Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Finds or loads the given image
gl3image_t *
GL3_FindImage(char *name, imagetype_t type)
	gl3image_t *image;
	int i, len;
	byte *pic;
	int width, height;
	char *ptr;
	char namewe[256];
	int realwidth = 0, realheight = 0;
	const char* ext;

	if (!name)
		return NULL;

	ext = COM_FileExtension(name);
		/* file has no extension */
		return NULL;

	len = strlen(name);

	/* Remove the extension */
	memset(namewe, 0, 256);
	memcpy(namewe, name, len - 4);

	if (len < 5)
		return NULL;

	/* fix backslashes */
	while ((ptr = strchr(name, '\\')))
		*ptr = '/';

	/* look for it */
	for (i = 0, image = gl3textures; i < numgl3textures; i++, image++)
		if (!strcmp(name, image->name))
			image->registration_sequence = registration_sequence;
			return image;

	/* load the pic from disk */
	pic = NULL;

	if (strcmp(ext, "pcx") == 0)
		if (gl_retexturing->value)
			GetPCXInfo(name, &realwidth, &realheight);
			if(realwidth == 0)
				/* No texture found */
				return NULL;

			/* try to load a tga, png or jpg (in that order/priority) */
			if (  LoadSTB(namewe, "tga", &pic, &width, &height)
			   || LoadSTB(namewe, "png", &pic, &width, &height)
			   || LoadSTB(namewe, "jpg", &pic, &width, &height) )
				/* upload tga or png or jpg */
				image = GL3_LoadPic(name, pic, width, realwidth, height,
						realheight, type, 32);
				/* PCX if no TGA/PNG/JPEG available (exists always) */
				LoadPCX(name, &pic, NULL, &width, &height);

				if (!pic)
					/* No texture found */
					return NULL;

				/* Upload the PCX */
				image = GL3_LoadPic(name, pic, width, 0, height, 0, type, 8);
		else /* gl_retexture is not set */
			LoadPCX(name, &pic, NULL, &width, &height);

			if (!pic)
				return NULL;

			image = GL3_LoadPic(name, pic, width, 0, height, 0, type, 8);
	else if (strcmp(ext, "wal") == 0)
		if (gl_retexturing->value)
			/* Get size of the original texture */
			GetWalInfo(name, &realwidth, &realheight);
			if(realwidth == 0)
				/* No texture found */
				return NULL;

			/* try to load a tga, png or jpg (in that order/priority) */
			if (  LoadSTB(namewe, "tga", &pic, &width, &height)
			   || LoadSTB(namewe, "png", &pic, &width, &height)
			   || LoadSTB(namewe, "jpg", &pic, &width, &height) )
				/* upload tga or png or jpg */
				image = GL3_LoadPic(name, pic, width, realwidth, height, realheight, type, 32);
				/* WAL if no TGA/PNG/JPEG available (exists always) */
				image = LoadWal(namewe);

			if (!image)
				/* No texture found */
				return NULL;
		else /* gl_retexture is not set */
			image = LoadWal(name);

			if (!image)
				/* No texture found */
				return NULL;
	else if (strcmp(ext, "tga") == 0 || strcmp(ext, "png") == 0 || strcmp(ext, "jpg") == 0)
		char tmp_name[256];

		realwidth = 0;
		realheight = 0;

		strcpy(tmp_name, namewe);
		strcat(tmp_name, ".wal");
		GetWalInfo(tmp_name, &realwidth, &realheight);

		if (realwidth == 0 || realheight == 0) {
			/* It's a sky or model skin. */
			strcpy(tmp_name, namewe);
			strcat(tmp_name, ".pcx");
			GetPCXInfo(tmp_name, &realwidth, &realheight);

		/* TODO: not sure if not having realwidth/heigth is bad - a tga/png/jpg
		 * was requested, after all, so there might be no corresponding wal/pcx?
		 * if (realwidth == 0 || realheight == 0) return NULL;

		if(LoadSTB(name, ext, &pic, &width, &height))
			image = GL3_LoadPic(name, pic, width, realwidth, height, realheight, type, 32);
		return NULL;

	if (pic)

	return image;
Ejemplo n.º 2
	CIntStb(char* filename) : rows(0){ LoadSTB(filename); }
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ae3d::Texture2D::Load( const FileSystem::FileContentsData& fileContents, TextureWrap aWrap, TextureFilter aFilter, Mipmaps aMipmaps, float aAnisotropy )
    filter = aFilter;
    wrap = aWrap;
    mipmaps = aMipmaps;
    anisotropy = aAnisotropy;
    if (!fileContents.isLoaded)
        *this = Texture2DGlobal::defaultTexture;
    const bool isCached = Texture2DGlobal::pathToCachedTexture.find( fileContents.path ) != Texture2DGlobal::pathToCachedTexture.end();

    if (isCached && handle == 0)
        *this = Texture2DGlobal::pathToCachedTexture[ fileContents.path ];
    // First load.
    if (handle == 0)
        handle = GfxDevice::CreateTextureId();
        if (GfxDevice::HasExtension( "KHR_debug" ))
            glObjectLabel( GL_TEXTURE, handle, (GLsizei)fileContents.path.size(), fileContents.path.c_str() );
        fileWatcher.AddFile( fileContents.path, TexReload );

    glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, handle );
    glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filter == TextureFilter::Nearest ? GL_NEAREST : (mipmaps == Mipmaps::Generate ? GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GL_LINEAR ) );
    glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter == TextureFilter::Nearest ? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR );
    glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, wrap == TextureWrap::Repeat ? GL_REPEAT : GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );
    glTexParameteri( GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, wrap == TextureWrap::Repeat ? GL_REPEAT : GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE );

    if (GfxDevice::HasExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" ) && anisotropy > 1)
        glTexParameterf( GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0x84FE/*GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT*/, anisotropy );

    const bool isDDS = fileContents.path.find( ".dds" ) != std::string::npos || fileContents.path.find( ".DDS" ) != std::string::npos;
    if (HasStbExtension( fileContents.path ))
        LoadSTB( fileContents );
    else if (isDDS)
        LoadDDS( fileContents.path.c_str() );

    if (mipmaps == Mipmaps::Generate)
        glGenerateMipmap( GL_TEXTURE_2D );

    Texture2DGlobal::pathToCachedTexture[ fileContents.path ] = *this;
    Texture2DGlobal::pathToCachedTextureSizeInBytes[ fileContents.path ] = static_cast< std::size_t >(width * height * 4 * (mipmaps == Mipmaps::Generate ? 1.0f : 1.33333f));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 CStrStb(char* filename) : _Data(0) {