Ejemplo n.º 1
__kmp_pop_sync( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident )
    int tos;
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;
    tos = p->stack_top;
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_pop_sync (%d %d)\n", gtid, __kmp_get_gtid() ) );
    if ( tos == 0 || p->s_top == 0 ) {
        __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsDetectedEnd, ct, ident );
    if ( tos != p->s_top || p->stack_data[ tos ].type != ct ) {
            ct, ident,
            & p->stack_data[ tos ]
    if ( gtid < 0 ) {
    KE_TRACE( 100, ( POP_MSG( p ) ) );
    p->s_top = p->stack_data[ tos ].prev;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].type = ct_none;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].ident = NULL;
    p->stack_top = tos - 1;
    KE_DUMP( 1000, dump_cons_stack( gtid, p ) );
Ejemplo n.º 2
enum cons_type
__kmp_pop_workshare( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident )
    int tos;
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;

    tos = p->stack_top;
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_pop_workshare (%d %d)\n", gtid, __kmp_get_gtid() ) );
    if ( tos == 0 || p->w_top == 0 ) {
        __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsDetectedEnd, ct, ident );

    if ( tos != p->w_top ||
         ( p->stack_data[ tos ].type != ct &&
          /* below are two exceptions to the rule that construct types must match */
          ! ( p->stack_data[ tos ].type == ct_pdo_ordered && ct == ct_pdo ) &&
          ! ( p->stack_data[ tos ].type == ct_task_ordered && ct == ct_task )
       ) {
            ct, ident,
            & p->stack_data[ tos ]
    KE_TRACE( 100, ( POP_MSG( p ) ) );
    p->w_top = p->stack_data[ tos ].prev;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].type = ct_none;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].ident = NULL;
    p->stack_top = tos - 1;
    KE_DUMP( 1000, dump_cons_stack( gtid, p ) );
    return p->stack_data[ p->w_top ].type;
Ejemplo n.º 3
__kmp_check_barrier( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident )
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_check_barrier (loc: %p, gtid: %d %d)\n", ident, gtid, __kmp_get_gtid() ) );
    if ( ident != 0 ) {
    if ( p->w_top > p->p_top ) {
        /* we are already in a WORKSHARING construct for this PARALLEL region */
            ct, ident,
            & p->stack_data[ p->w_top ]
    if (p->s_top > p->p_top) {
        /* we are already in a SYNC construct for this PARALLEL region */
            ct, ident,
            & p->stack_data[ p->s_top ]
Ejemplo n.º 4
__kmp_push_workshare( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident )
    int         tos;
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_push_workshare (%d %d)\n", gtid, __kmp_get_gtid() ) );
    __kmp_check_workshare( gtid, ct, ident );
    KE_TRACE( 100, ( PUSH_MSG( ct, ident ) ) );
    tos = ++p->stack_top;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].type = ct;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].prev = p->w_top;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].ident = ident;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].name = NULL;
    p->w_top = tos;
    KE_DUMP( 1000, dump_cons_stack( gtid, p ) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
__kmp_push_sync( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident, kmp_user_lock_p lck )
    int         tos;
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;

    KMP_ASSERT( gtid == __kmp_get_gtid() );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_push_sync (gtid=%d)\n", gtid ) );
    __kmp_check_sync( gtid, ct, ident, lck );
    KE_TRACE( 100, ( PUSH_MSG( ct, ident ) ) );
    tos = ++ p->stack_top;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].type  = ct;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].prev  = p->s_top;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].ident = ident;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].name  = lck;
    p->s_top = tos;
    KE_DUMP( 1000, dump_cons_stack( gtid, p ) );
Ejemplo n.º 6
__kmp_push_parallel( int gtid, ident_t const * ident )
    int tos;
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;

    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_threads[ gtid ]-> th.th_cons );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_push_parallel (%d %d)\n", gtid, __kmp_get_gtid() ) );
    KE_TRACE( 100, ( PUSH_MSG( ct_parallel, ident ) ) );
    if ( p->stack_top >= p->stack_size ) {
        __kmp_expand_cons_stack( gtid, p );
    }; // if
    tos = ++p->stack_top;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].type = ct_parallel;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].prev = p->p_top;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].ident = ident;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].name = NULL;
    p->p_top = tos;
    KE_DUMP( 1000, dump_cons_stack( gtid, p ) );
Ejemplo n.º 7
struct cons_header *
__kmp_allocate_cons_stack( int gtid )
    struct cons_header *p;

    /* TODO for monitor perhaps? */
    if ( gtid < 0 ) {
    }; // if
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("allocate cons_stack (%d)\n", gtid ) );
    p = (struct cons_header *) __kmp_allocate( sizeof( struct cons_header ) );
    p->p_top = p->w_top = p->s_top = 0;
    p->stack_data = (struct cons_data *) __kmp_allocate( sizeof( struct cons_data ) * (MIN_STACK+1) );
    p->stack_size = MIN_STACK;
    p->stack_top  = 0;
    p->stack_data[ 0 ].type = ct_none;
    p->stack_data[ 0 ].prev = 0;
    p->stack_data[ 0 ].ident = NULL;
    return p;
Ejemplo n.º 8
__kmp_check_workshare( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident )
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;

    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_threads[ gtid ]-> th.th_cons );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_check_workshare (%d %d)\n", gtid, __kmp_get_gtid() ) );

    if ( p->stack_top >= p->stack_size ) {
        __kmp_expand_cons_stack( gtid, p );
    }; // if
    if ( p->w_top > p->p_top &&
        !(IS_CONS_TYPE_TASKQ(p->stack_data[ p->w_top ].type) && IS_CONS_TYPE_TASKQ(ct))) {
        // We are already in a WORKSHARE construct for this PARALLEL region.
        __kmp_error_construct2( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsInvalidNesting, ct, ident, & p->stack_data[ p->w_top ] );
    }; // if
    if ( p->s_top > p->p_top ) {
        // We are already in a SYNC construct for this PARALLEL region.
        __kmp_error_construct2( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsInvalidNesting, ct, ident, & p->stack_data[ p->s_top ] );
    }; // if
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void
__kmp_expand_cons_stack( int gtid, struct cons_header *p )
    int    i;
    struct cons_data *d;

