Ejemplo n.º 1
rc_t ArchiveAndEncrypt(KDirectory* wd, const char* inpath, const char* outpath, const char* passwd)
    const KDirectory* d;
    rc_t rc = KDirectoryOpenDirRead (wd, &d, false, "%s", inpath);
    if (rc == 0)
        const KFile* infile;
        rc_t rc2;
        rc = KDirectoryOpenTocFileRead (d, &infile, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (rc == 0)
            KFile* outfile;
            /* if the file exists, add write access */
            KDirectorySetAccess( wd, false, 0600, 0777, "%s", outpath );
            rc = KDirectoryCreateFile(wd, &outfile, false, 0600, kcmCreate|kcmInit, "%s", outpath);
            if ( rc == 0 )
                KFile* enc_outfile;
                KKey key;
                rc = KKeyInitRead(&key, kkeyAES256, passwd, string_measure(passwd, NULL));
                if ( rc == 0 )
                    rc = KEncFileMakeWrite(&enc_outfile, outfile, &key);
                if (rc == 0)
                    rc = copy_file(infile, enc_outfile);
                rc2 = KFileRelease(outfile);
                if (rc == 0)
                    rc = rc2;
                /* remove write access */
                rc2 = KDirectorySetAccess( wd, false, 0400, 0777, "%s", outpath );
                if (rc == 0)
                    rc = rc2;
                rc2 = KFileRelease(enc_outfile);
                if (rc == 0)
                    rc = rc2;
            rc2 = KFileRelease(infile);
            if (rc == 0)
                rc = rc2;
        rc2 = KDirectoryRelease(d);
        if (rc == 0)
            rc = rc2;
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * copies top/inname (a directory) 
 * to targettop/outname, i.e. creates outname as a copy of that directory.
rc_t CopyDirectoryToExistingDirectory( const KDirectory *top, const char *inname, KDirectory *targettop, const char *outname )
  rc_t rc;
  uint32_t mode;
  const KDirectory *source;
  KDirectory *dest;
  rc = KDirectoryOpenDirRead(top, &source, true, "%s", (const char *)inname);
  if (rc != 0)
      LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "can't open input directory" );
      return rc;
  rc = KDirectoryAccess( top, &mode, "%s", inname);
  if (rc != 0)
      LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, inname );
      return rc;
  rc = KDirectoryCreateDir( targettop, mode, kcmOpen, "%s", outname );
  if (rc != 0)
      LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "can't create output directory" );
      return rc;
  if (clobber_protections) {
      KDirectorySetAccess( targettop, false, mode, 0777, "%s", outname);
  rc = KDirectoryOpenDirUpdate(targettop, &dest, true, "%s", outname);
  if (rc != 0)
      LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, "can't open directory for write" );
      return rc;
  CopyDirectoryFiles(source, dest);
  CopyDirectoryDirectories( source, dest );

  KDirectoryRelease( dest );
  KDirectoryRelease( source );
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
rc_t CopyDirectoryDirectories( const KDirectory *source, KDirectory *dest ) {
  rc_t rc;
  KNamelist *list;
  const char *name;
  int i;
  uint32_t count;
  uint32_t mode;
  uint32_t pathtype;

  KDirectoryList( source, &list, PathIsDir, NULL, ".");
  KNamelistCount(list, &count);
  for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
    KNamelistGet(list, i, &name);
    /* fprintf(stderr, "Creating directory %s\n", name); */
    mode = DEFAULT_DIR_MODE;
    rc = KDirectoryAccess( source, &mode, "%s", name);
    if (rc != 0)
	LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, name );
	return rc;
    pathtype = KDirectoryPathType( dest, "%s", name );
    if ((pathtype & ~kptAlias) == kptNotFound) {
        rc = KDirectoryCreateDir( dest, mode, kcmOpen, "%s", name );
      if (rc != 0)
	  LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, name );
	  return rc;
    } else if ((pathtype & ~kptAlias) == kptDir) {
      if (clobber_protections) {
          KDirectorySetAccess( dest, false, mode, 0777, "%s", name);
    CopyDirectoryToExistingDirectory( source, name, dest, (char *)name);
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
rc_t CopyMode( const KDirectory *source, const char *sourcename,
	       KDirectory *target, char *targetname )
  /* Make sure they both exist and are the same type */
  uint32_t src_pathtype;
  uint32_t dest_pathtype;
  uint32_t mode;
  rc_t rc;

