Ejemplo n.º 1
WSLB::WSLB(const CkLBOptions &opt) : BaseLB(opt) 
  thisProxy = CProxy_WSLB(thisgroup);
  lbname = "WSLB";
  if (CkMyPe() == 0)
    CkPrintf("[%d] WSLB created\n",CkMyPe());

  mystep = 0;
  notifier = theLbdb->getLBDB()->

   LBtopoFn topofn = LBTopoLookup(_lbtopo);
  if (topofn == NULL) {
    if (CkMyPe()==0) CmiPrintf("LB> Fatal error: Unknown topology: %s.\n", _lbtopo);
  topo = topofn(CkNumPes());

  // I had to move neighbor initialization outside the constructor
  // in order to get the virtual functions of any derived classes
  // so I'll just set them to illegal values here.
  neighbor_pes = NULL;
  stats_msg_count = 0;
  statsMsgsList = NULL;
  statsDataList = NULL;
  migrates_completed = 0;
  migrates_expected = -1;
  mig_msgs_received = 0;
  mig_msgs = NULL;

  myStats.proc_speed = theLbdb->ProcessorSpeed();
//  char hostname[80];
//  gethostname(hostname,79);
//  CkPrintf("[%d] host %s speed %d\n",CkMyPe(),hostname,myStats.proc_speed);
  myStats.obj_data_sz = 0;
  myStats.comm_data_sz = 0;
  receive_stats_ready = 0;

  vacate = false;
  usage = 1.0;
  usage_int_err = 0.;

Ejemplo n.º 2
void TopoCentLB :: work(LDStats *stats)
  int proc;
  int i,j;
  int n_pes = stats->nprocs();
  if (_lb_args.debug() >= 2) {
    CkPrintf("In TopoCentLB Strategy...\n");
  // Make sure that there is at least one available processor.
  for (proc = 0; proc < n_pes; proc++) {
    if (stats->procs[proc].available) {

  if (proc == n_pes) {
    CmiAbort ("TopoCentLB: no available processors!");

  removeNonMigratable(stats, n_pes);
  int *newmap = new int[stats->n_objs];

    computePartitions(stats, n_pes, newmap);
  else {
    //mapping taken from previous algo
    for(i=0;i<stats->n_objs;i++) {

  //Debugging Code
  if(_lb_args.debug() >=2){
    CkPrintf("Map obtained from partitioning:\n");
      CkPrintf(" %d,%d ",i,newmap[i]);

  int max_objs = findMaxObjs(newmap,stats->n_objs, n_pes);
  partgraph = new PartGraph(n_pes, max_objs);

  //Fill up the partition graph - first fill the nodes and then, the edges

      PartGraph::Node* n = &partgraph->nodes[newmap[i]];

  int *addedComm=new int[n_pes];
  int max_comm_part=-1;
  double max_comm=0;

  //Try putting random amount of communication on the partition graph edges to see if things work fine
  //This also checks the running time of the algorithm since number of edges is high than in a practical scenario
#ifdef RAND_COMM
  for(i = 0; i < n_pes; i++) {
    for(j = i+1; j < n_pes; j++) {
      int val;
	val= rand()%1000;
      partgraph->edges[i][j] = val;
      partgraph->edges[j][i] = val;
      partgraph->nodes[i].comm += val;
      partgraph->nodes[j].comm += val;
      if(partgraph->nodes[i].comm > max_comm){
	max_comm = partgraph->nodes[i].comm;
	max_comm_part = i;
      if(partgraph->nodes[j].comm > max_comm){
	max_comm = partgraph->nodes[j].comm;
	max_comm_part = j;
  //Adding communication to the partition graph edges
      //DO I consider other comm too....i.e. to or from a processor
      LDCommData &cdata = stats->commData[i];
      if(!cdata.from_proc() && cdata.receiver.get_type() == LD_OBJ_MSG){
    	int senderID = stats->getHash(cdata.sender);
    	int recverID = stats->getHash(cdata.receiver.get_destObj());
	CmiAssert(senderID < stats->n_objs);
	CmiAssert(recverID < stats->n_objs);
	if(partgraph->edges[newmap[senderID]][newmap[recverID]] == 0){
	partgraph->edges[newmap[senderID]][newmap[recverID]] += cdata.bytes;
	partgraph->edges[newmap[recverID]][newmap[senderID]] += cdata.bytes;
	partgraph->nodes[newmap[senderID]].comm += cdata.bytes;
	partgraph->nodes[newmap[recverID]].comm += cdata.bytes;