    /* TODO for monitor perhaps? */
    if (gtid < 0)

    KE_TRACE( 10, ("expand cons_stack (%d %d)\n", gtid, __kmp_get_gtid() ) );

    d = p->stack_data;

    p->stack_size = (p->stack_size * 2) + 100;

    /* TODO free the old data */
    p->stack_data = (struct cons_data *) __kmp_allocate( sizeof( struct cons_data ) * (p->stack_size+1) );

    for (i = p->stack_top; i >= 0; --i)
        p->stack_data[i] = d[i];

    /* NOTE: we do not free the old stack_data */
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void
    ident_t                          *loc,
    kmp_int32                         global_tid,
    kmp_int32                         schedtype,
    kmp_int32                        *plastiter,
    T                                *plower,
    T                                *pupper,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t *pstride,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t  incr,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t  chunk
) {
    typedef typename traits_t< T >::unsigned_t  UT;
    typedef typename traits_t< T >::signed_t    ST;
    /*  this all has to be changed back to TID and such.. */
    register kmp_int32   gtid = global_tid;
    register kmp_uint32  tid;
    register kmp_uint32  nth;
    register UT          trip_count;
    register kmp_team_t *team;
    register kmp_info_t *th = __kmp_threads[ gtid ];

    ompt_team_info_t *team_info = __ompt_get_teaminfo(0, NULL);
    ompt_task_info_t *task_info = __ompt_get_taskinfo(0);

    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( plastiter && plower && pupper && pstride );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init called (%d)\n", global_tid));
    #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
        const char * buff;
        // create format specifiers before the debug output
        buff = __kmp_str_format(
            "__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%%d sched=%%d liter=%%d iter=(%%%s," \
            " %%%s, %%%s) incr=%%%s chunk=%%%s signed?<%s>\n",
            traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec,
            traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec );
        KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, global_tid, schedtype, *plastiter,
            *plower, *pupper, *pstride, incr, chunk ) );
        __kmp_str_free( &buff );

    if ( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) {
        __kmp_push_workshare( global_tid, ct_pdo, loc );
        if ( incr == 0 ) {
            __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsLoopIncrZeroProhibited, ct_pdo, loc );
    /* special handling for zero-trip loops */
    if ( incr > 0 ? (*pupper < *plower) : (*plower < *pupper) ) {
        if( plastiter != NULL )
            *plastiter = FALSE;
        /* leave pupper and plower set to entire iteration space */
        *pstride = incr;   /* value should never be used */
	//        *plower = *pupper - incr;   // let compiler bypass the illegal loop (like for(i=1;i<10;i--))  THIS LINE CAUSED shape2F/h_tests_1.f TO HAVE A FAILURE ON A ZERO-TRIP LOOP (lower=1,\
	  upper=0,stride=1) - JPH June 23, 2009.
        #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
            const char * buff;
            // create format specifiers before the debug output
            buff = __kmp_str_format(
                "__kmpc_for_static_init:(ZERO TRIP) liter=%%d lower=%%%s upper=%%%s stride = %%%s signed?<%s>, loc = %%s\n",
                traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec );
            KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride, loc->psource ) );
            __kmp_str_free( &buff );
        KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid ) );

        if ((ompt_status == ompt_status_track_callback) &&
            ompt_callbacks.ompt_callback(ompt_event_loop_begin)) {
                team_info->parallel_id, task_info->task_id,

    #if OMP_40_ENABLED
    if ( schedtype > kmp_ord_upper ) {
        // we are in DISTRIBUTE construct
        schedtype += kmp_sch_static - kmp_distribute_static;      // AC: convert to usual schedule type
        tid  = th->th.th_team->t.t_master_tid;
        team = th->th.th_team->t.t_parent;
    } else
        tid  = __kmp_tid_from_gtid( global_tid );
        team = th->th.th_team;

    /* determine if "for" loop is an active worksharing construct */
    if ( team -> t.t_serialized ) {
        /* serialized parallel, each thread executes whole iteration space */
        if( plastiter != NULL )
            *plastiter = TRUE;
        /* leave pupper and plower set to entire iteration space */
        *pstride = (incr > 0) ? (*pupper - *plower + 1) : (-(*plower - *pupper + 1));

        #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
            const char * buff;
            // create format specifiers before the debug output
            buff = __kmp_str_format(
                "__kmpc_for_static_init: (serial) liter=%%d lower=%%%s upper=%%%s stride = %%%s\n",
                traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec );
            KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride ) );
            __kmp_str_free( &buff );
        KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid ) );

        if ((ompt_status == ompt_status_track_callback) &&
            ompt_callbacks.ompt_callback(ompt_event_loop_begin)) {
                team_info->parallel_id, task_info->task_id,
    nth = team->t.t_nproc;
    if ( nth == 1 ) {
        if( plastiter != NULL )
            *plastiter = TRUE;
        *pstride = (incr > 0) ? (*pupper - *plower + 1) : (-(*plower - *pupper + 1));
        #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
            const char * buff;
            // create format specifiers before the debug output
            buff = __kmp_str_format(
                "__kmpc_for_static_init: (serial) liter=%%d lower=%%%s upper=%%%s stride = %%%s\n",
                traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec );
            KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride ) );
            __kmp_str_free( &buff );
        KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid ) );

        if ((ompt_status == ompt_status_track_callback) &&
            ompt_callbacks.ompt_callback(ompt_event_loop_begin)) {
                team_info->parallel_id, task_info->task_id,

