Ejemplo n.º 1
void UpdateTheta( std::vector< std::list< Node<T1,T2> > > const& X,
                               std::vector< double >& theta,
		               std::vector<int> const& Y, 
		               const double alpha_start, const double alpha_stop ){

  double alpha = alpha_start, logLikelihood, newLogLikelihood;
  std::vector<double> gradient = Gradient( X, theta, Y );
  std::vector<double> new_theta = theta;

  logLikelihood = 99999999;
  newLogLikelihood = -99999999999;

  while( logLikelihood > newLogLikelihood && alpha > alpha_stop ){

    for( unsigned int k = 0; k < new_theta.size(); ++k ){
      new_theta[k] = theta[k] + alpha * gradient[k];

    logLikelihood = LogLikelihood( X, theta, Y );
    newLogLikelihood = LogLikelihood( X, new_theta, Y );

    alpha = alpha/2;

  theta = new_theta;

Ejemplo n.º 2
// Likelihood distribution of the eloDraw parameter
void CBradleyTerry::GetDrawEloDist(CCDistribution &cdist) const {
  double eloPrevious = eloDraw;
  for (int i = cdist.GetSize(); --i >= 0;) {
    eloDraw = cdist.ValueFromIndex(i);
    cdist.SetProbability(i, LogLikelihood());
  eloDraw = eloPrevious;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Get the likelihood distribution of one player
// The ratings of opponents are supposed to be exact
void CBradleyTerry::GetPlayerDist(int Player, CCDistribution &cdist) const {
  std::vector<double> veloBackup(velo);

  for (int i = cdist.GetSize(); --i >= 0;) {
    velo[Player] = cdist.ValueFromIndex(i);
    if (crs.GetPlayers() > 1) {
      double Delta = (velo[Player] - veloBackup[Player]) / (crs.GetPlayers() - 1);
      for (int j = crs.GetPlayers(); --j >= 0;)
        if (j != Player)
          velo[j] = veloBackup[j] - Delta;
    cdist.SetProbability(i, LogLikelihood(Player));

  velo = veloBackup;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void TrainLogistic( std::vector< int > const& Training_Y,
               std::vector< std::list< Node<T1,T2> > > const& Training_X,
	       std::vector< double >& theta,
	       const double alpha_start, const double alpha_stop,
               const double epsilon, const unsigned int maxits ){

  double logLikelihood, newLogLikelihood;
  unsigned int iter = 0;

  logLikelihood = 999999;
  newLogLikelihood = -9999999;

  while( fabs( newLogLikelihood - logLikelihood ) > epsilon && iter < maxits ){

    logLikelihood = newLogLikelihood;

    UpdateTheta( Training_X, theta, Training_Y, alpha_start, alpha_stop );

    newLogLikelihood = LogLikelihood( Training_X, theta, Training_Y );

    if( iter % 100 == 0 ){

      std::cout << "Logistic Regression Iteration: " << std::setw(5) << iter << "\t"
      		<< "Log-Likelihood: " << std::setw(8) << newLogLikelihood << "\t"
      		<< "abs( Change in Log-Likelihood ): " << std::setw(12) << fabs( newLogLikelihood - logLikelihood ) << std::endl;



  std::cout << "Logistic Regression Iteration: " << std::setw(5) << iter << "\t"
  	    << "Log-Likelihood: " << std::setw(8) << newLogLikelihood << "\t"
  	    << "abs( Change in Log-Likelihood ): " << std::setw(12) << fabs( newLogLikelihood - logLikelihood ) << std::endl;

  if( iter == maxits ){

    std::cout << "WARNING: Algorithm did not converge." << std::endl;


Ejemplo n.º 5
void EMFit<InitialClusteringType, CovarianceConstraintPolicy>::Estimate(
    const arma::mat& observations,
    std::vector<arma::vec>& means,
    std::vector<arma::mat>& covariances,
    arma::vec& weights,
    const bool useInitialModel)
  // Only perform initial clustering if the user wanted it.
  if (!useInitialModel)
    InitialClustering(observations, means, covariances, weights);

  double l = LogLikelihood(observations, means, covariances, weights);

