Ejemplo n.º 1
static void testVerifyPublicationsFile(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL;
	KSI_PKITruststore *pki = NULL;


	setFileMockResponse(tc, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE));

	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL);

	res = KSI_PKITruststore_new(ctx, 0, &pki);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get PKI truststore from context.", res == KSI_OK && pki != NULL);

	res = KSI_CTX_setPKITruststore(ctx, pki);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set new pki truststrore for ksi context.", res == KSI_OK);

	/* Verification should fail. */
	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx);
	CuAssert(tc, "Publications file shouldn't verify without mock certificate.", res != KSI_OK);

	/* Verification should succeed. */

	res = KSI_PKITruststore_addLookupFile(pki, getFullResourcePath("resource/tlv/mock.crt"));
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read certificate", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx);
//	KSI_ERR_statusDump(ctx, stdout);
//	exit(1);

	CuAssert(tc, "Publications file should verify with mock certificate.", res == KSI_OK);

Ejemplo n.º 2
static void testReceivePublicationsFileInvalidPki(CuTest *tc) {
	int res;
	KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL;
	KSI_PKITruststore *pki = NULL;
	KSI_CertConstraint arr[] = {
			{KSI_CERT_EMAIL, "*****@*****.**"},
	KSI_CTX *ctx = NULL;

	res = KSITest_CTX_clone(&ctx);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create new context.", res == KSI_OK && ctx != NULL);


	res = KSI_CTX_setPublicationUrl(ctx, getFullResourcePathUri(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE_INVALID_PKI));
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to clear pubfile URI.", res == KSI_OK);

	/* Configure expected PIK cert and constraints for pub. file. */
	res = KSI_PKITruststore_new(ctx, 0, &pki);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get PKI truststore from context.", res == KSI_OK && pki != NULL);

	res = KSI_CTX_setPKITruststore(ctx, pki);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set new pki truststrore for ksi context.", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_PKITruststore_addLookupFile(pki, getFullResourcePath("resource/tlv/mock.crt"));
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read certificate", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, arr);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set OID", res == KSI_OK);

	res = KSI_receivePublicationsFile(ctx, &pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Unable to receive publications file.", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL);

	res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile);
	CuAssert(tc, "Publications file should NOT verify as PKI signature is wrong.", res == KSI_INVALID_PKI_SIGNATURE);
