Ejemplo n.º 1
//Example: Say PATH="c:\bin;d:\win", resource dll name (szDllName) is "ToolUI.dll",
//		   user locale is 936, and the .exe calling LoadLocResDll is c:\MyTools\Tool.exe
//			Search order:
//			a) c:\MyTools\936\ToolUI.dll (exe path + user default UI lang)			   
//			b) c:\MyTools\1033 (same with eng)
//			c) c:\MyTools\*\ToolUI.dll (where * is sub folder).
//			d) c:\bin\936\ToolUI.dll (first in path)
//			e) c:\bin\1033\ToolUI.dll (first in path + eng)
//			f) c:\bin\*\ToolUI.dll
//			g) d:\win\936\ToolUI.dll  (second in path)
//			h) d:\win\1033\ToolUI.dll (second in path + eng)
//			i) d:\win\*\ToolUI.dll (second in path + eng)
//			j) if bExeDefaultModule and not found, return exe HINSTANCE.
//			Note: The primary lang (without the sublang) is tested after the user ui lang.
// Main Input: szDllName - the name of the resource dll <ToolName>ui.dll. Ex: vcdeployUI.dll
// Main Output: HMODULE of resource dll or NULL - if not found (see bExeDefaultModule).
HMODULE LoadLocResDll(LPCTSTR szDllName,BOOL bExeDefaultModule=TRUE,DWORD dwExFlags=LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE,LPTSTR pszPathOut = NULL,size_t sizeInCharacters = 0  )
    HMODULE hmod = NULL;
    TCHAR driverpath[_MAX_PATH + 1], exepath[_MAX_PATH + 1];
    LPTSTR p = NULL;
    GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), driverpath, _MAX_PATH);
    // find path of tool
    p = driverpath + _TCSNLEN(driverpath, _MAX_PATH-1)-1;
    while ( *p != L'\\' && p != driverpath)
    *p = '\0';

    LoadUILibrary(driverpath, szDllName, dwExFlags, 
                  &hmod, exepath,_countof(exepath), NULL);

    if ( hmod == NULL ) 
        // search PATH\<lcid> for <ToolName>ui.dll
        hmod = LoadSearchPath(szDllName,exepath,_countof(exepath));

    if ( hmod && pszPathOut )
        _tcsncpy_s(pszPathOut,sizeInCharacters, exepath, _MAX_PATH-1);
	//Not found dll, return the exe HINSTANCE as a fallback.
	if (hmod == NULL && bExeDefaultModule)
    return hmod;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void *FindLocalizedFile(_In_z_ LPCWSTR wzResourceDllName, LocalizedFileHandler lfh, _In_opt_z_ LPCWSTR modulePathW)
    // find path of the modulePath
    MyString driverPath;
    MyString modulePath;
    ClrGetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandleW(modulePathW), modulePath);

    // Rip off the application name.
    MyStringIterator trailingSlashLocation = StrEndIter(modulePath);
    if (FindLast(modulePath, trailingSlashLocation, W('\\')))
        MakeString(driverPath, modulePath, StrBeginIter(modulePath), trailingSlashLocation);
        // If it's not a full path, look in the current directory
        driverPath = W(".");

    // return the first of the local directory's copy or the resource DLL on %PATH%
    void *hmod = LoadLocalFile(driverPath, wzResourceDllName, lfh);
    if (hmod == NULL)
        hmod = LoadSearchPath(wzResourceDllName, lfh);
    return hmod;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//Example: Say PATH="c:\bin;d:\win", resource dll name (szDllName) is "ToolUI.dll",
//		   user locale is 936, and the .exe calling LoadLocResDll is c:\MyTools\Tool.exe
//			Search order:
//			a) c:\MyTools\936\ToolUI.dll (exe path + user default UI lang)			   
//			b) c:\MyTools\1033 (same with eng)
//			c) c:\MyTools\*\ToolUI.dll (where * is sub folder).
//			d) c:\bin\936\ToolUI.dll (first in path)
//			e) c:\bin\1033\ToolUI.dll (first in path + eng)
//			f) c:\bin\*\ToolUI.dll
//			g) d:\win\936\ToolUI.dll  (second in path)
//			h) d:\win\1033\ToolUI.dll (second in path + eng)
//			i) d:\win\*\ToolUI.dll (second in path + eng)
//			j) if bExeDefaultModule and not found, return exe HINSTANCE.
//			Note: The primary lang (without the sublang) is tested after the user ui lang.
// Main Input: szDllName - the name of the resource dll <ToolName>ui.dll. Ex: vcdeployUI.dll
// Main Output: HMODULE of resource dll or NULL - if not found (see bExeDefaultModule).
HMODULE LoadLocResDll(LPCTSTR szDllName,BOOL bExeDefaultModule=TRUE,DWORD dwExFlags=LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE,LPTSTR pszPathOut = NULL,size_t sizeInCharacters = 0  )
    HMODULE hmod = NULL;
    TCHAR driverpath[_MAX_PATH + 1], exepath[_MAX_PATH + 1];
    LPTSTR p = NULL;
    GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), driverpath, _MAX_PATH);
	 // from MSDN: If the length of the path exceeds the size specified by the nSize parameter, the function succeeds and the string is truncated to nSize characters and may not be null terminated.
	 driverpath[_MAX_PATH] = '\0';

    // find path of tool
    p = driverpath + _TCSNLEN(driverpath, _MAX_PATH-1)-1;
    while ( *p != L'\\' && p != driverpath)
    *p = '\0';

    LoadUILibrary(driverpath, szDllName, dwExFlags, 
                  &hmod, exepath,_countof(exepath), NULL);

    if ( hmod == NULL ) 
        // search PATH\<lcid> for <ToolName>ui.dll
        hmod = LoadSearchPath(szDllName,exepath,_countof(exepath));

    if ( hmod && pszPathOut )
        _tcsncpy_s(pszPathOut,sizeInCharacters, exepath, _MAX_PATH-1);
	//Not found dll, return the exe HINSTANCE as a fallback.
	if (hmod == NULL && bExeDefaultModule)
    return hmod;