	//Keeping track of maximum communiacting partition
	if(partgraph->nodes[newmap[senderID]].comm > max_comm){
	  max_comm = partgraph->nodes[newmap[senderID]].comm;
	  max_comm_part = newmap[senderID];
	if(partgraph->nodes[newmap[recverID]].comm > max_comm){
	  max_comm = partgraph->nodes[newmap[recverID]].comm;
	  max_comm_part = newmap[recverID];
      else if(cdata.receiver.get_type() == LD_OBJLIST_MSG) {
	int nobjs;
    	LDObjKey *objs = cdata.receiver.get_destObjs(nobjs);
	int senderID = stats->getHash(cdata.sender);
	for(j = 0; j < n_pes; j++)
	for (j=0; j<nobjs; j++) {
	  int recverID = stats->getHash(objs[j]);
	  if((senderID == -1)||(recverID == -1))
	    if (_lb_args.migObjOnly()) continue;
	    else CkAbort("Error in search\n");
	  if(partgraph->edges[newmap[senderID]][newmap[recverID]] == 0){

	  //Communication added only once for a message sent to many objects on a single processor
	    partgraph->edges[newmap[senderID]][newmap[recverID]] += cdata.bytes;
	    partgraph->edges[newmap[recverID]][newmap[senderID]] += cdata.bytes;
	    partgraph->nodes[newmap[senderID]].comm += cdata.bytes;
	    partgraph->nodes[newmap[recverID]].comm += cdata.bytes;

	    if(partgraph->nodes[newmap[senderID]].comm > max_comm){
	      max_comm = partgraph->nodes[newmap[senderID]].comm;
	      max_comm_part = newmap[senderID];
	    if(partgraph->nodes[newmap[recverID]].comm > max_comm){
	      max_comm = partgraph->nodes[newmap[recverID]].comm;
	      max_comm_part = newmap[recverID];
	    //bytesComm[newmap[senderID]][newmap[recverID]] += cdata.bytes;
	    //bytesComm[newmap[recverID]][newmap[senderID]] += cdata.bytes;

  int *proc_mapping = new int[n_pes];
  delete [] addedComm;
  LBtopoFn topofn;

  //Parsing the command line input for getting the processor topology
  char *lbcopy = strdup(_lbtopo);
  char *ptr = strchr(lbcopy, ':');
  if (ptr!=NULL)
    ptr = strtok(lbcopy, ":");

  topofn = LBTopoLookup(ptr);
  if (topofn == NULL) {
    char str[1024];
    CmiPrintf("TopoCentLB> Fatal error: Unknown topology: %s. Choose from:\n", ptr);
    sprintf(str, "TopoCentLB> Fatal error: Unknown topology: %s", ptr);
  topo = topofn(n_pes);

  //Call the core routine to produce the partition processor mapping
  //Returned partition graph is a Maximum Spanning Tree -- converted in above function itself

  //Debugging code: Result of mapping partition graph onto processor graph
  if (_lb_args.debug()>1) {
    CkPrintf("Resultant mapping..(partition,processor)\n");
    for(i = 0; i < n_pes; i++)

  //Store the result in the load balancing database
  int pe;
  PartGraph::Node* n;
  for(i = 0; i < n_pes; i++){
    pe = proc_mapping[i];
    n = &partgraph->nodes[i];
      stats->to_proc[n->obj_list[j]] = pe;
      if (_lb_args.debug()>1) 
        CkPrintf("[%d] Obj %d migrating from %d to %d\n", CkMyPe(),n->obj_list[j],stats->from_proc[n->obj_list[j]],pe);

  delete[] newmap;
  delete[] proc_mapping;
  //Delete hopCount
  for(i = 0; i < n_pes; i++)
    delete[] hopCount[i];

  delete[] hopCount;
  delete[] heapMapping;
  delete partgraph;
Ejemplo n.º 3
LBMigrateMsg* NeighborCommLB::Strategy(NborBaseLB::LDStats* stats, int n_nbrs)
bool _lb_debug=0;
bool _lb_debug1=0;
bool _lb_debug2=0;
  //  CkPrintf("[%d] Strategy starting\n",CkMyPe());
  // Compute the average load to see if we are overloaded relative
  // to our neighbors
  double myload = myStats.total_walltime - myStats.idletime;
  double avgload = myload;
  int i;
  if (_lb_debug) 
    CkPrintf("[%d] Neighbor Count = %d\n", CkMyPe(), n_nbrs);
  for(i=0; i < n_nbrs; i++) {
    // Scale times we need appropriately for relative proc speeds
    const double scale =  ((double)myStats.pe_speed) 
      / stats[i].pe_speed;

    stats[i].total_walltime *= scale;
    stats[i].idletime *= scale;

    avgload += (stats[i].total_walltime - stats[i].idletime);
  avgload /= (n_nbrs + 1);