  src_pathtype = KDirectoryPathType( source, "%s", sourcename );
  dest_pathtype = KDirectoryPathType( target, "%s", targetname );
  if ((src_pathtype & ~kptAlias) != (dest_pathtype & ~kptAlias)) {
    return -1;
  rc = KDirectoryAccess( source, &mode, "%s", sourcename );
  if (rc != 0)
      LOGERR ( klogInt, rc, sourcename );
      return rc;
  KDirectorySetAccess( target, false, mode, 0777, "%s", targetname );
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
rc_t FileToFile (const KDirectory * sd, const char * source,
                 KDirectory *dd, const char * dest_, bool try_rename,
                 char * base)
    const KFile * infile;
    rc_t rc;
    uint32_t access;
    KTime_t date;
    bool is_tmp;
    char dest [MY_MAX_PATH + sizeof EncExt];

    strcpy (dest, dest_);
    if (try_rename)
        NameFixUp (dest);

    if ((sd == dd) && (strcmp (source, dest) == 0))
        return FileInPlace (dd, dest, try_rename);

    if (base == NULL)
        STSMSG (1, ("%scrypting file %s to %s", De, source, dest));
        STSMSG (1, ("%scrypting file %s to %s/%s", De, source, base, dest));

     * A Hack to make stdin/stout work within KFS
    if (UseStdin)
        const KFile * iinfile;
        rc = KFileMakeStdIn (&iinfile);
        if (rc == 0)
            rc = KBufReadFileMakeRead (&infile, iinfile, 64 * 1024);
            KFileRelease (iinfile);
            if (rc == 0)
                access = 0640;
                date = 0;
                goto stdin_shortcut;
            LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "error wrapping stdin");
            return rc;
    rc = 0;
    is_tmp = IsTmpFile (source);

    if (is_tmp)
        TmpFoundFlag = true;
        if (ForceFlag)
            ; /* LOG OVERWRITE */
            ; /* LOG TMP */
    if (!is_tmp || ForceFlag)
        rc = KDirectoryAccess (sd, &access, "%s", source);
        if (rc)
            LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Error check permission of source");

            rc = KDirectoryDate (sd, &date, "%s", source);
            if (rc)
                LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "Error check date of source");

                rc = KDirectoryOpenFileRead (sd, &infile, "%s", source);
                if (rc)
                    PLOGERR (klogErr, (klogErr, rc,
                                       "Error opening source file '$(S)'",
                                       "S=%s", source));
                    EncScheme scheme;

                    rc = EncryptionTypeCheck (infile, source, &scheme);
                    if (rc == 0)
                        KFile * outfile;
                        uint32_t kcm;

                         * Hack to support stdout before VFS is complete enough to use here
                        if (UseStdout)
                            rc = KFileMakeStdOut (&outfile);
                            if (rc)
                                LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "error wrapping stdout");
                            kcm = ForceFlag ? kcmInit|kcmParents : kcmCreate|kcmParents;

                            rc = KDirectoryCreateFile (dd, &outfile, false, 0600, kcm, "%s", dest);
                            if (rc)
                                PLOGERR (klogErr,(klogErr, rc, "error opening output '$(O)'",
                                                  "O=%s", dest));
                        if (rc == 0)
                            const KFile * Infile;
                            KFile * Outfile;

