Ejemplo n.º 1
bool ReaderViewNative::openRecentBook()
	int index = 0;
	if ( _docview->isDocumentOpened() ) {
		CRLog::debug("ReaderViewNative::openRecentBook() : saving previous document state");
	    index = 1;
    LVPtrVector<CRFileHistRecord> & files = _docview->getHistory()->getRecords();
    CRLog::info("ReaderViewNative::openRecentBook() : %d files found in history, startIndex=%d", files.length(), index);
    if ( index < files.length() ) {
        CRFileHistRecord * file = files.get( index );
        lString16 fn = file->getFilePathName();
        CRLog::info("ReaderViewNative::openRecentBook() : checking file %s", LCSTR(fn));
        // TODO: check error
        if ( LVFileExists(fn) ) {
            return loadDocument( fn );
        } else {
        	CRLog::error("file %s doesn't exist", LCSTR(fn));
        	return false;
    } else {
        CRLog::info("ReaderViewNative::openRecentBook() : no recent book found in history");
    return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool ReaderViewNative::loadDocument( lString16 filename )
	CRLog::info("Loading document %s", LCSTR(filename));
	bool res = _docview->LoadDocument(filename.c_str());
	CRLog::info("Document %s is loaded %s", LCSTR(filename), (res?"successfully":"with error"));
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 3
jbyteArray scanBookCoverInternal
  (JNIEnv * _env, jclass _class, jstring _path)
	CRJNIEnv env(_env);
	lString16 path = env.fromJavaString(_path);
	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal(%s) called", LCSTR(path));
	lString16 arcname, item;
    LVStreamRef res;
    jbyteArray array = NULL;
    LVContainerRef arc;
	if (!LVSplitArcName(path, arcname, item)) {
		// not in archive
		LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(path.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
		if (!stream.isNull()) {
			arc = LVOpenArchieve(stream);
			if (!arc.isNull()) {
				// ZIP-based format
				if (DetectEpubFormat(stream)) {
					// EPUB
					// extract coverpage from epub
					res = GetEpubCoverpage(arc);
			} else {
				res = GetFB2Coverpage(stream);
				if (res.isNull()) {
					doc_format_t fmt;
					if (DetectPDBFormat(stream, fmt)) {
						res = GetPDBCoverpage(stream);
	} else {
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : is archive, item=%s, arc=%s", LCSTR(item), LCSTR(arcname));
		LVStreamRef arcstream = LVOpenFileStream(arcname.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
		if (!arcstream.isNull()) {
			arc = LVOpenArchieve(arcstream);
			if (!arc.isNull()) {
				LVStreamRef stream = arc->OpenStream(item.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
				if (!stream.isNull()) {
			    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : archive stream opened ok, parsing");
					res = GetFB2Coverpage(stream);
					if (res.isNull()) {
						doc_format_t fmt;
						if (DetectPDBFormat(stream, fmt)) {
							res = GetPDBCoverpage(stream);
	if (!res.isNull())
		array = env.streamToJByteArray(res);
    if (array != NULL)
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : returned cover page array");
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : cover page data not found");
    return array;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool HyphDictionaryList::open(lString16 hyphDirectory, bool clear)
    CRLog::info("HyphDictionaryList::open(%s)", LCSTR(hyphDirectory) );
    if (clear) {
    if ( hyphDirectory.empty() )
        return true;
    //LVAppendPathDelimiter( hyphDirectory );
    LVContainerRef container;
    LVStreamRef stream;
    if ( (hyphDirectory.endsWith("/") || hyphDirectory.endsWith("\\")) && LVDirectoryExists(hyphDirectory) ) {
        container = LVOpenDirectory( hyphDirectory.c_str(), L"*.*" );
    } else if ( LVFileExists(hyphDirectory) ) {
        stream = LVOpenFileStream( hyphDirectory.c_str(), LVOM_READ );
        if ( !stream.isNull() )
            container = LVOpenArchieve( stream );

	if ( !container.isNull() ) {
		int len = container->GetObjectCount();
        int count = 0;
        CRLog::info("%d items found in hyph directory", len);
		for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
			const LVContainerItemInfo * item = container->GetObjectInfo( i );
			lString16 name = item->GetName();
            lString16 suffix;
            HyphDictType t = HDT_NONE;
            if ( name.endsWith(".pdb") ) {
                suffix = "_hyphen_(Alan).pdb";
                t = HDT_DICT_ALAN;
            } else if ( name.endsWith(".pattern") ) {
                suffix = ".pattern";
                t = HDT_DICT_TEX;
            } else

