Ejemplo n.º 1
bool P_LoadBuildMap (BYTE *data, size_t len, FMapThing **sprites, int *numspr)
    if (len < 26)
        return false;

    // Check for a Blood map.
    if (*(DWORD *)data == MAKE_ID('B','L','M','\x1a'))
        return P_LoadBloodMap (data, len, sprites, numspr);

    const int numsec = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 20));
    int numwalls;
    int numsprites;

    if (len < 26 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype) ||
            (numwalls = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 22 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype))),
             len < 24 + numsec*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype)) ||
            LittleLong(*(DWORD *)data) != 7 ||
            LittleShort(*(WORD *)(data + 16)) >= 2048)
    {   // Can't possibly be a version 7 BUILD map
        return false;

    numsectors = numsec;
    LoadSectors ((sectortype *)(data + 22));
    LoadWalls ((walltype *)(data + 24 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype)), numwalls,
               (sectortype *)(data + 22));

    numsprites = *(WORD *)(data + 24 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype));
    *sprites = new FMapThing[numsprites + 1];
    CreateStartSpot ((fixed_t *)(data + 4), *sprites);
    *numspr = 1 + LoadSprites ((spritetype *)(data + 26 + numsectors*sizeof(sectortype) + numwalls*sizeof(walltype)),
                               NULL, numsprites, (sectortype *)(data + 22), *sprites + 1);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static bool P_LoadBloodMap (BYTE *data, size_t len, FMapThing **mapthings, int *numspr)
    BYTE infoBlock[37];
    int mapver = data[5];
    DWORD matt;
    int numRevisions, numWalls, numsprites, skyLen, visibility, parallaxType;
    int i;
    int k;

    if (mapver != 6 && mapver != 7)
        return false;

    matt = *(DWORD *)(data + 28);
    if (matt != 0 &&
            matt != MAKE_ID('M','a','t','t') &&
            matt != MAKE_ID('t','t','a','M'))
        Decrypt (infoBlock, data + 6, 37, 0x7474614d);
        memcpy (infoBlock, data + 6, 37);
    skyLen = 2 << LittleShort(*(WORD *)(infoBlock + 16));
    visibility = LittleLong(*(DWORD *)(infoBlock + 18));
    parallaxType = infoBlock[26];
    numRevisions = LittleLong(*(DWORD *)(infoBlock + 27));
    numsectors = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(infoBlock + 31));
    numWalls = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(infoBlock + 33));
    numsprites = LittleShort(*(WORD *)(infoBlock + 35));
    Printf("Visibility: %d\n", visibility);

    if (mapver == 7)
        // Version 7 has some extra stuff after the info block. This
        // includes a copyright, and I have no idea what the rest of
        // it is.
        data += 171;
        data += 43;

    // Skip the sky info.
    data += skyLen;

    sectortype *bsec = new sectortype[numsectors];
    walltype *bwal = new walltype[numWalls];
    spritetype *bspr = new spritetype[numsprites];
    Xsprite *xspr = new Xsprite[numsprites];

    // Read sectors
    k = numRevisions * sizeof(sectortype);
    for (i = 0; i < numsectors; ++i)
        if (mapver == 7)
            Decrypt (&bsec[i], data, sizeof(sectortype), k);
            memcpy (&bsec[i], data, sizeof(sectortype));
        data += sizeof(sectortype);
        if (bsec[i].extra > 0)	// skip Xsector
            data += 60;

    // Read walls
    k |= 0x7474614d;
    for (i = 0; i < numWalls; ++i)
        if (mapver == 7)
            Decrypt (&bwal[i], data, sizeof(walltype), k);
            memcpy (&bwal[i], data, sizeof(walltype));
        data += sizeof(walltype);
        if (bwal[i].extra > 0)	// skip Xwall
            data += 24;

    // Read sprites
    k = (numRevisions * sizeof(spritetype)) | 0x7474614d;
    for (i = 0; i < numsprites; ++i)
        if (mapver == 7)
            Decrypt (&bspr[i], data, sizeof(spritetype), k);
            memcpy (&bspr[i], data, sizeof(spritetype));
        data += sizeof(spritetype);
        if (bspr[i].extra > 0)	// copy Xsprite
            assert(sizeof(Xsprite) == 56);
            memcpy(&xspr[i], data, sizeof(Xsprite));
            data += sizeof(Xsprite);
            memset(&xspr[i], 0, sizeof(Xsprite));

    // Now convert to Doom format, since we've extracted all the standard
    // BUILD info from the map we need. (Sprites are ignored.)
    LoadSectors (bsec);
    LoadWalls (bwal, numWalls, bsec);
    *mapthings = new FMapThing[numsprites];
    *numspr = LoadSprites (bspr, xspr, numsprites, bsec, *mapthings);

    delete[] bsec;
    delete[] bwal;
    delete[] bspr;
    delete[] xspr;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Za³o¿enia pliku s¹ proste.
Na pocz¹tku podstawowe dane, 
a dalej jedziemy ze œcianami
i ca³¹ reszt¹ danych.
const bool CLevel::LoadLevel( const std::string &filename )
	if( filename == "" )
		Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): £añcuch znaków jest pusty!" );
		return false;

	// Najpierw definiujemy wskaŸnik na plik i go otwieramy
	std::fstream stream( filename, std::ios::in );

	if( !stream )
		Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Plik nie istnieje, lub podana œcie¿ka jest b³êdna: " + filename );
		return false;

	// definiujemy zmienne pomocnicze
	std::string str;

	// Pobieramy wersje poziomu oraz j¹ sprawdzamy
	str = GetClearLine( stream );
	if( !sscanf_s( str.c_str(), "E3DTLEV=%u", &Version ) )
		Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Nieprawid³owy plik poziomu!" );
		return false;

	if( Version > GAME_VERSION )
		Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Zbyt wysoka wersja pliku!" );
		return false;