    /* compute trip count */
    if ( incr == 1 ) {
        trip_count = *pupper - *plower + 1;
    } else if (incr == -1) {
        trip_count = *plower - *pupper + 1;
    } else {
        if ( incr > 1 ) {  // the check is needed for unsigned division when incr < 0
            trip_count = (*pupper - *plower) / incr + 1;
        } else {
            trip_count = (*plower - *pupper) / ( -incr ) + 1;

    if ( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) {
        /* tripcount overflow? */
        if ( trip_count == 0 && *pupper != *plower ) {
            __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsIterationRangeTooLarge, ct_pdo, loc );

    /* compute remaining parameters */
    switch ( schedtype ) {
    case kmp_sch_static:
            if ( trip_count < nth ) {
                    __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_greedy || \
                    __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_balanced
                ); // Unknown static scheduling type.
                if ( tid < trip_count ) {
                    *pupper = *plower = *plower + tid * incr;
                } else {
                    *plower = *pupper + incr;
                if( plastiter != NULL )
                    *plastiter = ( tid == trip_count - 1 );
            } else {
                if ( __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_balanced ) {
                    register UT small_chunk = trip_count / nth;
                    register UT extras = trip_count % nth;
                    *plower += incr * ( tid * small_chunk + ( tid < extras ? tid : extras ) );
                    *pupper = *plower + small_chunk * incr - ( tid < extras ? 0 : incr );
                    if( plastiter != NULL )
                        *plastiter = ( tid == nth - 1 );
                } else {
                    register T big_chunk_inc_count = ( trip_count/nth +
                                                     ( ( trip_count % nth ) ? 1 : 0) ) * incr;
                    register T old_upper = *pupper;

                    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_greedy );
                        // Unknown static scheduling type.

                    *plower += tid * big_chunk_inc_count;
                    *pupper = *plower + big_chunk_inc_count - incr;
                    if ( incr > 0 ) {
                        if( *pupper < *plower )
                            *pupper = i_maxmin< T >::mx;
                        if( plastiter != NULL )
                            *plastiter = *plower <= old_upper && *pupper > old_upper - incr;
                        if ( *pupper > old_upper ) *pupper = old_upper; // tracker C73258
                    } else {
                        if( *pupper > *plower )
                            *pupper = i_maxmin< T >::mn;
                        if( plastiter != NULL )
                            *plastiter = *plower >= old_upper && *pupper < old_upper - incr;
                        if ( *pupper < old_upper ) *pupper = old_upper; // tracker C73258
    case kmp_sch_static_chunked:
            register ST span;
            if ( chunk < 1 ) {
                chunk = 1;
            span = chunk * incr;
            *pstride = span * nth;
            *plower = *plower + (span * tid);
            *pupper = *plower + span - incr;
            if( plastiter != NULL )
                *plastiter = (tid == ((trip_count - 1)/( UT )chunk) % nth);
        KMP_ASSERT2( 0, "__kmpc_for_static_init: unknown scheduling type" );

    // Report loop metadata
    if ( KMP_MASTER_TID(tid) && __itt_metadata_add_ptr && __kmp_forkjoin_frames_mode == 3 &&
        th->th.th_teams_microtask == NULL &&
        team->t.t_active_level == 1 )
        kmp_uint64 cur_chunk = chunk;
        // Calculate chunk in case it was not specified; it is specified for kmp_sch_static_chunked
        if ( schedtype == kmp_sch_static ) {
            cur_chunk = trip_count / nth + ( ( trip_count % nth ) ? 1 : 0);
        // 0 - "static" schedule
        __kmp_itt_metadata_loop(loc, 0, trip_count, cur_chunk);
    #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
        const char * buff;
        // create format specifiers before the debug output
        buff = __kmp_str_format(
            "__kmpc_for_static_init: liter=%%d lower=%%%s upper=%%%s stride = %%%s signed?<%s>\n",
            traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec );
        KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride ) );
        __kmp_str_free( &buff );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid ) );

    if ((ompt_status == ompt_status_track_callback) &&
        ompt_callbacks.ompt_callback(ompt_event_loop_begin)) {
            team_info->parallel_id, task_info->task_id, team_info->microtask);

Ejemplo n.º 11
static void
    ident_t                          *loc,
    kmp_int32                         gtid,
    kmp_int32                        *p_last,
    T                                *p_lb,
    T                                *p_ub,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t *p_st,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t  incr,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t  chunk
) {
    // The routine returns the first chunk distributed to the team and
    // stride for next chunks calculation.
    // Last iteration flag set for the team that will execute
    // the last iteration of the loop.
    // The routine is called for dist_schedue(static,chunk) only.
    typedef typename traits_t< T >::unsigned_t  UT;
    typedef typename traits_t< T >::signed_t    ST;
    kmp_uint32  team_id;
    kmp_uint32  nteams;
    UT          trip_count;
    T           lower;
    T           upper;
    ST          span;
    kmp_team_t *team;
    kmp_info_t *th;

    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( p_last && p_lb && p_ub && p_st );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_team_static_init called (%d)\n", gtid));
    #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
        const char * buff;
        // create format specifiers before the debug output
        buff = __kmp_str_format( "__kmp_team_static_init enter: T#%%d liter=%%d "\
            "iter=(%%%s, %%%s, %%%s) chunk %%%s; signed?<%s>\n",
            traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec,
            traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec );
        KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, gtid, *p_last, *p_lb, *p_ub, *p_st, chunk ) );
        __kmp_str_free( &buff );

    lower = *p_lb;
    upper = *p_ub;
    if( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) {
        if( incr == 0 ) {
            __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsLoopIncrZeroProhibited, ct_pdo, loc );
        if( incr > 0 ? (upper < lower) : (lower < upper) ) {
            // The loop is illegal.
            // Some zero-trip loops maintained by compiler, e.g.:
            //   for(i=10;i<0;++i) // lower >= upper - run-time check
            //   for(i=0;i>10;--i) // lower <= upper - run-time check
            //   for(i=0;i>10;++i) // incr > 0       - compile-time check
            //   for(i=10;i<0;--i) // incr < 0       - compile-time check
            // Compiler does not check the following illegal loops:
            //   for(i=0;i<10;i+=incr) // where incr<0
            //   for(i=10;i>0;i-=incr) // where incr<0
            __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsLoopIncrIllegal, ct_pdo, loc );
    th = __kmp_threads[gtid];
    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th->th.th_teams_microtask);   // we are in the teams construct
    team = th->th.th_team;
    #if OMP_40_ENABLED
    nteams = th->th.th_teams_size.nteams;
    team_id = team->t.t_master_tid;
    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nteams == team->t.t_parent->t.t_nproc);

