Ejemplo n.º 1
static gpointer 
gw_installprogresswindow_install_thread (gpointer data)
    GwInstallProgressWindow *window;
    GwInstallProgressWindowPrivate *priv;
    GwApplication *application;
    GwDictionaryList *dictionarylist;
    GList *link;
    LwDictionary *dictionary;
    GError *error;
    gulong signalid;
    GCancellable *cancellable;

    if (window == NULL) return NULL;
    priv = window->priv;
    application = gw_window_get_application (GW_WINDOW (window));
    dictionarylist = gw_application_get_installable_dictionarylist (application);
    cancellable = priv->cancellable;
    error = NULL;
    link = lw_dictionarylist_get_list (LW_DICTIONARYLIST (dictionarylist));

    //Do the installation
    g_timeout_add (100, gw_installprogresswindow_update_ui_timeout, window);
    while (link != NULL && error == NULL)
      dictionary = LW_DICTIONARY (link->data);
      if (dictionary != NULL && lw_dictionary_is_selected (dictionary))
        g_mutex_lock (&priv->mutex);
        priv->dictionary = dictionary;
        g_mutex_unlock (&priv->mutex);
        signalid = g_signal_connect (dictionary, "progress-changed", G_CALLBACK (gw_installprogresswindow_update_dictionary_cb), window);
        lw_dictionary_install (dictionary, cancellable, &error);
        if (g_signal_handler_is_connected (dictionary, signalid))
          g_signal_handler_disconnect (dictionary, signalid);

      link = link->next;

    gw_application_set_error (application, error);
    error = NULL;

    g_mutex_lock (&priv->mutex);
    //This will clue the progress window to close itself
    priv->dictionary = NULL;
    g_mutex_unlock (&priv->mutex);

    return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
LwDictionary* lw_dictionary_installer_new (GType type)
    g_return_val_if_fail (g_type_is_a (type, LW_TYPE_DICTIONARY) != FALSE, NULL);

    LwDictionary *dictionary;

    dictionary = LW_DICTIONARY (g_object_new (type, NULL));

    return dictionary;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//! @brief Prints out the yet uninstalled available dictionaries.
w_console_print_installable_dictionaries (WApplication *application)
    printf(gettext("Installable dictionaries are:\n"));

    gint i;
    gint j;
    GList *iter;
    LwDictionaryList *dictionarylist;
    LwDictionary* dictionary;
    const gchar* filename;

    i = 0; 
    dictionarylist = w_application_get_installable_dictionarylist (application);
    iter = lw_dictionarylist_get_list (dictionarylist);

    while (iter != NULL)
      dictionary = LW_DICTIONARY (iter->data);
      if (lw_dictionary_installer_is_valid (dictionary))
        filename = lw_dictionary_get_filename (dictionary);
        printf("  %s", filename);
        for (j = strlen(filename); j < 20; j++) printf(" ");
        printf("(AKA: %s Dictionary)\n", lw_dictionary_get_name (dictionary));
      iter = iter->next;

    if (i == 0)
      printf("  %s\n", gettext("none"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
//! @brief Not yet written
w_console_print_available_dictionaries (WApplication *application)
    gint i;
    gint j;
    LwDictionaryList *dictionarylist;
    LwDictionary* dictionary;
    GList *link;
    const gchar *filename;

    i = 0;
    j = 0;
    dictionarylist = w_application_get_installed_dictionarylist (application);
	  link = lw_dictionarylist_get_list (dictionarylist);

    printf(gettext("Available dictionaries are:\n"));

    while (link != NULL) {
      dictionary = LW_DICTIONARY (link->data);
      filename = lw_dictionary_get_filename (dictionary);

      printf("  %s", filename);
      for (j = strlen(filename); j < 20; j++) printf(" ");
      printf("(AKA: %s Dictionary)\n", lw_dictionary_get_name (dictionary));

      link = link->next;

    if (i == 0)
      printf("  %s\n", gettext("none"));