Ejemplo n.º 1
int libxl__set_domain_configuration(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid,
                                    libxl_domain_config *d_config)
    char *d_config_json;
    int rc;

    d_config_json = libxl_domain_config_to_json(CTX, d_config);
    if (!d_config_json) {
             "failed to convert domain configuration to JSON for domain %d",
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    rc = libxl__userdata_store(gc, domid, "libxl-json",
                               (const uint8_t *)d_config_json,
                               strlen(d_config_json) + 1 /* include '\0' */);
    if (rc) {
        LOGEV(ERROR, rc, "failed to store domain configuration for domain %d",
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 2
/* Hotplug scripts caller functions */
static int libxl__hotplug(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__device *dev, char ***args,
                          libxl__device_action action)
    char *be_path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, dev);
    char *script;
    int nr = 0, rc = 0, arraysize = 4;

    script = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL,
                            GCSPRINTF("%s/%s", be_path, "script"));
    if (!script) {
        LOGEV(ERROR, errno, "unable to read script from %s", be_path);
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    GCNEW_ARRAY(*args, arraysize);
    (*args)[nr++] = script;
    (*args)[nr++] = be_path;
    (*args)[nr++] = GCSPRINTF("%d", action == LIBXL__DEVICE_ACTION_ADD ?
                                    XenbusStateInitWait : XenbusStateClosed);
    (*args)[nr++] = NULL;
    assert(nr == arraysize);

    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int libxl__get_domain_configuration(libxl__gc *gc, uint32_t domid,
                                    libxl_domain_config *d_config)
    uint8_t *data = NULL;
    int rc, len;

    rc = libxl__userdata_retrieve(gc, domid, "libxl-json", &data, &len);
    if (rc) {
        LOGEV(ERROR, rc,
              "failed to retrieve domain configuration for domain %d", domid);
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    if (len == 0) {
        /* No logging, not necessary an error from caller's PoV. */
        goto out;
    rc = libxl_domain_config_from_json(CTX, d_config, (const char *)data);

    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int libxl__hotplug_disk(libxl__gc *gc, libxl__device *dev,
                               char ***args, char ***env,
                               libxl__device_action action)
    char *be_path = libxl__device_backend_path(gc, dev);
    char *script;
    int nr = 0, rc = 0;

    script = libxl__xs_read(gc, XBT_NULL,
                            GCSPRINTF("%s/%s", be_path, "script"));
    if (!script) {
        LOGEV(ERROR, errno, "unable to read script from %s", be_path);
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto error;

    *env = get_hotplug_env(gc, script, dev);
    if (!*env) {
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto error;

    const int arraysize = 3;
    GCNEW_ARRAY(*args, arraysize);
    (*args)[nr++] = script;
    (*args)[nr++] = action == DEVICE_CONNECT ? "add" : "remove";
    (*args)[nr++] = NULL;
    assert(nr == arraysize);

    rc = 1;

    return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void libxl__xc_domain_restore_done(libxl__egc *egc, void *dcs_void,
                                   int rc, int retval, int errnoval)
    libxl__domain_create_state *dcs = dcs_void;
    libxl__stream_read_state *stream = &dcs->srs;

    if (rc)
        goto err;

    if (retval) {
        LOGEV(ERROR, errnoval, "restoring domain");
        rc = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto err;

    check_all_finished(egc, stream, rc);

     * This function is the callback associated with the save helper
     * task, not the stream task.  We do not know whether the stream is
     * alive, and check_all_finished() may have torn it down around us.
     * If the stream is not still alive, we must not continue any work.
    if (libxl__stream_read_inuse(stream)) {
         * Libxc has indicated that it is done with the stream.  Resume reading
         * libxl records from it.
        stream_continue(egc, stream);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Compute a pvalue for a particular bin and quadrant. 
 * Store the location of the bin if the pvalue is significant.
static void compute_spacing_pvalue(int tests, double threshold, 
   int quad, int bin, int test_max, double prob, SECONDARY_MOTIF_T *smotif) {
  double pvalue;
  int counts;
  counts = smotif->spacings[quad].bins[bin];

