Ejemplo n.º 1
// this sets the property of a puck to a value
osaPuck::Errno osaPuck::SetProperty( Barrett::ID propid, 
				     Barrett::Value propval,
				     bool verify){

  // empty CAN frame
  osaCANBusFrame frame;

  // pack the property ID and value in a "set" CAN frame 
  if( PackProperty( frame, Barrett::SET, propid, propval )!=osaPuck::ESUCCESS ){
    CMN_LOG_RUN_WARNING << LogPrefix() << "Failed to pack property " << propid
			<< std::endl;
    return osaPuck::EFAILURE;
  // send the CAN frame
  if( canbus->Send( frame ) != osaCANBus::ESUCCESS ){
    CMN_LOG_RUN_ERROR << LogPrefix() << "Failed to send the CAN frame." 
		      << std::endl;
    return osaPuck::EFAILURE;
  // do we double check that the value was set?
  if( verify ){
    // If we just changed the status of the puck, give it a bit of time to
    // initialize itself
    if( propid  == Barrett::STATUS && propval == osaPuck::STATUS_READY )
      osaSleep( 1.0 );
      osaSleep( 0.01 );

    // query the puck to make sure that the property is set
    Barrett::Value recvpropval = rand();
    if( GetProperty( propid, recvpropval ) != osaPuck::ESUCCESS ){
      CMN_LOG_RUN_WARNING << LogPrefix()<<"Failed to get puck property"
			  << std::endl;
      return osaPuck::EFAILURE;

    if( propval != recvpropval ){
      CMN_LOG_RUN_WARNING << LogPrefix() << "Oop! Unexpected property value. " 
			  << "Expected " << propval << " got " << recvpropval
			  << std::endl;
      return osaPuck::EFAILURE;

  return osaPuck::ESUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Get a property from the puck. this sends a query to the puck and wait for
// its reply
osaPuck::Errno osaPuck::GetProperty( Barrett::ID propid,
 				     Barrett::Value& propvalue ){ 

  // empty CAN frame
  osaCANBusFrame sendframe;
  // pack the query in a can frame
  if( PackProperty( sendframe, Barrett::GET, propid ) != osaPuck::ESUCCESS ){
    CMN_LOG_RUN_ERROR << LogPrefix() << "Failed to pack property" << std::endl;
    return osaPuck::EFAILURE;
  // send the CAN frame
  if( canbus->Send( sendframe ) != osaCANBus::ESUCCESS ){
    CMN_LOG_RUN_ERROR << LogPrefix() << "Failed to querry puck" << std::endl;
    return osaPuck::EFAILURE;
  // empty CAN frame
  osaCANBusFrame recvframe;

  // receive the response in a CAN frame
  if( canbus->Recv( recvframe ) != osaCANBus::ESUCCESS ){
    CMN_LOG_RUN_ERROR << LogPrefix() << "Failed to receive property"
		      << std::endl;
    return osaPuck::EFAILURE;
  // unpack the can frame
  Barrett::ID recvpropid;
  if(UnpackCANFrame( recvframe, recvpropid, propvalue ) != osaPuck::ESUCCESS){
    CMN_LOG_RUN_ERROR << LogPrefix() << "Failed to unpack CAN frame."
		      << std::endl;
    return osaPuck::EFAILURE;

  // make sure that the property received is the one we asked for
  if( propid != recvpropid ){
    CMN_LOG_RUN_ERROR << LogPrefix() << "Oop! Unexpected property ID. "
		      << "Expected " << propid << " got " << recvpropid
		      << std::endl;
    return osaPuck::EFAILURE;
  return osaPuck::ESUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Log(char * message)
	if (logFile != NULL) 
		fprintf(logFile, message);
		fprintf(logFile, "\n");
Ejemplo n.º 4
void LogFormatted(char * message, ...)
	if (logFile != NULL) 
		va_list varargs;
		va_start(varargs, message);

		vfprintf(logFile, message, varargs);
		fprintf(logFile, "\n");