TYPE (obj);

  id = seed_gobject_signal_connect (ctx, signal_name, obj,
				    (JSObjectRef) arguments[1], NULL,

  g_free (signal_name);

  return seed_value_from_ulong (ctx, id, exception);
Ejemplo n.º 23
int JSArray::indexOf(const JSValue& val, int start) const {
  JSValueRef prop = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx_, instance_, JSString("indexOf"), nullptr);
  if (JSValueIsObject(ctx_, prop)) {
    JSObjectRef func = JSValueToObject(ctx_, prop, nullptr);
    if (JSObjectIsFunction(ctx_, func)) {
      JSValueRef args[2] = { val, JSValueMakeNumber(ctx_, start) };
      JSValueRef result = JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx_, func, instance_, 2, args, nullptr);
      if (JSValueIsNumber(ctx_, result)) {
        return static_cast<int>(JSValueToNumber(ctx_, result, nullptr));

  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 * internal
 * implementation of console.log 
static JSValueRef HyperloopLogger (JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception)
    if (argumentCount>0) 
        std::ostringstream stream;
        for (size_t c=0;c<argumentCount;c++)
            if (JSValueIsObject(ctx,arguments[c]) || JSValueIsString(ctx,arguments[c])) 
                std::string str(HyperloopJSValueToStringCopy(ctx,arguments[c],exception));
                stream << str;
            else if (JSValueIsNumber(ctx,arguments[c]))
                double num = JSValueToNumber(ctx,arguments[c],exception);
                double intpart;
                if (modf(num, &intpart) == 0.0)
                    stream << intpart;
                    stream << num;
            else if (JSValueIsBoolean(ctx,arguments[c]))
                bool b = JSValueToBoolean(ctx,arguments[c]);
                stream << (b ? "true":"false");
            else if (JSValueIsNull(ctx,arguments[c]))
                stream << "null";
            else if (JSValueIsUndefined(ctx,arguments[c]))
                stream << "undefined";
            if (c+1 < argumentCount) 
                stream << " ";
        // call the platform adapter
    return JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);
Ejemplo n.º 25
static string dumpPath(JSGlobalContextRef context, JSObjectRef nodeValue)
    JSValueRef nodeNameValue = propertyValue(context, nodeValue, "nodeName");
    JSRetainPtr<JSStringRef> jsStringNodeName(Adopt, JSValueToStringCopy(context, nodeNameValue, 0));
    WKRetainPtr<WKStringRef> nodeName = toWK(jsStringNodeName);

    JSValueRef parentNode = propertyValue(context, nodeValue, "parentNode");

    ostringstream out;
    out << nodeName;

    if (parentNode && JSValueIsObject(context, parentNode))
        out << " > " << dumpPath(context, (JSObjectRef)parentNode);

    return out.str();
Ejemplo n.º 26
static JSValueRef
JSOSInstaller_setDoneHookFunc(JSContextRef context, JSObjectRef function, JSObjectRef thisObject, size_t argumentCount, const JSValueRef arguments[], JSValueRef* exception)
    if (!JSValueIsObjectOfClass(context, thisObject, JSOSInstaller_class(context))) {
        JSStringRef message = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("TypeError: SetDoneHookFunc can only be called on JSOSInstaller");
        *exception = JSValueMakeString(context, message);
    } else if (argumentCount < 1 || !JSValueIsObject(context, arguments[0])) {
        JSStringRef message = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("TypeError: first argument to SetDoneHookFunc must be a callable");
        *exception = JSValueMakeString(context, message);
    } else {
        JSInstaller* jsinst = JSObjectGetPrivate(thisObject);
        jsinst->done_func = JSValueToObject(context,arguments[0],exception);

    return JSValueMakeUndefined(context);
Ejemplo n.º 27
void QtBuiltinBundlePage::registerNavigatorQtObject(JSGlobalContextRef context)
    static JSStringRef postMessageName = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("postMessage");
    static JSStringRef navigatorName = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("navigator");
    static JSStringRef qtName = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("qt");

    if (m_navigatorQtObject)
        JSValueUnprotect(context, m_navigatorQtObject);
    m_navigatorQtObject = JSObjectMake(context, navigatorQtObjectClass(), this);
    JSValueProtect(context, m_navigatorQtObject);

    JSObjectRef postMessage = JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback(context, postMessageName, qt_postMessageCallback);
    JSObjectSetProperty(context, m_navigatorQtObject, postMessageName, postMessage, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, 0);

    JSValueRef navigatorValue = JSObjectGetProperty(context, JSContextGetGlobalObject(context), navigatorName, 0);
    if (!JSValueIsObject(context, navigatorValue))
    JSObjectRef navigatorObject = JSValueToObject(context, navigatorValue, 0);
    JSObjectSetProperty(context, navigatorObject, qtName, m_navigatorQtObject, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 28
    KValueRef KKJSMethod::Call(KObjectRef thisObject, const ValueList& args)
        JSValueRef thisObjectValue = KJSUtil::ToJSValue(Value::NewObject(thisObject), this->context);
        if (!JSValueIsObject(this->context, thisObjectValue))
            SharedString ss(thisObject->DisplayString());
            throw ValueException::FromFormat("Could not convert %s to JSObjectRef for KKJSMethod::Call",

        JSObjectRef jsThisObject = JSValueToObject(this->context, thisObjectValue, NULL);
        if (!jsThisObject)
            SharedString ss(thisObject->DisplayString());
            throw ValueException::FromFormat("Could not convert %s to JSObjectRef for KKJSMethod::Call",

        return this->Call(jsThisObject, args);
Ejemplo n.º 29
static void callOnMessage(JSObjectRef object, WKStringRef contents, WKBundlePageRef page)
    static JSStringRef onmessageName = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("onmessage");

    if (!object)

    WKBundleFrameRef frame = WKBundlePageGetMainFrame(page);
    JSGlobalContextRef context = WKBundleFrameGetJavaScriptContext(frame);

    JSValueRef onmessageValue = JSObjectGetProperty(context, object, onmessageName, 0);
    if (!JSValueIsObject(context, onmessageValue))

    JSObjectRef onmessageFunction = JSValueToObject(context, onmessageValue, 0);
    if (!JSObjectIsFunction(context, onmessageFunction))

    JSObjectRef wrappedMessage = createWrappedMessage(context, contents);
    JSObjectCallAsFunction(context, onmessageFunction, 0, 1, &wrappedMessage, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 30
static void registerNavigatorObject(JSObjectRef *object, JSStringRef name,
                                    JSGlobalContextRef context, void* data,
                                    CreateClassRefCallback createClassRefCallback,
                                    JSStringRef postMessageName, JSObjectCallAsFunctionCallback postMessageCallback)
    static JSStringRef navigatorName = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("navigator");

    if (*object)
        JSValueUnprotect(context, *object);
    *object = JSObjectMake(context, createClassRefCallback(), data);
    JSValueProtect(context, *object);

    JSObjectRef postMessage = JSObjectMakeFunctionWithCallback(context, postMessageName, postMessageCallback);
    JSObjectSetProperty(context, *object, postMessageName, postMessage, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, 0);

    JSValueRef navigatorValue = JSObjectGetProperty(context, JSContextGetGlobalObject(context), navigatorName, 0);
    if (!JSValueIsObject(context, navigatorValue))
    JSObjectRef navigatorObject = JSValueToObject(context, navigatorValue, 0);
    JSObjectSetProperty(context, navigatorObject, name, *object, kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete | kJSPropertyAttributeReadOnly, 0);