static void signal_exec(VALUE cmd, int safe, int sig) { rb_thread_t *cur_th = GET_THREAD(); volatile unsigned long old_interrupt_mask = cur_th->interrupt_mask; int state; /* * workaround the following race: * 1. signal_enque queues signal for execution * 2. user calls trap(sig, "IGNORE"), setting SIG_IGN * 3. rb_signal_exec runs on queued signal */ if (IMMEDIATE_P(cmd)) return; cur_th->interrupt_mask |= TRAP_INTERRUPT_MASK; TH_PUSH_TAG(cur_th); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { VALUE signum = INT2NUM(sig); rb_eval_cmd(cmd, rb_ary_new3(1, signum), safe); } TH_POP_TAG(); cur_th = GET_THREAD(); cur_th->interrupt_mask = old_interrupt_mask; if (state) { /* XXX: should be replaced with rb_threadptr_pending_interrupt_enque() */ JUMP_TAG(state); } }
VALUE rb_method_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE method) { VALUE result = Qnil; /* OK */ struct METHOD *data; int state; volatile int safe = -1; Data_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, data); if (data->recv == Qundef) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "can't call unbound method; bind first"); } PUSH_TAG(); if (OBJ_TAINTED(method)) { safe = rb_safe_level(); if (rb_safe_level() < 4) { rb_set_safe_level_force(4); } } if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); VALUE rb_vm_call(rb_thread_t * th, VALUE klass, VALUE recv, VALUE id, ID oid, int argc, const VALUE *argv, const NODE *body, int nosuper); PASS_PASSED_BLOCK_TH(th); result = rb_vm_call(th, data->oclass, data->recv, data->id, data->oid, argc, argv, data->body, 0); } POP_TAG(); if (safe >= 0) rb_set_safe_level_force(safe); if (state) JUMP_TAG(state); return result; }
VALUE rb_debug_inspector_open(rb_debug_inspector_func_t func, void *data) { rb_debug_inspector_t dbg_context; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); int state; volatile VALUE UNINITIALIZED_VAR(result); = th; dbg_context.cfp =>cfp; dbg_context.backtrace = rb_vm_backtrace_location_ary(th, 0, 0); dbg_context.backtrace_size = RARRAY_LEN(dbg_context.backtrace); dbg_context.contexts = collect_caller_bindings(th); TH_PUSH_TAG(th); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { result = (*func)(&dbg_context, data); } TH_POP_TAG(); /* invalidate bindings? */ if (state) { JUMP_TAG(state); } return result; }
VALUE rb_vm_invoke_proc(rb_thread_t *th, rb_proc_t *proc, VALUE self, int argc, const VALUE *argv, const rb_block_t * blockptr) { VALUE val = Qundef; int state; volatile int stored_safe = th->safe_level; TH_PUSH_TAG(th); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { if (!proc->is_from_method) { th->safe_level = proc->safe_level; } val = invoke_block_from_c(th, &proc->block, self, argc, argv, blockptr, 0); } TH_POP_TAG(); if (!proc->is_from_method) { th->safe_level = stored_safe; } if (state) { JUMP_TAG(state); } return val; }
static VALUE rb_f_catch(int argc, VALUE *argv) { VALUE tag; int state; VALUE val = Qnil; /* OK */ rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); rb_control_frame_t *saved_cfp = th->cfp; if (argc == 0) { tag = rb_obj_alloc(rb_cObject); } else { rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &tag); } PUSH_TAG(); th->tag->tag = tag; if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { val = rb_yield_0(1, &tag); } else if (state == TAG_THROW && RNODE(th->errinfo)->u1.value == tag) { th->cfp = saved_cfp; val = th->tag->retval; th->errinfo = Qnil; state = 0; } POP_TAG(); if (state) JUMP_TAG(state); return val; }