  CkVec<MigrateInfo*> migrateInfo;

  if (_lb_debug) 
    CkPrintf("[%d] My load is %lf\n", CkMyPe(),myload);
  if (myload > avgload) {
    if (_lb_debug1) 
      CkPrintf("[%d] OVERLOAD My load is %lf average load is %lf\n", CkMyPe(), myload, avgload);

    // First of all, explore the topology and get dimension
    LBTopology* topo;
      LBtopoFn topofn;
      topofn = LBTopoLookup(_lbtopo);
      if (topofn == NULL) {
        char str[1024];
        CmiPrintf("NeighborCommLB> Fatal error: Unknown topology: %s. Choose from:\n", _lbtopo);
        sprintf(str, "NeighborCommLB> Fatal error: Unknown topology: %s", _lbtopo);
      topo = topofn(CkNumPes());
    int dimension = topo->get_dimension();
    if (_lb_debug2) 
      CkPrintf("[%d] Topology dimension = %d\n", CkMyPe(), dimension);
    if (dimension == -1) {
      char str[1024];
      CmiPrintf("NeighborCommLB> Fatal error: Unsupported topology: %s. Only some of the following are supported:\n", _lbtopo);
      sprintf(str, "NeighborCommLB> Fatal error: Unsupported topology: %s", _lbtopo);

    // Position of this processor
    int *myProc = new int[dimension];
    topo->get_processor_coordinates(myStats.from_pe, myProc);
    if (_lb_debug2) {
      char temp[1000];
      char* now=temp;
      sprintf(now, "[%d] Coordinates = [", CkMyPe());
      now += strlen(now);
      for(i=0;i<dimension;i++) {
        sprintf(now, "%d ", myProc[i]); 
        now +=strlen(now);
      sprintf(now, "]\n");
      now += strlen(now);

    // Then calculate the communication center of each object
    // The communication center is relative to myProc
    double **commcenter = new double*[myStats.n_objs];
    double *commamount = new double[myStats.n_objs];
    if(_lb_debug1) {
      CkPrintf("[%d] Number of Objs = %d \n", CkMyPe(), myStats.n_objs);
      memset(commamount, 0, sizeof(double)*myStats.n_objs);
      for(i=0; i<myStats.n_objs;i++) {
        commcenter[i] = new double[dimension];
        memset(commcenter[i], 0, sizeof(double)*dimension);

      //coordinates of procs
      int *destProc = new int[dimension];
      int *diff = new int[dimension];
      //for each comm entry
      for(i=0; i<myStats.n_comm;i++) {
        int j;
        //for each object //TODO use hashtable to accelerate
        for(j=0; j<myStats.n_objs;j++) 
          if((myStats.objData[j].handle.omhandle.id == myStats.commData[i].sender.omId)
              && (myStats.objData[j].handle.id == myStats.commData[i].sender.objId)) {
            double comm=
              PER_MESSAGE_SEND_OVERHEAD * myStats.commData[i].messages 
              + PER_BYTE_SEND_OVERHEAD * myStats.commData[i].bytes;
            commamount[j] += comm;
            int dest_pe = myStats.commData[i].receiver.lastKnown();
            if(dest_pe==-1) continue;
              topo->get_processor_coordinates(dest_pe, destProc);
            topo->coordinate_difference(myProc, destProc, diff);
            int k;
            for(k=0;k<dimension;k++) {
              commcenter[j][k] += diff[k] * comm;
      for(i=0; i<myStats.n_objs;i++) if (commamount[i]>0) {
        int k;
        double ratio = 1.0 /commamount[i];
          commcenter[i][k] *= ratio;
      } else { //if no communication, set commcenter to myself
        int k;
          commcenter[i][k] = 0;
      delete [] destProc;
      delete [] diff;
    if(_lb_debug2) {
      for(i=0;i<myStats.n_objs;i++) {
        char temp[1000];
        char* now=temp;
        sprintf(now, "[%d] Objs [%d] Load = %lf Comm Amount = %lf  ", 
          CkMyPe(), i, myStats.objData[i].wallTime, commamount[i] );
        now += strlen(now);
        sprintf(now, "Comm Center = [");
        now += strlen(now);
        int j;
        for(j=0;j<dimension;j++) {
          sprintf(now, "%lf ", commcenter[i][j]); 
          now += strlen(now);
        sprintf(now, "]\n");
        now += strlen(now);
    // First, build heaps of my objects
    // Then assign objects to the least loaded other processors until either
    //   - The smallest remaining object would put me below average, or
    //   - I only have 1 object left, or
    //   - The smallest remaining object would put someone else 
    //     above average
    // Note: Object can only move towards its communication center!