			lString16 filename = hyphDirectory + name;
			lString16 id = name;
			lString16 title = name;
			if ( title.endsWith( suffix ) )
				title.erase( title.length() - suffix.length(), suffix.length() );
			_list.add( new HyphDictionary( t, title, id, filename ) );
		CRLog::info("%d dictionaries added to list", _list.length());
		return true;
	} else {
        CRLog::info("no hyphenation dictionary items found in hyph directory %s", LCSTR(hyphDirectory));
	return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void addPattern(lString16 pattern) {
     if (pattern[0] == '.')
         pattern[0] = ' ';
     if (pattern[pattern.length()-1] == '.')
         pattern[pattern.length()-1] = ' ';
     fprintf(out, "  <pattern>%s</pattern>\n", LCSTR(pattern));
Ejemplo n.º 6
 void processLine(lString16 & line) {
     if (line.lastChar()=='\r' || line.lastChar()=='\n')
         line.erase(line.length()-1, 1);
     if (state == 0) {
         if (line.startsWith(lString16("%"))) {
             fprintf(out, "%s\n", LCSTR(line));
         if (line.startsWith(lString16("\\patterns{"))) {
     } else {
         lString16 word;
         for (int i=0; i<=line.length(); i++) {
             lChar16 ch = (i<line.length()) ? line[i] : 0;
             if (ch == '}')
             if (ch==' ' || ch=='\t' || ch=='%' || ch==0) {
                 if (!word.empty()) {
                 if (ch!=' ' && ch!='\t')
             } else {
                 word.append(1, ch);
Ejemplo n.º 7
bool HyphDictionaryList::activate( lString16 id )
    CRLog::trace("HyphDictionaryList::activate(%s)", LCSTR(id));
	HyphDictionary * p = find(id); 
	if ( p ) 
		return p->activate(); 
		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 8
CRPropRef CRJNIEnv::fromJavaProperties( jobject jprops )
    CRPropRef props = LVCreatePropsContainer();
    CRObjectAccessor jp(env, jprops);
    CRMethodAccessor p_getProperty(jp, "getProperty", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
    jobject en = CRMethodAccessor( jp, "propertyNames", "()Ljava/util/Enumeration;").callObj();
    CRObjectAccessor jen(env, en);
    CRMethodAccessor jen_hasMoreElements(jen, "hasMoreElements", "()Z");
    CRMethodAccessor jen_nextElement(jen, "nextElement", "()Ljava/lang/Object;");
    while ( jen_hasMoreElements.callBool() ) {
    	jstring key = (jstring)jen_nextElement.callObj();
    	jstring value = (jstring)p_getProperty.callObj(key);
	return props;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 bool hasUnsupportedEncryption() {
     for (int i=0; i<_list.length(); i++) {
         lString16 method = _list[i]->_method;
         if (method != L"http://ns.adobe.com/pdf/enc#RC") {
             CRLog::debug("unsupported encryption method: %s", LCSTR(method));
             return true;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
bool ReaderViewNative::saveHistory( lString16 filename )
	if ( !filename.empty() )
		historyFileName = filename;
    if ( historyFileName.empty() )
    	return false;
	if ( _docview->isDocumentOpened() ) {
		CRLog::debug("ReaderViewNative::saveHistory() : saving position");
	CRLog::info("Trying to save history to file %s", LCSTR(historyFileName));
    CRFileHist * hist = _docview->getHistory();
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(historyFileName.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE);
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
    	CRLog::error("Cannot create file %s for writing", LCSTR(historyFileName));
    	return false;
    if ( _docview->isDocumentOpened() )
    return hist->saveToStream( stream.get() );
Ejemplo n.º 11
bool ReaderViewNative::loadHistory( lString16 filename )
    CRFileHist * hist = _docview->getHistory();
	if ( !filename.empty() )
		historyFileName = filename;
    historyFileName = filename;
    if ( historyFileName.empty() ) {
    	CRLog::error("No history file name specified");
    	return false;
	CRLog::info("Trying to load history from file %s", LCSTR(historyFileName));
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(historyFileName.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
    if ( stream.isNull() ) {
    	CRLog::error("Cannot open file %s", LCSTR(historyFileName));
    	return false;
    bool res = hist->loadFromStream( stream );
    if ( res )
    	CRLog::info("%d items found", hist->getRecords().length());
    	CRLog::error("Cannot read history file content");
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    scanBookPropertiesInternal
 * Signature: (Lorg/coolreader/crengine/FileInfo;)Z
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_scanBookPropertiesInternal
  (JNIEnv * _env, jclass _engine, jobject _fileInfo)
	CRJNIEnv env(_env);
	jclass objclass = env->GetObjectClass(_fileInfo);
	jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(objclass, "pathname", "Ljava/lang/String;");
	lString16 filename = env.fromJavaString( (jstring)env->GetObjectField(_fileInfo, fid) );
    fid = env->GetFieldID(objclass, "arcname", "Ljava/lang/String;");
    lString16 arcname = env.fromJavaString( (jstring)env->GetObjectField(_fileInfo, fid) );
	if ( filename.empty() )
		return JNI_FALSE;
	if ( !arcname.empty() )
       filename = arcname + "@/" + filename;

