/* Update our model of the wallet incrementally, to synchronize our model of the wallet with that of the core. Call with transaction that was added, removed or changed. */ void updateWallet(const uint256 &hash, int status) { //LogPrintf("updateWallet %s %i\n", hash.ToString().c_str(), status); { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); // Find transaction in wallet std::map<uint256, CWalletTx>::iterator mi = wallet->mapWallet.find(hash); bool inWallet = mi != wallet->mapWallet.end(); // Find bounds of this transaction in model QList<TransactionRecord>::iterator lower = qLowerBound( cachedWallet.begin(), cachedWallet.end(), hash, TxLessThan()); QList<TransactionRecord>::iterator upper = qUpperBound( cachedWallet.begin(), cachedWallet.end(), hash, TxLessThan()); int lowerIndex = (lower - cachedWallet.begin()); int upperIndex = (upper - cachedWallet.begin()); bool inModel = (lower != upper); // Determine whether to show transaction or not bool showTransaction = (inWallet && TransactionRecord::showTransaction(mi->second)); if (status == CT_UPDATED) { if (showTransaction && !inModel) status = CT_NEW; /* Not in model, but want to show, treat as new */ if (!showTransaction && inModel) status = CT_DELETED; /* In model, but want to hide, treat as deleted */ }; LogPrintf(" inWallet=%i inModel=%i Index=%i-%i showTransaction=%i derivedStatus=%i\n", inWallet, inModel, lowerIndex, upperIndex, showTransaction, status); switch(status) { case CT_NEW: if(inModel) { LogPrintf("Warning: updateWallet: Got CT_NEW, but transaction is already in model\n"); break; } if(!inWallet) { LogPrintf("Warning: updateWallet: Got CT_NEW, but transaction is not in wallet\n"); break; } if(showTransaction) { // Added -- insert at the right position QList<TransactionRecord> toInsert = TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(wallet, mi->second); if(!toInsert.isEmpty()) /* only if something to insert */ { parent->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, lowerIndex+toInsert.size()-1); int insert_idx = lowerIndex; foreach(const TransactionRecord &rec, toInsert) { cachedWallet.insert(insert_idx, rec); insert_idx += 1; } parent->endInsertRows(); } } break; case CT_DELETED: if(!inModel) { LogPrintf("Warning: updateWallet: Got CT_DELETED, but transaction is not in model\n"); break; } // Removed -- remove entire transaction from table parent->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, upperIndex-1); cachedWallet.erase(lower, upper); parent->endRemoveRows(); break; case CT_UPDATED: // Miscellaneous updates -- nothing to do, status update will take care of this, and is only computed for // visible transactions. if (inWallet && mi->second.ForceUpdate()) { parent->beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, upperIndex-1); cachedWallet.erase(lower, upper); parent->endRemoveRows(); QList<TransactionRecord> toInsert = TransactionRecord::decomposeTransaction(wallet, mi->second); if(!toInsert.isEmpty()) /* only if something to insert */ { parent->beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), lowerIndex, lowerIndex+toInsert.size()-1); int insert_idx = lowerIndex; foreach(const TransactionRecord &rec, toInsert) { cachedWallet.insert(insert_idx, rec); insert_idx += 1; }
int generateRingSignatureAB(data_chunk &keyImage, uint256 &txnHash, int nRingSize, int nSecretOffset, ec_secret secret, const uint8_t *pPubkeys, data_chunk &sigC, uint8_t *pSigS) { // https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=972541.msg10619684 if (fDebugRingSig) LogPrintf("%s: Ring size %d.\n", __func__, nRingSize); assert(nRingSize < 200); RandAddSeedPerfmon(); memset(pSigS, 0, EC_SECRET_SIZE * nRingSize); int rv = 0; int nBytes; uint256 tmpPkHash; uint256 tmpHash; uint8_t tempData[66]; // hold raw point data to hash ec_secret sAlpha; if (0 != GenerateRandomSecret(sAlpha)) return errorN(1, "%s: GenerateRandomSecret failed.", __func__); CHashWriter ssPkHash(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); CHashWriter ssCjHash(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); uint256 test; for (int i = 0; i < nRingSize; ++i) { ssPkHash.write((const char*)&pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE); if (i == nSecretOffset) continue; int k; // NOTE: necessary to clamp? for (k = 0; k < 32; ++k) { if (1 != RAND_bytes(&pSigS[i * EC_SECRET_SIZE], 32)) return errorN(1, "%s: RAND_bytes ERR_get_error %u.", __func__, ERR_get_error()); memcpy(test.begin(), &pSigS[i * EC_SECRET_SIZE], 32); if (test > MIN_SECRET && test < MAX_SECRET) break; }; if (k > 31) return errorN(1, "%s: Failed to generate a valid key.", __func__); }; tmpPkHash = ssPkHash.GetHash(); BN_CTX_start(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnT = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnT2 = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnS = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnC = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnCj = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnA = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); EC_POINT *ptKi = NULL; EC_POINT *ptPk = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT1 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT2 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT3 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT4 = NULL; if ( !