RunningImageMeanAndStandardDeviationCL::RunningImageMeanAndStandardDeviationCL(const uvec2& layerDimension, const size2_t& workgroupSize) : pingPongIndex_(0) , workGroupSize_(workgroupSize) , kernel_(nullptr) { standardDeviation_[0] = Layer(layerDimension, DataVec4Float32::get()); standardDeviation_[1] = Layer(layerDimension, DataVec4Float32::get()); mean_[0] = Layer(layerDimension, DataVec4Float32::get()); mean_[1] = Layer(layerDimension, DataVec4Float32::get()); kernel_ = addKernel("statistics/", "runningMeanAndStandardDeviationKernel"); }
void Scanmatcher::initializeNdt(pose_t &pose, points2_t &points) { // initialize layers layer_.clear(); points_=std::move(points); layer_.push_back(Layer(&points_, 8, max_range_)); for (size_t i = 1; i < layers_count_; ++i) { layer_.push_back(Layer(&points_, static_cast<size_t>(std::pow(8, i)), max_range_)); } pose_ = std::move(pose); initialized_ = true; }
Net::Net(const std::vector<int>& topology) { // Create 'topology.size' layers size_t numLayers = topology.size(); // For all news layers for (size_t layerNum = 0; layerNum < numLayers; ++layerNum) { // Add a new layer layers.push_back(Layer()); // Get the size of the next layer, used to create neurons that have numOuputs Connections size_t numOutputs = layerNum == topology.size() - 1 ? 0 : topology[layerNum + 1]; // We have a new layer, now fill it with neurons, and // add a bias neuron in each layer. for (size_t neuronNum = 0; neuronNum <= topology[layerNum]; ++neuronNum) { // Add Neuronof neuroNums size layers.back().push_back(Neuron(numOutputs, neuronNum)); } // Force the bias node's output to 1.0 (it was the last neuron pushed in this layer): layers.back().back().setOutputVal(1.0); } }
void aRTstatictable::Create(SEXP options) { string id = GET_STRING_ELEMENT (options, aRTstrId); int length = GET_INTEGER_ELEMENT (options, "length"); bool genids = GET_BOOL_ELEMENT (options, "generateids"); TeAttributeList attList; TeAttribute at; at.rep_.type_ = TeSTRING; at.rep_.numChar_ = length; at.rep_.name_ = id; at.rep_.isPrimaryKey_ = true; attList.push_back(at); TeTable attTable(TableName, attList, id, id, TeAttrStatic); PrintSilent("Creating static table \'%s\' on layer \'%s\' ... ", TableName.c_str(), LayerName.c_str()); if( !Layer()->createAttributeTable(attTable) ) { stringstream err; err << "Could not create the table:" << Database->errorMessage() << endl; error( StreamToChar(err) ); } PrintSilentYes; if(genids) CreateLinkIds(id); }
void DBGridIF::DiscreteStats() { DBInt recordID, layerID; DBFloat area, sumArea = 0.0; DBPosition pos; DBObjTableField *areaFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNGridArea); DBObjTableField *percentFLD = ItemTable->Field(DBrNGridPercent); DBObjRecord *layerRec, *record; for (recordID = 0; recordID < ItemTable->ItemNum(); ++recordID) { record = ItemTable->Item(recordID); areaFLD->Float(record, 0.0); percentFLD->Float(record, 0.0); } for (layerID = 0; layerID < LayerNum(); ++layerID) { layerRec = Layer(layerID); for (pos.Row = 0; pos.Row < RowNum(); ++pos.Row) for (pos.Col = 0; pos.Col < ColNum(); ++pos.Col) if ((record = GridItem(layerRec, pos)) != (DBObjRecord *) NULL) { area = CellArea(pos); sumArea += area; areaFLD->Float(record, areaFLD->Float(record) + area); } } for (recordID = 0; recordID < ItemTable->ItemNum(); ++recordID) { record = ItemTable->Item(recordID); percentFLD->Float(record, areaFLD->Float(record) * 100.0 / sumArea); } }