	BookProperties props;
	CRLog::debug("Looking for properties of file %s", LCSTR(filename));
	bool res = GetBookProperties(LCSTR(filename),  &props);
	if ( !res )
		return JNI_FALSE;
	#define SET_STR_FLD(fldname,src) \
	{ \
	    jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(objclass, fldname, "Ljava/lang/String;"); \
	    env->SetObjectField(_fileInfo,fid,env.toJavaString(src)); \
	#define SET_INT_FLD(fldname,src) \
	{ \
	    jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID(objclass, fldname, "I"); \
	    env->SetIntField(_fileInfo,fid,src); \
	return JNI_TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * vSubstring2Diagram - put a sub string into a diagram
vSubstring2Diagram(diagram_type *pDiag,
    char *szString, size_t tStringLength, long lStringWidth,
    UCHAR ucFontColor, USHORT usFontstyle, drawfile_fontref tFontRef,
    USHORT usFontSize, USHORT usMaxFontSize)
    lString16 s( szString, tStringLength);
#ifdef _LINUX
    TRACE("antiword::vSubstring2Diagram(%s)", LCSTR(s));
    s.trimDoubleSpaces(!last_space_char, true, false);
    last_space_char = (s.lastChar()==' ');
//    vSubstringXML(pDiag, szString, tStringLength, lStringWidth,
//            usFontstyle);
    if ( !inside_p && !inside_li ) {
        writer->OnTagOpenNoAttr(NULL, L"p");
        inside_p = true;
    bool styleBold = bIsBold(usFontstyle);
    bool styleItalic = bIsItalic(usFontstyle);
    lString16 style;
	style << fontSizeToPercent( L"font-size: ", usFontSize, 30, 300 );
    if ( !style.empty() ) {
        writer->OnTagOpen(NULL, L"span");
        writer->OnAttribute(NULL, L"style", style.c_str());
    if ( styleBold )
        writer->OnTagOpenNoAttr(NULL, L"b");
    if ( styleItalic )
        writer->OnTagOpenNoAttr(NULL, L"i");
    writer->OnText(s.c_str(), s.length(), 0);
    if ( styleItalic )
        writer->OnTagClose(NULL, L"i");
    if ( styleBold )
        writer->OnTagClose(NULL, L"b");
    if ( !style.empty() )
        writer->OnTagClose(NULL, L"span");

    pDiag->lXleft += lStringWidth;
} /* end of vSubstring2Diagram */
Ejemplo n.º 14
void MainWindow::onPropsChange( PropsRef props )
    for ( int i=0; i<props->count(); i++ ) {
        QString name = props->name( i );
        QString value = props->value( i );
        int v = (value != "0");
        CRLog::debug("MainWindow::onPropsChange [%d] '%s'=%s ", i, props->name(i), props->value(i).toUtf8().data() );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN ) {
            bool state = windowState().testFlag(Qt::WindowFullScreen);
            bool vv = v ? true : false;
            if ( state != vv )
                setWindowState( windowState() ^ Qt::WindowFullScreen );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_MENU ) {
            ui->menuBar->setVisible( v );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_SCROLLBAR ) {
            ui->scroll->setVisible( v );
        if ( name == PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE ) {
            lString16 fn = qt2cr(value);
            LVImageSourceRef img;
            if ( !fn.empty() && fn[0]!='[' ) {
                CRLog::debug("Background image file: %s", LCSTR(fn));
                LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(fn.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
                if ( !stream.isNull() ) {
                    img = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream);
            bool tiled = ( fn.pos(lString16("\\textures\\"))>=0 || fn.pos(lString16("/textures/"))>=0);
            ui->view->getDocView()->setBackgroundImage(img, tiled);
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_TOOLBAR_SIZE ) {
            ui->mainToolBar->setVisible( v );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_SHOW_STATUSBAR ) {
            ui->statusBar->setVisible( v );
        if ( name == PROP_WINDOW_STYLE ) {
            QApplication::setStyle( value );
Ejemplo n.º 15
static void dumpZip( LVContainerRef arc ) {
    lString16 arcName = LVExtractFilenameWithoutExtension( arc->GetName() );
    if ( arcName.empty() )
        arcName = L"unziparc";
    lString16 outDir = lString16("/tmp/") + arcName;
    for ( int i=0; i<arc->GetObjectCount(); i++ ) {
        const LVContainerItemInfo * info = arc->GetObjectInfo(i);
        if ( !info->IsContainer() ) {
            lString16 outFileName = outDir + L"/" + info->GetName();
            LVStreamRef in = arc->OpenStream(info->GetName(), LVOM_READ);
            LVStreamRef out = LVOpenFileStream(outFileName.c_str(), LVOM_WRITE);
            if ( !in.isNull() && !out.isNull() ) {
                CRLog::trace("Writing %s", LCSTR(outFileName));
                LVPumpStream(out.get(), in.get());
Ejemplo n.º 16
 * Class:     org_coolreader_crengine_Engine
 * Method:    scanBookCoverInternal
 * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)[B
JNIEXPORT jbyteArray JNICALL Java_org_coolreader_crengine_Engine_scanBookCoverInternal
  (JNIEnv * _env, jobject _engine, jstring _path) {
	CRJNIEnv env(_env);
	lString16 path = env.fromJavaString(_path);
	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal(%s) called", LCSTR(path));
	lString16 arcname, item;
    LVStreamRef res;
    jbyteArray array = NULL;
    LVContainerRef arc;
	if (!LVSplitArcName(path, arcname, item)) {
		// not in archive
		LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream(path.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
		if (!stream.isNull()) {
			arc = LVOpenArchieve(stream);
			if (!arc.isNull()) {
				// ZIP-based format
				if (DetectEpubFormat(stream)) {
					// EPUB
					// extract coverpage from epub
					res = GetEpubCoverpage(arc);
			} else {
				doc_format_t fmt;
				if (DetectPDBFormat(stream, fmt)) {
					res = GetPDBCoverpage(stream);
	if (!res.isNull())
		array = env.streamToJByteArray(res);
    if (array != NULL)
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : returned cover page array");
    	CRLog::debug("scanBookCoverInternal() : cover page data not found");
    return array;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    bool match( const lChar16 * s, char * mask )
        TexPattern * p = this;
        bool found = false;
        while ( p ) {
            bool res = true;
            for ( int i=2; p->word[i]; i++ )
                if ( p->word[i]!=s[i] ) {
                    res = false;
            if ( res ) {
                if ( p->word[0]==s[0] && (p->word[1]==0 || p->word[1]==s[1]) ) {
                    CRLog::debug("Pattern matched: %s %s on %s %s", LCSTR(lString16(p->word)), p->attr, LCSTR(lString16(s)), mask);
                    found = true;
            p = p->next;
        return found;
Ejemplo n.º 18
static bool GetBookProperties(const char *name,  BookProperties * pBookProps)
    CRLog::trace("GetBookProperties( %s )", name);