(ptKi = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptPk = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT1 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT2 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT3 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT4 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp))) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_new failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // get keyimage as point if (!EC_POINT_oct2point(ecGrp, ptKi, &keyImage[0], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptKi failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // c_{j+1} = h(P_1,...,P_n,alpha*G,alpha*H(P_j)) if (!bnA || !(BN_bin2bn(&sAlpha.e[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnA))) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_bin2bn failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT1 = alpha * G if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT1, bnA, NULL, NULL, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT3 = H(Pj) if (hashToEC(&pPubkeys[nSecretOffset * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT2, ptT3) != 0) { LogPrintf("%s: hashToEC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; ssCjHash.write((const char*)tmpPkHash.begin(), 32); // ptT2 = alpha * H(P_j) // ptT2 = alpha * ptT3 if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT2, NULL, ptT3, bnA, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if ( !(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptT1, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[0], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE) || !(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptT2, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[33], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE)) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptL and ptR failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; ssCjHash.write((const char*)&tempData[0], 66); tmpHash = ssCjHash.GetHash(); if (!bnC || !(BN_bin2bn(tmpHash.begin(), EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnC)) // bnC lags i by 1 || !BN_mod(bnC, bnC, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: hash -> bnC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // c_{j+2} = h(P_1,...,P_n,s_{j+1}*G+c_{j+1}*P_{j+1},s_{j+1}*H(P_{j+1})+c_{j+1}*I_j) for (int k = 0, ib = (nSecretOffset + 1) % nRingSize, i = (nSecretOffset + 2) % nRingSize; k < nRingSize; ++k, ib=i, i=(i+1) % nRingSize) { if (k == nRingSize - 1) { // s_j = alpha - c_j*x_j mod n. if (!bnT || !BN_bin2bn(&secret.e[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnT)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_bin2bn failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!BN_mul(bnT2, bnCj, bnT, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!BN_mod_sub(bnS, bnA, bnT2, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod_sub failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!bnS || (nBytes = BN_num_bytes(bnS)) > (int) EC_SECRET_SIZE || BN_bn2bin(bnS, &pSigS[nSecretOffset * EC_SECRET_SIZE + (EC_SECRET_SIZE-nBytes)]) != nBytes) { LogPrintf("%s: bnS -> pSigS failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (nSecretOffset != nRingSize - 1) break; }; if (!bnS || !(BN_bin2bn(&pSigS[ib * EC_SECRET_SIZE], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnS))) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_bin2bn failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // bnC is from last round (ib) if (!EC_POINT_oct2point(ecGrp, ptPk, &pPubkeys[ib * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_oct2point failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT1 = s_{j+1}*G+c_{j+1}*P_{j+1} if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT1, bnS, ptPk, bnC, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; //s_{j+1}*H(P_{j+1})+c_{j+1}*I_j if (hashToEC(&pPubkeys[ib * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT2, ptT2) != 0) { LogPrintf("%s: hashToEC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT3 = s_{j+1}*H(P_{j+1}) if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT3, NULL, ptT2, bnS, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT4 = c_{j+1}*I_j if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT4, NULL, ptKi, bnC, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT2 = ptT3 + ptT4 if (!EC_POINT_add(ecGrp, ptT2, ptT3, ptT4, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_add failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if ( !(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptT1, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[0], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE) || !(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptT2, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[33], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE)) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptL and ptR failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; CHashWriter ssCHash(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssCHash.write((const char*)tmpPkHash.begin(), 32); ssCHash.write((const char*)&tempData[0], 66); tmpHash = ssCHash.GetHash(); if (!bnC || !(BN_bin2bn(tmpHash.begin(), EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnC)) // bnC lags i by 1 || !BN_mod(bnC, bnC, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: hash -> bnC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (i == nSecretOffset && !BN_copy(bnCj, bnC)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_copy failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (i == 0) { memset(tempData, 0, EC_SECRET_SIZE); if ((nBytes = BN_num_bytes(bnC)) > (int) EC_SECRET_SIZE || BN_bn2bin(bnC, &tempData[0 + (EC_SECRET_SIZE-nBytes)]) != nBytes) { LogPrintf("%s: bnC -> sigC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; try { sigC.resize(32); } catch (std::exception& e) { LogPrintf("%s: sigC.resize failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; memcpy(&sigC[0], tempData, EC_SECRET_SIZE); }; }; End: EC_POINT_free(ptKi); EC_POINT_free(ptPk); EC_POINT_free(ptT1); EC_POINT_free(ptT2); EC_POINT_free(ptT3); EC_POINT_free(ptT4); BN_CTX_end(bnCtx); return rv; };
