Ejemplo n.º 1
// a function to draw smile
void draw_smile (void){
		int row;

		for(unsigned char row = 16; row < 17; row++)
			for( unsigned char col = 64; col < 67; col++ )
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);

		for(unsigned char row = 9; row < 10; row++)
			for( unsigned char col = 62; col < 69; col++ )
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);

		//draw the eyes
		row = 20;
		for( unsigned char col = 58; col < 61; col++ )
			LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);
			LCD_set_pixel(row, col+10, 1);
			LCD_set_pixel(row, 120-col, 1);
			LCD_set_pixel(row, 130-col, 1);

		//draw the mouth
		row = 9;
		for( unsigned char col = 68; col < 72; col++ )
			LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);
			LCD_set_pixel(row, 130-col, 1);

		//draw the nose
		row = 15;
		for( unsigned char col = 63; col < 65; col++ )
			LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);
			LCD_set_pixel(row, 130-col, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 2
// a function to draw a smiley face
void draw_smiley (void){

	int num = 0;

		if (num % 2==0)


		for(unsigned char row = 0; row < LCD_PIX_HEIGHT; row++)
			for( unsigned char col = 0; col < LCD_PIX_WIDTH; col++ )
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void LCD_set_pixel_tr(uintCoord p, uint8_t transpose) {
	uintCoord pix;
	if (transpose > 0) {
		pix.x = p.y;
		pix.y = p.x;
	} else {
		pix = p;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * a function that can test that sensor data can be output
 * to the LCD display in a meaningful manner and the normal
 * printf still works correctly
void pixel_sensor_test(void) {
	while(checkNoBtns()) {
		float leftIR = getLeftIR();
		float rightIR = getRightIR();
		float trimLeftIR = trim(2*leftIR, 0, LCD_PIX_WIDTH/2);
		float trimRightIR = trim(2*rightIR, 0, LCD_PIX_WIDTH/2);

		for(unsigned char i = 0; i < LCD_PIX_HEIGHT; i++) {
			LCD_set_pixel(i, LCD_PIX_WIDTH/2, i & 1);
			LCD_set_pixel(i, LCD_PIX_WIDTH/2 - trimLeftIR, 1);
			LCD_set_pixel(i, LCD_PIX_WIDTH/2-1 + trimRightIR, 1);

		LCD_set_RC( 0, 0 );
		LCD_printf("%.1f", (double)leftIR);
		LCD_set_RC( 0, 16 );
		LCD_printf("%.1f", (double)rightIR);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * a function that tests that all the pixels in the LCD
 * can be turned on an off with the LCD_set_pixel function
void all_pixel_test(void) {
	while(checkNoBtns()) {
		for(unsigned char row = 0; row < LCD_PIX_HEIGHT; row++)
			for( unsigned char col = 0; col < LCD_PIX_WIDTH; col++ )
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);


		for(unsigned char row = 0; row < LCD_PIX_HEIGHT; row++)
			for( unsigned char col = 0; col < LCD_PIX_WIDTH; col++ )
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 6
// a function to draw face
void draw_face (void){
		int row;
		int col;

		for(unsigned char row = 29; row < 30; row++)
			for( unsigned char col = 55; col < 76; col++ )
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);
				LCD_set_pixel(row-26, col, 1);

		for(unsigned char col = 81; col < 82; col++)
			for(unsigned char row = 9; row < 24; row++)
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col-32, 1);

		for(unsigned char row = 4; row<9; row++)
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);
				LCD_set_pixel(row+20, col+26, 1);

		for(unsigned char col = 76; col < 81; col++)
				LCD_set_pixel(row, col, 1);
				LCD_set_pixel(row+20, col-26, 1);
Ejemplo n.º 7
* Function:			void printCell(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, BOOL isrobot, unsigned char orent)
* Input Variables:	void
* Output Return:	unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, BOOL, unsigned char
* Overview:		    Prints the cell
void printCell(unsigned char cell, unsigned char r, unsigned char c, BOOL isrobot, unsigned char orent){

	LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - r,   c,   1);
	LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+7), c,   1);
	LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - r,   c+7, 1);
	LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+7), c+7, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - r, c+1, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - r, c+2, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - r, c+3, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - r, c+4, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - r, c+5, 1);		
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - r, c+6, 1);		
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+1), c+7, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+2), c+7, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+3), c+7, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+4), c+7, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+5), c+7, 1);		
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+6), c+7, 1);			
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+7), c+1, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+7), c+2, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+7), c+3, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+7), c+4, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+7), c+5, 1);		
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+7), c+6, 1);		
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+1), c, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+2), c, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+3), c, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+4), c, 1);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+5), c, 1);		
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+6), c, 1);		
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+3), c+3, isrobot);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+4), c+3, isrobot);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+3), c+4, isrobot);
		LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+4), c+4, isrobot);
			case NORTH:
				LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+2), c+3, isrobot);
			case EAST:
				LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+3), c+5, isrobot);
			case SOUTH:
				LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+5), c+4, isrobot);			
			case WEST:
				LCD_set_pixel(LCD_OFFSET - (r+4), c+2, isrobot);			
Ejemplo n.º 8
void draw_polygon(fixedPointEdgeTable* global_edge_table) {
	//initialise parity
	uint8_t parity = 0; //0 represents 'not inside polygon'
	uint8_t last_type = 2;
	//initialise the scan-line - set to lowest y value
	int8_t scan_line = roundfip(global_edge_table->edges[0].ymin);
	//initialise active edge table (size should be number of edges in the global edge table)
	/*fixedPointEdgeTable active_edge_table;
	fixedPointEdge* fpedges = calloc(global_edge_table->num_edges, sizeof(fixedPointEdge));
	if (NULL == fpedges) {
		return false; //error, not enough space to make this
	active_edge_table.edges = fpedges; //we have now successfully assigned enough memory to do this
	uint8_t active_edges = 0;
	//loop the global edge table and update the edges for this scan line
	uint8_t current_edge;
	fixedPointEdge start_edge;
	uintCoord current;
	while(1) {
		for (current_edge = 0; current_edge < global_edge_table->num_edges; current_edge++) {
			if (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].status == ACTIVE) {
				//evaluate if this edge should be deactivated
				if (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].ymax < (fip(scan_line) - fip(0.5))) { //we subtract 0.5 because we want the scan line to be beyond the end of the edge before disabling it
					//deactivate it
					global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].status = COMPLETE;
				} else {
					//increment the pixel's x value
					global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].x += global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].slope;
					//put a cap on x values - this fixes issues with very high gradients creating lines off the polygon
					if (((global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].slope > 0) && (roundfip(global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].x) > global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].xlim))
						|| ((global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].slope < 0) && (roundfip(global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].x) < global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].xlim))) {
						global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].x = fip(global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].xlim);
			} else if (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].status == INACTIVE) {
				//evaluate if this edge should be activated
				if (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].ymin < (fip(scan_line) + fip(0.5))) { //we add 0.5 because if the scan line were at 0, we would want to pick up ymins from -0.5 to 0.5
					global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].status = ACTIVE;
					//we need to make sure this edge is in the right place
					int8_t past_edge;
					for (past_edge = (current_edge-1); past_edge >= 0; past_edge--) { //iterate back down through the older (active/complete) edges and find any active ones with greater x
						if (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].status == ACTIVE) {
							if ((global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].x < global_edge_table->edges[past_edge].x) 
								&& (global_edge_table->edges[past_edge].ymax != global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].ymin)) {
								//the above if statement stops a new edge that is continuing upward from an older edge from swapping with it while they are both active
								//this is relevant as they are allowed to both be active simultaneously (as the +-0.5 has to account for inflection points)
								current.y = scan_line;
								current.x = past_edge;
								fixedPointEdge tmp_edge = global_edge_table->edges[current_edge]; //this assignment copies the data across (there are no pointers in a fixepoint edge)