    // check archieve
    lString16 arcPathName;
    lString16 arcItemPathName;
    bool isArchiveFile = LVSplitArcName( lString16(name), arcPathName, arcItemPathName );

    // open stream
    LVStreamRef stream = LVOpenFileStream( (isArchiveFile ? arcPathName : Utf8ToUnicode(lString8(name))).c_str() , LVOM_READ);
    if (!stream) {
        CRLog::error("cannot open file %s", name);
        return false;

    if ( DetectEpubFormat( stream ) ) {
        CRLog::trace("GetBookProperties() : epub format detected");
    	return GetEPUBBookProperties( name, stream, pBookProps );

    time_t t = (time_t)time(0);

    if ( isArchiveFile ) {
        int arcsize = (int)stream->GetSize();
        LVContainerRef container = LVOpenArchieve(stream);
        if ( container.isNull() ) {
            CRLog::error( "Cannot read archive contents from %s", LCSTR(arcPathName) );
            return false;
        stream = container->OpenStream(arcItemPathName.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
        if ( stream.isNull() ) {
            CRLog::error( "Cannot open archive file item stream %s", LCSTR(lString16(name)) );
            return false;
    struct stat fs;
    if ( !stat( name, &fs ) ) {
        t = fs.st_mtime;

    // read document
    ldomDocument doc(stream, 0);
    ldomDocument doc;
    ldomDocumentWriter writer(&doc, true);
    doc.setNodeTypes( fb2_elem_table );
    doc.setAttributeTypes( fb2_attr_table );
    doc.setNameSpaceTypes( fb2_ns_table );
    LVXMLParser parser( stream, &writer );
    CRLog::trace( "checking format..." );
    if ( !parser.CheckFormat() ) {
        return false;
    CRLog::trace( "parsing..." );
    if ( !parser.Parse() ) {
        return false;
    CRLog::trace( "parsed" );
    #if 0
        char ofname[512];
        sprintf(ofname, "%s.xml", name);
        CRLog::trace("    writing to file %s", ofname);
        LVStreamRef out = LVOpenFileStream(ofname, LVOM_WRITE);
        doc.saveToStream(out, "utf16");
    lString16 authors = extractDocAuthors( &doc, lString16("|"), false );
    lString16 title = extractDocTitle( &doc );
    lString16 language = extractDocLanguage( &doc ).lowercase();
    lString16 series = extractDocSeries( &doc, &pBookProps->seriesNumber );
    if ( !series.empty() )
        authors << "    " << series;
    pBookProps->title = title;
    pBookProps->author = authors;
    pBookProps->series = series;
    pBookProps->filesize = (long)stream->GetSize();
    pBookProps->filename = lString16(name);
    pBookProps->filedate = getDateTimeString( t );
    pBookProps->language = language;
    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool ImportEpubDocument( LVStreamRef stream, ldomDocument * m_doc, LVDocViewCallback * progressCallback, CacheLoadingCallback * formatCallback )
    LVContainerRef arc = LVOpenArchieve( stream );
    if ( arc.isNull() )
        return false; // not a ZIP archive

    // check root media type
    lString16 rootfilePath = EpubGetRootFilePath(arc);
    if ( rootfilePath.empty() )
    	return false;

    EncryptedDataContainer * decryptor = new EncryptedDataContainer(arc);
    if (decryptor->open()) {
        CRLog::debug("EPUB: encrypted items detected");

    LVContainerRef m_arc = LVContainerRef(decryptor);

    if (decryptor->hasUnsupportedEncryption()) {
        // DRM!!!
        return true;


    // read content.opf
    EpubItems epubItems;
    //EpubItem * epubToc = NULL; //TODO
    LVArray<EpubItem*> spineItems;
    lString16 codeBase;
    //lString16 css;

        codeBase=LVExtractPath(rootfilePath, false);
        CRLog::trace("codeBase=%s", LCSTR(codeBase));

    LVStreamRef content_stream = m_arc->OpenStream(rootfilePath.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
    if ( content_stream.isNull() )
        return false;

    lString16 ncxHref;
    lString16 coverId;

