Ejemplo n.º 1
void LEM::SeparateStage (UINT stage)


	VECTOR3 ofs1 = _V(0,-5,0);
	VECTOR3 vel1 = _V(0,0,0);

	if (stage == 1)	{
	    GetStatus (vs1);
		vs1.eng_main = vs1.eng_hovr = 0.0;
		VECTOR3 rofs1, rvel1 = {vs1.rvel.x, vs1.rvel.y, vs1.rvel.z};
		Local2Global (ofs1, vs1.rpos);
		GlobalRot (vel1, rofs1);
		vs1.rvel.x = rvel1.x+rofs1.x;
		vs1.rvel.y = rvel1.y+rofs1.y;
		vs1.rvel.z = rvel1.z+rofs1.z;
	    vs1.vrot.x = 0.0;	
		vs1.vrot.y = 0.0;
		vs1.vrot.z = 0.0;
		GetStatus (vs1);
		// Wrong sound, is Saturn staging
		// StageS.play(NOLOOP, 150);

		char VName[256];
		strcpy (VName, GetName()); strcat (VName, "-DESCENTSTG");
		hdsc = oapiCreateVessel(VName, "ProjectApollo/sat5LMDSC", vs1);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void Saturn1b::AutoPilot(double autoT)

	const double GRAVITY=6.67259e-11;
	static int first_time=1;
	static int t = 0;
	static int out_level=0;
	double level=0.;
	double altitude;
	double pitch;
	double pitch_c;
	double heading;
	double bank;
	VECTOR3 rhoriz;

	double TO_HDG = agc.GetDesiredAzimuth();

	AltitudePREV = altitude = GetAltitude();
	double totalRot=0;
	if (fabs(totalRot) >= 0.0025){
		StopRot = true;

	// This vector rotation will be used to tell if heads up (rhoriz.z<0) or heads down.
	HorizonRot(_V(1,0,0), rhoriz);

	// Shut down the engines when we reach the desired
	// orbit.

	double apogee, perigee;
	OBJHANDLE ref = GetGravityRef();
	apogee = (apogee - oapiGetSize(ref)) / 1000.;
	perigee = (perigee - oapiGetSize(ref)) / 1000.;

	// We're aiming for periapsis and shutdown when apoapsis is reached at the opposite side of the orbit
	if (apogee >= agc.GetDesiredApogee() && perigee >= agc.GetDesiredPerigee() - 0.1) {
		// See Saturn::CheckForLaunchShutdown()
		if (GetThrusterLevel(th_main[0]) > 0){
			SetThrusterLevel(th_main[0], 0);			
			if (oapiGetTimeAcceleration() > 1.0)


			// Reset autopilot commands
			AtempP  = 0;
			AtempY  = 0;
			AtempR  = 0;			

	// navigation
	pitch = GetPitch();
	pitch = pitch*180./PI;
	//sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "Autopilot %f", altitude);
	// guidance
	pitch_c = GetCPitch(autoT);
	// control
	if (altitude > 4500) {
		// Damp roll motion
		bank = GetBank();
		bank = bank *180. / PI;
		if (bank > 90) bank = bank - 180.;
		else if (bank < -90) bank = bank + 180.;
		AtempR = -bank / 20.0;
		if (fabs(bank) < 0.3) AtempR = 0;

		// navigation
		pitch = GetPitch();
		pitch = pitch * 180. / PI;

		if (IGMEnabled) {
			VECTOR3 target;
			double pit, yaw;
			double bradius = oapiGetSize(ref);
			double bmass = oapiGetMass(ref);
			double mu = GRAVITY * bmass;
			// Aim for periapsis
			double altco = agc.GetDesiredPerigee() * 1000.;
			double velo = sqrt(mu / (bradius + altco));
			target.x = velo;
			target.y = 0.0;
			target.z = altco;
			LinearGuidance(target, pit, yaw);
			AtempP=(pit * DEG - pitch) / 30.0;
			if (AtempP < -0.15) AtempP = -0.15;
			if (AtempP >  0.15) AtempP =  0.15;
		else {
			 // guidance
			pitch_c = GetCPitch(autoT);