    // compute trip count
    if( incr == 1 ) {
        trip_count = upper - lower + 1;
    } else if(incr == -1) {
        trip_count = lower - upper + 1;
    } else {
        trip_count = (ST)(upper - lower) / incr + 1; // cast to signed to cover incr<0 case
    if( chunk < 1 )
        chunk = 1;
    span = chunk * incr;
    *p_st = span * nteams;
    *p_lb = lower + (span * team_id);
    *p_ub = *p_lb + span - incr;
    if ( p_last != NULL )
        *p_last = (team_id == ((trip_count - 1)/(UT)chunk) % nteams);
    // Correct upper bound if needed
    if( incr > 0 ) {
        if( *p_ub < *p_lb ) // overflow?
            *p_ub = i_maxmin< T >::mx;
        if( *p_ub > upper )
            *p_ub = upper; // tracker C73258
    } else {   // incr < 0
        if( *p_ub > *p_lb )
            *p_ub = i_maxmin< T >::mn;
        if( *p_ub < upper )
            *p_ub = upper; // tracker C73258
    #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
        const char * buff;
        // create format specifiers before the debug output
        buff = __kmp_str_format( "__kmp_team_static_init exit: T#%%d team%%u liter=%%d "\
            "iter=(%%%s, %%%s, %%%s) chunk %%%s\n",
            traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec,
            traits_t< ST >::spec );
        KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, gtid, team_id, *p_last, *p_lb, *p_ub, *p_st, chunk ) );
        __kmp_str_free( &buff );
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void
    ident_t                          *loc,
    kmp_int32                         gtid,
    kmp_int32                         schedule,
    kmp_int32                        *plastiter,
    T                                *plower,
    T                                *pupper,
    T                                *pupperDist,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t *pstride,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t  incr,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t  chunk
) {
    typedef typename traits_t< T >::unsigned_t  UT;
    typedef typename traits_t< T >::signed_t    ST;
    register kmp_uint32  tid;
    register kmp_uint32  nth;
    register kmp_uint32  team_id;
    register kmp_uint32  nteams;
    register UT          trip_count;
    register kmp_team_t *team;
    kmp_info_t * th;

    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( plastiter && plower && pupper && pupperDist && pstride );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_dist_for_static_init called (%d)\n", gtid));
    #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
        const char * buff;
        // create format specifiers before the debug output
        buff = __kmp_str_format(
            "__kmpc_dist_for_static_init: T#%%d schedLoop=%%d liter=%%d "\
            "iter=(%%%s, %%%s, %%%s) chunk=%%%s signed?<%s>\n",
            traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec,
            traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec );
        KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, gtid, schedule, *plastiter,
                       *plower, *pupper, incr, chunk ) );
        __kmp_str_free( &buff );

    if( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) {
        __kmp_push_workshare( gtid, ct_pdo, loc );
        if( incr == 0 ) {
            __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsLoopIncrZeroProhibited, ct_pdo, loc );
        if( incr > 0 ? (*pupper < *plower) : (*plower < *pupper) ) {
            // The loop is illegal.
            // Some zero-trip loops maintained by compiler, e.g.:
            //   for(i=10;i<0;++i) // lower >= upper - run-time check
            //   for(i=0;i>10;--i) // lower <= upper - run-time check
            //   for(i=0;i>10;++i) // incr > 0       - compile-time check
            //   for(i=10;i<0;--i) // incr < 0       - compile-time check
            // Compiler does not check the following illegal loops:
            //   for(i=0;i<10;i+=incr) // where incr<0
            //   for(i=10;i>0;i-=incr) // where incr<0
            __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsLoopIncrIllegal, ct_pdo, loc );
    tid = __kmp_tid_from_gtid( gtid );
    th = __kmp_threads[gtid];
    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(th->th.th_teams_microtask);   // we are in the teams construct
    nth = th->th.th_team_nproc;
    team = th->th.th_team;
    #if OMP_40_ENABLED
    nteams = th->th.th_teams_size.nteams;
    team_id = team->t.t_master_tid;
    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(nteams == team->t.t_parent->t.t_nproc);

