Ejemplo n.º 1
xfsetdirs(char *dir, char *frompath, char *intopath)
    auto i2	dirflag;
    auto char 	*s;
    char	*locbuf;
    STATUS	status;

    locbuf = XF_REQMEM(MAX_LOC + 1, FALSE);

    if (dir == NULL || *dir == EOS)	
	/* Default to current directory. */
	status = LOgt(locbuf, &Xf_dir);
        if(status != OK)
#ifdef UNIX                 
            status = LOfakepwd(locbuf, &Xf_dir);
            if(status != OK)
                IIUGerr(E_XF0061_Can_Not_Determine_Dir, UG_ERR_ERROR, 0);
	dir = NULL;
	STlcopy(dir, locbuf, MAX_LOC);
	if (LOfroms(PATH, locbuf, &Xf_dir) != OK)
	    IIUGerr(E_XF0006_Invalid_directory_pat, UG_ERR_ERROR, 1, dir);
	    return (FAIL);

	if (!LOisfull(&Xf_dir))
	    auto LOCATION	xloc;
	    char		xbuf[MAX_LOC + 1];

	    ** path spec. is a relative specification -- we must expand it 
	    ** to a full pathname. 
	    LOcopy(&Xf_dir, xbuf, &xloc);
	    status = LOgt(locbuf, &Xf_dir);
            if(status != OK)
                IIUGerr(E_XF0061_Can_Not_Determine_Dir, UG_ERR_ERROR, 0);
	    LOaddpath(&Xf_dir, &xloc, &Xf_dir);

	/* LOisdir and LOexist are archaic and should be replaced by LOinfo. */
	LOisdir(&Xf_dir, &dirflag);
	if (dirflag != ISDIR || LOexist(&Xf_dir) != OK)
	    IIUGerr(E_XF0006_Invalid_directory_pat, UG_ERR_ERROR, 1, dir);
	    return (FAIL);
    LOtos(&Xf_dir, &s);

    /* the COPY FROM path doesn't have to exist. */
    if (frompath != NULL && *frompath != EOS)
	Xf_from_path = saveloc(frompath);

    /* the COPY INTO path doesn't have to exist. */
    if (intopath != NULL && *intopath != EOS)
	Xf_into_path = saveloc(intopath);

    IIUGmsg(ERget(S_XF0064_Unload_Directory_is), FALSE, 1, 
		(PTR)(Xf_into_path == NULL ? s : Xf_into_path));
    IIUGmsg(ERget(S_XF0065_Reload_Directory_is), FALSE, 1, 
		(PTR)(Xf_from_path == NULL ? s : Xf_from_path));

    return (OK);
Ejemplo n.º 2
** Name: check_path
** Description:
**      Function to test the specified path for:
**          1. Valid characters.
**          2. An existing or valid parent directory.
**          3. Write permissions for 2.
** Inputs:
**      chkpath     pointer to the path string for validation.
**      eflags      flags specifying the actions to be taken.
** Outputs:
**      None.
** Returns:
**      OK          Path validation successful.
**      !OK         Path validation failed.
** History:
**      27-Jun-2005 (fanra01)
**          Created.
**      11-Jul-2005 (fanra01)
**          Return a more specific status code.
static STATUS
check_path( char* chkpath, int eflags )
    STATUS          status = II_SUCCESSFUL;
    STATUS          rc;
    int             retcode = FAIL;
    LOCATION        tloc;                      /* target location */
    LOCATION        wloc;                      /* working location */
    LOCATION        cloc;                      /* working location */
    LOINFORMATION   linfo;
    i4              info;
    char*           temp = NULL;
    char*           path = NULL;
    char*           work = NULL;
    char*           curr = NULL;
    char*	        d;
    char*           p;
    char*           f;
    char*           e;
    char*           v;
    char*           s;