/** * \brief Returns control to the hero after its hookshot movement. * * This function is called when the hero has finished the hookshot movement. * It checks the validity of the destination position. */ void Hero::HookshotState::finish_movement() { Hero& hero = get_hero(); const Rectangle& hero_position = hero.get_bounding_box(); Layer layer = hero.get_layer(); Map& map = get_map(); MapEntities& entities = get_entities(); if (layer == LAYER_LOW || !map.has_empty_ground(layer, hero_position)) { // the hero is totally on the same layer: no problem hero.start_state_from_ground(); } else { // a part of the hero is on empty tiles: this is often illegal, especially // if there are jumpers; allow this only if tiles on // the lower layer are not obstacles, and go to this layer layer = Layer(layer - 1); if (!map.test_collision_with_obstacles(layer, hero_position, hero)) { Sound::play("hero_lands"); entities.set_entity_layer(hero, layer); hero.start_state_from_ground(); } else { // illegal position: get back to the start point // TODO: get back to the closest valid point from the destination instead Sound::play("hero_hurt"); hero.set_state(new BackToSolidGroundState(hero, false, 0, true)); } } }
void XMLWriter::Scene(QDomElement& body){ for(int i=0; i<mpMng->mList.count(); i++){ auto scene = doc.createElement("Scene"+QString::number(i+1)); scene.setAttribute("id",mpMng->mList[i]->ID()); body.appendChild(scene); Layer(scene,i); } }
Layer EditorMap::get_layer(int i) { if (i >= 0 && i < static_cast<int>(impl->layers.size())) return impl->layers[i]; else return Layer(); }
Net::Net(vector<int> &topology){ for(int i = 0; i < topology.size(); i++){ if(i==0){ m_topology.push_back(Layer(topology[i], 'i')); // Creates input layer } else if(i==topology.size()-1){ m_topology.push_back(Layer(topology[i], 'o')); // Creates output layer } else{ m_topology.push_back(Layer(topology[i], 'h')); // Creates hidden layer } } };
Background::Background(sf::Vector2u targetSize) { _pivot = sf::Vector2f(targetSize.x/2.0,targetSize.y/2.0); _test.setTexture(Resources::textureTest); layers.push_back(Layer(10)); layers.push_back(Layer(10)); layers.push_back(Layer(10)); layers[0].setFactor(0.0); layers[1].setFactor(0.3); layers[2].setFactor(2.5); layers[0].setTexture(Resources::layer0,3); layers[1].setTexture(Resources::layer2,5); layers[2].setTexture(Resources::layer1,5); }
void UILayerManager::PushTopLayer(UILayer* pkLayer, const UIUserDataPtr& spUserData) { if(pkLayer) { addChild(pkLayer, 3); m_kTopLayerStack.PushBack(Layer(pkLayer, spUserData)); pkLayer->SetActive(true, spUserData); } }
Network::Network(vector<int> arch) { for (unsigned int i=1; i < arch.size(); ++i) { layers.push_back(Layer(arch[i],arch[i-1])); } printout(); }
/** * @brief Creates an instance from an input stream. * * The input stream must respect the syntax of this entity type. * * @param game the game that will contain the entity created * @param is an input stream * @param layer the layer * @param x x coordinate of the entity * @param y y coordinate of the entity * @return the instance created */ MapEntity* Stairs::parse(Game &game, std::istream &is, Layer layer, int x, int y) { std::string name; int direction, subtype; FileTools::read(is, name); FileTools::read(is, direction); FileTools::read(is, subtype); return new Stairs(name, Layer(layer), x, y, direction, Subtype(subtype)); }
ForwardRenderQueue::Layer& ForwardRenderQueue::GetLayer(int i) { auto it = layers.find(i); if (it == layers.end()) it = layers.insert(std::make_pair(i, Layer())).first; Layer& layer = it->second; layer.clearCount = 0; return layer; }
/** * @brief Creates an instance from an input stream. * * The input stream must respect the syntax of this entity type. * * @param game the game that will contain the entity created * @param is an input stream * @param layer the layer * @param x x coordinate of the entity * @param y y coordinate of the entity * @return the instance created */ MapEntity* Sensor::parse(Game &game, std::istream &is, Layer layer, int x, int y) { std::string name; int width, height, subtype; FileTools::read(is, width); FileTools::read(is, height); FileTools::read(is, name); FileTools::read(is, subtype); return new Sensor(name, Layer(layer), x, y, width, height, Subtype(subtype)); }