    // compute global trip count
    if( incr == 1 ) {
        trip_count = *pupper - *plower + 1;
    } else if(incr == -1) {
        trip_count = *plower - *pupper + 1;
    } else {
        trip_count = (ST)(*pupper - *plower) / incr + 1; // cast to signed to cover incr<0 case
    *pstride = *pupper - *plower;  // just in case (can be unused)
    if( trip_count <= nteams ) {
            __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_greedy || \
            __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_balanced
        ); // Unknown static scheduling type.
        // only masters of some teams get single iteration, other threads get nothing
        if( team_id < trip_count && tid == 0 ) {
            *pupper = *pupperDist = *plower = *plower + team_id * incr;
        } else {
            *pupperDist = *pupper;
            *plower = *pupper + incr; // compiler should skip loop body
        if( plastiter != NULL )
            *plastiter = ( tid == 0 && team_id == trip_count - 1 );
    } else {
        // Get the team's chunk first (each team gets at most one chunk)
        if( __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_balanced ) {
            register UT chunkD = trip_count / nteams;
            register UT extras = trip_count % nteams;
            *plower += incr * ( team_id * chunkD + ( team_id < extras ? team_id : extras ) );
            *pupperDist = *plower + chunkD * incr - ( team_id < extras ? 0 : incr );
            if( plastiter != NULL )
                *plastiter = ( team_id == nteams - 1 );
        } else {
            register T chunk_inc_count =
                ( trip_count / nteams + ( ( trip_count % nteams ) ? 1 : 0) ) * incr;
            register T upper = *pupper;
            KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_greedy );
                // Unknown static scheduling type.
            *plower += team_id * chunk_inc_count;
            *pupperDist = *plower + chunk_inc_count - incr;
            // Check/correct bounds if needed
            if( incr > 0 ) {
                if( *pupperDist < *plower )
                    *pupperDist = i_maxmin< T >::mx;
                if( plastiter != NULL )
                    *plastiter = *plower <= upper && *pupperDist > upper - incr;
                if( *pupperDist > upper )
                    *pupperDist = upper; // tracker C73258
                if( *plower > *pupperDist ) {
                    *pupper = *pupperDist;  // no iterations available for the team
                    goto end;
            } else {
                if( *pupperDist > *plower )
                    *pupperDist = i_maxmin< T >::mn;
                if( plastiter != NULL )
                    *plastiter = *plower >= upper && *pupperDist < upper - incr;
                if( *pupperDist < upper )
                    *pupperDist = upper; // tracker C73258
                if( *plower < *pupperDist ) {
                    *pupper = *pupperDist;  // no iterations available for the team
                    goto end;
        // Get the parallel loop chunk now (for thread)
        // compute trip count for team's chunk
        if( incr == 1 ) {
            trip_count = *pupperDist - *plower + 1;
        } else if(incr == -1) {
            trip_count = *plower - *pupperDist + 1;
        } else {
            trip_count = (ST)(*pupperDist - *plower) / incr + 1;
        KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( trip_count );
        switch( schedule ) {
        case kmp_sch_static:
            if( trip_count <= nth ) {
                    __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_greedy || \
                    __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_balanced
                ); // Unknown static scheduling type.
                if( tid < trip_count )
                    *pupper = *plower = *plower + tid * incr;
                    *plower = *pupper + incr; // no iterations available
                if( plastiter != NULL )
                    if( *plastiter != 0 && !( tid == trip_count - 1 ) )
                        *plastiter = 0;
            } else {
                if( __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_balanced ) {
                    register UT chunkL = trip_count / nth;
                    register UT extras = trip_count % nth;
                    *plower += incr * (tid * chunkL + (tid < extras ? tid : extras));
                    *pupper = *plower + chunkL * incr - (tid < extras ? 0 : incr);
                    if( plastiter != NULL )
                        if( *plastiter != 0 && !( tid == nth - 1 ) )
                            *plastiter = 0;
                } else {
                    register T chunk_inc_count =
                        ( trip_count / nth + ( ( trip_count % nth ) ? 1 : 0) ) * incr;
                    register T upper = *pupperDist;
                    KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT( __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_greedy );
                        // Unknown static scheduling type.
                    *plower += tid * chunk_inc_count;
                    *pupper = *plower + chunk_inc_count - incr;
                    if( incr > 0 ) {
                        if( *pupper < *plower )
                            *pupper = i_maxmin< T >::mx;
                        if( plastiter != NULL )
                            if( *plastiter != 0 && !(*plower <= upper && *pupper > upper - incr) )
                                *plastiter = 0;
                        if( *pupper > upper )
                            *pupper = upper;//tracker C73258
                    } else {
                        if( *pupper > *plower )
                            *pupper = i_maxmin< T >::mn;
                        if( plastiter != NULL )
                            if( *plastiter != 0 && !(*plower >= upper && *pupper < upper - incr) )
                                *plastiter = 0;
                        if( *pupper < upper )
                            *pupper = upper;//tracker C73258
        case kmp_sch_static_chunked:
            register ST span;
            if( chunk < 1 )
                chunk = 1;
            span = chunk * incr;
            *pstride = span * nth;
            *plower = *plower + (span * tid);
            *pupper = *plower + span - incr;
            if( plastiter != NULL )
                if( *plastiter != 0 && !(tid == ((trip_count - 1) / ( UT )chunk) % nth) )
                    *plastiter = 0;
            KMP_ASSERT2( 0, "__kmpc_dist_for_static_init: unknown loop scheduling type" );
    #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
        const char * buff;
        // create format specifiers before the debug output
        buff = __kmp_str_format(
            "__kmpc_dist_for_static_init: last=%%d lo=%%%s up=%%%s upDist=%%%s "\
            "stride=%%%s signed?<%s>\n",
            traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec,
            traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec );
        KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pupperDist, *pstride ) );
        __kmp_str_free( &buff );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_dist_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", gtid ) );
Ejemplo n.º 13
__kmp_check_sync( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident, kmp_user_lock_p lck )
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;