        ** Allocate working area up front.  Saves declaring arrays on the
        ** stack.
        if ((temp = MEreqmem( 0, (MAX_LOC+1) * 8, TRUE, &status )) == NULL)
        ** Initialize working pointers with memory
        path = temp;
        work = temp + MAX_LOC + 1;
        curr = work + MAX_LOC + 1;
        d = curr + MAX_LOC + 1;
        p = d + MAX_LOC + 1;
        f = p + MAX_LOC + 1;
        e = f + MAX_LOC + 1;
        v = e + MAX_LOC + 1;

        ** Initialize a location structure with the specified path
        ** string.
        if ((eflags & (II_CHK_PATHCHAR | II_CHK_PATHDIR | II_CHK_PATHPERM)) &&
            (LOfroms( PATH, chkpath, &tloc ) != OK))
            status = II_BAD_PATH;

        ** Perform an illegal characters check, for all path tests.
        if ((eflags & (II_CHK_PATHCHAR | II_CHK_PATHDIR | II_CHK_PATHPERM)) &&
            (check_path_chars( &tloc, &rc )))
                case LO_BAD_DEVICE:
                    status = II_BAD_PATH;
                case LO_NOT_PATH:
                case LO_NOT_FILE:
                    status = II_INVAL_CHARS_IN_PATH;

        ** Duplicate the specified path location into a work location.
        LOcopy( &tloc, work, &wloc );
        ** Create an empty location for the current working device,
        ** split the target path into components and
        ** create a location of the target device.
        if ((eflags & (II_CHK_PATHDIR | II_CHK_PATHPERM)) &&
            ((status = LOfroms( PATH, curr, &cloc )) == OK) &&
            ((status = LOdetail( &wloc, d, p, f, e, v )) == OK) &&
            ((status = LOcompose( d, CURR_DIR, NULL, NULL, NULL,
            &cloc )) == OK))
            ** Save the current working directory
            ** Change working path to the target device
            status = LOchange( &cloc );
            ** Starting with the whole path work backwards looking for
            ** a valid directory
            for (s=work, info=0;
                (status == OK) && (retcode != OK) && (s != NULL);
                if ((status = LOfroms( PATH, p, &wloc )) != OK)
                    status = II_BAD_PATH;
                ** Reset requested information flags for each iteration.
                info = (LO_I_TYPE | LO_I_PERMS);

                switch(retcode = LOinfo( &wloc, &info, &linfo ))
                    case OK:
                        ** If the path or permission test is requested and
                        ** type info is returned test for directory flag. 
                        if ((eflags & (II_CHK_PATHDIR | II_CHK_PATHPERM)) &&
                            ((info & LO_I_TYPE) == LO_I_TYPE))
                            status = (linfo.li_type == LO_IS_DIR) ? OK : II_PATH_NOT_DIR;

                        ** If the permission test is requested and
                        ** permissions are returned test the flags for read
                        ** and write.
                        if ((status == OK) && (eflags & II_CHK_PATHPERM))
                            if (((info & LO_I_PERMS) == LO_I_PERMS) &&
                                (linfo.li_perms & (LO_P_READ|LO_P_WRITE))
                                == (LO_P_READ|LO_P_WRITE))
                                ** Read and write permission
                                ** missing a permission
                                status = II_PATH_CANNOT_WRITE;
                    case LO_NO_SUCH:
                        ** Look backwards for the next path separator
                        if((s = STrindex( p, PATH_SEPARATOR, 0 )) != NULL)
                            ** If separator found truncate the path
                            ** otherwise the start of the path has
                            ** been reached, update string to test the
                            ** root directory.
                            if (s != p)
                                *s = '\0';
                                *(s+1) = '\0';
                            ** A root path character was included in the
                            ** path that has been reached and still no
                            ** installable area found.
                            if (p && *p && *p == SLASH)
                                status = II_BAD_PATH;
                                ** A relative path was specified and no
                                ** installable area has been found.
                                ** Test the current working directory of the
                                ** target device.
                                if ((status = LOgt( p, &wloc )) == OK)
                                    ** Reset temporary pointer to a work
                                    ** area to satisfy the loop condition.
                                    s = work;
                        status = II_BAD_PATH;
            if (status != II_SUCCESSFUL)
                status = II_BAD_PATH;
    ** Free the working area
    if (temp != NULL)
        MEfree( temp );