    LVEmbeddedFontList fontList;
    EmbeddedFontStyleParser styleParser(fontList);

    // reading content stream
        ldomDocument * doc = LVParseXMLStream( content_stream );
        if ( !doc )
            return false;

        CRPropRef m_doc_props = m_doc->getProps();
        lString16 author = doc->textFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/creator"));
        lString16 title = doc->textFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/title"));
        m_doc_props->setString(DOC_PROP_TITLE, title);
        m_doc_props->setString(DOC_PROP_AUTHORS, author );

        for ( int i=1; i<50; i++ ) {
            ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/identifier[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" );
            if (!item)
            lString16 key = item->getText();
            if (decryptor->setManglingKey(key)) {
                CRLog::debug("Using font mangling key %s", LCSTR(key));

        CRLog::info("Author: %s Title: %s", LCSTR(author), LCSTR(title));
        for ( int i=1; i<20; i++ ) {
            ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/meta[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" );
            if ( !item )
            lString16 name = item->getAttributeValue(L"name");
            lString16 content = item->getAttributeValue(L"content");
            if ( name == L"cover" )
                coverId = content;
            else if ( name==L"calibre:series" )
                m_doc_props->setString(DOC_PROP_SERIES_NAME, content );
            else if ( name==L"calibre:series_index" )
                m_doc_props->setInt(DOC_PROP_SERIES_NUMBER, content.atoi() );

        // items
        for ( int i=1; i<50000; i++ ) {
            ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/manifest/item[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" );
            if ( !item )
            lString16 href = item->getAttributeValue(L"href");
            lString16 mediaType = item->getAttributeValue(L"media-type");
            lString16 id = item->getAttributeValue(L"id");
            if ( !href.empty() && !id.empty() ) {
                if ( id==coverId ) {
                    // coverpage file
                    lString16 coverFileName = codeBase + href;
                    CRLog::info("EPUB coverpage file: %s", LCSTR(coverFileName));
                    LVStreamRef stream = m_arc->OpenStream(coverFileName.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
                    if ( !stream.isNull() ) {
                        LVImageSourceRef img = LVCreateStreamImageSource(stream);
                        if ( !img.isNull() ) {
                            CRLog::info("EPUB coverpage image is correct: %d x %d", img->GetWidth(), img->GetHeight() );
                            m_doc_props->setString(DOC_PROP_COVER_FILE, coverFileName);
                EpubItem * epubItem = new EpubItem;
                epubItem->href = href;
                epubItem->id = id;
                epubItem->mediaType = mediaType;
                epubItems.add( epubItem );

//                // register embedded document fonts
//                if (mediaType == L"application/vnd.ms-opentype"
//                        || mediaType == L"application/x-font-otf"
//                        || mediaType == L"application/x-font-ttf") { // TODO: more media types?
//                    // TODO:
//                    fontList.add(codeBase + href);
//                }
            if ( mediaType==L"text/css" ) {
                lString16 name = LVCombinePaths(codeBase, href);
                LVStreamRef cssStream = m_arc->OpenStream(name.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
                if (!cssStream.isNull()) {
                    lString8 cssFile = UnicodeToUtf8(LVReadTextFile(cssStream));
                    lString16 base = name;
                    CRLog::trace("style: %s", cssFile.c_str());
                    styleParser.parse(base, cssFile);

        // spine == itemrefs
        if ( epubItems.length()>0 ) {
            ldomNode * spine = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/spine") );
            if ( spine ) {

                EpubItem * ncx = epubItems.findById( spine->getAttributeValue(L"toc") ); //TODO
                //EpubItem * ncx = epubItems.findById(lString16("ncx"));
                if ( ncx!=NULL )
                    ncxHref = codeBase + ncx->href;

                for ( int i=1; i<50000; i++ ) {
                    ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/spine/itemref[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" );
                    if ( !item )
                    EpubItem * epubItem = epubItems.findById( item->getAttributeValue(L"idref") );
                    if ( epubItem ) {
                        // TODO: add to document
                        spineItems.add( epubItem );
        delete doc;

    if ( spineItems.length()==0 )
        return false;

    if ( m_doc->openFromCache(formatCallback) ) {
        if ( progressCallback ) {
            progressCallback->OnLoadFileEnd( );
        return true;

    lUInt32 saveFlags = m_doc->getDocFlags();
    m_doc->setDocFlags( saveFlags );
    m_doc->setContainer( m_arc );

    ldomDocumentWriter writer(m_doc);
#if 0
    m_doc->setNodeTypes( fb2_elem_table );
    m_doc->setAttributeTypes( fb2_attr_table );
    m_doc->setNameSpaceTypes( fb2_ns_table );
    //m_doc->setCodeBase( codeBase );