static void InitMessage(const std::string &message) { LogPrintf("init message: %s\n", message); }
int verifyRingSignatureAB(data_chunk &keyImage, uint256 &txnHash, int nRingSize, const uint8_t *pPubkeys, const data_chunk &sigC, const uint8_t *pSigS) { // https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=972541.msg10619684 // forall_{i=1..n} compute e_i=s_i*G+c_i*P_i and E_i=s_i*H(P_i)+c_i*I_j and c_{i+1}=h(P_1,...,P_n,e_i,E_i) // check c_{n+1}=c_1 if (fDebugRingSig) { //LogPrintf("%s size %d\n", __func__, nRingSize); // happens often }; if (sigC.size() != EC_SECRET_SIZE) return errorN(1, "%s: sigC size != EC_SECRET_SIZE.", __func__); if (keyImage.size() != EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE) return errorN(1, "%s: keyImage size != EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE.", __func__); int rv = 0; uint256 tmpPkHash; uint256 tmpHash; uint8_t tempData[66]; // hold raw point data to hash CHashWriter ssPkHash(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); CHashWriter ssCjHash(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); for (int i = 0; i < nRingSize; ++i) { ssPkHash.write((const char*)&pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE); }; tmpPkHash = ssPkHash.GetHash(); BN_CTX_start(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnC = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnC1 = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnT = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnS = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); EC_POINT *ptKi = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT1 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT2 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT3 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptPk = NULL; EC_POINT *ptSi = NULL; if ( !(ptKi = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT1 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT2 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT3 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptPk = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptSi = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp))) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_new failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // get keyimage as point if (!EC_POINT_oct2point(ecGrp, ptKi, &keyImage[0], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptKi failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!bnC1 || !BN_bin2bn(&sigC[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnC1)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_bin2bn failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!BN_copy(bnC, bnC1)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_copy failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; for (int i = 0; i < nRingSize; ++i) { if (!bnS || !(BN_bin2bn(&pSigS[i * EC_SECRET_SIZE], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnS))) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_bin2bn failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT2 <- pk if (!EC_POINT_oct2point(ecGrp, ptPk, &pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_oct2point failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT1 = e_i=s_i*G+c_i*P_i if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT1, bnS, ptPk, bnC, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptT1, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[0], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE)) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptT1 failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT2 =E_i=s_i*H(P_i)+c_i*I_j // ptT2 =H(P_i) if (hashToEC(&pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT, ptT2) != 0) { LogPrintf("%s: hashToEC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // DEBUGGING: ------- check if we can find the signer... // ptSi = Pi * bnT if ((!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptSi, NULL, ptPk, bnT, bnCtx) || false) && (rv = errorN(1, "%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.", __func__))) goto End; if (0 == EC_POINT_cmp(ecGrp, ptSi, ptKi, bnCtx) ) LogPrintf("signer is index %d\n", i); // DEBUGGING: - End - check if we can find the signer... // ptT3 = s_i*ptT2 if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT3, NULL, ptT2, bnS, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT1 = c_i*I_j if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT1, NULL, ptKi, bnC, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT2 = ptT3 + ptT1 if (!EC_POINT_add(ecGrp, ptT2, ptT3, ptT1, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_add failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptT2, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[33], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE)) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptT2 failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; CHashWriter ssCHash(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssCHash.write((const char*)tmpPkHash.begin(), 32); ssCHash.write((const char*)&tempData[0], 66); tmpHash = ssCHash.GetHash(); if (!bnC || !