			 // control
			double SatApo;

			if ((SatApo >= ((agc.GetDesiredApogee() *.90) + ERADIUS)*1000) || MissionTime >= IGMStartTime)
				IGMEnabled = true;
			level = pitch_c - pitch;

			//sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "Autopilot Pitch Mode%f", elemSaturn1B.a );

			if (fabs(level)<10 && StopRot){	// above atmosphere, soft correction
				AtempP = 0.0;
				AtempR = 0.0;
				AtempY = 0.0;
				StopRot = false;
			if (fabs(level)<0.05){	// above atmosphere, soft correction
				AtempP = 0.0;
				AtempR = 0.0;
				AtempY = 0.0;
			else if (level>0 && fabs(vsp.vrot.z) < 0.09){
				AtempP = -(fabs(level) / 10.);
				if (AtempP < -1.0)AtempP = -1.0;
				if (rhoriz.z>0) AtempP = -AtempP;
			else if (level<0 && fabs(vsp.vrot.z) < 0.09) {
				AtempP = (fabs(level) / 10.);
				if (AtempP > 1.0) AtempP = 1.0;
				if (rhoriz.z>0) AtempP = -AtempP;
			else {
				AtempP = 0.0;
				AtempR = 0.0;
				AtempY = 0.0;
			// sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "autoT %f AtempP %f AtempR %f AtempY %f altitude %f pitch %f pitch_c %f", 
			//  					       autoT, AtempP, AtempR, AtempY, altitude, pitch, pitch_c);
	// sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "Alt %f Pitch %f Roll %f Yaw %f autoT %f", altitude, AtempP, AtempR, AtempY, autoT);

	double slip;
	VECTOR3 az;
	VECTOR3 up, north, east, ygl, zgl, zerogl;
	OBJHANDLE hbody=GetGravityRef();
	double bradius=oapiGetSize(hbody);

	// set up our reference frame
	Local2Global(_V(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), zerogl);
	Local2Global(_V(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), ygl);
	Local2Global(_V(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), zgl);

	heading = heading*180./PI;

	// Inclination control
	static int incinit = 0; 
	static ELEMENTS elemlast; 
	static double incratelast;

	GetElements(ref, elem, 0, 0, FRAME_EQU);
	double incrate = (elem.i - elemlast.i) / oapiGetSimStep();
	double incraterate = (incrate - incratelast) / oapiGetSimStep();	
	double target = (agc.GetDesiredInclination() - elem.i * DEG) / (FirstStageShutdownTime - MissionTime);

	if (agc.GetDesiredInclination() != 0 && autoT > 45) {	
		if (incinit < 2) {
			AtempY = 0;
		} else {
			if (autoT < FirstStageShutdownTime - 10) {	
				AtempY = (incrate * DEG - target) / 0.7 + incraterate * DEG / 2.;
				if (AtempY < -0.1) AtempY = -0.1;
				if (AtempY >  0.1) AtempY =  0.1;
			} else if (autoT < FirstStageShutdownTime + 10) {	
				AtempY = 0;
			} else {
				AtempY = (elem.i * DEG - agc.GetDesiredInclination()) / 7. + (incrate * DEG ) / 1.;
				if (AtempY < -0.01) AtempY = -0.01;
				if (AtempY >  0.01) AtempY =  0.01;
	elemlast = elem;
	incratelast = incrate;

	// stage handling
	switch (stage){
			GetRelativePos(hbody, up);
			agc.EquToRel(PI/2.0, 0.0, bradius, north);
			east=Normalize(CrossProduct(north, up));
			north=Normalize(CrossProduct(up, east));
			if(autoT < 60.0) normal=Normalize(CrossProduct(up, az));


			if(autoT < 10.) {
				// cancel out the yaw maneuver...

			if(autoT > 10.0 && autoT < 30.0) {
				// roll program
				if (AtempR < -0.25) AtempR = -0.25;
				if (AtempR >  0.25) AtempR =  0.25;

			if(autoT > 30.0 && autoT < 45.0) {
				//pitch and adjust for relative wind
				if (AtempR < -0.25) AtempR = -0.25;
				if (AtempR >  0.25) AtempR =  0.25;
			pitch = GetPitch();
			AtempP = (pitch_c - pitch);

