Ejemplo n.º 1
bool psEffectObjMesh::Update(csTicks elapsed)
    if (!anchor || !anchor->IsReady()) // wait for anchor to be ready
        return true;

    if (!psEffectObj::Update(elapsed))
        return false;

    if (keyFrames->GetSize() == 0)
        return true;
    // COLOUR
    float lerpfactor = LERP_FACTOR;
    csVector3 lerpColour = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_COLOUR,lerpfactor);
    mesh->GetMeshObject()->SetColor(csColor(lerpColour.x, lerpColour.y, lerpColour.z));

    // ALPHA
    if (mixmode == CS_FX_ALPHA)
        float lerpAlpha = LERP_KEY(KA_ALPHA,lerpfactor);

    return true;
bool psEffectObjSpire::Update(csTicks elapsed)
    if(!anchor || !anchor->IsReady())  // wait for anchor to be ready
        return true;

        return false;

    //float scale = 1;
    float topScale = 1;
    float height = 1;
    float padding = 1;

    if(keyFrames->GetSize() > 0)
        // COLOUR
        float lerpfactor = LERP_FACTOR;
        csVector3 lerpColour = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_COLOUR,lerpfactor);
        float lerpAlpha = LERP_KEY(KA_ALPHA,lerpfactor);
        for(int a=0; a<vertCount; ++a)
            colour[a].Set(lerpColour.x, lerpColour.y, lerpColour.z, lerpAlpha);

        topScale = LERP_KEY(KA_TOPSCALE,lerpfactor);
        height = LERP_KEY(KA_HEIGHT,lerpfactor);
        padding = LERP_KEY(KA_PADDING,lerpfactor);
    CalculateData(shape, segments, vert, texel, topScale, height, padding);

    return true;
bool psEffectObjSound::Update(csTicks elapsed)
    if (!anchor || !anchor->IsReady()) // wait for anchor to be ready
        return true;

    life += elapsed;
    if (life > animLength && killTime <= 0)
        life %= animLength;
        if (!life)
            life += animLength;

    if (killTime > 0)
        killTime -= elapsed;
        if (killTime <= 0)
            return false;

    if (!isAlive && life >= birth)
        isAlive = true;

        iSoundControl* effectSndCtrl = soundManager->GetSndCtrl(iSoundManager::EFFECT_SNDCTRL);
        soundID = soundManager->PlaySound(soundName, true, effectSndCtrl,
                                          csVector3(0,0,0), csVector3(0,0,0), minDistSquared, maxDistSquared);

    csVector3 soundPos = anchorMesh->GetMovable()->GetPosition();

    if (keyFrames->GetSize() > 0)
        currKeyFrame = FindKeyFrameByTime(life);
        nextKeyFrame = (currKeyFrame + 1) % keyFrames->GetSize();

        // position
        soundPos += LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_POS,LERP_FACTOR);

    // if the sound is not active the sound manager does nothing
    soundManager->SetSoundSource(soundID, soundPos);

    return true;
bool psEffectObjStar::Update(csTicks elapsed)
    if (!anchor || !anchor->IsReady()) // wait for anchor to be ready
        return true;

    if (!psEffectObj::Update(elapsed))
        return false;
    float topScale = 1.0f;
    float height = 1.0f;

    csVector3 lerpColour = csVector3(1,1,1);
    float lerpAlpha = 1;
    if (keyFrames->GetSize() > 0)
        // COLOUR
        float lerpfactor = LERP_FACTOR;
        lerpColour = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_COLOUR,lerpfactor);
        lerpAlpha = LERP_KEY(KA_ALPHA,lerpfactor);

        topScale = LERP_KEY(KA_TOPSCALE,lerpfactor);
        height = LERP_KEY(KA_HEIGHT,lerpfactor);

    for (int b=0; b<segments; ++b)
        // vertex data
        csVector3 ray = rays[b] * height;
        vert[b*3  ].Set(0, 0, 0);
        vert[b*3+1].Set(perp[b] * -topScale + ray);
        vert[b*3+2].Set(perp[b] *  topScale + ray);