    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_check_sync (gtid=%d)\n", __kmp_get_gtid() ) );

    if (p->stack_top >= p->stack_size)
       __kmp_expand_cons_stack( gtid, p );

    if (ct == ct_ordered_in_parallel || ct == ct_ordered_in_pdo || ct == ct_ordered_in_taskq ) {
        if (p->w_top <= p->p_top) {
            /* we are not in a worksharing construct */
            #ifdef BUILD_PARALLEL_ORDERED
                /* do not report error messages for PARALLEL ORDERED */
                KMP_ASSERT( ct == ct_ordered_in_parallel );
                __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsBoundToWorksharing, ct, ident );
            #endif /* BUILD_PARALLEL_ORDERED */
        } else {
            /* inside a WORKSHARING construct for this PARALLEL region */
            if (!IS_CONS_TYPE_ORDERED(p->stack_data[ p->w_top ].type)) {
                if (p->stack_data[ p->w_top ].type == ct_taskq) {
                        ct, ident,
                        & p->stack_data[ p->w_top ]
                } else {
                        ct, ident,
                        & p->stack_data[ p->w_top ]
        if (p->s_top > p->p_top && p->s_top > p->w_top) {
            /* inside a sync construct which is inside a worksharing construct */
            int index = p->s_top;
            enum cons_type stack_type;

            stack_type = p->stack_data[ index ].type;

            if (stack_type == ct_critical ||
                ( ( stack_type == ct_ordered_in_parallel ||
                    stack_type == ct_ordered_in_pdo      ||
                    stack_type == ct_ordered_in_taskq  ) &&     /* C doesn't allow named ordered; ordered in ordered gets error */
                 p->stack_data[ index ].ident != NULL &&
                 (p->stack_data[ index ].ident->flags & KMP_IDENT_KMPC ))) {
                /* we are in ORDERED which is inside an ORDERED or CRITICAL construct */
                    ct, ident,
                    & p->stack_data[ index ]
    } else if ( ct == ct_critical ) {
        if ( lck != NULL && __kmp_get_user_lock_owner( lck, seq ) == gtid ) {    /* this same thread already has lock for this critical section */
        if ( lck != NULL && __kmp_get_user_lock_owner( lck ) == gtid ) {    /* this same thread already has lock for this critical section */
            int index = p->s_top;
            struct cons_data cons = { NULL, ct_critical, 0, NULL };
            /* walk up construct stack and try to find critical with matching name */
            while ( index != 0 && p->stack_data[ index ].name != lck ) {
                index = p->stack_data[ index ].prev;
            if ( index != 0 ) {
                /* found match on the stack (may not always because of interleaved critical for Fortran) */
                cons = p->stack_data[ index ];
            /* we are in CRITICAL which is inside a CRITICAL construct of the same name */
            __kmp_error_construct2( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsNestingSameName, ct, ident, & cons );
    } else if ( ct == ct_master || ct == ct_reduce ) {
        if (p->w_top > p->p_top) {
            /* inside a WORKSHARING construct for this PARALLEL region */
               ct, ident,
               & p->stack_data[ p->w_top ]
        if (ct == ct_reduce && p->s_top > p->p_top) {
            /* inside a another SYNC construct for this PARALLEL region */
                ct, ident,
                & p->stack_data[ p->s_top ]
        }; // if
    }; // if

__kmp_push_sync( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident, kmp_user_lock_p lck, kmp_uint32 seq )
__kmp_push_sync( int gtid, enum cons_type ct, ident_t const * ident, kmp_user_lock_p lck )
    int         tos;
    struct cons_header *p = __kmp_threads[ gtid ]->th.th_cons;

    KMP_ASSERT( gtid == __kmp_get_gtid() );
    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmp_push_sync (gtid=%d)\n", gtid ) );
    __kmp_check_sync( gtid, ct, ident, lck, seq );
    __kmp_check_sync( gtid, ct, ident, lck );
    KE_TRACE( 100, ( PUSH_MSG( ct, ident ) ) );
    tos = ++ p->stack_top;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].type  = ct;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].prev  = p->s_top;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].ident = ident;
    p->stack_data[ tos ].name  = lck;
    p->s_top = tos;
    KE_DUMP( 1000, dump_cons_stack( gtid, p ) );
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void
    ident_t                          *loc,
    kmp_int32                         global_tid,
    kmp_int32                         schedtype,
    kmp_int32                        *plastiter,
    T                                *plower,
    T                                *pupper,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t *pstride,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t  incr,
    typename traits_t< T >::signed_t  chunk
) {
    typedef typename traits_t< T >::unsigned_t  UT;
    typedef typename traits_t< T >::signed_t    ST;
    /*  this all has to be changed back to TID and such.. */
    register kmp_int32   gtid = global_tid;
    register kmp_uint32  tid;
    register kmp_uint32  nth;
    register UT          trip_count;
    register kmp_team_t *team;

    KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init called (%d)\n", global_tid));
    #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
        const char * buff;
        // create format specifiers before the debug output
        buff = __kmp_str_format(
            "__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%%d sched=%%d liter=%%d iter=(%%%s," \
            " %%%s, %%%s) incr=%%%s chunk=%%%s signed?<%s>\n",
            traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec,
            traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec );
        KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, global_tid, schedtype, *plastiter,
            *plower, *pupper, *pstride, incr, chunk ) );
        __kmp_str_free( &buff );

    if ( __kmp_env_consistency_check ) {
        __kmp_push_workshare( global_tid, ct_pdo, loc );
        if ( incr == 0 ) {
            __kmp_error_construct( kmp_i18n_msg_CnsLoopIncrZeroProhibited, ct_pdo, loc );

    /* special handling for zero-trip loops */
    if ( incr > 0 ? (*pupper < *plower) : (*plower < *pupper) ) {
        *plastiter = FALSE;
        /* leave pupper and plower set to entire iteration space */
        *pstride = incr;   /* value should never be used */
	//        *plower = *pupper - incr;   // let compiler bypass the illegal loop (like for(i=1;i<10;i--))  THIS LINE CAUSED shape2F/h_tests_1.f TO HAVE A FAILURE ON A ZERO-TRIP LOOP (lower=1,\
	  upper=0,stride=1) - JPH June 23, 2009.
        #ifdef KMP_DEBUG
            const char * buff;
            // create format specifiers before the debug output
            buff = __kmp_str_format(
                "__kmpc_for_static_init:(ZERO TRIP) liter=%%d lower=%%%s upper=%%%s stride = %%%s signed?<%s>, loc = %%s\n",
                traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec, traits_t< ST >::spec, traits_t< T >::spec );
            KD_TRACE(100, ( buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride, loc->psource ) );
            __kmp_str_free( &buff );
        KE_TRACE( 10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid ) );
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void __kmp_for_static_init(ident_t *loc, kmp_int32 global_tid,
                                  kmp_int32 schedtype, kmp_int32 *plastiter,
                                  T *plower, T *pupper,
                                  typename traits_t<T>::signed_t *pstride,
                                  typename traits_t<T>::signed_t incr,
                                  typename traits_t<T>::signed_t chunk
                                  void *codeptr
                                  ) {

