Ejemplo n.º 1
void maiken::Application::preSetupValidation() throw (maiken::Exception){
        kul::hash::set::String keys;
        for(YAML::const_iterator it=project().root()[PROPERTY].begin();it!=project().root()[PROPERTY].end(); ++it){
            if(keys.count(it->first.Scalar())) KEXCEPTION("Duplicate PROPERTIES: "+it->first.Scalar()+"\n"+project().dir().path());
    Validator::PRE_BUILD(*this, project().root());
    std::vector<std::string> profiles;
    for(const auto& profile : project().root()[PROFILE]){
        const std::string& p(profile[NAME].Scalar());
        if(std::find(profiles.begin(), profiles.end(), p) != profiles.end())
            KEXCEPT(Exception, "Duplicate profile name found");
            bool f = 0;
            for(const auto& p1 : project().root()[PROFILE]){
                if(profile[PARENT].Scalar() == p1[NAME].Scalar()) f = 1;
                if(f) break;
            if(!f) KEXCEPTION("parent profile not found: "+profile[PARENT].Scalar()+"\n"+project().dir().path());
            for(const auto& p1 : project().root()[PROFILE])
                if(profile[NAME].Scalar() == p1[NAME].Scalar()) continue;
                if(p1["os"] && p1["os"].Scalar() == profile["os"].Scalar()) 
                    KEXCEPTION("Multiple os tags with same value found, only one per operating system supported\n"+project().dir().path());
        Validator::PRE_BUILD(*this, profile);
    for(const auto& n : project().root()[PROFILE])
        if(n[SELF] && std::find(profiles.begin(), profiles.end(), resolveFromProperties(n[SELF].Scalar())) == profiles.end())
            KEXCEPT(Exception, "Tag self references unknown profile: "+n[SELF].Scalar()+"\n"+project().dir().path());
Ejemplo n.º 2
void kul::https::Server::loop() throw(kul::tcp::Exception){
    int32_t newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen);
    if(newsockfd < 0) KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server error on accept");

    ssl = SSL_new(ctx);
    SSL_set_fd(ssl, newsockfd);
    //Here is the SSL Accept portion.  Now all reads and writes must use SSL
    int16_t ssl_err = SSL_accept(ssl);
    if(ssl_err <= 0){
        short se = 0;
        SSL_get_error(ssl, se);
        KERR << "HTTPS Server SSL ERROR on SSL_ACCEPT error: " << se;

    KLOG(DBG) << "SSL_get_cipher: " << SSL_get_cipher(ssl);
    cc = SSL_get_peer_certificate (ssl);

    if(cc != NULL) {
        KLOG(DBG) << "Client certificate:";
        KLOG(DBG) << "\t subject: " << X509_NAME_oneline (X509_get_subject_name (cc), 0, 0);
        KLOG(DBG) << "\t issuer: %s\n" << X509_NAME_oneline (X509_get_issuer_name  (cc), 0, 0);
    }else KLOG(ERR) << "Client does not have certificate.";

    KOUT(DBG) << "New connection , socket fd is " << newsockfd << ", is : " << inet_ntoa(cli_addr.sin_addr) << ", port : "<< ntohs(cli_addr.sin_port);
    onConnect(inet_ntoa(cli_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(cli_addr.sin_port));
    int16_t e;
    char buffer[_KUL_HTTPS_READ_BUFFER_];
    std::stringstream cnt;
        e = SSL_read(ssl, buffer, _KUL_HTTPS_READ_BUFFER_ - 1);
        if(e) cnt << buffer;
    }while(e == (_KUL_HTTPS_READ_BUFFER_ - 1));
    if (e < 0){ 
        short se = 0;
        SSL_get_error(ssl, se);
        if(se) KLOG(ERR) << "SSL_get_error: " << se;
        e = -1;
            std::string res;
            std::shared_ptr<kul::http::ARequest> req = handleRequest(cnt.str(), res);
            const kul::http::AResponse& rs(respond(*req.get()));
            std::string ret(rs.toString());
            e = SSL_write(ssl, ret.c_str(), ret.length());
        }catch(const kul::http::Exception& e1){
            KERR << e1.what(); 
            e = -1;
    KOUT(DBG) << "Disconnect , socket fd is " << newsockfd << ", is : " << inet_ntoa(cli_addr.sin_addr) << ", port : "<< ntohs(cli_addr.sin_port);
    onDisconnect(inet_ntoa(cli_addr.sin_addr), ntohs(cli_addr.sin_port));
Ejemplo n.º 3
void httplus::App::load(kul::hash::map::S2T<std::shared_ptr<http::Server>>& http,
            kul::hash::map::S2T<std::shared_ptr<https::Server>>& https, Sites& sites) throw(httplus::Exception){