  Log::Debug << "EMFit::Estimate(): initial clustering log-likelihood: "
      << l << std::endl;

  double lOld = -DBL_MAX;
  arma::mat condProb(observations.n_cols, means.size());

  // Iterate to update the model until no more improvement is found.
  size_t iteration = 1;
  while (std::abs(l - lOld) > tolerance && iteration != maxIterations)
    Log::Info << "EMFit::Estimate(): iteration " << iteration << ", "
        << "log-likelihood " << l << "." << std::endl;

    // Calculate the conditional probabilities of choosing a particular
    // Gaussian given the observations and the present theta value.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < means.size(); i++)
      // Store conditional probabilities into condProb vector for each
      // Gaussian.  First we make an alias of the condProb vector.
      arma::vec condProbAlias = condProb.unsafe_col(i);
      phi(observations, means[i], covariances[i], condProbAlias);
      condProbAlias *= weights[i];

    // Normalize row-wise.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < condProb.n_rows; i++)
      // Avoid dividing by zero; if the probability for everything is 0, we
      // don't want to make it NaN.
      const double probSum = accu(condProb.row(i));
      if (probSum != 0.0)
        condProb.row(i) /= probSum;

    // Store the sum of the probability of each state over all the observations.
    arma::vec probRowSums = trans(arma::sum(condProb, 0 /* columnwise */));

    // Calculate the new value of the means using the updated conditional
    // probabilities.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < means.size(); i++)
      // Don't update if there's no probability of the Gaussian having points.
      if (probRowSums[i] != 0)
        means[i] = (observations * condProb.col(i)) / probRowSums[i];

      // Calculate the new value of the covariances using the updated
      // conditional probabilities and the updated means.
      arma::mat tmp = observations - (means[i] *
      arma::mat tmpB = tmp % (arma::ones<arma::vec>(observations.n_rows) *

      // Don't update if there's no probability of the Gaussian having points.
      if (probRowSums[i] != 0.0)
        covariances[i] = (tmp * trans(tmpB)) / probRowSums[i];

      // Apply covariance constraint.

    // Calculate the new values for omega using the updated conditional
    // probabilities.
    weights = probRowSums / observations.n_cols;

    // Update values of l; calculate new log-likelihood.
    lOld = l;
    l = LogLikelihood(observations, means, covariances, weights);

Ejemplo n.º 6
void EMFit<InitialClusteringType>::Estimate(const arma::mat& observations,
                                            const arma::vec& probabilities,
                                            std::vector<arma::vec>& means,
                                            std::vector<arma::mat>& covariances,
                                            arma::vec& weights)
  InitialClustering(observations, means, covariances, weights);

  double l = LogLikelihood(observations, means, covariances, weights);

  Log::Debug << "EMFit::Estimate(): initial clustering log-likelihood: "
      << l << std::endl;

  double lOld = -DBL_MAX;
  arma::mat condProb(observations.n_cols, means.size());

  // Iterate to update the model until no more improvement is found.
  size_t iteration = 1;
  while (std::abs(l - lOld) > tolerance && iteration != maxIterations)
    // Calculate the conditional probabilities of choosing a particular
    // Gaussian given the observations and the present theta value.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < means.size(); i++)
      // Store conditional probabilities into condProb vector for each
      // Gaussian.  First we make an alias of the condProb vector.
      arma::vec condProbAlias = condProb.unsafe_col(i);
      phi(observations, means[i], covariances[i], condProbAlias);
      condProbAlias *= weights[i];

    // Normalize row-wise.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < condProb.n_rows; i++)
      // Avoid dividing by zero; if the probability for everything is 0, we
      // don't want to make it NaN.
      const double probSum = accu(condProb.row(i));
      if (probSum != 0.0)
        condProb.row(i) /= probSum;

    // This will store the sum of probabilities of each state over all the
    // observations.
    arma::vec probRowSums(means.size());