  typedef typename traits_t<T>::unsigned_t UT;
  typedef typename traits_t<T>::signed_t ST;
  /*  this all has to be changed back to TID and such.. */
  kmp_int32 gtid = global_tid;
  kmp_uint32 tid;
  kmp_uint32 nth;
  UT trip_count;
  kmp_team_t *team;
  kmp_info_t *th = __kmp_threads[gtid];

  ompt_team_info_t *team_info = NULL;
  ompt_task_info_t *task_info = NULL;
  ompt_work_type_t ompt_work_type = ompt_work_loop;

  static kmp_int8 warn = 0;

  if (ompt_enabled.ompt_callback_work) {
    // Only fully initialize variables needed by OMPT if OMPT is enabled.
    team_info = __ompt_get_teaminfo(0, NULL);
    task_info = __ompt_get_task_info_object(0);
    // Determine workshare type
    if (loc != NULL) {
      if ((loc->flags & KMP_IDENT_WORK_LOOP) != 0) {
        ompt_work_type = ompt_work_loop;
      } else if ((loc->flags & KMP_IDENT_WORK_SECTIONS) != 0) {
        ompt_work_type = ompt_work_sections;
      } else if ((loc->flags & KMP_IDENT_WORK_DISTRIBUTE) != 0) {
        ompt_work_type = ompt_work_distribute;
      } else {
        kmp_int8 bool_res =
            KMP_COMPARE_AND_STORE_ACQ8(&warn, (kmp_int8)0, (kmp_int8)1);
        if (bool_res)

  KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(plastiter && plower && pupper && pstride);
  KE_TRACE(10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init called (%d)\n", global_tid));
#ifdef KMP_DEBUG
    char *buff;
    // create format specifiers before the debug output
    buff = __kmp_str_format(
        "__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%%d sched=%%d liter=%%d iter=(%%%s,"
        " %%%s, %%%s) incr=%%%s chunk=%%%s signed?<%s>\n",
        traits_t<T>::spec, traits_t<T>::spec, traits_t<ST>::spec,
        traits_t<ST>::spec, traits_t<ST>::spec, traits_t<T>::spec);
    KD_TRACE(100, (buff, global_tid, schedtype, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper,
                   *pstride, incr, chunk));

  if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
    __kmp_push_workshare(global_tid, ct_pdo, loc);
    if (incr == 0) {
      __kmp_error_construct(kmp_i18n_msg_CnsLoopIncrZeroProhibited, ct_pdo,
  /* special handling for zero-trip loops */
  if (incr > 0 ? (*pupper < *plower) : (*plower < *pupper)) {
    if (plastiter != NULL)
      *plastiter = FALSE;
    /* leave pupper and plower set to entire iteration space */
    *pstride = incr; /* value should never be used */
// *plower = *pupper - incr;
// let compiler bypass the illegal loop (like for(i=1;i<10;i--))
// ON A ZERO-TRIP LOOP (lower=1, upper=0,stride=1) - JPH June 23, 2009.
#ifdef KMP_DEBUG
      char *buff;
      // create format specifiers before the debug output
      buff = __kmp_str_format("__kmpc_for_static_init:(ZERO TRIP) liter=%%d "
                              "lower=%%%s upper=%%%s stride = %%%s "
                              "signed?<%s>, loc = %%s\n",
                              traits_t<T>::spec, traits_t<T>::spec,
                              traits_t<ST>::spec, traits_t<T>::spec);
               (buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride, loc->psource));
    KE_TRACE(10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid));

    if (ompt_enabled.ompt_callback_work) {
          ompt_work_type, ompt_scope_begin, &(team_info->parallel_data),
          &(task_info->task_data), 0, codeptr);
    KMP_COUNT_VALUE(FOR_static_iterations, 0);

  // Although there are schedule enumerations above kmp_ord_upper which are not
  // schedules for "distribute", the only ones which are useful are dynamic, so
  // cannot be seen here, since this codepath is only executed for static
  // schedules.
  if (schedtype > kmp_ord_upper) {
    // we are in DISTRIBUTE construct
    schedtype += kmp_sch_static -
                 kmp_distribute_static; // AC: convert to usual schedule type
    tid = th->th.th_team->t.t_master_tid;
    team = th->th.th_team->t.t_parent;
  } else
    tid = __kmp_tid_from_gtid(global_tid);
    team = th->th.th_team;

  /* determine if "for" loop is an active worksharing construct */
  if (team->t.t_serialized) {
    /* serialized parallel, each thread executes whole iteration space */
    if (plastiter != NULL)
      *plastiter = TRUE;
    /* leave pupper and plower set to entire iteration space */
    *pstride =
        (incr > 0) ? (*pupper - *plower + 1) : (-(*plower - *pupper + 1));