    std::shared_ptr<http::Conf> defHttp;
        for(const YAML::Node& c : config.root()["http"]){
            if(defHttp && !c["host"]) KEXCEPTION("Only one http allowed without 'host' parameter");
            const std::string& port(c["port"] ? c["port"].Scalar() : "80");
            kul::Dir d(c["root"].Scalar());
            if(!d) KEXCEPTION("Directory does not exist: " + c["root"].Scalar());
            kul::Dir p("pub", d);
            if(!p && !p.mk()) KEXCEPTION("Invalid access on directory: " + d.real());
            http::Server* ser = {0};
            std::string home(c["home"] ? c["home"].Scalar() : "");
            const std::string txt(c["text"] ? c["text"].Scalar() : "");
                defHttp = std::make_shared<http::Conf>(c["root"].Scalar(), home, txt);
            }else if(sites.count(std::to_string(std::hash<std::string>()(d.real())))){
                const Pages& pages((*sites.find(std::to_string(std::hash<std::string>()(d.real())))).second);
                http.insert(port, std::make_shared<http::Server>(kul::String::UINT16(port), pages));
                ser = http[port].get();
                ser->confs.insert(c["host"].Scalar(), std::make_shared<http::Conf>(c["root"].Scalar(), home, txt));
                KERR << "WARN: NO GENERATORS FOR HTTP ROOT: " << d;

    for(const auto& p : http) p.second->def = defHttp;
        for(const YAML::Node& c : config.root()["https"]){
            kul::Dir d(c["root"].Scalar());
            if(!d) KEXCEPTION("Directory does not exist: " + c["root"].Scalar());
            kul::Dir p("pub", d);
            if(!p && !p.mk()) KEXCEPTION("Invalid access on directory: " + d.real());
            kul::File crt(c["crt"].Scalar());
            kul::File key(c["key"].Scalar());
            if(!crt) KEXCEPTION("File does not exist: " + crt.full());
            if(!key) KEXCEPTION("File does not exist: " + key.full());
            https::Server* ser = {0};
            const std::string& port(c["port"] ? c["port"].Scalar() : "443");
            const std::string hsh(std::to_string(std::hash<std::string>()(d.real())));
            if(!sites.count(hsh)) {
                KERR << "WARN: NO GENERATORS FOR HTTPS ROOT: " << d;
            const Pages& pages((*sites.find(hsh)).second);
            std::string ssls(c["ssls"] ? c["ssls"].Scalar() 
                : config.root()["ssls"] ? config.root()["ssls"].Scalar() : "");
            https.insert(port, std::make_shared<https::Server>(kul::String::UINT16(port), pages, crt, key, ssls));
            ser = https[port].get();
            if(c["chain"]) ser->setChain(c["chain"].Scalar());
            std::string home(c["home"] ? c["home"].Scalar() : "");
            const std::string txt(c["text"] ? c["text"].Scalar() : "");
            ser->confs.insert(c["host"].Scalar(), std::make_shared<http::Conf>(c["root"].Scalar(), home, txt));
Ejemplo n.º 4
void kul::yaml::File::validate(const YAML::Node& n, const std::vector<NodeValidator>& nvs) throw(Exception) {
    kul::hash::set::String keys;
    for(const auto& nv : nvs) if(nv.name() == "*") return;

