Ejemplo n.º 1
bool LLBC_Variant::AsBool() const
    if (IsNil())
        return false;
    else if (IsDict())
        return false;
    else if (IsStr())
        LLBC_String trimedData(LLBC_Trim(_holder.str));
        if (trimedData.length() != 4 && trimedData.length() != 5)
            return (AsInt64() != 0 ? true : false);

        LLBC_String lowerData(LLBC_ToLower(trimedData.c_str()));
        return (lowerData == "true" ? true : false);

    return _holder.raw.uint64Val != 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void *LLBC_Str2Ptr(const char *str)
    if (UNLIKELY(!str))
        return NULL;


    bool hexFormat = false;
    LLBC_String lowerStr = LLBC_ToLower(str);
    lowerStr = LLBC_Trim(lowerStr);
    if (lowerStr.size() >= 2 && (lowerStr[0] == '0' && lowerStr[1] == 'x'))
        hexFormat = true;
        lowerStr = lowerStr.substr(2);

    if (lowerStr.empty())
        return NULL;

    for (LLBC_String::size_type i = 0; i < lowerStr.size(); i ++)
        if (hexFormat)
            if (!((lowerStr[i] >= '0' && lowerStr[i] <= '9') ||
                (lowerStr[i] >= 'a' && lowerStr[i] <= 'f')))
                return NULL;
            if (lowerStr[i] < '0' || lowerStr[i] > '9')
                return NULL;

    ulong ptrVal = 0;
    ulong baseVal = hexFormat ? 16 : 10;
    for (LLBC_String::size_type i = 0; i < lowerStr.size(); i ++)
        ptrVal *= baseVal;
        if (lowerStr[i] >= '0' && lowerStr[i] <= '9')
            ptrVal += (uint8)(lowerStr[i] - '0');
            ptrVal += (uint8)(lowerStr[i] - 'a' + (char)10);

    return reinterpret_cast<void *>(ptrVal);
Ejemplo n.º 3
int TestCase_Core_Utils_Text::Run(int argc, char *argv[])
    LLBC_PrintLine("core/utils/Util_Text test:");

    // Split string test.
    LLBC_String str = "hello world hello world";
    LLBC_PrintLine("split string: %s", str.c_str());
    std::vector<LLBC_String> strs;
    LLBC_SplitString(str, " ", strs);
    LLBC_PrintLine("result(sub string count: %lu):", strs.size());
    for(size_t i = 0; i < strs.size(); i ++)
        LLBC_PrintLine("\t%s", strs[i].c_str());

    // Filter-out test.
    LLBC_PrintLine("filter out string: %s", str.c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("result: %s", LLBC_FilterOutString(str, " ").c_str());

    // Upper<->Lower test.
    str = "AaBbCcDd eEfFgG";
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to Upper: %s", str.c_str(), LLBC_ToUpper( str.c_str()).c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to Lower: %s", str.c_str(), LLBC_ToLower( str.c_str()).c_str());

    // Trim test(include left, right).
    str = "     Hello World     \t\t\t";
    LLBC_PrintLine("trim test, string: %s", str.c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("after trim left(len: %lu): %s", 
        LLBC_TrimLeft(str).length(), LLBC_TrimLeft(str).c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("after trim right(len: %lu): %s",
        LLBC_TrimRight(str).length(), LLBC_TrimRight(str).c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("after trim(left and right)(len: %lu): %s",
        LLBC_Trim(str).length(), LLBC_Trim(str).c_str());

    // String -> Number test.
    str = "-30";
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to number(Str2Int32): %d", 
        str.c_str(), LLBC_Str2Int32( str.c_str()));
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to number(Str2Long): %ld", 
        str.c_str(), LLBC_Str2Long( str.c_str()));
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to number(Str2Int64): %lld", 
        str.c_str(), LLBC_Str2Int64( str.c_str()));
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to number(Str2UInt32): %u", 
        str.c_str(), LLBC_Str2UInt32( str.c_str()));
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to number(Str2ULong): %lu", 
        str.c_str(), LLBC_Str2ULong( str.c_str()));
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to pointer(Str2Ptr): %p",
        "30", LLBC_Str2Ptr("30"));
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to pointer(Str2Ptr): %p",
        "0xcdcdcdcd", LLBC_Str2Ptr("0xcdcdcdcd"));
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to number(Str2UInt64): %llu", 
        str.c_str(), LLBC_Str2UInt64( str.c_str()));
    LLBC_PrintLine("string [%s] to number(Str2Double): %f", 
        str.c_str(), LLBC_Str2Double( str.c_str()));

    // Number -> String test.
        sint8 sint8Val = 'a';
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<sint8>()[%c] -> string(base:10): %s",
            sint8Val, LLBC_Num2Str(sint8Val).c_str());
        uint8 uint8Val = 97;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<uint8>()[%d] -> string(base:10): %s",
            uint8Val, LLBC_Num2Str(uint8Val).c_str());

        sint16 sint16Val = -16;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<sint16>()[%d] -> string(base:16): %s",
            sint16Val, LLBC_Num2Str(sint16Val, 16).c_str());
        uint16 uint16Val = 16;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<uint16>()[%u] -> string(base:8): %s",
            uint16Val, LLBC_Num2Str(uint16Val, 8).c_str());

        sint32 sint32Val = -32;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<sint32>()[%d] -> string(base:10): %s",
            sint32Val, LLBC_Num2Str(sint32Val).c_str());
        uint32 uint32Val = 32;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<uint32>()[%u] -> string(base:10): %s",
            uint32Val, LLBC_Num2Str(uint32Val).c_str());

        long longVal = -1;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<long>()[%ld] -> string(base:10): %s",
            longVal, LLBC_Num2Str(longVal).c_str());
        llbc::ulong ulongVal = -1;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<ulong>()[%lu] -> string(base:10): %s",
            ulongVal, LLBC_Num2Str(ulongVal).c_str());

        sint64 sint64Val = -64;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<sint64>()[%lld] -> string(base:10): %s",
            sint64Val, LLBC_Num2Str(sint64Val).c_str());
        uint64 uint64Val = 64;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<uint64>()[%llu] -> string(base:10): %s",
            uint64Val, LLBC_Num2Str(uint64Val).c_str());

        float fVal = 1.0f;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<float>()[%f] -> string: %s",
            fVal, LLBC_Num2Str(fVal).c_str());
        double doubleVal = -1.0f;
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<double>()[%f] -> string: %s",
            doubleVal, LLBC_Num2Str(doubleVal).c_str());

        int *intPtr = reinterpret_cast<int *>(0xcdcdcdcd);
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<int *>()[%p] -> string: %s",
            intPtr, LLBC_Num2Str(intPtr).c_str());
        const void *voidPtr = reinterpret_cast<const void *>(0xfffffffe);
        LLBC_PrintLine("LLBC_Num2Str<void *>()[%p] -> string: %s",
            voidPtr, LLBC_Num2Str(voidPtr).c_str());


    // DirName, BaseName, ExtensionName test.
    LLBC_String path = "/usr/tmp/a.txt";
    LLBC_String path = "c:\\Windows\\a.txt";
    LLBC_PrintLine("path: %s", path.c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("\tdirname: %s", LLBC_DirName(path).c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("\tbasename(include extension): %s", LLBC_BaseName(path).c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("\tbasename(not-include extension): %s", LLBC_BaseName(path, false).c_str());
    LLBC_PrintLine("\textension: %s", LLBC_ExtensionName(path).c_str());

    LLBC_PrintLine("Press any key to continue ...");

    return 0;