	/*	Wczeœnijsze if'y by³y, by uzyskaæ pewnoœæ,
	¿e wszystko z nowym plikiem jest w porz¹dku.
	Dlaczego tyle zachodu? By unikn¹æ sytuacji,
	kiedy ³adujemy plik, na ju¿ istniej¹cy level.
	Level istnieje, wiêc go kasujemy i czytamy plik.
	A teraz Zonk! Nie ma pliku! I co? zostajemy na
	lodzie bez levelu :). Teraz wiecie o co chodzi :)
	if( loaded )
		Log.Report( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Prze³adowanie poziomu na : " + filename );

	Log.Log( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Wczytywanie poziomu: " + filename );
	//GUI.SendConMsg( "Wczytywanie poziomu: " + filename, false );
	file = filename;

	while( stream )
		str = GetLine( stream );

		if( str == "END E3DTLEV" )

		str = ClearWhiteSpace( str );

		if( str == "HEADER" )
			if( !LoadHeader( stream ) )
				Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): B³¹d odczytu nag³ówka!" );
		else if( str == "TEXTURES" )
			if( !LoadTextures( stream ) )
				Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): B³¹d odczytu tekstur!" );
		else if( str == "WALLS" )
			if( !LoadWalls( stream ) )
				Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): B³¹d odczytu œcian!" );
		else if( str == "ITEMLIST" )
			if( !LoadItemList( stream ) )
				Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): B³¹d odczytu listy przedmiotów!" );
			Log.Error( "GLEVEL( " + file + " ): Nierozpoznany ci¹g " + str + "!" );

	for( unsigned row = 0; row < Rows; row++ )
		for( unsigned col = 0; col < Cols; col++ )
			GetBlock( col, row )->Set( row, col, blockWidth, blockHeight, blockDepth );

	Player.SetStartPos( this->GetBlockPos( PlayerStartBlock ) );
	Player.SetStartAngle( (float)PlayerStartAngle );

	this->AddEntity( &Player );

	loaded = true;


	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Bool BSPRooFileLoad(char *fname, room_type *room)
   int i, temp;
   BYTE byte;
   WORD num_nodes, num_walls, num_sectors, num_sidedefs;
   int node_pos, wall_pos, sidedef_pos, sector_pos, offset_adjust;
   file_node f;

   if (!MappedFileOpenCopy(fname, &f))
      return False;

   // Check magic number and version
   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &byte, 1) != 1 || byte != room_magic[i])
      { MappedFileClose(&f); debug(("%s is not a roo file\n", fname)); return False; }

   security = 0;

   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &room_version, 4) != 4 || room_version < ROO_VERSION)
      debug(("Bad roo version %d; expecting %d\n", room_version, ROO_VERSION)); 
      return False; 
   security += room_version;

   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &room->security, 4) != 4)
   { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }   

   // Read pointer to main info in file, and go there
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &temp, 4) != 4)
   { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   MappedFileGoto(&f, temp);

   // Read size of room
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &room->width, 4) != 4)
   { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }

   offset_adjust = 0;
   room->cols = room->width >> LOG_FINENESS;

   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &room->height, 4) != 4)
   { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   room->rows = room->height >> LOG_FINENESS;

   // Read pointers to file sections
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &node_pos, 4) != 4) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &wall_pos, 4) != 4) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &temp, 4) != 4) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &sidedef_pos, 4) != 4) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &sector_pos, 4) != 4) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   node_pos += offset_adjust;
   wall_pos += offset_adjust;
   sidedef_pos += offset_adjust;
   sector_pos += offset_adjust;

   // Read nodes
   MappedFileGoto(&f, node_pos);
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &num_nodes, 2) != 2) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   if (LoadNodes(&f, room, num_nodes) == False) 
      debug(("Failure loading %d nodes\n", num_nodes));
      return False; 

   // Read walls
   MappedFileGoto(&f, wall_pos);
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &num_walls, 2) != 2) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   if (LoadWalls(&f, room, num_walls) == False) 
      debug(("Failure loading %d walls\n", num_walls));
      return False; 

   // Read sidedefs
   MappedFileGoto(&f, sidedef_pos);
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &num_sidedefs, 2) != 2) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   if (LoadSidedefs(&f, room, num_sidedefs) == False) 
      debug(("Failure loading %d sidedefs\n", num_sidedefs));
      return False; 

   // Read sectors
   MappedFileGoto(&f, sector_pos);
   if (CliMappedFileRead(&f, &num_sectors, 2) != 2) { MappedFileClose(&f); return False; }
   if (LoadSectors(&f, room, num_sectors) == False)
      debug(("Failure loading %d sectors\n", num_sectors));
      return False; 

   if (num_nodes == 0)
      debug(("LoadRoom found room with no nodes!\n"));
      room->tree = NULL;
   else room->tree = &room->nodes[0];

   if (RoomSwizzle(room, room->tree, num_nodes, num_walls, num_sidedefs, num_sectors) ==  False)
      debug(("RoomSwizzle failed\n")); 
      return False; 

   security ^= 0x89ab786c;
   if (security != room->security)
      debug(("Room security mismatch (got %d, expecting %d)!\n", security, room->security));
      return False;

   room->num_nodes    = num_nodes;
   room->num_walls    = num_walls;
   room->num_sectors  = num_sectors;
   room->num_sidedefs = num_sidedefs;

//   BSPDumpTree(room->tree, 0);
//   D3DGeometryBuild(room);
	playerOldPos.x = 0;
	playerOldPos.y = 0;
	playerOldPos.z = 0;


   return True;