/** * @brief Creates an instance from an input stream. * * The input stream must respect the syntax of this entity type. * * @param game the game that will contain the entity created * @param is an input stream * @param layer the layer * @param x x coordinate of the entity * @param y y coordinate of the entity * @return the instance created */ MapEntity* DynamicTile::parse(Game &game, std::istream &is, Layer layer, int x, int y) { int width, height, tile_pattern_id, enabled; std::string name; FileTools::read(is, width); FileTools::read(is, height); FileTools::read(is, name); FileTools::read(is, tile_pattern_id); FileTools::read(is, enabled); return new DynamicTile(name, Layer(layer), x, y, width, height, tile_pattern_id, enabled != 0); }
/** * @brief Creates an instance from an input stream. * * The input stream must respect the syntax of this entity type. * * @param game the game that will contain the entity created * @param is an input stream * @param layer the layer * @param x x coordinate of the entity * @param y y coordinate of the entity * @return the instance created */ MapEntity* Jumper::parse(Game &game, std::istream &is, Layer layer, int x, int y) { int jump_length, width, height, direction; std::string name; FileTools::read(is, width); FileTools::read(is, height); FileTools::read(is, name); FileTools::read(is, direction); FileTools::read(is, jump_length); return new Jumper(name, Layer(layer), x, y, width, height, direction, jump_length); }
/** * @brief Creates an instance from an input stream. * * The input stream must respect the syntax of this entity type. * * @param game the game that will contain the entity created * @param is an input stream * @param layer the layer * @param x x coordinate of the entity * @param y y coordinate of the entity * @return the instance created */ MapEntity* Chest::parse(Game &game, std::istream &is, Layer layer, int x, int y) { std::string name, treasure_name; int big_chest, treasure_variant, treasure_savegame_variable; FileTools::read(is, name); FileTools::read(is, big_chest); FileTools::read(is, treasure_name); FileTools::read(is, treasure_variant); FileTools::read(is, treasure_savegame_variable); return new Chest(name, Layer(layer), x, y, (big_chest != 0), Treasure(game, treasure_name, treasure_variant, treasure_savegame_variable)); }
bool FrameParser::FrameHeader::IsValid(int aPos) const { if (aPos >= SIZE) { return true; } if (aPos == frame_header::SYNC1) { return Sync1() == 0xFF; } if (aPos == frame_header::SYNC2_VERSION_LAYER_PROTECTION) { return Sync2() == 7 && RawVersion() != 1 && Layer() == 3; } if (aPos == frame_header::BITRATE_SAMPLERATE_PADDING_PRIVATE) { return RawBitrate() != 0xF && RawBitrate() != 0 && RawSampleRate() != 3; } return true; }
/** * @brief Creates an instance from an input stream. * * The input stream must respect the syntax of this entity type. * * @param game the game that will contain the entity created * @param is an input stream * @param layer the layer * @param x x coordinate of the entity * @param y y coordinate of the entity * @return the instance created */ MapEntity* Block::parse(Game &game, std::istream &is, Layer layer, int x, int y) { int direction, maximum_moves, can_be_pushed, can_be_pulled; std::string name, sprite_name; FileTools::read(is, name); FileTools::read(is, direction); FileTools::read(is, sprite_name); FileTools::read(is, can_be_pushed); FileTools::read(is, can_be_pulled); FileTools::read(is, maximum_moves); return new Block(name, Layer(layer), x, y, direction, sprite_name, bool(can_be_pushed), bool(can_be_pulled), maximum_moves); }
luabind::object LuaProxy::findlayer(const std::string& layername, lua_State *L) { std::wstring tarLayerName = Str2WStr(layername); for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i){ LayerControl* ctrl = ::Layer::Get(i); if(ctrl){ if(!ctrl->ptLayerName) continue; std::wstring sourceLayerName(ctrl->ptLayerName); if(tarLayerName == sourceLayerName){ return luabind::object(L, Layer(i)); } } } return luabind::object(); }