								global_edge_table->edges[current_edge] = global_edge_table->edges[past_edge];
								global_edge_table->edges[past_edge] = tmp_edge;
		if (active_edges == 0) break;
		parity = 1;
		last_type = 2; //2 is a special value meaning uninitialised
		current.y = 0;
		current.x = 0;
		current.y = scan_line;
		for (current_edge = 0; current_edge < global_edge_table->num_edges; current_edge++) {
			if (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].status == ACTIVE) {
				if(last_type == 2) last_type = 1 - global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].type; //initialise last_type
				if (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].type != last_type) {
					parity = 1 - parity;
					if (parity == 0) {
						start_edge = global_edge_table->edges[current_edge];
					}/* else if (start_edge.ymax != global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].ymin) { //this accounts for the case when 2 connected edges which continue upward are active at the same time
						for (current.x = roundfip(start_edge.x); fip(current.x) <= (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].x + fip(0.5)); current.x++) {
					}*/ else {
						for (current.x = roundfip(start_edge.x); fip(current.x) <= (global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].x + fip(0.5)); current.x++) {
				last_type = global_edge_table->edges[current_edge].type;
Ejemplo n.º 9
//this function initialises all the edges and orders them into the edge table sorted by increasing ymin and xmin
bool initialise_global_edge_table(fixedPointPolygon* poly, fixedPointEdgeTable* edge_table) {
	fixedPointEdge* fpedges = calloc(poly->num_vertices, sizeof(fixedPointEdge)); //we must assign enough memory for every edge to be in the edge table, even though some may be discarded
	if (NULL == fpedges) {
		return false; //error, not enough space to make this
	edge_table->edges = fpedges; //we have now successfully assigned enough memory to do this
	edge_table->num_edges = 0; //we will increment this as we add each edge to the edge table
	fixedPointCoord start_vertex;
	fixedPointCoord end_vertex;
	fixedPointLine last_line;
	uint8_t vertex;
	uint8_t curr_edge_type = 0;
	for (vertex = 0; vertex < poly->num_vertices; vertex++) { //for every vertex, make an edge using it and the previous vertex
		start_vertex = poly->vertices[vertex];
		if (vertex == 0) {
			end_vertex = poly->vertices[poly->num_vertices - 1]; //pull out the last vertex
		} else {
			end_vertex = poly->vertices[vertex - 1];
		//make sure 'start' has the lowest y
		if (start_vertex.y > end_vertex.y) {
			fixedPointCoord tmp = start_vertex;
			start_vertex = end_vertex;
			end_vertex = tmp;
		fixedPoint dy = end_vertex.y - start_vertex.y;
		if (roundfip(dy) == 0) {
			if (last_line.end.x != NULL) {
				//this section moves the end of the previous line onto the end of this horizontal line
				if (start_vertex.x == last_line.end.x) {
					//if the start vertex matches the top of the previous line
					last_line.end.x = end_vertex.x;
					last_line.end.y = end_vertex.y;
				} else if (start_vertex.x == last_line.start.x) {
					//if the start vertex happens to match the bottom of the previous line
					last_line.start.x = end_vertex.x;
					last_line.start.y = end_vertex.y;
				} else if (end_vertex.x == last_line.end.x) {
					//if the start vertex happens to match the top of the previous line
					last_line.end.x = start_vertex.x;
					last_line.end.y = start_vertex.y;
				}  else if (end_vertex.x == last_line.start.x) {
					//if the start vertex happens to match the bottom of the previous line
					last_line.start.x = start_vertex.x;
					last_line.start.y = start_vertex.y;
			continue; //we dont need to draw horizontal lines (or close-to horizontal lines!), other edges will take care of this
		fixedPoint dx = end_vertex.x - start_vertex.x;
		fixedPointEdge new_edge;
		new_edge.slope = fip(dx)/dy; //be careful of divides and multiplies
		new_edge.ymin = start_vertex.y;
		new_edge.x = start_vertex.x; //start vertex
		new_edge.ymax = end_vertex.y;
		new_edge.xlim = roundfip(end_vertex.x);
		new_edge.status = INACTIVE;
		if (((start_vertex.x == last_line.start.x) && (start_vertex.y == last_line.start.y))
			|| ((end_vertex.x == last_line.end.x) && (end_vertex.y == last_line.end.y))) {
			//changing direction
			curr_edge_type = 1 - curr_edge_type; //invert
		last_line.start.x = start_vertex.x;
		last_line.start.y = start_vertex.y;
		last_line.end.x = end_vertex.x;
		last_line.end.y = end_vertex.y;
		new_edge.type = curr_edge_type;
		//now find out where the new edge goes in the edge table (order by ymin then xmin, then slope)
		uint8_t current_edge;
		uint8_t new_position = edge_table->num_edges; //default position is to put it on the end
		uintCoord current;
		current.y = roundfip(start_vertex.y);
		current.x = roundfip(start_vertex.x) + (vertex*10) + 3;
		current.y = roundfip(end_vertex.y);
		current.x = roundfip(end_vertex.x) + (vertex*10) + 3;
		for (current_edge = 0; current_edge < edge_table->num_edges; current_edge++) {
			if (edge_table->edges[current_edge].ymin > new_edge.ymin) { //if the current edge starts above the new edge
				new_position = current_edge;
			} else if (edge_table->edges[current_edge].ymin == new_edge.ymin) {
				if (edge_table->edges[current_edge].x > new_edge.x) { // if the current edge starts to the right of the new edge
					//add the edge where current_edge is
					new_position = current_edge;
				} else if (edge_table->edges[current_edge].x == new_edge.x) { //if these two edges start at the same point (and diverge)
					//sort by slope
					if (edge_table->edges[current_edge].slope > new_edge.slope) { //if the current edge slopes rightward of the new edge
						new_position = current_edge;
		//insert the new edge in the new_position in the edge matrix (involves bumping the others up)
		for (current_edge = edge_table->num_edges; current_edge > new_position; current_edge--) {
			edge_table->edges[current_edge] = edge_table->edges[current_edge-1];
		edge_table->edges[new_position] = new_edge;
	return true;