(BN_bin2bn(tmpHash.begin(), EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnC)) || !BN_mod(bnC, bnC, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: tmpHash -> bnC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; }; // bnT = (bnC - bnC1) % N if (!BN_mod_sub(bnT, bnC, bnC1, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod_sub failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // test bnT == 0 (bnC == bnC1) if (!BN_is_zero(bnT)) { LogPrintf("%s: signature does not verify.\n", __func__); rv = 2; }; End: BN_CTX_end(bnCtx); EC_POINT_free(ptKi); EC_POINT_free(ptT1); EC_POINT_free(ptT2); EC_POINT_free(ptT3); EC_POINT_free(ptPk); EC_POINT_free(ptSi); return rv; };
int generateRingSignature(data_chunk &keyImage, uint256 &txnHash, int nRingSize, int nSecretOffset, ec_secret secret, const uint8_t *pPubkeys, uint8_t *pSigc, uint8_t *pSigr) { if (fDebugRingSig) LogPrintf("%s: Ring size %d.\n", __func__, nRingSize); int rv = 0; int nBytes; BN_CTX_start(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnKS = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnK1 = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnK2 = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnT = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnH = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnSum = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); EC_POINT *ptT1 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT2 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT3 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptPk = NULL; EC_POINT *ptKi = NULL; EC_POINT *ptL = NULL; EC_POINT *ptR = NULL; uint8_t tempData[66]; // hold raw point data to hash uint256 commitHash; ec_secret scData1, scData2; CHashWriter ssCommitHash(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssCommitHash << txnHash; // zero signature memset(pSigc, 0, EC_SECRET_SIZE * nRingSize); memset(pSigr, 0, EC_SECRET_SIZE * nRingSize); // ks = random 256 bit int mod P if (GenerateRandomSecret(scData1) && (rv = errorN(1, "%s: GenerateRandomSecret failed.", __func__))) goto End; if (!bnKS || !(BN_bin2bn(&scData1.e[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnKS))) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_bin2bn failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // zero sum if (!bnSum || !(BN_zero(bnSum))) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_zero failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if ( !(ptT1 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT2 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT3 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptPk = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptKi = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptL = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptR = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp))) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_new failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // get keyimage as point if (!(bnT = BN_bin2bn(&keyImage[0], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT)) || !(ptKi) || !(ptKi = EC_POINT_bn2point(ecGrp, bnT, ptKi, bnCtx))) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptKi failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; for (int i = 0; i < nRingSize; ++i) { if (i == nSecretOffset) { // k = random 256 bit int mod P // L = k * G // R = k * HashToEC(PKi) if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptL, bnKS, NULL, NULL, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (hashToEC(&pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT, ptT1) != 0) { LogPrintf("%s: hashToEC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptR, NULL, ptT1, bnKS, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; } else { // k1 = random 256 bit int mod P // k2 = random 256 bit int mod P // Li = k1 * Pi + k2 * G // Ri = k1 * I + k2 * Hp(Pi) // ci = k1 // ri = k2 if (GenerateRandomSecret(scData1) != 0 || !bnK1 || !(BN_bin2bn(&scData1.e[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnK1)) || GenerateRandomSecret(scData2) != 0 || !bnK2 || !(BN_bin2bn(&scData2.e[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnK2))) { LogPrintf("%s: k1 and k2 failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // get Pk i as point if (!(bnT = BN_bin2bn(&pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT)) || !(ptPk) || !