Ejemplo n.º 1
  The function is invoked before SMBASE relocation in S3 path to restores CPU status.

  The function is invoked before SMBASE relocation in S3 path. It does first time microcode load
  and restores MTRRs for both BSP and APs.

InitializeCpuBeforeRebase (
  LoadMtrrData (mAcpiCpuData.MtrrTable);

  SetProcessorRegister ((CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *) (UINTN) mAcpiCpuData.PreSmmInitRegisterTable, mAcpiCpuData.NumberOfCpus);

  ProgramVirtualWireMode ();

  PrepareApStartupVector (mAcpiCpuData.StartupVector);

  mNumberToFinish = mAcpiCpuData.NumberOfCpus - 1;
  mExchangeInfo->ApFunction  = (VOID *) (UINTN) InitializeAp;

  // Execute code for before SmmBaseReloc. Note: This flag is maintained across S3 boots.
  mInitApsAfterSmmBaseReloc = FALSE;

  // Send INIT IPI - SIPI to all APs
  SendInitSipiSipiAllExcludingSelf ((UINT32)mAcpiCpuData.StartupVector);

  while (mNumberToFinish > 0) {
    CpuPause ();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  AP initialization before SMBASE relocation in the S3 boot path.
EarlyMPRendezvousProcedure (
  CPU_REGISTER_TABLE         *RegisterTableList;
  UINT32                     InitApicId;
  UINTN                      Index;

  LoadMtrrData (mAcpiCpuData.MtrrTable);

  // Find processor number for this CPU.
  RegisterTableList = (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *) (UINTN) mAcpiCpuData.PreSmmInitRegisterTable;
  InitApicId = GetInitialApicId ();
  for (Index = 0; Index < mAcpiCpuData.NumberOfCpus; Index++) {
    if (RegisterTableList[Index].InitialApicId == InitApicId) {
      SetProcessorRegister (&RegisterTableList[Index]);

  // Count down the number with lock mechanism.
  InterlockedDecrement (&mNumberToFinish);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  The function is invoked before SMBASE relocation in S3 path to restors CPU status.

  The function is invoked before SMBASE relocation in S3 path. It does first time microcode load 
  and restores MTRRs for both BSP and APs.

EarlyInitializeCpu (
  CPU_REGISTER_TABLE         *RegisterTableList;
  UINT32                     InitApicId;
  UINTN                      Index;

  LoadMtrrData (mAcpiCpuData.MtrrTable);

  // Find processor number for this CPU.
  RegisterTableList = (CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *) (UINTN) mAcpiCpuData.PreSmmInitRegisterTable;
  InitApicId = GetInitialApicId ();
  for (Index = 0; Index < mAcpiCpuData.NumberOfCpus; Index++) {
    if (RegisterTableList[Index].InitialApicId == InitApicId) {
      SetProcessorRegister (&RegisterTableList[Index]);

  ProgramVirtualWireMode ();

  PrepareAPStartupVector (mAcpiCpuData.StartupVector);

  mNumberToFinish = mAcpiCpuData.NumberOfCpus - 1;
  mExchangeInfo->ApFunction  = (VOID *) (UINTN) EarlyMPRendezvousProcedure;

  // Send INIT IPI - SIPI to all APs
  SendInitSipiSipiAllExcludingSelf ((UINT32)mAcpiCpuData.StartupVector);

  while (mNumberToFinish > 0) {
    CpuPause ();
Ejemplo n.º 4
  AP initialization before then after SMBASE relocation in the S3 boot path.
InitializeAp (
  UINTN                      TopOfStack;
  UINT8                      Stack[128];

  LoadMtrrData (mAcpiCpuData.MtrrTable);

  SetProcessorRegister ((CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *) (UINTN) mAcpiCpuData.PreSmmInitRegisterTable, mAcpiCpuData.NumberOfCpus);

  // Count down the number with lock mechanism.
  InterlockedDecrement (&mNumberToFinish);

  // Wait for BSP to signal SMM Base relocation done.
  while (!mInitApsAfterSmmBaseReloc) {
    CpuPause ();

  ProgramVirtualWireMode ();
  DisableLvtInterrupts ();

  SetProcessorRegister ((CPU_REGISTER_TABLE *) (UINTN) mAcpiCpuData.RegisterTable, mAcpiCpuData.NumberOfCpus);

  // Place AP into the safe code, count down the number with lock mechanism in the safe code.
  TopOfStack  = (UINTN) Stack + sizeof (Stack);
  TopOfStack &= ~(UINTN) (CPU_STACK_ALIGNMENT - 1);
  CopyMem ((VOID *) (UINTN) mApHltLoopCode, mApHltLoopCodeTemplate, sizeof (mApHltLoopCodeTemplate));
  TransferApToSafeState ((UINTN)mApHltLoopCode, TopOfStack, (UINTN)&mNumberToFinish);