    // My neighbors: 
    typedef struct _procInfo{
      int id;
      double load;
      int* difference;
    } procInfo;

    if(_lb_debug2) {
      CkPrintf("[%d] Querying neighborhood topology...\n", CkMyPe() );

    procInfo* neighbors = new procInfo[n_nbrs];
      int *destProc = new int[dimension];
      for(i=0; i < n_nbrs; i++) {
        neighbors[i].id = stats[i].from_pe;
        neighbors[i].load = stats[i].total_walltime - stats[i].idletime;
        neighbors[i].difference = new int[dimension];
        topo->get_processor_coordinates(neighbors[i].id, destProc);
        topo->coordinate_difference(myProc, destProc, neighbors[i].difference);
      delete[] destProc;
    if(_lb_debug2) {
      CkPrintf("[%d] Building obj heap...\n", CkMyPe() );
    // My objects: build heaps
    maxHeap objs(myStats.n_objs);
    double totalObjLoad=0.0;
    for(i=0; i < myStats.n_objs; i++) {
      InfoRecord* item = new InfoRecord;
      item->load = myStats.objData[i].wallTime;
      totalObjLoad += item->load;
      item->Id = i;

    if(_lb_debug2) {
      CkPrintf("[%d] Beginning distributing objects...\n", CkMyPe() );

    // for each object
    while(objs.numElements()>0) {
      InfoRecord* obj;
      obj = objs.deleteMax();
      int bestDest = -1;
      for(i = 0; i < n_nbrs; i++)
	if(neighbors[i].load +obj->load < myload - obj->load && (bestDest==-1 || neighbors[i].load < neighbors[bestDest].load)) {
	  double dotsum=0;
	  int j;
	  for(j=0; j<dimension; j++) dotsum += (commcenter[obj->Id][j] * neighbors[i].difference[j]);
	  if(myload - avgload < totalObjLoad || dotsum>0.5 || (dotsum>0 && objs.numElements()==0) || commamount[obj->Id]==0) {
	    bestDest = i;
      // Best place for the object
      if(bestDest != -1) {
        if(_lb_debug1) {
          CkPrintf("[%d] Obj[%d] will move to Proc[%d]\n", CkMyPe(), obj->Id, neighbors[bestDest].id);
        //Migrate it
        MigrateInfo* migrateMe = new MigrateInfo;
        migrateMe->obj = myStats.objData[obj->Id].handle;
        migrateMe->from_pe = myStats.from_pe;
        migrateMe->to_pe = neighbors[bestDest].id;
        //Modify loads
        myload -= obj->load;
        neighbors[bestDest].load += obj->load;
      totalObjLoad -= obj->load;
      delete obj;

    if(_lb_debug2) {
      CkPrintf("[%d] Clearing Up...\n", CkMyPe());

    for(i=0; i<n_nbrs; i++) {
      delete[] neighbors[i].difference;
    delete[] neighbors;
    delete[] myProc;

    for(i=0;i<myStats.n_objs;i++) {
      delete[] commcenter[i];
    delete[] commcenter;
    delete[] commamount;        

  if(_lb_debug2) {
    CkPrintf("[%d] Generating result...\n", CkMyPe());

  // Now build the message to actually perform the migrations
  int migrate_count=migrateInfo.length();
  //  if (migrate_count > 0) {
  //    CkPrintf("PE %d migrating %d elements\n",CkMyPe(),migrate_count);
  //  }
  LBMigrateMsg* msg = new(migrate_count,CkNumPes(),CkNumPes(),0) LBMigrateMsg;
  msg->n_moves = migrate_count;
  for(i=0; i < migrate_count; i++) {
    MigrateInfo* item = (MigrateInfo*) migrateInfo[i];
    msg->moves[i] = *item;
    delete item;
    migrateInfo[i] = 0;

  return msg;
  return NULL;