    // Calculate the new value of the means using the updated conditional
    // probabilities.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < means.size(); i++)
      // Calculate the sum of probabilities of points, which is the
      // conditional probability of each point being from Gaussian i
      // multiplied by the probability of the point being from this mixture
      // model.
      probRowSums[i] = accu(condProb.col(i) % probabilities);

      means[i] = (observations * (condProb.col(i) % probabilities)) /

      // Calculate the new value of the covariances using the updated
      // conditional probabilities and the updated means.
      arma::mat tmp = observations - (means[i] *
      arma::mat tmpB = tmp % (arma::ones<arma::vec>(observations.n_rows) *
          trans(condProb.col(i) % probabilities));

      covariances[i] = (tmp * trans(tmpB)) / probRowSums[i];

      // Ensure positive-definiteness.  TODO: make this more efficient.
      if (forcePositive && det(covariances[i]) <= 1e-50)
        Log::Debug << "Covariance matrix " << i << " is not positive definite. "
            << "Adding perturbation." << std::endl;

        double perturbation = 1e-30;
        while (det(covariances[i]) <= 1e-50)
          covariances[i].diag() += perturbation;
          perturbation *= 10; // Slow, but we don't want to add too much.

    // Calculate the new values for omega using the updated conditional
    // probabilities.
    weights = probRowSums / accu(probabilities);

    // Update values of l; calculate new log-likelihood.
    lOld = l;
    l = LogLikelihood(observations, means, covariances, weights);

Ejemplo n.º 7
double GMM<FittingType>::Estimate(const arma::mat& observations,
                                  const arma::vec& probabilities,
                                  const size_t trials,
                                  const bool useExistingModel)
  double bestLikelihood; // This will be reported later.

  // We don't need to store temporary models if we are only doing one trial.
  if (trials == 1)
    // Train the model.  The user will have been warned earlier if the GMM was
    // initialized with no parameters (0 gaussians, dimensionality of 0).
    fitter.Estimate(observations, probabilities, means, covariances, weights,

    bestLikelihood = LogLikelihood(observations, means, covariances, weights);
    if (trials == 0)
      return -DBL_MAX; // It's what they asked for...

    // If each trial must start from the same initial location, we must save it.
    std::vector<arma::vec> meansOrig;
    std::vector<arma::mat> covariancesOrig;
    arma::vec weightsOrig;
    if (useExistingModel)
      meansOrig = means;
      covariancesOrig = covariances;
      weightsOrig = weights;

    // We need to keep temporary copies.  We'll do the first training into the
    // actual model position, so that if it's the best we don't need to copy it.
    fitter.Estimate(observations, probabilities, means, covariances, weights,

    bestLikelihood = LogLikelihood(observations, means, covariances, weights);

    Rcpp::Rcout << "GMM::Estimate(): Log-likelihood of trial 0 is "
        << bestLikelihood << "." << std::endl;

    // Now the temporary model.
    std::vector<arma::vec> meansTrial(gaussians, arma::vec(dimensionality));
    std::vector<arma::mat> covariancesTrial(gaussians,
        arma::mat(dimensionality, dimensionality));
    arma::vec weightsTrial(gaussians);

    for (size_t trial = 1; trial < trials; ++trial)
      if (useExistingModel)
        meansTrial = meansOrig;
        covariancesTrial = covariancesOrig;
        weightsTrial = weightsOrig;

      fitter.Estimate(observations, meansTrial, covariancesTrial, weightsTrial,

      // Check to see if the log-likelihood of this one is better.
      double newLikelihood = LogLikelihood(observations, meansTrial,
          covariancesTrial, weightsTrial);

      Rcpp::Rcout << "GMM::Estimate(): Log-likelihood of trial " << trial
          << " is " << newLikelihood << "." << std::endl;

      if (newLikelihood > bestLikelihood)
        // Save new likelihood and copy new model.
        bestLikelihood = newLikelihood;

        means = meansTrial;
        covariances = covariancesTrial;
        weights = weightsTrial;

  // Report final log-likelihood and return it.
  Rcpp::Rcout << "GMM::Estimate(): log-likelihood of trained GMM is "
      << bestLikelihood << "." << std::endl;
  return bestLikelihood;