    for(YAML::const_iterator it = n.begin(); it != n.end(); ++it){
        const std::string& key(it->first.as<std::string>());
        if(keys.count(key)) KEXCEPTION("Duplicate key detected: " + key + "\n" + this->f);
        bool f = 0;
        for(const auto& nv : nvs){
            if(nv.name() != key) continue;
            f = 1;
            if(nv.type() == 1 && it->second.Type() != 2) KEXCEPTION("String expected: " + nv.name() + "\n" + this->f);
            if(nv.type() == 2 && it->second.Type() != 3) KEXCEPTION("List expected: " + nv.name() + "\n" + this->f);
            if(nv.type() == 3 && it->second.Type() != 4) KEXCEPTION("Map expected: " + nv.name() + "\n" + this->f);
            if(nv.type() == 2)
                for(size_t i = 0; i < it->second.size(); i++)
                    validate(it->second[i], nv.children());
            if(nv.type() == 3) validate(it->second, nv.children());
        if(!f) KEXCEPTION("Unexpected key: " + key + "\n" + this->f);
    for(const auto& nv : nvs){
        if(nv.mandatory() && !keys.count(nv.name()))
            KEXCEPTION("Key mandatory: : " + nv.name() + "\n" + this->f);
Ejemplo n.º 5
kul::https::Server& kul::https::Server::init(){
    if(!crt) KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server crt file does not exist: " + crt.full());
    if(!key) KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server key file does not exist: " + key.full());
    ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_2_server_method());
    if (!ctx) KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server SSL_CTX failed SSL_CTX_new");
    if(SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(ctx, crt.mini().c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0)
        KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file failed");
    if(SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, key.mini().c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) <= 0)
        KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file failed");
    if (!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx))
        KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server SSL_CTX_check_private_key failed");
    if(!cs.empty() && !SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(ctx, cs.c_str()))
        KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server SSL_CTX_set_cipher_listctx failed");
    return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void kul::https::Requester::send(const std::string& h, const std::string& req, const uint16_t& p, std::stringstream& ss, SSL *ssl){
    int32_t sck = 0;
    if (!kul::tcp::Socket<char>::SOCKET(sck, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) 
        KEXCEPT(kul::http::Exception, "Error opening socket");
    if(!kul::tcp::Socket<char>::CONNECT(sck, h, p)) 
        KEXCEPT(kul::http::Exception, "Failed to connect to host: " + h);
    SSL_set_fd(ssl, sck);
    if (SSL_connect(ssl) == -1) KEXCEPTION("HTTPS REQUEST INIT FAILED");
    SSL_write(ssl, req.c_str(), req.size());
    char buffer[_KUL_HTTPS_REQUEST_BUFFER_];
        int16_t d = SSL_read(ssl, buffer, _KUL_HTTPS_REQUEST_BUFFER_ - 1);
        if (d == 0) break; 
        if (d < 0){ 
            short se = 0;
            SSL_get_error(ssl, se);
            if(se) KLOG(ERR) << "SSL_get_error: " << se;
        for(uint16_t i = 0; i < d; i++) ss << buffer[i];
Ejemplo n.º 7
void kul::https::Server::setChain(const kul::File& f){
    if(!f) KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server chain file does not exist: " + f.full());
    if(SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, f.mini().c_str()) <= 0)
        KEXCEPTION("HTTPS Server SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file failed");
Ejemplo n.º 8
		void run() throw(kul::threading::Exception){
			if(s) KEXCEPTION("Thread running");
			s = 1;
			f = 0;
			h = CreateThread(0, 5120000, threading::threadFunction, this, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 9
		void run() throw(kul::threading::Exception){
			if(s) KEXCEPTION("Thread running");
			f = 0;
			s = 1;
			pthread_create(&thr, NULL, Thread::threadFunction, this);