(ptPk = EC_POINT_bn2point(ecGrp, bnT, ptPk, bnCtx))) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptPk failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT1 = k1 * Pi if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT1, NULL, ptPk, bnK1, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT2 = k2 * G if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT2, bnK2, NULL, NULL, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptL = ptT1 + ptT2 if (!EC_POINT_add(ecGrp, ptL, ptT1, ptT2, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_add failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT3 = Hp(Pi) if (hashToEC(&pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT, ptT3) != 0) { LogPrintf("%s: hashToEC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT1 = k1 * I if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT1, NULL, ptKi, bnK1, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT2 = k2 * ptT3 if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT2, NULL, ptT3, bnK2, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptR = ptT1 + ptT2 if (!EC_POINT_add(ecGrp, ptR, ptT1, ptT2, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_add failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; memcpy(&pSigc[i * EC_SECRET_SIZE], &scData1.e[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE); memcpy(&pSigr[i * EC_SECRET_SIZE], &scData2.e[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE); // sum = (sum + sigc) % N , sigc == bnK1 if (!BN_mod_add(bnSum, bnSum, bnK1, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod_add failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; }; // -- add ptL and ptR to hash if ( !(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptL, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[0], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE) || !(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptR, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[33], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE)) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptL and ptR failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; ssCommitHash.write((const char*)&tempData[0], 66); }; commitHash = ssCommitHash.GetHash(); if (!(bnH) || !(bnH = BN_bin2bn(commitHash.begin(), EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnH))) { LogPrintf("%s: commitHash -> bnH failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!BN_mod(bnH, bnH, bnOrder, bnCtx)) // this is necessary { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // sigc[nSecretOffset] = (bnH - bnSum) % N if (!BN_mod_sub(bnT, bnH, bnSum, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod_sub failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if ((nBytes = BN_num_bytes(bnT)) > (int)EC_SECRET_SIZE || BN_bn2bin(bnT, &pSigc[nSecretOffset * EC_SECRET_SIZE + (EC_SECRET_SIZE-nBytes)]) != nBytes) { LogPrintf("%s: bnT -> pSigc failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // sigr[nSecretOffset] = (bnKS - sigc[nSecretOffset] * bnSecret) % N // reuse bnH for bnSecret if (!bnH || !(BN_bin2bn(&secret.e[0], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnH))) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_bin2bn failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // bnT = sigc[nSecretOffset] * bnSecret , TODO: mod N ? if (!BN_mul(bnT, bnT, bnH, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!BN_mod_sub(bnT, bnKS, bnT, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod_sub failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if ((nBytes = BN_num_bytes(bnT)) > (int) EC_SECRET_SIZE || BN_bn2bin(bnT, &pSigr[nSecretOffset * EC_SECRET_SIZE + (EC_SECRET_SIZE-nBytes)]) != nBytes) { LogPrintf("%s: bnT -> pSigr failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; End: EC_POINT_free(ptT1); EC_POINT_free(ptT2); EC_POINT_free(ptT3); EC_POINT_free(ptPk); EC_POINT_free(ptKi); EC_POINT_free(ptL); EC_POINT_free(ptR); BN_CTX_end(bnCtx); return rv; };
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: HrShowNetAdapters // // Purpose: Display all installed net class devices using Setup API // // Arguments: None // // Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code // // Notes: // HRESULT HrShowNetAdapters() { #define MAX_COMP_INSTID 4096 #define MAX_COMP_DESC 4096 HRESULT hr=S_OK; HDEVINFO hdi; DWORD dwIndex=0; SP_DEVINFO_DATA deid; BOOL fSuccess=FALSE; DWORD cchRequiredSize; TCHAR szCompInstanceId[MAX_COMP_INSTID]; TCHAR szCompDescription[MAX_COMP_DESC]; DWORD dwRegType; BOOL fFound=FALSE; // get a list of all devices of class 'GUID_DEVCLASS_NET' hdi = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&GUID_DEVCLASS_NET, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hdi) { // enumerate over each device while (deid.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA), SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(hdi, dwIndex, &deid)) { dwIndex++; // the right thing to do here would be to call this function // to get the size required to hold the instance ID and then // to call it second time with a buffer large enough for that size. // However, that would tend to obscure the control flow in // the sample code. Lets keep things simple by keeping the // buffer large enough. // get the device instance ID fSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(hdi, &deid, szCompInstanceId, MAX_COMP_INSTID, NULL); if (fSuccess) { // get the description for this instance fSuccess = SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(hdi, &deid, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, &dwRegType, (BYTE*) szCompDescription, MAX_COMP_DESC, NULL); if (fSuccess) { if (!fFound) { fFound = TRUE; LogPrintf(_T("Instance ID\tDescription\n")); LogPrintf(_T("-----------\t-----------\n")); } LogPrintf(_T("%s\t%s\n"), szCompInstanceId, szCompDescription); } } } // release the device info list SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hdi); } if (!fSuccess) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } return hr; }
