void CancelLoad(const CStrW& message) { shared_ptr<ScriptInterface> pScriptInterface = g_GUI->GetActiveGUI()->GetScriptInterface(); JSContext* cx = pScriptInterface->GetContext(); JSAutoRequest rq(cx); JS::RootedValue global(cx, pScriptInterface->GetGlobalObject()); // Cancel loader LDR_Cancel(); // Call the cancelOnError GUI function, defined in ..gui/common/functions_utility_error.js // So all GUI pages that load games should include this script if (g_GUI && g_GUI->HasPages()) { if (pScriptInterface->HasProperty(global, "cancelOnError" )) pScriptInterface->CallFunctionVoid(global, "cancelOnError", message); } }
void CancelLoad(const CStrW& message) { // Cancel loader LDR_Cancel(); // Call the cancelOnError GUI function, defined in ..gui/common/functions_utility_error.js // So all GUI pages that load games should include this script if (g_GUI && g_GUI->HasPages()) { JSContext* cx = g_ScriptingHost.getContext(); jsval fval, rval; JSBool ok = JS_GetProperty(cx, g_GUI->GetScriptObject(), "cancelOnError", &fval); ENSURE(ok); jsval msgval = ToJSVal(message); if (ok && !JSVAL_IS_VOID(fval)) JS_CallFunctionValue(cx, g_GUI->GetScriptObject(), fval, 1, &msgval, &rval); } }