Ejemplo n.º 1
int uv_rwlock_trywrlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock) {
    int r;

    r = pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwlock);

    if (r && r != EBUSY && r != EAGAIN) JXABORT("11");

    if (r)
        return -1;
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int uv_mutex_init(uv_mutex_t* mutex) {
#if defined(NDEBUG) || !defined(PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK)
    if (pthread_mutex_init(mutex, NULL))
        return -1;
        return 0;
    pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
    int r;

    if (pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr)) JXABORT("1");

    if (pthread_mutexattr_settype(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ERRORCHECK)) JXABORT("1");

    r = pthread_mutex_init(mutex, &attr);

    if (pthread_mutexattr_destroy(&attr)) JXABORT("1");

    return r ? -1 : 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int uv_mutex_trylock(uv_mutex_t* mutex) {
    int r;

    r = pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex);

    if (r && r != EBUSY && r != EAGAIN) JXABORT("4");

    if (r)
        return -1;
        return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void uv_barrier_wait(uv_barrier_t* barrier) {
    int r = pthread_barrier_wait(barrier);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void uv_barrier_destroy(uv_barrier_t* barrier) {
    if (pthread_barrier_destroy(barrier)) JXABORT("21");
Ejemplo n.º 6
void uv_cond_wait(uv_cond_t* cond, uv_mutex_t* mutex) {
    if (pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex)) JXABORT("18");
Ejemplo n.º 7
void uv_cond_broadcast(uv_cond_t* cond) {
    if (pthread_cond_broadcast(cond)) JXABORT("17");
Ejemplo n.º 8
static int read_times(unsigned int numcpus, uv_cpu_info_t* ci) {
  unsigned long clock_ticks;
  struct uv_cpu_times_s ts;
  unsigned long user;
  unsigned long nice;
  unsigned long sys;
  unsigned long idle;
  unsigned long dummy;
  unsigned long irq;
  unsigned int num;
  unsigned int len;
  char buf[1024];
  FILE* fp;

  clock_ticks = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
  assert(clock_ticks != (unsigned long)-1);
  assert(clock_ticks != 0);

  fp = fopen("/proc/stat", "r");
  if (fp == NULL) return -1;

  if (!fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) JXABORT("A4");

  num = 0;

  while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) {
    if (num >= numcpus) break;

    if (strncmp(buf, "cpu", 3)) break;

    /* skip "cpu<num> " marker */
      unsigned int n = num;
      for (len = sizeof("cpu0"); n /= 10; len++)
      assert(sscanf(buf, "cpu%u ", &n) == 1 && n >= num);

      while (n > num) {
        // OS has a bug and we couldn't read the previous CPU value
        ts.user = 0;
        ts.nice = 0;
        ts.sys = 0;
        ts.idle = 0;
        ts.irq = 0;
        ci[num].cpu_times = ts;

    /* Line contains user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq, steal,
     * guest, guest_nice but we're only interested in the first four + irq.
     * Don't use %*s to skip fields or %ll to read straight into the uint64_t
     * fields, they're not allowed in C89 mode.
    if (6 != sscanf(buf + len, "%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu", &user, &nice, &sys,
                    &idle, &dummy, &irq))

    ts.user = clock_ticks * user;
    ts.nice = clock_ticks * nice;
    ts.sys = clock_ticks * sys;
    ts.idle = clock_ticks * idle;
    ts.irq = clock_ticks * irq;
    ci[num++].cpu_times = ts;

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void uv_mutex_unlock(uv_mutex_t* mutex) {
    if (pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex)) JXABORT("5");
Ejemplo n.º 10
void uv_once(uv_once_t* guard, void (*callback)(void)) {
    if (pthread_once(guard, callback)) JXABORT("13");
Ejemplo n.º 11
void uv_rwlock_wrunlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock) {
    if (pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock)) JXABORT("12");
Ejemplo n.º 12
void uv_rwlock_wrlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock) {
    if (pthread_rwlock_wrlock(rwlock)) JXABORT("10");
Ejemplo n.º 13
void uv_rwlock_rdunlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock) {
    if (pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwlock)) JXABORT("9");
Ejemplo n.º 14
void uv_rwlock_rdlock(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock) {
    if (pthread_rwlock_rdlock(rwlock)) JXABORT("7");
Ejemplo n.º 15
void uv_mutex_destroy(uv_mutex_t* mutex) {
    if (pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex)) JXABORT("2");
Ejemplo n.º 16
void uv_cond_destroy(uv_cond_t* cond) {
    if (pthread_cond_destroy(cond)) JXABORT("15");
Ejemplo n.º 17
void uv_cond_signal(uv_cond_t* cond) {
    if (pthread_cond_signal(cond)) JXABORT("16");
Ejemplo n.º 18
void uv_rwlock_destroy(uv_rwlock_t* rwlock) {
    if (pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwlock)) JXABORT("6");
Ejemplo n.º 19
void uv__io_poll_jx(uv_loop_t* loop, int timeout, const int tid) {
  static int no_epoll_pwait;
  static int no_epoll_wait;
  struct uv__epoll_event events[1024];
  struct uv__epoll_event* pe;
  struct uv__epoll_event e;
  QUEUE* q;
  uv__io_t* w;
  sigset_t sigset;
  uint64_t sigmask;
  uint64_t base;
  uint64_t diff;
  int nevents;
  int count;
  int nfds;
  int fd;
  int op;
  int i;

  if (loop->nfds == 0) {

  while (!QUEUE_EMPTY(&loop->watcher_queue)) {
    q = QUEUE_HEAD(&loop->watcher_queue);

    w = QUEUE_DATA(q, uv__io_t, watcher_queue);
    assert(w->pevents != 0);
    assert(w->fd >= 0);
    assert(w->fd < (int)loop->nwatchers);

    e.events = w->pevents;
    e.data = w->fd;

    if (w->events == 0)
      op = UV__EPOLL_CTL_ADD;
      op = UV__EPOLL_CTL_MOD;