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: HrShowBindingPath // // Purpose: Display components of a binding path in the format: // foo -> bar -> adapter // // Arguments: // pncbp [in] pointer to INetCfgBindingPath object // // Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code // // Notes: // HRESULT HrShowBindingPath(IN INetCfgBindingPath* pncbp) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; INetCfgBindingInterface* pncbi; INetCfgComponent* pncc = NULL; BOOL fFirstInterface=TRUE; PWSTR szComponentId; while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_OK == (hr = HrGetNextBindingInterface(pncbp, &pncbi)))) { // for the first (top) interface we need to get the upper as well as // the lower component. for other interfaces we need to get // only the lower component. if (fFirstInterface) { fFirstInterface = FALSE; hr = pncbi->GetUpperComponent(&pncc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // get id so that we can display it // // for readability of the output, we have used the GetId // function. For non net class components, this // does not pose a problem. In case of net class components, // there may be more than one net adapters of the same type // in which case, GetId will return the same string. This will // make it impossible to distinguish between two binding // paths that end in two distinct identical cards. In such case, // it may be better to use the GetInstanceGuid function because // it will return unique GUID for each instance of an adapter. // hr = pncc->GetId(&szComponentId); ReleaseObj(pncc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // LogPrintf(szComponentId); CoTaskMemFree(szComponentId); } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pncbi->GetLowerComponent(&pncc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pncc->GetId(&szComponentId); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LogPrintf(_T(" -> %s"), szComponentId); CoTaskMemFree(szComponentId); } ReleaseObj(pncc); } } ReleaseObj(pncbi); } LogPrintf(_T("\n")); if (hr == S_FALSE) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
int CaptDisMain(int argc, char *argv[]) { char ifile[RLTM_POL_PATH_DIM]; char dirpath[RLTM_POL_PATH_DIM]; char tmp[RLTM_POL_PATH_DIM]; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; char intrf[RLTM_POL_PATH_DIM], filter_app[RLTM_POL_PATH_DIM]; struct bpf_program filter; /* The compiled filter */ pcap_t *cap = NULL; char *param; int ret; struct pcap_ref ref; FILE *fp; bool end, ses_id, pol_id; struct pcap_pkthdr *pkt_header; const u_char *pkt_data; static time_t tm = 0; struct pcap_file_header fh; end = FALSE; ses_id = FALSE; pol_id = FALSE; savepcap = 0; /* pcapfile protocol id */ pol_prot_id = ProtId("pol"); if (pol_prot_id == -1) { return -1; } /* serial number of packet */ pkt_serial = 1; /* interace & filter % pol dir name*/ intrf[0] = '\0'; filter_app[0] = '\0'; dirpath[0] = '\0'; ret = RltmPolParam(argc, argv, intrf, filter_app, dirpath); if (ret != 0) { return -1; } /* check name dir */ if (dirpath[0] == '\0') { return -1; } /* read pol info */ sprintf(ifile, "%s/%s", dirpath, RLTM_POL_INIT_SESSION_FILE); fp = fopen(ifile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "Pol info file (%s) not present!", ifile); return -1; } while (fgets(tmp, CFG_LINE_MAX_SIZE, fp) != NULL) { /* check if line is a comment */ if (!CfgParIsComment(tmp)) { param = strstr(tmp, RLTM_POL_SESSION_ID); if (param != NULL) { ret = sscanf(param, RLTM_POL_SESSION_ID"=%lu", &ref.ses_id); if (ret == 1) { ses_id = TRUE; } } param = strstr(tmp, RLTM_POL_ID); if (param != NULL) { ret = sscanf(param, RLTM_POL_ID"=%lu", &ref.pol_id); if (ret == 1) { pol_id = TRUE; } } } } fclose(fp); remove(ifile); if (ses_id == FALSE || pol_id == FALSE) { LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "Pol info file (%s) incomplete!", tmp); return -1; } errbuf[sizeof(errbuf) - 1] = '\0'; errbuf[0] = '\0'; /* open device in promiscuous mode */ #ifdef HAVE_PCAP_CREATE cap = pcap_create(intrf, errbuf); #else cap = pcap_open_live(intrf, 102400, 1, 0, errbuf); #endif if (cap == NULL) { printf("Error: %s\n", errbuf); return -1; } else { #ifdef HAVE_PCAP_CREATE ret = pcap_set_snaplen(cap, 102400); if (ret != 0) { printf("You have an old version of libpcap\n"); return -1; } ret = pcap_set_promisc(cap, 1); if (ret != 0) { printf("You have an old version of libpcap\n"); return -1; } ret = pcap_set_timeout(cap, 0); if (ret != 0) { printf("You have an old version of libpcap\n"); return -1; } /* set capture buffer size to 16 MB */ ret = pcap_set_buffer_size(cap, (1<<24)); if (ret != 0) { printf("You have an old version of libpcap\n"); return -1; } ret = pcap_activate(cap); if (ret != 0) { printf("pcap_activate failed '%s'\n", pcap_geterr(cap)); return -1; } #endif /* compile and apply the filter */ if (pcap_compile(cap, &filter, filter_app, 1, 0) < 0) { printf("Bad filter %s\n", filter_app); pcap_perror(cap, "Filter"); return -1; } pcap_setfilter(cap, &filter); pcap_freecode(&filter); /* interface */ ref.dev = intrf; /* data link type */ ref.dlt = pcap_datalink(cap); /* packet counter */ ref.cnt = 0; /* end filename */ sprintf(ifile, "%s/%s", dirpath, RLTM_POL_END_SESSION_FILE); if (savepcap) { /* pcap file for