    ldomDocumentFragmentWriter appender(&writer, lString16(L"body"), lString16(L"DocFragment"), lString16::empty_str );
    writer.OnTagOpenNoAttr(L"", L"body");
    int fragmentCount = 0;
    for ( int i=0; i<spineItems.length(); i++ ) {
        if ( spineItems[i]->mediaType==L"application/xhtml+xml" ) {
            lString16 name = codeBase + spineItems[i]->href;
            appender.addPathSubstitution( name, lString16(L"_doc_fragment_") + lString16::itoa(i) );
    for ( int i=0; i<spineItems.length(); i++ ) {
        if ( spineItems[i]->mediaType==L"application/xhtml+xml" ) {
            lString16 name = codeBase + spineItems[i]->href;
                CRLog::debug("Checking fragment: %s", LCSTR(name));
                LVStreamRef stream = m_arc->OpenStream(name.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
                if ( !stream.isNull() ) {
                    appender.setCodeBase( name );
                    lString16 base = name;
                    //CRLog::trace("base: %s", LCSTR(base));
                    LVHTMLParser parser(stream, &appender);
                    if ( parser.CheckFormat() && parser.Parse() ) {
                        // valid
                        lString8 headCss = appender.getHeadStyleText();
                        //CRLog::trace("style: %s", headCss.c_str());
                        styleParser.parse(base, headCss);
                    } else {
                        CRLog::error("Document type is not XML/XHTML for fragment %s", LCSTR(name));

    ldomDocument * ncxdoc = NULL;
    if ( !ncxHref.empty() ) {
        LVStreamRef stream = m_arc->OpenStream(ncxHref.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
        lString16 codeBase = LVExtractPath( ncxHref );
        if ( codeBase.length()>0 && codeBase.lastChar()!='/' )
            codeBase.append(1, L'/');
        if ( !stream.isNull() ) {
            ldomDocument * ncxdoc = LVParseXMLStream( stream );
            if ( ncxdoc!=NULL ) {
                ldomNode * navMap = ncxdoc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"ncx/navMap"));
                if ( navMap!=NULL )
                    ReadEpubToc( m_doc, navMap, m_doc->getToc(), appender );
                delete ncxdoc;

    writer.OnTagClose(L"", L"body");
    CRLog::debug("EPUB: %d documents merged", fragmentCount);

    if (!fontList.empty()) {
        // set document font list, and register fonts

    if ( fragmentCount==0 )
        return false;

#if 0
    // set stylesheet
    m_doc->setStyleSheet( NULL, true );
    if ( !css.empty() && m_doc->getDocFlag(DOC_FLAG_ENABLE_INTERNAL_STYLES) ) {

        m_doc->setStyleSheet( "p.p { text-align: justify }\n"
            "svg { text-align: center }\n"
            "i { display: inline; font-style: italic }\n"
            "b { display: inline; font-weight: bold }\n"
            "abbr { display: inline }\n"
            "acronym { display: inline }\n"
            "address { display: inline }\n"
            "p.title-p { hyphenate: none }\n"
//abbr, acronym, address, blockquote, br, cite, code, dfn, div, em, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, kbd, p, pre, q, samp, span, strong, var
        , false);
        m_doc->setStyleSheet( UnicodeToUtf8(css).c_str(), false );
    } else {
        //m_doc->setStyleSheet( m_stylesheet.c_str(), false );
#if 0
    LVStreamRef out = LVOpenFileStream( L"c:\\doc.xml" , LVOM_WRITE );
    if ( !out.isNull() )
        m_doc->saveToStream( out, "utf-8" );

    // DONE!
    if ( progressCallback ) {
        progressCallback->OnLoadFileEnd( );
    return true;

Ejemplo n.º 20
LVStreamRef GetEpubCoverpage(LVContainerRef arc)
    // check root media type
    lString16 rootfilePath = EpubGetRootFilePath(arc);
    if ( rootfilePath.empty() )
        return LVStreamRef();

    EncryptedDataContainer * decryptor = new EncryptedDataContainer(arc);
    if (decryptor->open()) {
        CRLog::debug("EPUB: encrypted items detected");

    LVContainerRef m_arc = LVContainerRef(decryptor);

    lString16 codeBase = LVExtractPath(rootfilePath, false);
    CRLog::trace("codeBase=%s", LCSTR(codeBase));

    LVStreamRef content_stream = m_arc->OpenStream(rootfilePath.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
    if ( content_stream.isNull() )
        return LVStreamRef();

    LVStreamRef coverPageImageStream;
    // reading content stream
        lString16 coverId;
        ldomDocument * doc = LVParseXMLStream( content_stream );
        if ( !doc )
            return LVStreamRef();

        for ( int i=1; i<20; i++ ) {
            ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/metadata/meta[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" );
            if ( !item )
            lString16 name = item->getAttributeValue(L"name");
            lString16 content = item->getAttributeValue(L"content");
            if (name == L"cover")
                coverId = content;