Net::Net(const std::vector<unsigned int> &_topology) { uint numLayers = _topology.size(); for (uint layerNum = 0; layerNum < numLayers; ++layerNum) { //creaitng a layer m_layers.push_back(Layer()); for (uint neuronNum = 0; neuronNum <= _topology[layerNum]; ++neuronNum) { m_layers.back().push_back(Neuron()); std::cout << "New Neuron created." << std::endl; } } }
/** * \brief Starts this state. * \param previous_state the previous state */ void Hero::StairsState::start(const State* previous_state) { State::start(previous_state); // movement int speed = stairs.is_inside_floor() ? 40 : 24; std::string path = stairs.get_path(way); std::shared_ptr<PathMovement> movement = std::make_shared<PathMovement>( path, speed, false, true, false ); // sprites and sound HeroSprites& sprites = get_sprites(); if (carried_item == nullptr) { sprites.set_animation_walking_normal(); } else { sprites.set_lifted_item(carried_item); sprites.set_animation_walking_carrying(); } sprites.set_animation_direction((path[0] - '0') / 2); get_keys_effect().set_action_key_effect(KeysEffect::ACTION_KEY_NONE); Hero& hero = get_hero(); if (stairs.is_inside_floor()) { if (way == Stairs::NORMAL_WAY) { // Towards an upper layer: change the layer now Layer layer = stairs.get_layer(); Debug::check_assertion(layer != LAYER_HIGH, "Invalid stairs layer"); get_entities().set_entity_layer(hero, Layer(layer + 1)); } } else { sprites.set_clipping_rectangle(stairs.get_clipping_rectangle(way)); if (way == Stairs::REVERSE_WAY) { Point dxy = movement->get_xy_change(); int fix_y = 8; if (path[path.size() - 1] == '2') { fix_y *= -1; } hero.set_xy(hero.get_x() - dxy.x, hero.get_y() - dxy.y + fix_y); } } hero.set_movement(movement); }
/** * @brief Creates an instance from an input stream. * * The input stream must respect the syntax of this entity type. * * @param game the game that will contain the entity created * @param is an input stream * @param layer the layer * @param x x coordinate of the entity * @param y y coordinate of the entity * @return the instance created */ MapEntity* Teletransporter::parse(Game &game, std::istream &is, Layer layer, int x, int y) { int width, height, subtype, transition_style; MapId destination_map_id; std::string name, destination_point_name; FileTools::read(is, width); FileTools::read(is, height); FileTools::read(is, name); FileTools::read(is, subtype); FileTools::read(is, transition_style); FileTools::read(is, destination_map_id); FileTools::read(is, destination_point_name); return new Teletransporter(name, Layer(layer), x, y, width, height, Subtype(subtype), Transition::Style(transition_style), destination_map_id, destination_point_name); }
void NeuralNetwork::mirror(const Layer& layer) { size_t blocks = getGreatestCommonDivisor(layer.blocks(), getGreatestCommonDivisor(getOutputCount(), layer.getInputCount())); assertM(getOutputCount() % blocks == 0, "Input count " << getOutputCount() << " not divisible by " << blocks << "."); assertM(layer.getInputCount() % blocks == 0, "Output count " << layer.getInputCount() << " not divisivle by " << blocks << "."); size_t newInputs = getOutputCount() / blocks; size_t newOutputs = layer.getInputCount() / blocks; assert(newInputs > 0); assert(newOutputs > 0); util::log("NeuralNetwork") << "Mirroring neural network output layer (" << back().blocks() << " blocks, " << back().getInputBlockingFactor() << " inputs, " << back().getOutputBlockingFactor() << " outputs) to (" << blocks << " blocks, " << newInputs << " inputs, " << newOutputs << " outputs)\n"; addLayer(Layer(blocks, newInputs, newOutputs)); std::default_random_engine engine; // TODO: should wire this out of the neural network bool shouldSeedWithTime = util::KnobDatabase::getKnobValue( "NeuralNetwork::SeedWithTime", false); if(shouldSeedWithTime) { engine.seed(std::time(0)); } else { engine.seed(0); } // should be pseudo inverse back().initializeRandomly(engine); }