                            rc = CryptFile (infile, &Infile, outfile, &Outfile, scheme);
                            if (rc == 0)
                                rc = CopyFile (Infile, Outfile, source, dest);
                                if (rc == 0)
                                    if (UseStdin || UseStdout)
                                        rc = KDirectorySetAccess (dd, false, access, 0777,
                                                                  "%s", dest);

                                        if (rc == 0 && date != 0)
                                            rc = KDirectorySetDate (dd, false, date, "%s", dest);
                                KFileRelease (Infile);
                                KFileRelease (Outfile);
                            KFileRelease (outfile);
                    KFileRelease (infile);
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 6
rc_t FileInPlace (KDirectory * cwd, const char * leaf, bool try_rename)
    rc_t rc;
    bool is_tmp;

    STSMSG (1, ("%scrypting file in place %s",De,leaf));

    rc = 0;
    is_tmp = IsTmpFile (leaf);

    if (is_tmp)
        STSMSG (1, ("%s is a vdb-decrypt/vdb-encrypt temporary file and will "
                    "be ignored", leaf));
        TmpFoundFlag = true;
        if (ForceFlag)
            ; /* LOG OVERWRITE */
            ; /* LOG TMP */
    if (!is_tmp || ForceFlag)
        char temp [MY_MAX_PATH];

        rc = KDirectoryResolvePath (cwd, false, temp, sizeof temp, ".%s%s",
                                    leaf, TmpExt);

        if (rc)
            PLOGERR (klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "unable to resolve '.$(S)$(E)'",
            KPathType kpt;
            uint32_t kcm;

            kcm = kcmCreate|kcmParents;
            kpt = KDirectoryPathType (cwd, temp);
            if (kpt != kptNotFound)
                /* log busy */
                if (ForceFlag)
                    kcm = kcmInit|kcmParents;
                    /* log force */
                    kpt = kptNotFound;

            if (kpt == kptNotFound)
                const KFile * infile;

                rc = KDirectoryOpenFileRead (cwd, &infile, "%s", leaf);
                if (rc)
                    PLOGERR (klogErr, (klogErr, rc, "Unable to resolve '$(F)'",
                    EncScheme scheme;

                    rc = EncryptionTypeCheck (infile, leaf, &scheme);
                    if (rc == 0)
                        ArcScheme ascheme;
                        bool changed;
                        bool do_this_file;
                        char new_name [MY_MAX_PATH + sizeof EncExt];

                        do_this_file = DoThisFile (infile, scheme, &ascheme);
                        strcpy (new_name, leaf);
                        if (try_rename)
                            changed = NameFixUp (new_name);
                            changed = false;
                        /*                         KOutMsg ("### %d \n", changed); */

                        if (!do_this_file)
                            if (changed)
                                STSMSG (1, ("renaming %s to %s", leaf, new_name));
                                rc = KDirectoryRename (cwd, false, leaf, new_name);
                                STSMSG (1, ("skipping %s",leaf));
                            KFile * outfile;

                            rc = KDirectoryCreateExclusiveAccessFile (cwd, &outfile,
                                    false, 0600, kcm,
                            if (rc)
                                const KFile * Infile;
                                KFile * Outfile;

                                rc = CryptFile (infile, &Infile, outfile, &Outfile, scheme);

                                if (rc == 0)
                                    STSMSG (1, ("copying %s to %s", leaf, temp));

                                    rc = CopyFile (Infile, Outfile, leaf, temp);

                                    if (rc == 0)
                                        uint32_t access;
                                        KTime_t date;

                                        rc = KDirectoryAccess (cwd, &access, "%s", leaf);
                                        if (rc == 0)
                                            rc = KDirectoryDate (cwd, &date, "%s", leaf);

                                        KFileRelease (infile);
                                        KFileRelease (outfile);
                                        KFileRelease (Infile);
                                        KFileRelease (Outfile);

                                        if (rc == 0)
                                            STSMSG (1, ("renaming %s to %s", temp, new_name));

                                            rc = KDirectoryRename (cwd, true, temp, new_name);
                                            if (rc)
                                                LOGERR (klogErr, rc, "error renaming");
                                                if (changed)
                                                    KDirectoryRemove (cwd, false, "%s", leaf);