VALUE rb_require_safe(VALUE fname, int safe) { volatile VALUE result = Qnil; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); volatile VALUE errinfo = th->errinfo; int state; struct { int safe; } volatile saved; char *volatile ftptr = 0; PUSH_TAG(); = rb_safe_level(); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { VALUE path; long handle; int found; rb_set_safe_level_force(safe); FilePathValue(fname); rb_set_safe_level_force(0); found = search_required(fname, &path, safe); if (found) { if (!path || !(ftptr = load_lock(RSTRING_PTR(path)))) { result = Qfalse; } else { switch (found) { case 'r': rb_load_internal(path, 0); break; case 's': handle = (long)rb_vm_call_cfunc(rb_vm_top_self(), load_ext, path, 0, path); rb_ary_push(ruby_dln_librefs, LONG2NUM(handle)); break; } rb_provide_feature(path); result = Qtrue; } } } POP_TAG(); load_unlock(ftptr, !state); rb_set_safe_level_force(; if (state) { JUMP_TAG(state); } if (NIL_P(result)) { load_failed(fname); } th->errinfo = errinfo; return result; }
VALUE rb_eval_string_wrap(const char *str, int *state) { int status; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); VALUE self = th->top_self; VALUE wrapper = th->top_wrapper; VALUE val; th->top_wrapper = rb_module_new(); th->top_self = rb_obj_clone(rb_vm_top_self()); rb_extend_object(th->top_self, th->top_wrapper); val = rb_eval_string_protect(str, &status); th->top_self = self; th->top_wrapper = wrapper; if (state) { *state = status; } else if (status) { JUMP_TAG(status); } return val; }
static VALUE rb_f_throw(int argc, VALUE *argv) { VALUE tag, value; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); struct rb_vm_tag *tt = th->tag; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &tag, &value); while (tt) { if (tt->tag == tag) { tt->retval = value; break; } tt = tt->prev; } if (!tt) { VALUE desc = rb_inspect(tag); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "uncaught throw %s", RSTRING_PTR(desc)); } rb_trap_restore_mask(); th->errinfo = NEW_THROW_OBJECT(tag, 0, TAG_THROW); JUMP_TAG(TAG_THROW); #ifndef __GNUC__ return Qnil; /* not reached */ #endif }
VALUE rb_method_call(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE method) { VALUE result = Qnil; /* OK */ struct METHOD *data; int state; volatile int safe = -1; Data_Get_Struct(method, struct METHOD, data); if (data->recv == Qundef) { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "can't call unbound method; bind first"); } PUSH_TAG(PROT_NONE); if (OBJ_TAINTED(method)) { safe = rb_safe_level(); if (rb_safe_level() < 4) { rb_set_safe_level_force(4); } } if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { PASS_PASSED_BLOCK(); result = th_call0(GET_THREAD(), data->klass, data->recv, data->id, data->oid, argc, argv, data->body, 0); } POP_TAG(); if (safe >= 0) rb_set_safe_level_force(safe); if (state) JUMP_TAG(state); return result; }
void rb_vm_jump_tag_but_local_jump(int state, VALUE val) { if (val != Qnil) { VALUE exc = rb_vm_make_jump_tag_but_local_jump(state, val); rb_exc_raise(exc); } JUMP_TAG(state); }
static void rb_load_internal(VALUE fname, int wrap) { rb_thread_t *curr_th = GET_THREAD(); int state = rb_load_internal0(curr_th, fname, wrap); if (state) { if (state == TAG_RAISE) rb_exc_raise(curr_th->errinfo); JUMP_TAG(state); } }