debug */ sprintf(pcap_deb, "/opt/xplico/pol_%li/sol_%li/raw/interface_%s_%lu.pcap", ref.pol_id, ref.ses_id, intrf, time(NULL)); fp_pcap = fopen(pcap_deb, "w"); crash_ref_name = pcap_deb; memset(&fh, 0, sizeof(struct pcap_file_header)); fh.magic = 0xA1B2C3D4; fh.version_major = PCAP_VERSION_MAJOR; fh.version_minor = PCAP_VERSION_MINOR; fh.snaplen = 65535; fh.linktype = ref.dlt; if (fp_pcap != NULL) { fwrite((char *)&fh, 1, sizeof(struct pcap_file_header), fp_pcap); } else { LogPrintf(LV_ERROR, "Debug raw file failed: %s", pcap_deb); sprintf(pcap_deb, "Real Time"); } } else { fp_pcap = NULL; } do { /* read data */ if (pcap_next_ex(cap, &pkt_header, &pkt_data) == -1) { /* exit */ break; } else { /* decode data */ RltmPolDissector((u_char *)&ref, pkt_header, pkt_data); } /* check the end */ if (time(NULL) > tm) { tm = time(NULL) + 1; fp = fopen(ifile, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { end = TRUE; fclose(fp); } } } while (end == FALSE); pcap_close(cap); /* remove file */ remove(ifile); } if (fp_pcap != NULL) fclose(fp_pcap); return 0; }
bool OsmAnd::ResolvedMapStyle_P::mergeAndResolveRulesets() { const auto builtinValueDefs = MapStyleBuiltinValueDefinitions::get(); for (auto rulesetTypeIdx = 0u; rulesetTypeIdx < MapStyleRulesetTypesCount; rulesetTypeIdx++) { QHash<TagValueId, std::shared_ptr<Rule> > ruleset; // Process styles chain in direct order. This will allow to process overriding correctly auto citUnresolvedMapStyle = iteratorOf(owner->unresolvedMapStylesChain); while (citUnresolvedMapStyle.hasNext()) { const auto& unresolvedMapStyle = citUnresolvedMapStyle.next(); const auto& unresolvedRuleset = unresolvedMapStyle->rulesets[rulesetTypeIdx]; auto itUnresolvedByTag = iteratorOf(unresolvedRuleset); while (itUnresolvedByTag.hasNext()) { const auto& unresolvedByTagEntry = itUnresolvedByTag.next(); const auto& tag = unresolvedByTagEntry.key(); const auto& unresolvedByTag = unresolvedByTagEntry.value(); const auto tagId = resolveStringIdInLUT(tag); auto itUnresolvedByValue = iteratorOf(unresolvedByTag); while (itUnresolvedByValue.hasNext()) { const auto& unresolvedByValueEntry = itUnresolvedByValue.next(); const auto& value = unresolvedByValueEntry.key(); const auto& unresolvedRule = unresolvedByValueEntry.value(); const auto valueId = resolveStringIdInLUT(value); const auto tagValueId = TagValueId::compose(tagId, valueId); auto& topLevelRule = ruleset[tagValueId]; // Create top-level rule if not yet created if (!topLevelRule) { topLevelRule.reset(new Rule(static_cast<MapStyleRulesetType>(rulesetTypeIdx))); topLevelRule->rootNode->values[builtinValueDefs->id_INPUT_TAG] = ResolvedValue::fromConstantValue(MapStyleConstantValue::fromSimpleUInt(tagId)); topLevelRule->rootNode->values[builtinValueDefs->id_INPUT_VALUE] = ResolvedValue::fromConstantValue(MapStyleConstantValue::fromSimpleUInt(valueId)); } const auto resolvedRuleNode = resolveRuleNode(unresolvedRule->rootNode); if (!resolvedRuleNode) { LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Warning, "One of rules for '%s':'%s' was ignored due to failure to resolve it", qPrintable(tag), qPrintable(value)); return false; } topLevelRule->rootNode->oneOfConditionalSubnodes.append(resolvedRuleNode->oneOfConditionalSubnodes); } } _rulesets[rulesetTypeIdx] = copyAs< TagValueId, std::shared_ptr<const Rule> >(ruleset); } } return true; }
void ManageNamesPage::on_submitNameButton_clicked() { if (!walletModel) return; QString name = ui->registerName->text(); bool avail = walletModel->nameAvailable(name); if (!avail) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Name registration"), tr("Name not available")); ui->registerName->setFocus(); return; } QString msg; if (name.startsWith("d/")) msg = tr("Are you sure you want to register domain name %1, which " "corresponds to domain %2? <br><br> NOTE: If your wallet is locked, you will be prompted " "to unlock it in 12 blocks.").arg(name).arg(name.mid(2) + ".bit"); else msg = tr("Are you sure you want to register non-domain name %1? <br><br>" "NOTE: If your wallet is locked, you will be prompted " "to unlock it in 12 blocks.").arg(name); if (QMessageBox::Yes != QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Confirm name registration"), msg, QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel, QMessageBox::Cancel)) { return; } WalletModel::UnlockContext ctx(walletModel->requestUnlock()); if (!ctx.isValid()) return; QString err_msg; std::string strName = name.toStdString(); try { NameNewReturn res = walletModel->nameNew(name); if (res.ok) { // save pending name firstupdate data ... this gets // picked up after the config name dialog is accepted pendingNameFirstUpdate[strName] = res; // reset UI text ui->registerName->setText("d/"); ui->submitNameButton->setDefault(true); int newRowIndex; // FIXME: CT_NEW may have been sent from nameNew (via transaction). // Currently updateEntry is modified so it does not complain model->updateEntry(name, "", NameTableEntry::NAME_NEW, CT_NEW, &newRowIndex); ui->tableView->selectRow(newRowIndex); ui->tableView->setFocus(); ConfigureNameDialog dlg(platformStyle, name, "", true, this); dlg.setModel(walletModel); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { LOCK(cs_main); if (pendingNameFirstUpdate.count(strName) != 0) { model->updateEntry(name, dlg.getReturnData(), NameTableEntry::NAME_NEW, CT_UPDATED); } else { // name_firstupdate could have been sent, while the user was editing the value // Do nothing } } return; } err_msg = QString(res.err_msg.c_str()); } catch (std::exception& e) { err_msg = e.what(); LogPrintf("ManageNamesPage::on_submitNameButton_clicked; %s", err_msg.toStdString().c_str()); } if (err_msg == "ABORTED") return; QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Name registration failed"), err_msg); }