                                                /*rc =*/
                                                KDirectorySetAccess (cwd, false, access,
                                                                     0777, "%s", new_name);
                                                KDirectorySetDate (cwd, false, date, "%s", new_name);
                                                /* gonna ignore an error here I think */
                                                return rc;
                                KFileRelease (outfile);
                    KFileRelease (infile);
    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 7
rc_t CopyFileToFile( const KDirectory *top, const char *inname, KDirectory *targettop, const char *outname )
  const KFile *in = NULL;
  KFile *out = NULL;
  KFile *md5file = NULL;
  KMD5File *md5out = NULL;
  KMD5SumFmt *md5sumfmt = NULL;
  char md5filename[1024];
  rc_t rc = 0;
  uint32_t mode = 0;
  uint32_t pathtype = 0;
  uint32_t failed = 0;

  if (PathIsMD5File(top, inname)) {
    /* Skip it */
    return 0;
  rc = KDirectoryOpenFileRead( top, &in, "%s", inname );
  if (rc != 0) {
    failed = rc;
    goto FAIL;
  rc = KDirectoryAccess( top, &mode, inname);
  if (rc != 0) {
    failed = rc;
    goto FAIL;

   * Not sure here -- does kcmInit re-initialize the file mode as we specify?
   * Or does it preserve the existing mode (and do we want it to)?
  if (clobber_protections) {
      pathtype = KDirectoryPathType( targettop, "%s", outname );
    if ((pathtype & ~kptAlias) == kptFile) {
        rc = KDirectorySetAccess( targettop, false, mode, 0777, "%s", outname);
      if (rc != 0) {
	failed = rc;
	goto FAIL;

  rc = KDirectoryCreateFile( targettop, &out, false, mode, (force? kcmInit: kcmCreate), "%s", outname );
  if (rc != 0) {
    failed = rc;
    goto FAIL;
  sprintf(md5filename, "%s.md5", outname);
  rc = KDirectoryCreateFile( targettop, &md5file, false, DEFAULTMODE, (force? kcmInit: kcmCreate), "%s", md5filename);
  if (rc != 0) {
    failed = rc;
    goto FAIL;

  rc = KMD5SumFmtMakeUpdate( &md5sumfmt, md5file);
  if (rc != 0) {
    failed = rc;
    goto FAIL;

  rc = KMD5FileMakeWrite( &md5out, out, md5sumfmt, outname );
  if (rc != 0) {
    failed = rc;
    goto FAIL;
    uint64_t rpos = 0;
    uint64_t wpos = 0;
    size_t numread;

    while (true) {
      rc = KFileRead( in, rpos, buffer, BUFSIZE, &numread );
      /* fprintf(stderr, "Read %d bytes.\n", numread); */
      if (rc == 0 && numread == 0) 
      if (rc != 0) {
	failed = rc;
	goto FAIL;
      rpos += numread;

	size_t numwritten = 0;
	int written = 0;
	while (written < numread) {
	  rc = KFileWrite( (KFile *)md5out, wpos, buffer+written, numread-written, &numwritten );
	  if (rc != 0) {
	    failed = rc;
	  if (numwritten == 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Didn't write anything.\n");
	    failed = -1;
	    goto FAIL;
	  wpos += numwritten;
	  written += numwritten;

  /* Success also, check the value of failed to see if failed */

  if (NULL != md5out) {
    KFileRelease((KFile *)md5out);
    md5out = NULL;

  /*KFileRelease(out); */
  if (NULL != md5sumfmt) {
    md5sumfmt = NULL;
  /*  KFileRelease(md5file); */
  if (NULL != in) {
    in = NULL;
  /* KDirectoryRelease(top); */

  if (failed) {
      KDirectoryRemove( targettop, false, "%s", md5filename );
      KDirectoryRemove( targettop, false, "%s", outname);

  return failed;