  //keep track of the maximum count for the histogram.
  if (counts > smotif->max_in_one_bin) {
    smotif->max_in_one_bin = counts;

  if (bin < test_max) {
    pvalue = one_minus_binomial_cdf(prob, counts, smotif->total_spacings);

    // adjust p-value for multiple tests
    pvalue = exp(LOGEV(log(tests), log(pvalue)));

    smotif->spacings[quad].pvalues[bin] = pvalue;

    // record minimum pvalue over all possible spacings of secondary motif
    if (pvalue < smotif->min_pvalue) smotif->min_pvalue = pvalue;

    if (pvalue <= threshold) {
      SIGSPACE_T *sig;
      smotif->sig_count += 1;
      smotif->sigs = mm_realloc(smotif->sigs, sizeof(SIGSPACE_T) * smotif->sig_count);
      sig = smotif->sigs+(smotif->sig_count - 1);
      sig->pvalue = pvalue;
      sig->bin = bin;
      sig->quad = quad;
  } else {
    //don't test this bin, set pvalue to special value to indicate it is untested
    pvalue = 2;
    smotif->spacings[quad].pvalues[bin] = pvalue;
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void async_exec_timeout(libxl__egc *egc,
                               libxl__ev_time *ev,
                               const struct timeval *requested_abs,
                               int rc)
    libxl__async_exec_state *aes = CONTAINER_OF(ev, *aes, time);

    if (!aes->rc)
        aes->rc = rc;

    libxl__ev_time_deregister(gc, &aes->time);

    LOG(ERROR, "killing execution of %s because of timeout", aes->what);

    if (kill(aes->child.pid, SIGKILL)) {
        LOGEV(ERROR, errno, "unable to kill %s [%ld]",
              aes->what, (unsigned long)aes->child.pid);

Ejemplo n.º 8
void libxl__xc_domain_restore_done(libxl__egc *egc, void *dcs_void,
                                   int ret, int retval, int errnoval)
    libxl__domain_create_state *dcs = dcs_void;
    libxl_ctx *ctx = libxl__gc_owner(gc);
    char **vments = NULL, **localents = NULL;
    struct timeval start_time;
    int i, esave, flags;

    /* convenience aliases */
    const uint32_t domid = dcs->guest_domid;
    libxl_domain_config *const d_config = dcs->guest_config;
    libxl_domain_build_info *const info = &d_config->b_info;
    libxl__domain_build_state *const state = &dcs->build_state;
    const int fd = dcs->restore_fd;

    if (ret)
        goto out;

    if (retval) {
        LOGEV(ERROR, errnoval, "restoring domain");
        ret = ERROR_FAIL;
        goto out;

    gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL);

    switch (info->type) {
        vments = libxl__calloc(gc, 7, sizeof(char *));
        vments[0] = "rtc/timeoffset";
        vments[1] = (info->u.hvm.timeoffset) ? info->u.hvm.timeoffset : "";
        vments[2] = "image/ostype";
        vments[3] = "hvm";
        vments[4] = "start_time";
        vments[5] = libxl__sprintf(gc, "%lu.%02d", start_time.tv_sec,(int)start_time.tv_usec/10000);
        vments = libxl__calloc(gc, 11, sizeof(char *));
        i = 0;
        vments[i++] = "image/ostype";
        vments[i++] = "linux";
        vments[i++] = "image/kernel";
        vments[i++] = (char *) state->pv_kernel.path;
        vments[i++] = "start_time";
        vments[i++] = libxl__sprintf(gc, "%lu.%02d", start_time.tv_sec,(int)start_time.tv_usec/10000);
        if (state->pv_ramdisk.path) {
            vments[i++] = "image/ramdisk";
            vments[i++] = (char *) state->pv_ramdisk.path;
        if (state->pv_cmdline) {
            vments[i++] = "image/cmdline";
            vments[i++] = (char *) state->pv_cmdline;
        ret = ERROR_INVAL;
        goto out;
    ret = libxl__build_post(gc, domid, info, state, vments, localents);
    if (ret)
        goto out;