#ifdef KMP_DEBUG
      char *buff;
      // create format specifiers before the debug output
      buff = __kmp_str_format("__kmpc_for_static_init: (serial) liter=%%d "
                              "lower=%%%s upper=%%%s stride = %%%s\n",
                              traits_t<T>::spec, traits_t<T>::spec,
      KD_TRACE(100, (buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride));
    KE_TRACE(10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid));

    if (ompt_enabled.ompt_callback_work) {
          ompt_work_type, ompt_scope_begin, &(team_info->parallel_data),
          &(task_info->task_data), *pstride, codeptr);
  nth = team->t.t_nproc;
  if (nth == 1) {
    if (plastiter != NULL)
      *plastiter = TRUE;
    *pstride =
        (incr > 0) ? (*pupper - *plower + 1) : (-(*plower - *pupper + 1));
#ifdef KMP_DEBUG
      char *buff;
      // create format specifiers before the debug output
      buff = __kmp_str_format("__kmpc_for_static_init: (serial) liter=%%d "
                              "lower=%%%s upper=%%%s stride = %%%s\n",
                              traits_t<T>::spec, traits_t<T>::spec,
      KD_TRACE(100, (buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride));
    KE_TRACE(10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid));

    if (ompt_enabled.ompt_callback_work) {
          ompt_work_type, ompt_scope_begin, &(team_info->parallel_data),
          &(task_info->task_data), *pstride, codeptr);

  /* compute trip count */
  if (incr == 1) {
    trip_count = *pupper - *plower + 1;
  } else if (incr == -1) {
    trip_count = *plower - *pupper + 1;
  } else if (incr > 0) {
    // upper-lower can exceed the limit of signed type
    trip_count = (UT)(*pupper - *plower) / incr + 1;
  } else {
    trip_count = (UT)(*plower - *pupper) / (-incr) + 1;

  if (__kmp_env_consistency_check) {
    /* tripcount overflow? */
    if (trip_count == 0 && *pupper != *plower) {
      __kmp_error_construct(kmp_i18n_msg_CnsIterationRangeTooLarge, ct_pdo,
  KMP_COUNT_VALUE(FOR_static_iterations, trip_count);

  /* compute remaining parameters */
  switch (schedtype) {
  case kmp_sch_static: {
    if (trip_count < nth) {
          __kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_greedy ||
          __kmp_static ==
              kmp_sch_static_balanced); // Unknown static scheduling type.
      if (tid < trip_count) {
        *pupper = *plower = *plower + tid * incr;
      } else {
        *plower = *pupper + incr;
      if (plastiter != NULL)
        *plastiter = (tid == trip_count - 1);
    } else {
      if (__kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_balanced) {
        UT small_chunk = trip_count / nth;
        UT extras = trip_count % nth;
        *plower += incr * (tid * small_chunk + (tid < extras ? tid : extras));
        *pupper = *plower + small_chunk * incr - (tid < extras ? 0 : incr);
        if (plastiter != NULL)
          *plastiter = (tid == nth - 1);
      } else {
        T big_chunk_inc_count =
            (trip_count / nth + ((trip_count % nth) ? 1 : 0)) * incr;
        T old_upper = *pupper;

        KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(__kmp_static == kmp_sch_static_greedy);
        // Unknown static scheduling type.

        *plower += tid * big_chunk_inc_count;
        *pupper = *plower + big_chunk_inc_count - incr;
        if (incr > 0) {
          if (*pupper < *plower)
            *pupper = traits_t<T>::max_value;
          if (plastiter != NULL)
            *plastiter = *plower <= old_upper && *pupper > old_upper - incr;
          if (*pupper > old_upper)
            *pupper = old_upper; // tracker C73258
        } else {
          if (*pupper > *plower)
            *pupper = traits_t<T>::min_value;
          if (plastiter != NULL)
            *plastiter = *plower >= old_upper && *pupper < old_upper - incr;
          if (*pupper < old_upper)
            *pupper = old_upper; // tracker C73258
    *pstride = trip_count;
  case kmp_sch_static_chunked: {
    ST span;
    if (chunk < 1) {
      chunk = 1;
    span = chunk * incr;
    *pstride = span * nth;
    *plower = *plower + (span * tid);
    *pupper = *plower + span - incr;
    if (plastiter != NULL)
      *plastiter = (tid == ((trip_count - 1) / (UT)chunk) % nth);
  case kmp_sch_static_balanced_chunked: {
    T old_upper = *pupper;
    // round up to make sure the chunk is enough to cover all iterations
    UT span = (trip_count + nth - 1) / nth;

    // perform chunk adjustment
    chunk = (span + chunk - 1) & ~(chunk - 1);

    span = chunk * incr;
    *plower = *plower + (span * tid);
    *pupper = *plower + span - incr;
    if (incr > 0) {
      if (*pupper > old_upper)
        *pupper = old_upper;
    } else if (*pupper < old_upper)
      *pupper = old_upper;

    if (plastiter != NULL)
      *plastiter = (tid == ((trip_count - 1) / (UT)chunk));
    KMP_ASSERT2(0, "__kmpc_for_static_init: unknown scheduling type");

  // Report loop metadata
  if (KMP_MASTER_TID(tid) && __itt_metadata_add_ptr &&
      __kmp_forkjoin_frames_mode == 3 &&
      th->th.th_teams_microtask == NULL &&
      team->t.t_active_level == 1) {
    kmp_uint64 cur_chunk = chunk;
    // Calculate chunk in case it was not specified; it is specified for
    // kmp_sch_static_chunked
    if (schedtype == kmp_sch_static) {
      cur_chunk = trip_count / nth + ((trip_count % nth) ? 1 : 0);
    // 0 - "static" schedule
    __kmp_itt_metadata_loop(loc, 0, trip_count, cur_chunk);
#ifdef KMP_DEBUG
    char *buff;
    // create format specifiers before the debug output
    buff = __kmp_str_format("__kmpc_for_static_init: liter=%%d lower=%%%s "
                            "upper=%%%s stride = %%%s signed?<%s>\n",
                            traits_t<T>::spec, traits_t<T>::spec,
                            traits_t<ST>::spec, traits_t<T>::spec);
    KD_TRACE(100, (buff, *plastiter, *plower, *pupper, *pstride));
  KE_TRACE(10, ("__kmpc_for_static_init: T#%d return\n", global_tid));

  if (ompt_enabled.ompt_callback_work) {
        ompt_work_type, ompt_scope_begin, &(team_info->parallel_data),
        &(task_info->task_data), trip_count, codeptr);