			// Fix for LC 39
			if (autoT < 10 && heading > 180)
				AtempP = -(180. - pitch_c - pitch);

			if (AtempP > 1.0) AtempP = 1.0;
			if (AtempP < -1.0) AtempP = -1.0;

			// zero angle-of-attack...
			if(autoT > 45.0 && autoT < 115.0) {

				/// \todo Disabled for now, the Saturn 1B doesn't seem to do that...
				//double aoa=GetAOA()*DEG;

				AtempP=(pitch_c - pitch) / 5.0;
				if(AtempP < -0.2) AtempP = -0.2;
				if(AtempP >  0.2) AtempP = 0.2;
				// sprintf(oapiDebugString(), " pitch=%.3f pc=%.3f ap=%.3f", pitch, pitch_c, AtempP);
			if (autoT > 115.0) {
				if (autoT < 120.0) {
					if (AtempP < -0.1) AtempP = -0.1;
					if (AtempP >  0.1) AtempP =  0.1;
				} else {
					if (AtempP < -0.2) AtempP = -0.2;
					if (AtempP >  0.2) AtempP =  0.2;
				normal=Normalize(CrossProduct(Normalize(vsp.rpos), Normalize(vsp.rvel)));
			// sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "roll=%.3f yaw=%.3f slip=%.3f sum=%.3f hdg+slip=%.3f hdg=%.3f ay=%.3f", 
			//     asin(ygl*normal)*DEG, asin(zgl*normal)*DEG, slip, slip+asin(zgl*normal)*DEG, heading+slip, heading, AtempY);
			// sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "autoT %f AtempP %f AtempR %f AtempY %f altitude %f pitch %f pitch_c %f rhoriz.z %f", 
			//     autoT, AtempP, AtempR, AtempY, altitude, pitch, pitch_c, rhoriz.z);
			char buffer[80];
			sprintf(buffer,"AtempP %f AtempR %f AtempY %f", AtempP, AtempR, AtempY);	



	// sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "AP - inc %f rate %f target %f raterate %f AtempP %f AtempR %f AtempY %f", elem.i * DEG, incrate * DEG, target, incraterate * DEG, AtempP, AtempR, AtempY);
	// sprintf(oapiDebugString(), "AP - pitch %f pitch_c %f heading %f AtempP %f AtempR %f AtempY %f", pitch, pitch_c, heading, AtempP, AtempR, AtempY);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void FLTM::execute( ClustAlgoPtr clustAlgo, CardFuncPtr cardFunc, GraphPtr graph ) {
  auto lab2Idx = create_index_map(*graph);
  Local2GlobalPtr l2g = create_local_to_global_map(*graph);  
  auto criteria = clustAlgo->get_criteria();
  int verticesNb = boost::num_vertices(*graph);

  for ( int step = 0; step < params.nbrSteps; ++step) {
    if (step > 0) {
      criteria = create_current_criteria( *graph, *l2g, params.maxDist, step);
      clustAlgo->set_measure( graph, l2g, criteria );

    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "FLTM - step[" << step << "] over " << params.nbrSteps;
    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "running clustering " << clustAlgo->name()
                             << " on " << l2g->size();
    auto partition = clustAlgo->run();
    auto clustering = partition.to_clustering();
    auto SIZE = l2g->size();
    int nonSingletons =  number_non_singletons(clustering);
    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "to obtain " << clustering.size() << " clusters with " << nonSingletons << " non-singletons clusters" ;
    if ( nonSingletons == 0 ) {
      BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "stop due to only singleton.";

    std::vector<int> l2gTemp(*l2g);
    int nbrGoodClusters = 0;