    if (info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_HVM) {
        state->saved_state = GCSPRINTF(
                       XC_DEVICE_MODEL_RESTORE_FILE".%d", domid);

    if (info->type == LIBXL_DOMAIN_TYPE_PV) {

    esave = errno;

    flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
    if (flags == -1) {
        LIBXL__LOG_ERRNO(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "unable to get flags on restore fd");
    } else {
        flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
        if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags) == -1)
            LIBXL__LOG_ERRNO(ctx, LIBXL__LOG_ERROR, "unable to put restore fd"
                         " back to blocking mode");

    errno = esave;
    domcreate_rebuild_done(egc, dcs, ret);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Compute the enrichment of the central region
static MOTIF_STATS_T* compute_stats(int max_window, int sequence_length, 
    MOTIF_DB_T* db, MOTIF_T* motif, SITE_COUNTS_T* counts) {
  // variables
  MOTIF_STATS_T *stats;
  double window_counts, max_sites;
  int i, max_bins, is_centered, big_window, middle, window, bins;
  double log_p_value;
  // allocate memory for stats
  stats = mm_malloc(sizeof(MOTIF_STATS_T));
  // initilise stats to defaults
  stats->db = db;
  stats->motif = motif;
  stats->total_sites = counts->total_sites;
  stats->n_win_tested = 0;
  stats->max_prob = 0;
  stats->central_sites = 0;
  stats->central_prob = 0.0;
  stats->central_window = 0;
  stats->log_pvalue = 0;
  stats->log_adj_pvalue = 0;
  // find the largest site count
  max_sites = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < counts->allocated; i++) {
    if (max_sites < counts->sites[i]) max_sites = counts->sites[i];
  // calculate the max probability
  stats->max_prob = (counts->total_sites == 0 ? 0 : 
      max_sites / (double)counts->total_sites);
  // get the number of bins that the motif could possibly have landed in
  max_bins = sequence_length - get_motif_length(motif) + 1;
  // determine if this motif can have sites in a completely central bin
  is_centered = (max_bins % 2);
  // calculate the window that contains all sites from this motif
  stats->all_window = max_bins - is_centered;
  // calculate the biggest window which might have a p-value
  big_window = stats->all_window - 2;
  // check that max window is ok
  if (max_window == -1 || max_window > big_window) max_window = big_window;
  if (max_window < 0) return stats; // no windows to test!
  // calculate the number of tested windows
  stats->n_win_tested = (is_centered ? (max_window / 2) + 1 : (max_window + 1) / 2);
  if (stats->n_win_tested == 0) return stats; // no windows to test!
  // the index of the bin in the center
  middle = sequence_length - 1;
  // initialise counts
  stats->log_pvalue = BIG; //ensure it is replaced by the loop
  window_counts = 0;
  bins = 0;
  if (is_centered) { // test the central window
    window_counts  = counts->sites[middle];
    stats->log_pvalue = window_enrichment(0, 
        window_counts, counts->total_sites, bins, max_bins);
    stats->central_sites = window_counts;
    stats->central_prob = (double)bins / (double)max_bins;
  // find the best window by trying all possible windows
  for (bins += 2, window = bins-1; window <= max_window; bins += 2, window += 2) {
    window_counts +=  counts->sites[middle - window];
    window_counts += counts->sites[middle + window];
    // calculate the window p-value
    log_p_value = window_enrichment(window, 
        window_counts, counts->total_sites, bins, max_bins);
    // check if the p-value is better
    if (log_p_value < stats->log_pvalue) {
      stats->log_pvalue = log_p_value;
      stats->central_window = window;
      stats->central_sites = window_counts;
      stats->central_prob = (double)bins / (double)max_bins;
  stats->log_adj_pvalue = LOGEV(log(stats->n_win_tested), stats->log_pvalue);
  DEBUG_FMT(HIGHER_VERBOSE, "best bin: %d sites: %g "
      "log_adj_p-value: %g (%d tests)\n", stats->central_window+1, 
      stats->central_sites, stats->log_adj_pvalue, 
  return stats;