        colour[b*3  ].Set(lerpColour.x, lerpColour.y, lerpColour.z, lerpAlpha);
        colour[b*3+1].Set(lerpColour.x, lerpColour.y, lerpColour.z, lerpAlpha);
        colour[b*3+2].Set(lerpColour.x, lerpColour.y, lerpColour.z, lerpAlpha);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool psEffectObj::Update(csTicks elapsed)
    if (!anchor || !anchor->IsReady() || !anchorMesh->GetMovable()->GetSectors()->GetCount()) // wait for anchor to be ready
        return true;

    const static csMatrix3 UP_FIX(1,0,0,   0,0,1,  0,1,0);
    const static csMatrix3 billboardFix = csXRotMatrix3(-3.14f/2.0f);

    iMovable* anchorMovable = anchorMesh->GetMovable();
    iMovable* meshMovable = mesh->GetMovable();

    csVector3 anchorPosition = anchorMovable->GetFullPosition();

    life += elapsed;
    if (life > animLength && killTime <= 0)
        life %= animLength;
        if (!life)
            life += animLength;

    isAlive |= (life >= birth);

    if (isAlive)
        if (dir == DT_NONE)
            matBase = anchorMovable->GetFullTransform().GetT2O();

    csMatrix3 matTransform;
    if (keyFrames->GetSize() == 0)
        if (dir == DT_CAMERA)
            // note that this is *very* expensive
            csVector3 camDir = -view->GetCamera()->GetTransform().GetO2TTranslation() 
                             + anchorPosition;
            csReversibleTransform rt;
            rt.LookAt(camDir, csVector3(0.f,1.f,0.f));
            matBase = rt.GetT2O() * UP_FIX;
        else if (dir == DT_BILLBOARD)
            matBase = view->GetCamera()->GetTransform().GetT2O() * billboardFix;

        baseScale = scale;
        matTransform = matBase / baseScale;
        currKeyFrame = FindKeyFrameByTime(life);
        nextKeyFrame = (currKeyFrame + 1) % keyFrames->GetSize();

        // grab and lerp values - expensive
        float lerpfactor = LERP_FACTOR;
        csVector3 lerpRot = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_ROT,lerpfactor);
        csVector3 lerpSpin = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_SPIN,lerpfactor);
        csVector3 objOffset = LERP_VEC_KEY(KA_POS,lerpfactor);

        // calculate rotation from lerped values - expensive
        csMatrix3 matRot = csZRotMatrix3(lerpRot.z) * csYRotMatrix3(lerpRot.y) * csXRotMatrix3(lerpRot.x);
        if (dir != DT_CAMERA && dir != DT_BILLBOARD)
            matRot *= matBase;

        // calculate new position
        csVector3 newPos = matRot * csVector3(-objOffset.x, objOffset.y, -objOffset.z);

        if (dir == DT_CAMERA)
            // note that this is *very* expensive - again
            csVector3 camDir = -view->GetCamera()->GetTransform().GetO2TTranslation() 
                             + anchorPosition + newPos;
            csReversibleTransform rt;
            rt.LookAt(camDir, csVector3(sinf(lerpSpin.y),cosf(lerpSpin.y),0.f));
            matBase = rt.GetT2O() * UP_FIX;
            newPos = rt.GetT2O() * newPos;

            // rotate and spin should have no effect on the transform when we want it to face the camera
            matTransform = matBase;
        else if (dir == DT_BILLBOARD)
            matBase = view->GetCamera()->GetTransform().GetT2O() * billboardFix;
            matTransform = matBase;
            matTransform = matRot;
            matTransform *= csZRotMatrix3(lerpSpin.z) * csYRotMatrix3(lerpSpin.y) * csXRotMatrix3(lerpSpin.x);

        // SCALE
        baseScale = LERP_KEY(KA_SCALE,lerpfactor) * scale;
        matTransform /= baseScale;
        // adjust position

    // set new transform

    if (killTime > 0)
        killTime -= elapsed;
        if (killTime <= 0)
            return false;

    return true;