//      loop without any parallelization

//    for ( auto &cluster: clustering ) {
//      if ( cluster.size() > 1 ) {
//        //numClust++;
//        RandVar var("latent-"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(boost::num_vertices(*graph)),
//                    plIntegerType(0, cardFunc->compute(cluster) - 1 ));
//        Node latentNode = create_latent_node( graph, var, l2gTemp, lab2Idx, cluster);
//        MultiEM em(params.nbrRestarts);
//        em.run( *graph, latentNode, params.emThres);
//        if ( accept_latent_variable( *graph, latentNode, params.latentVarQualityThres) ) {
//          nbrGoodClusters++;
//          add_latent_node( *graph, latentNode );
//          update_index_map( *l2g, l2gTemp, latentNode );
//          lab2Idx[ latentNode.getLabel() ] = latentNode.index;

//          for ( auto item: cluster ) {
//            // l2g.push_back( currentL2G.at(item) );
//            boost::add_edge( latentNode.index, l2gTemp.at(item), *graph);
//          }
//        } else {
//          update_index_map( *l2g, l2gTemp, cluster);
//        }
//      } else {
//        update_index_map( *l2g, l2gTemp, cluster);
//      }
//    }

//      loop with working parallelization

       #ifdef _OPENMP
           //sets the max number of threads we can use
       //the array of shared resources in which the differents threads write
       Node latentVector[nonSingletons];

       //the parallelizable section
       #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
       for ( int i = 0 ; i < clustering.size() ; ++i) {
          if ( clustering[i].size() > 1 ) {
            RandVar var("latent-"+std::to_string(verticesNb + i),
                        plIntegerType(0, cardFunc->compute(clustering[i]) - 1 ));
            latentVector[i] = create_latent_node( graph, var, l2gTemp, lab2Idx, clustering[i]);
            MultiEM em(params.nbrRestarts);
            em.run( *graph, latentVector[i], params.emThres);

        //the non parallelizable section
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < clustering.size() ; ++i) {
            if (clustering[i].size() > 1 && accept_latent_variable( *graph, latentVector[i], params.latentVarQualityThres)) {
                  add_latent_node( *graph, latentVector[i] );
                  update_index_map( *l2g, l2gTemp, latentVector[i] );
                  lab2Idx[ latentVector[i].getLabel() ] = latentVector[i].index;
                  for ( auto item: clustering[i] ) {
                    boost::add_edge( latentVector[i].index, l2gTemp.at(item), *graph);
            } else {
                update_index_map( *l2g, l2gTemp, clustering[i]);
        verticesNb += nonSingletons ;

//      loop with parallelization slower than over

//    #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
//    for ( auto cluster = clustering.begin(); cluster < clustering.end() ; ++cluster) {
//    //for ( auto &cluster: clustering ) {
//      if ( cluster->size() > 1 ) {
//        RandVar var("latent-"+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(boost::num_vertices(*graph)),
//                    plIntegerType(0, cardFunc->compute(*cluster) - 1 ));
//        Node latentNode = create_latent_node( graph, var, l2gTemp, lab2Idx, *cluster);
//        MultiEM em(params.nbrRestarts);
//        em.run( *graph, latentNode, params.emThres);

//        if ( accept_latent_variable( *graph, latentNode, params.latentVarQualityThres) ) {
//        #pragma omp critical
//        {
//          nbrGoodClusters++;
//          add_latent_node( *graph, latentNode );
//          update_index_map( *l2g, l2gTemp, latentNode );
//          lab2Idx[ latentNode.getLabel() ] = latentNode.index;

//          for ( auto item: *cluster ) {
//            // l2g.push_back( currentL2G.at(item) );
//            boost::add_edge( latentNode.index, l2gTemp.at(item), *graph);
//          }
//        }

//        } else {
//        #pragma omp critical
//        {
//          update_index_map( *l2g, l2gTemp, *cluster);
//      }
//            }

//      } else {
//        #pragma omp critical
//        {
//        update_index_map( *l2g, l2gTemp, *cluster);
//        }
//      }
//    }

    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "nbrGoodClusters: " << nbrGoodClusters;

    if ( nbrGoodClusters == 0 ) {
      BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "stop due to zero good clusters.";
    if (l2g->size() <= 1) {
      BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "stop due to zero or only one cluster.";
    BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << std::endl  << std::endl;