    /* XXX Future optimization: do EPOLL_CTL_MOD lazily if we stop watching
     * events, skip the syscall and squelch the events after epoll_wait().
    if (uv__epoll_ctl(loop->backend_fd, op, w->fd, &e)) {
      if (errno != EEXIST) JXABORT("A1");

      assert(op == UV__EPOLL_CTL_ADD);

      /* We've reactivated a file descriptor that's been watched before. */
      if (uv__epoll_ctl(loop->backend_fd, UV__EPOLL_CTL_MOD, w->fd, &e))

    w->events = w->pevents;

  sigmask = 0;
  if (loop->flags & UV_LOOP_BLOCK_SIGPROF) {
    sigaddset(&sigset, SIGPROF);
    sigmask |= 1 << (SIGPROF - 1);

  assert(timeout >= -1);
  base = loop->time;
  count = 48; /* Benchmarks suggest this gives the best throughput. */

  for (;;) {
    if (sigmask != 0 && no_epoll_pwait != 0)
      if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL)) abort();

    if (sigmask != 0 && no_epoll_pwait == 0) {
      nfds = uv__epoll_pwait(loop->backend_fd, events, ARRAY_SIZE(events),
                             timeout, sigmask);
      if (nfds == -1 && errno == ENOSYS) no_epoll_pwait = 1;
    } else {
      nfds =
          uv__epoll_wait(loop->backend_fd, events, ARRAY_SIZE(events), timeout);
      if (nfds == -1 && errno == ENOSYS) no_epoll_wait = 1;

    if (sigmask != 0 && no_epoll_pwait != 0)
      if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &sigset, NULL)) abort();

    /* Update loop->time unconditionally. It's tempting to skip the update when
     * timeout == 0 (i.e. non-blocking poll) but there is no guarantee that the
     * operating system didn't reschedule our process while in the syscall.

    if (nfds == 0) {
      assert(timeout != -1);

    if (nfds == -1) {
      if (errno == ENOSYS) {
        /* epoll_wait() or epoll_pwait() failed, try the other system call. */
        assert(no_epoll_wait == 0 || no_epoll_pwait == 0);

      if (errno != EINTR && loop->stop_flag != 1)
      else if (loop->stop_flag == 1) {

      if (timeout == -1) continue;

      if (timeout == 0) return;

      /* Interrupted by a signal. Update timeout and poll again. */
      goto update_timeout;

    nevents = 0;

    assert(loop->watchers != NULL);
    loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers] = (void*)events;
    loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers + 1] = (void*)(uintptr_t)nfds;
    for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++) {
      pe = events + i;
      fd = pe->data;

      /* Skip invalidated events, see uv__platform_invalidate_fd */
      if (fd == -1) continue;

      assert(fd >= 0);
      assert((unsigned)fd < loop->nwatchers);

      w = loop->watchers[fd];

      if (w == NULL) {
        /* File descriptor that we've stopped watching, disarm it.
         * Ignore all errors because we may be racing with another thread
         * when the file descriptor is closed.
        uv__epoll_ctl(loop->backend_fd, UV__EPOLL_CTL_DEL, fd, pe);

      /* Give users only events they're interested in. Prevents spurious
       * callbacks when previous callback invocation in this loop has stopped
       * the current watcher. Also, filters out events that users has not
       * requested us to watch.
      pe->events &= w->pevents | UV__POLLERR | UV__POLLHUP;

      /* Work around an epoll quirk where it sometimes reports just the
       * EPOLLERR or EPOLLHUP event.  In order to force the event loop to
       * move forward, we merge in the read/write events that the watcher
       * is interested in; uv__read() and uv__write() will then deal with
       * the error or hangup in the usual fashion.
       * Note to self: happens when epoll reports EPOLLIN|EPOLLHUP, the user
       * reads the available data, calls uv_read_stop(), then sometime later
       * calls uv_read_start() again.  By then, libuv has forgotten about the
       * hangup and the kernel won't report EPOLLIN again because there's
       * nothing left to read.  If anything, libuv is to blame here.  The
       * current hack is just a quick bandaid; to properly fix it, libuv
       * needs to remember the error/hangup event.  We should get that for
       * free when we switch over to edge-triggered I/O.
      if (pe->events == UV__EPOLLERR || pe->events == UV__EPOLLHUP)
        pe->events |= w->pevents & (UV__EPOLLIN | UV__EPOLLOUT);

      if (pe->events != 0) {
        w->cb(loop, w, pe->events);
    loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers] = NULL;
    loop->watchers[loop->nwatchers + 1] = NULL;

    if (nevents != 0) {
      if (nfds == ARRAY_SIZE(events) && --count != 0) {
        /* Poll for more events but don't block this time. */
        timeout = 0;

    if (timeout == 0) return;

    if (timeout == -1) continue;

    assert(timeout > 0);

    diff = loop->time - base;
    if (diff >= (uint64_t)timeout) return;

    timeout -= diff;