VALUE rb_require_safe(VALUE fname, int safe) { int result = rb_require_internal(fname, safe); if (result > TAG_RETURN) { JUMP_TAG(result); } if (result < 0) { load_failed(fname); } return result ? Qtrue : Qfalse; }
static void signal_exec(VALUE cmd, int safe, int sig) { rb_thread_t *cur_th = GET_THREAD(); volatile unsigned long old_interrupt_mask = cur_th->interrupt_mask; int state; cur_th->interrupt_mask |= TRAP_INTERRUPT_MASK; TH_PUSH_TAG(cur_th); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { VALUE signum = INT2NUM(sig); rb_eval_cmd(cmd, rb_ary_new3(1, signum), safe); } TH_POP_TAG(); cur_th = GET_THREAD(); cur_th->interrupt_mask = old_interrupt_mask; if (state) { /* XXX: should be replaced with rb_threadptr_pending_interrupt_enque() */ JUMP_TAG(state); } }
VALUE rb_suppress_tracing(VALUE (*func)(VALUE), VALUE arg) { volatile int raised; volatile int outer_state; VALUE result = Qnil; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); int state; const int tracing = th->trace_arg ? 1 : 0; rb_trace_arg_t dummy_trace_arg; dummy_trace_arg.event = 0; if (!tracing) th->vm->trace_running++; if (!th->trace_arg) th->trace_arg = &dummy_trace_arg; raised = rb_threadptr_reset_raised(th); outer_state = th->state; th->state = 0; TH_PUSH_TAG(th); if ((state = TH_EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { result = (*func)(arg); } TH_POP_TAG(); if (raised) { rb_threadptr_set_raised(th); } if (th->trace_arg == &dummy_trace_arg) th->trace_arg = 0; if (!tracing) th->vm->trace_running--; if (state) { JUMP_TAG(state); } th->state = outer_state; return result; }
VALUE rb_eval_cmd(VALUE cmd, VALUE arg, int level) { int state; VALUE val = Qnil; /* OK */ volatile int safe = rb_safe_level(); if (OBJ_TAINTED(cmd)) { level = 4; } if (TYPE(cmd) != T_STRING) { PUSH_TAG(); rb_set_safe_level_force(level); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { val = rb_funcall2(cmd, rb_intern("call"), RARRAY_LEN(arg), RARRAY_PTR(arg)); } POP_TAG(); rb_set_safe_level_force(safe); if (state) JUMP_TAG(state); return val; } PUSH_TAG(); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { val = eval_string(rb_vm_top_self(), cmd, Qnil, 0, 0); } POP_TAG(); rb_set_safe_level_force(safe); if (state) rb_vm_jump_tag_but_local_jump(state, val); return val; }
/*RHO static*/ VALUE eval_string_with_cref(VALUE self, VALUE src, VALUE scope, NODE *cref, const char *file, int line) { int state; VALUE result = Qundef; VALUE envval; rb_binding_t *bind = 0; rb_thread_t *th = GET_THREAD(); rb_env_t *env = NULL; rb_block_t block; volatile int parse_in_eval; volatile int mild_compile_error; if (file == 0) { file = rb_sourcefile(); line = rb_sourceline(); } parse_in_eval = th->parse_in_eval; mild_compile_error = th->mild_compile_error; PUSH_TAG(); if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { rb_iseq_t *iseq; volatile VALUE iseqval; if (scope != Qnil) { if (rb_obj_is_kind_of(scope, rb_cBinding)) { GetBindingPtr(scope, bind); envval = bind->env; } else { rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (expected Binding)", rb_obj_classname(scope)); } GetEnvPtr(envval, env); th->base_block = &env->block; } else { rb_control_frame_t *cfp = rb_vm_get_ruby_level_next_cfp(th, th->cfp); if (cfp != 0) { block = *RUBY_VM_GET_BLOCK_PTR_IN_CFP(cfp); th->base_block = █ th->base_block->self = self; th->base_block->iseq = cfp->iseq; /* TODO */ } else { rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Can't eval on top of Fiber or Thread"); } } //RHO if ( TYPE(src) != T_STRING ){ iseqval = src; }else //RHO { /* make eval iseq */ th->parse_in_eval++; th->mild_compile_error++; iseqval = rb_iseq_compile(src, rb_str_new2(file), INT2FIX(line)); th->mild_compile_error--; th->parse_in_eval--; } vm_set_eval_stack(th, iseqval, cref); th->base_block = 0; if (0) { /* for debug */ printf("%s\n", RSTRING_PTR(rb_iseq_disasm(iseqval))); } /* save new env */ GetISeqPtr(iseqval, iseq); if (bind && iseq->local_size > 0) { bind->env = rb_vm_make_env_object(th, th->cfp); } /* kick */ CHECK_STACK_OVERFLOW(th->cfp, iseq->stack_max); result = vm_exec(th); } POP_TAG(); th->mild_compile_error = mild_compile_error; th->parse_in_eval = parse_in_eval; if (state) { if (state == TAG_RAISE) { VALUE errinfo = th->errinfo; if (strcmp(file, "(eval)") == 0) { VALUE mesg, errat, bt2; extern VALUE rb_get_backtrace(VALUE info); ID id_mesg; CONST_ID(id_mesg, "mesg"); errat = rb_get_backtrace(errinfo); mesg = rb_attr_get(errinfo, id_mesg); if (!NIL_P(errat) && TYPE(errat) == T_ARRAY && (bt2 = vm_backtrace(th, -2), RARRAY_LEN(bt2) > 0)) { if (!NIL_P(mesg) && TYPE(mesg) == T_STRING && !RSTRING_LEN(mesg)) { if (OBJ_FROZEN(mesg)) { VALUE m = rb_str_cat(rb_str_dup(RARRAY_PTR(errat)[0]), ": ", 2); rb_ivar_set(errinfo, id_mesg, rb_str_append(m, mesg)); } else { rb_str_update(mesg, 0, 0, rb_str_new2(": ")); rb_str_update(mesg, 0, 0, RARRAY_PTR(errat)[0]); } } RARRAY_PTR(errat)[0] = RARRAY_PTR(bt2)[0]; } } rb_exc_raise(errinfo); } JUMP_TAG(state); } return result; }
static VALUE vm_exec(rb_thread_t *th) { int state; VALUE result, err; VALUE initial = 0; VALUE *escape_dfp = NULL; TH_PUSH_TAG(th); _tag.retval = Qnil; if ((state = EXEC_TAG()) == 0) { vm_loop_start: result = vm_exec_core(th, initial); if ((state = th->state) != 0) { err = result; th->state = 0; goto exception_handler; } } else { int i; struct iseq_catch_table_entry *entry; unsigned long epc, cont_pc, cont_sp; VALUE catch_iseqval; rb_control_frame_t *cfp; VALUE type; err = th->errinfo; exception_handler: cont_pc = cont_sp = catch_iseqval = 0; while (th->cfp->pc == 0 || th->cfp->iseq == 0) { if (UNLIKELY(VM_FRAME_TYPE(th->cfp) == VM_FRAME_MAGIC_CFUNC)) { const rb_method_entry_t *me = th->cfp->me; EXEC_EVENT_HOOK(th, RUBY_EVENT_C_RETURN, th->cfp->self, me->called_id, me->klass); } th->cfp = RUBY_VM_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME(th->cfp); } cfp = th->cfp; epc = cfp->pc - cfp->iseq->iseq_encoded; if (state == TAG_BREAK || state == TAG_RETURN) { escape_dfp = GET_THROWOBJ_CATCH_POINT(err); if (cfp->dfp == escape_dfp) { if (state == TAG_RETURN) { if ((cfp + 1)->pc != &finish_insn_seq[0]) { SET_THROWOBJ_CATCH_POINT(err, (VALUE)(cfp + 1)->dfp); SET_THROWOBJ_STATE(err, state = TAG_BREAK); } else { for (i = 0; i < cfp->iseq->catch_table_size; i++) { entry = &cfp->iseq->catch_table[i]; if (entry->start < epc && entry->end >= epc) { if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) { catch_iseqval = entry->iseq; cont_pc = entry->cont; cont_sp = entry->sp; break; } } } if (!catch_iseqval) { result = GET_THROWOBJ_VAL(err); th->errinfo = Qnil; th->cfp += 2; goto finish_vme; } } /* through */ } else { /* TAG_BREAK */ #if OPT_STACK_CACHING initial = (GET_THROWOBJ_VAL(err)); #else *th->cfp->sp++ = (GET_THROWOBJ_VAL(err)); #endif th->errinfo = Qnil; goto vm_loop_start; } } } if (state == TAG_RAISE) { for (i = 0; i < cfp->iseq->catch_table_size; i++) { entry = &cfp->iseq->catch_table[i]; if (entry->start < epc && entry->end >= epc) { if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_RESCUE || entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) { catch_iseqval = entry->iseq; cont_pc = entry->cont; cont_sp = entry->sp; break; } } } } else if (state == TAG_RETRY) { for (i = 0; i < cfp->iseq->catch_table_size; i++) { entry = &cfp->iseq->catch_table[i]; if (entry->start < epc && entry->end >= epc) { if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) { catch_iseqval = entry->iseq; cont_pc = entry->cont; cont_sp = entry->sp; break; } else if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_RETRY) { VALUE *escape_dfp; escape_dfp = GET_THROWOBJ_CATCH_POINT(err); if (cfp->dfp == escape_dfp) { cfp->pc = cfp->iseq->iseq_encoded + entry->cont; th->errinfo = Qnil; goto vm_loop_start; } } } } } else if (state == TAG_BREAK && ((VALUE)escape_dfp & ~0x03) == 0) { type = CATCH_TYPE_BREAK; search_restart_point: for (i = 0; i < cfp->iseq->catch_table_size; i++) { entry = &cfp->iseq->catch_table[i]; if (entry->start < epc && entry->end >= epc) { if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) { catch_iseqval = entry->iseq; cont_pc = entry->cont; cont_sp = entry->sp; break; } else if (entry->type == type) { cfp->pc = cfp->iseq->iseq_encoded + entry->cont; cfp->sp = cfp->bp + entry->sp; if (state != TAG_REDO) { #if OPT_STACK_CACHING initial = (GET_THROWOBJ_VAL(err)); #else *th->cfp->sp++ = (GET_THROWOBJ_VAL(err)); #endif } th->errinfo = Qnil; goto vm_loop_start; } } } } else if (state == TAG_REDO) { type = CATCH_TYPE_REDO; goto search_restart_point; } else if (state == TAG_NEXT) { type = CATCH_TYPE_NEXT; goto search_restart_point; } else { for (i = 0; i < cfp->iseq->catch_table_size; i++) { entry = &cfp->iseq->catch_table[i]; if (entry->start < epc && entry->end >= epc) { if (entry->type == CATCH_TYPE_ENSURE) { catch_iseqval = entry->iseq; cont_pc = entry->cont; cont_sp = entry->sp; break; } } } } if (catch_iseqval != 0) { /* found catch table */ rb_iseq_t *catch_iseq; /* enter catch scope */ GetISeqPtr(catch_iseqval, catch_iseq); cfp->sp = cfp->bp + cont_sp; cfp->pc = cfp->iseq->iseq_encoded + cont_pc; /* push block frame */ cfp->sp[0] = err; vm_push_frame(th, catch_iseq, VM_FRAME_MAGIC_BLOCK, cfp->self, (VALUE)cfp->dfp, catch_iseq->iseq_encoded, cfp->sp + 1 /* push value */, cfp->lfp, catch_iseq->local_size - 1); state = 0; th->state = 0; th->errinfo = Qnil; goto vm_loop_start; } else { /* skip frame */ switch (VM_FRAME_TYPE(th->cfp)) { case VM_FRAME_MAGIC_METHOD: EXEC_EVENT_HOOK(th, RUBY_EVENT_RETURN, th->cfp->self, 0, 0); break; case VM_FRAME_MAGIC_CLASS: EXEC_EVENT_HOOK(th, RUBY_EVENT_END, th->cfp->self, 0, 0); break; } th->cfp = RUBY_VM_PREVIOUS_CONTROL_FRAME(th->cfp); if (VM_FRAME_TYPE(th->cfp) != VM_FRAME_MAGIC_FINISH) { goto exception_handler; } else { vm_pop_frame(th); th->errinfo = err; TH_POP_TAG2(); JUMP_TAG(state); } } } finish_vme: TH_POP_TAG(); return result; }