Ejemplo n.º 1
	ResourceModel::ResourceModel( const std::string& filename ):
	ResourceGeneric( filename ),
		struct TMFHEADER 
			uint8_t id[4];		// should be TMF
			uint16_t version;	// version, multiplied by 100
			uint16_t nobj;		// number of geometry objects
			uint16_t nhelpers;	// number of helper objects
		} TMFHeader;
		memset(&TMFHeader, 0, sizeof(TMFHEADER));


		uint32_t filesize = 0;

		FILE* fp = 0;
		fopen_s(&fp, filename.c_str(), "rb");
		if (!fp) return;

		// Check if it is a TMF file
		fread(TMFHeader.id, sizeof(uint8_t), 3, fp);
		if (TMFHeader.id[0] != 'T' || TMFHeader.id[1] != 'M' || TMFHeader.id[2] != 'F')

		fread(&TMFHeader.version, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp);

		assert( TMFHeader.version == MODEL_VERSION );

		fread(&TMFHeader.nobj, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp);
		fread(&TMFHeader.nhelpers, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp);

		for (int i = 0; i < TMFHeader.nhelpers; i++) 
		for (int i = 0; i < TMFHeader.nobj; i++) 
			AddTMFObject( fp );

Ejemplo n.º 2
	void OBJLoader::Load(const std::string& filename, bool invertTexCoords)
		std::string binaryFilename = ".\\/Assets\\/" + filename + ".bin";
		std::ifstream binaryInFile;
		binaryInFile.open(binaryFilename, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);

		auto pGraphics = static_cast<IGraphics*>(ResourceManagerInstance()->GetService("graphics"));
		assert(pGraphics != nullptr);

		// TODO: Disabled binary load until it can r/w subobjects and material
		if (true /*!binaryInFile.good()*/)
			std::ifstream inFile;
			inFile.open(".\\/Assets\\/" + filename);

			if (!inFile.good())
				TI_LOG_E("Couldn't open obj file: " << filename);
				//Start new subobject list for this file
				//Temp subobject
				SubObject* pSubObject = nullptr;
				//Vectors to store the vertex positions, normals and texture coordinates. Need to use vectors since they're resizeable and we have
				//no way of knowing ahead of time how large these meshes will be
				std::vector<Vector3> verts;
				std::vector<Vector3> normals;
				std::vector<Vector2> texCoords;

				//DirectX uses 1 index buffer, OBJ is optimized for storage and not rendering and so uses 3 smaller index buffers.....great...
				//We'll have to merge this into 1 index buffer which we'll do after loading in all of the required data.
				std::vector<unsigned short> vertIndices;
				std::vector<unsigned short> normalIndices;
				std::vector<unsigned short> textureIndices;

				std::string input;
				UINT indexCounter = 0;

				Vector3 vert;
				Vector2 texCoord;
				Vector3 normal;
				unsigned short vInd[3]; //indices for the vertex position
				unsigned short tInd[3]; //indices for the texture coordinate
				unsigned short nInd[3]; //indices for the normal
				std::string beforeFirstSlash;
				std::string afterFirstSlash;
				std::string afterSecondSlash;
				std::string matLib;

				while (!inFile.eof()) //While we have yet to reach the end of the file...
					inFile >> input; //Get the next input from the file

					//Check what type of input it was, we are only interested in vertex positions, texture coordinates, normals, indices, groups, and materials.
					if (input.compare("mtllib") == 0)//Material library, calls readMaterial()
						inFile >> matLib;
					else if (input.compare("g") == 0)//Group(SubObject) name
						if (pSubObject != nullptr) _meshSubObjs[filename].push_back(pSubObject);
						pSubObject = new SubObject();
						inFile >> pSubObject->name;
						pSubObject->vertexEnd = 0;
						pSubObject->vertexStart = UINT_MAX;
						pSubObject->indexEnd = 0;
						pSubObject->indexStart = UINT_MAX;
					else if (input.compare("v") == 0) //Vertex position