/** * \brief Destroys the item after it finishes its thrown movement. * * How the item breaks depends on the ground where it lands. */ void CarriedItem::break_item_on_ground() { get_movement()->stop(); Ground ground = get_ground_below(); switch (ground) { case Ground::EMPTY: // Nothing here: fall one layer below. { int layer = get_layer(); if (layer == LAYER_LOW) { // Cannot fall lower. break_item(); } else { get_entities().set_entity_layer(*this, Layer(layer - 1)); break_item_on_ground(); // Do this again on the next layer. } break; } case Ground::HOLE: Sound::play("jump"); remove_from_map(); break; case Ground::DEEP_WATER: case Ground::LAVA: Sound::play("walk_on_water"); remove_from_map(); break; default: // Break the item normally. break_item(); break; } is_throwing = false; is_breaking = true; }
void Net::setNetwork(std::vector<unsigned> &topology) { //std::cout<<"Made a Network!"<<std::endl; numLayers = topology.size(); for(unsigned int i=0;i<numLayers; ++i) { layers.push_back(Layer()); // std::cout<<"Made Layer:"<<i+1<<std::endl; for(unsigned int j=0; j<=topology[i]; ++j) { if(i+1!= topology.size()) layers.back().push_back(Neuron(topology[i+1], j)); else layers.back().push_back(Neuron(0, j)); } } layers.back().back().setOutputVal(0.1); //for(unsigned layerNum=0; layerNum<layers.size()-1 ;layerNum++) //layers[layerNum].back().setOutputVal(1.0); }
/** * @brief Sets the layer of the pickable item that just appeared. * * This function should be called only when there a current pickable item, * i.e. from the event_appear() function. * * - Argument 1 (integer): layer of the pickable item * * @param l the Lua context that is calling this function */ int Script::item_api_set_layer(lua_State *l) { Script *script; called_by_script(l, 1, &script); int layer = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1); // retrieve the pickable item const std::string &item_name = script->get_item_properties().get_name(); Equipment &equipment = script->get_game().get_equipment(); ItemScript &item_script = equipment.get_item_script(item_name); PickableItem *pickable_item = item_script.get_pickable_item(); Debug::check_assertion(pickable_item != NULL, "Cannot call sol.item.set_layer(): there is no current pickable item"); MapEntities &entities = script->get_map().get_entities(); entities.set_entity_layer(pickable_item, Layer(layer)); return 0; }
Neural::Net::Net(const std::vector<unsigned> &topology) { free(); for (unsigned layerNum = 0; layerNum < topology.size(); ++layerNum) { layers.push_back(Layer()); // numOutputs of layer[i] is the numInputs of layer[i+1] // numOutputs of last layer is 0 unsigned numOutputs = layerNum == topology.size() - 1 ? 0 : topology[layerNum + 1]; // We have made a new Layer, now fill it with neurons, and add a bias neuron to the layer for (unsigned neuronNum = 0; neuronNum <= topology[layerNum]; ++neuronNum) { layers.back().push_back(Neuron(numOutputs, neuronNum)); } // Force the bias node's output value to 1.0. It's the last neuron created above layers.back().back().setOutputValue(1.0); } }
Background::Background(int levelNum, int roomNum) :nonMovingLayer(*TextureManager::GetInstance().retrieveTexture( Global::GetInstance()"Level"+ std::to_string(levelNum) + "Room" + std::to_string(roomNum)).nonMovinglayer)), vel(-300.0f, 99.0f), hitGround(false), timerForStep(-1.0f), goliathStepWait(3.0f) { RoomStruct temp = Global::GetInstance()"Level"+ std::to_string(levelNum) + "Room" + std::to_string(roomNum)); for (int i = 0; i < temp.movingLayers.size(); i++) { if( == 0 && == 0) { //sf::Sprite test = sf::Sprite(*TextureManager::GetInstance().retrieveTexture(temp.movingLayers[i].imageName)); //test.setPosition(,; //test.setScale(,; nonMovingLayers.push_back(NonMovingLayer(temp, i)); //nonMovingLayers.push_back(sf::Sprite(*TextureManager::GetInstance().retrieveTexture(temp.movingLayers[i].imageName))); //nonMovingLayers[nonMovingLayers.size() - 1].setPosition(,; //nonMovingLayers[nonMovingLayers.size() - 1].setScale(,; } else movingLayers.push_back(Layer(temp, i)); } nonMovingLayer.setPosition(temp.posOffset.x, temp.posOffset.y); }