        // items
        for ( int i=1; i<50000; i++ ) {
            ldomNode * item = doc->nodeFromXPath( lString16(L"package/manifest/item[") + lString16::itoa(i) + L"]" );
            if ( !item )
            lString16 href = item->getAttributeValue(L"href");
            lString16 id = item->getAttributeValue(L"id");
            if ( !href.empty() && !id.empty() ) {
                if (id == coverId) {
                    // coverpage file
                    lString16 coverFileName = codeBase + href;
                    CRLog::info("EPUB coverpage file: %s", LCSTR(coverFileName));
                    coverPageImageStream = m_arc->OpenStream(coverFileName.c_str(), LVOM_READ);
        delete doc;

    return coverPageImageStream;
Ejemplo n.º 21
bool TexHyph::load( LVStreamRef stream )
    int w = isCorrectHyphFile(stream.get());
    int patternCount = 0;
    if (w) {
        _hash = stream->crc32();
        int        i;
        lvsize_t   dw;

        lvByteOrderConv cnv;

        int hyph_count = w;
        thyph hyph;

        lvpos_t p = 78 + (hyph_count * 8 + 2);
        if ( stream->SetPos(p)!=p )
            return false;
        lChar16 charMap[256];
        unsigned char buf[0x10000];
        memset( charMap, 0, sizeof( charMap ) );
        // make char map table
        for (i=0; i<hyph_count; i++)
            if ( stream->Read( &hyph, 522, &dw )!=LVERR_OK || dw!=522 ) 
                return false;
            cnv.msf( &hyph.len ); //rword(_main_hyph[i].len);
            lvpos_t newPos;
            if ( stream->Seek( hyph.len, LVSEEK_CUR, &newPos )!=LVERR_OK )
                return false;

            cnv.msf( hyph.wl );
            cnv.msf( hyph.wu );
            charMap[ (unsigned char)hyph.al ] = hyph.wl;
            charMap[ (unsigned char)hyph.au ] = hyph.wu;
//            lChar16 ch = hyph.wl;
//            CRLog::debug("wl=%s mask=%c%c", LCSTR(lString16(&ch, 1)), hyph.mask0[0], hyph.mask0[1]);
            if (hyph.mask0[0]!='0'||hyph.mask0[1]!='0') {
                unsigned char pat[4];
                pat[0] = hyph.al;
                pat[1] = hyph.mask0[0];
                pat[2] = hyph.mask0[1];
                pat[3] = 0;
                TexPattern * pattern = new TexPattern(pat, 1, charMap);
                CRLog::debug("Pattern: '%s' - %s", LCSTR(lString16(pattern->word)), pattern->attr );
                addPattern( pattern );

        if ( stream->SetPos(p)!=p )
            return false;

        for (i=0; i<hyph_count; i++)
            stream->Read( &hyph, 522, &dw );
            if (dw!=522) 
                return false;
            cnv.msf( &hyph.len );

            stream->Read(buf, hyph.len, &dw); 
            if (dw!=hyph.len)
                return false;

            unsigned char * p = buf;
            unsigned char * end_p = p + hyph.len;
            while ( p < end_p ) {
                lUInt8 sz = *p++;
                if ( p + sz > end_p )
                TexPattern * pattern = new TexPattern( p, sz, charMap );
                CRLog::debug("Pattern: '%s' - %s", LCSTR(lString16(pattern->word)), pattern->attr);
                addPattern( pattern );
                p += sz + sz + 1;

        return patternCount>0;
    } else {
        // tex xml format as for FBReader
        lString16Collection data;
        HyphPatternReader reader( data );
        LVXMLParser parser( stream, &reader );
        if ( !parser.CheckFormat() )
            return false;
        if ( !parser.Parse() )
            return false;
        if ( !data.length() )
            return false;
        for ( int i=0; i<(int)data.length(); i++ ) {
            TexPattern * pattern = new TexPattern( data[i] );
            CRLog::debug("Pattern: (%s) '%s' - %s", LCSTR(data[i]), LCSTR(lString16(pattern->word)), pattern->attr);
            addPattern( pattern );
        return patternCount>0;
Ejemplo n.º 22
static int findText(lua_State *L) {
	CreDocument *doc		= (CreDocument*) luaL_checkudata(L, 1, "credocument");
	const char *l_pattern   = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
	lString16 pattern		= lString16(l_pattern);
	int origin				= luaL_checkint(L, 3);
	bool reverse			= luaL_checkint(L, 4);
	bool caseInsensitive	= luaL_checkint(L, 5);

    if ( pattern.empty() )
        return 0;

    LVArray<ldomWord> words;
    lvRect rc;
    doc->text_view->GetPos( rc );
    int pageHeight = rc.height();
    int start = -1;
    int end = -1;
    if ( reverse ) {
        // backward
        if ( origin == 0 ) {
            // from end of current page to first page
            end = rc.bottom;
        } else if ( origin == -1 ) {
            // from the last page to end of current page
            start = rc.bottom + 1;
        } else { // origin == 1
            // from prev page to the first page
            end = rc.top - 1;
    } else {
        // forward
        if ( origin == 0 ) {
            // from current page to the last page
            start = rc.top;
        } else if ( origin == -1 ) {
            // from the first page to current page
            end = rc.top + 1;
        } else { // origin == 1
            // from next page to the last page
            start = rc.bottom + 1;
    CRLog::debug("CRViewDialog::findText: Current page: %d .. %d", rc.top, rc.bottom);
    CRLog::debug("CRViewDialog::findText: searching for text '%s' from %d to %d origin %d", LCSTR(pattern), start, end, origin );
    if ( doc->text_view->getDocument()->findText( pattern, caseInsensitive, reverse, start, end, words, 200, pageHeight ) ) {
        CRLog::debug("CRViewDialog::findText: pattern found");
        doc->text_view->selectWords( words );
        ldomMarkedRangeList * ranges = doc->text_view->getMarkedRanges();
        if ( ranges && ranges->length() > 0 ) {
            lua_newtable(L); // hold all words
            for (int i = 0; i < words.length(); i++) {
                ldomWord word = words[i];
                lua_newtable(L); // new word
                lua_pushstring(L, "start");
                lua_pushstring(L, UnicodeToLocal(word.getStartXPointer().toString()).c_str());
                lua_settable(L, -3);
                lua_pushstring(L, "end");
                lua_pushstring(L, UnicodeToLocal(word.getEndXPointer().toString()).c_str());
                lua_settable(L, -3);
                lua_rawseti(L, -2, i + 1);
            return 1;
    CRLog::debug("CRViewDialog::findText: pattern not found");
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 23
int CRFileHist::findEntry( const lString16 & fname, const lString16 & fpath, lvsize_t sz )
    for ( int i=0; i<_records.length(); i++ ) {
        CRFileHistRecord * rec = _records[i];
        if ( rec->getFileName().compare(fname) )
        if ( rec->getFileSize()!=sz ) {
            CRLog::warn("CRFileHist::findEntry() Filename matched %s but sizes are different %d!=%d", LCSTR(fname), sz, rec->getFileSize() );
        return i;
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 24
bool TexHyph::hyphenate( const lChar16 * str, int len, lUInt16 * widths, lUInt8 * flags, lUInt16 hyphCharWidth, lUInt16 maxWidth )
    if ( len<=3 )
        return false;
    if ( len>WORD_LENGTH )
        len = WORD_LENGTH - 2;
    lChar16 word[WORD_LENGTH+3];
    char mask[WORD_LENGTH+3];
    word[0] = ' ';
    lStr_memcpy( word+1, str, len );
    lStr_lowercase(word+1, len);
    word[len+1] = ' ';
    word[len+2] = 0;
    word[len+3] = 0;
    word[len+4] = 0;

    CRLog::trace("word to hyphenate: '%s'", LCSTR(lString16(word)));

    memset( mask, '0', len+3 );
    mask[len+3] = 0;
    bool found = false;
    for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
        found = match( word + i, mask + i ) || found;
    if ( !found )
        return false;

    lString16 buf;
    lString16 buf2;
    bool boundFound = false;
    for ( int i=0; i<len; i++ ) {
        buf << word[i+1];
        buf2 << word[i+1];
        buf2 << (lChar16)mask[i+2];
        int nw = widths[i]+hyphCharWidth;
        if ( (mask[i+2]&1) ) {
            buf << (lChar16)'-';
            buf2 << (lChar16)'-';
        if ( nw>maxWidth && !boundFound ) {
            buf << (lChar16)'|';
            buf2 << (lChar16)'|';
            boundFound = true;
//            buf << (lChar16)'-';
//            buf2 << (lChar16)'-';
    CRLog::trace("Hyphenate: %s  %s", LCSTR(buf), LCSTR(buf2) );

    bool res = false;
    int p=0;
    for ( p=len-3; p>=1; p-- ) {
        // hyphenate
        int nw = widths[p]+hyphCharWidth;
        if ( (mask[p+2]&1) && nw <= maxWidth ) {
            //if ( checkHyphenRules( word+1, len, p ) ) {
            //widths[p] += hyphCharWidth; // don't add hyph width
            flags[p] |= LCHAR_ALLOW_HYPH_WRAP_AFTER;
            res = true;
    return res;
Ejemplo n.º 25
bool SearchDialog::findText( lString16 pattern, int origin, bool reverse, bool caseInsensitive )
    if ( pattern.empty() )
        return false;
    if ( pattern!=_lastPattern && origin==1 )
        origin = 0;
    _lastPattern = pattern;
    LVArray<ldomWord> words;
    lvRect rc;
    _docview->getDocView()->GetPos( rc );
    int pageHeight = rc.height();
    int start = -1;
    int end = -1;
    if ( reverse ) {
        // reverse
        if ( origin == 0 ) {
            // from end current page to first page
            end = rc.bottom;
        } else if ( origin == -1 ) {
            // from last page to end of current page
            start = rc.bottom;
        } else { // origin == 1
            // from prev page to first page
            end = rc.top;
    } else {
        // forward
        if ( origin == 0 ) {
            // from current page to last page
            start = rc.top;
        } else if ( origin == -1 ) {
            // from first page to current page
            end = rc.top;
        } else { // origin == 1
            // from next page to last
            start = rc.bottom;
    CRLog::debug("CRViewDialog::findText: Current page: %d .. %d", rc.top, rc.bottom);
    CRLog::debug("CRViewDialog::findText: searching for text '%s' from %d to %d origin %d", LCSTR(pattern), start, end, origin );
    if ( _docview->getDocView()->getDocument()->findText( pattern, caseInsensitive, reverse, start, end, words, 200, pageHeight ) ) {
        CRLog::debug("CRViewDialog::findText: pattern found");
        _docview->getDocView()->selectWords( words );
        ldomMarkedRangeList * ranges = _docview->getDocView()->getMarkedRanges();
        if ( ranges ) {
            if ( ranges->length()>0 ) {
                int pos = ranges->get(0)->start.y;
        return true;
    CRLog::debug("CRViewDialog::findText: pattern not found");
    return false;