static void RltmPolDissector(u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *bytes) { struct pcap_ref *ref = (struct pcap_ref *)user; packet *pkt; static time_t tm = 0; int offset; struct timespec to; struct pcap_pkthdr pckt_header; size_t nwrt, wcnt; pkt = PktNew(); ref->cnt++; pkt->raw = DMemMalloc(h->caplen+sizeof(unsigned long)*2+sizeof(char *)+sizeof(unsigned long)*2); memcpy(pkt->raw, bytes, h->caplen); pkt->raw_len = h->caplen; offset = 0; *((unsigned long *)&(pkt->raw[pkt->raw_len])) = ref->dlt; offset += sizeof(unsigned long); *((unsigned long *)&(pkt->raw[pkt->raw_len+offset])) = ref->cnt; offset += sizeof(unsigned long); if (savepcap) *((char **)&(pkt->raw[pkt->raw_len+offset])) = pcap_deb; else *((char **)&(pkt->raw[pkt->raw_len+offset])) = "Real Time"; offset += sizeof(char *); *((unsigned long *)&(pkt->raw[pkt->raw_len+offset])) = ref->ses_id; offset += sizeof(unsigned long); *((unsigned long *)&(pkt->raw[pkt->raw_len+offset])) = ref->pol_id; pkt->cap_sec = h->ts.tv_sec; pkt->cap_usec = h->ts.tv_usec; pkt->serial = pkt_serial; /* crash info */ crash_pkt_cnt = ref->cnt; /* decode */ /* save packet */ if (fp_pcap != NULL) { pckt_header.caplen = pkt->raw_len; pckt_header.len = pkt->raw_len; pckt_header.ts.tv_sec = pkt->cap_sec; pckt_header.ts.tv_usec = pkt->cap_usec; wcnt = 0; do { nwrt = fwrite(((char *)&pckt_header)+wcnt, 1, sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr)-wcnt, fp_pcap); if (nwrt != -1) wcnt += nwrt; else break; } while (wcnt != sizeof(struct pcap_pkthdr)); wcnt = 0; do { nwrt = fwrite(((char *)pkt->raw)+wcnt, 1, pkt->raw_len-wcnt, fp_pcap); if (nwrt != -1) wcnt += nwrt; else break; } while (wcnt != pkt->raw_len); } ProtDissec(pol_prot_id, pkt); FlowSetGblTime(h->ts.tv_sec); /* next serial number */ pkt_serial++; if (time(NULL) > tm) { tm = time(NULL) + 5; ReportSplash(); while (DispatchPeiPending() > DISP_PEI_MAX_QUEUE) { to.tv_sec = 2; to.tv_nsec = 1; /* wait some time */ while (nanosleep(&to, &to) != 0) ; LogPrintf(LV_WARNING, "Possible data loss!"); ReportSplash(); } } }
static packet *TelnetDissector(int flow_id) { packet *pkt; const pstack_f *tcp, *ip; ftval lost, ip_host, port; unsigned short port_host; bool ipv6; long offset, len, size; char host[TELNET_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE]; char user[TELNET_BUF_SIZE]; char password[TELNET_BUF_SIZE]; char cmd_file[TELNET_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE]; FILE *fp; char *buf; pei *ppei; time_t cap_sec, end_cap; int cntpkt; LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "Telnet id: %d", flow_id); cntpkt = 0; /* init (this for each telnet stream) */ user[0] = '\0'; password[0] = '\0'; sprintf(cmd_file, "%s/%s/telnet_%lu_%p_%i.txt", ProtTmpDir(), TELNET_TMP_DIR, time(NULL), cmd_file, incr); incr++; fp = fopen(cmd_file, "w"); ipv6 = FALSE; buf = DMemMalloc(TELNET_LOGIN_SIZE); buf[0] = '\0'; len = 0; /* ip version and number */ tcp = FlowStack(flow_id); /* tcp frame */ ip = ProtGetNxtFrame(tcp); /* ip/ipv6 frame */ ProtGetAttr(tcp, port_dst_id, &port); port_host = port.uint16; if (ProtFrameProtocol(ip) == ipv6_id) { ipv6 = TRUE; } if (ipv6 == FALSE) { ProtGetAttr(ip, ip_dst_id, &ip_host); if (DnsDbSearch(&(ip_host), FT_IPv4, host, TELNET_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE) != 0) { FTString(&(ip_host), FT_IPv4, host); } } else { ProtGetAttr(ip, ipv6_dst_id, &ip_host); if (DnsDbSearch(&(ip_host), FT_IPv6, host, TELNET_FILENAME_PATH_SIZE) != 0) { FTString(&(ip_host), FT_IPv6, host); } } sprintf(host+strlen(host), ":%i", port_host); /* first packet */ pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id); if (pkt != NULL) { /* pei definition */ PeiNew(&ppei, telnet_id); PeiCapTime(ppei, pkt->cap_sec); PeiMarker(ppei, pkt->serial); PeiStackFlow(ppei, tcp); cap_sec = pkt->cap_sec; } while (pkt != NULL) { cntpkt++; end_cap = pkt->cap_sec; offset = 0; /* check if there are packet lost */ ProtGetAttr(pkt->stk, lost_id, &lost); //ProtStackFrmDisp(pkt->stk, TRUE); /* this function display the structure of packet stack of this packet */ if (lost.uint8 == FALSE && pkt->len != 0) { /* no packet lost and packet with data */ /* skip the telnet commands, we are interested only in readable data */ #warning "to do: reassemble telnet message from many tcp packets" offset = TelnetSkipCommand((unsigned char *)(pkt->data), (unsigned char *)(pkt->data + pkt->len)); if (offset < pkt->len) { TelnetConvertZeros((unsigned char *)(pkt->data + offset), (unsigned char *)(pkt->data + pkt->len)); size = pkt->len - offset; fwrite(pkt->data + offset, 1, size, fp); if (len + size < TELNET_LOGIN_SIZE) { memcpy(buf+len, pkt->data + offset, size); len += size; buf[len] = '\0'; } } } else if (lost.uint8) { fprintf(fp, "-----> xplico: packets lost (size: %lub) <-----", pkt->len); } /* new/next packet */ PktFree(pkt); pkt = FlowGetPkt(flow_id); } /* search login */ buf[TELNET_LOGIN_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; TelnetLogin(buf, user, password, TELNET_BUF_SIZE); /* free memory and close file */ DMemFree(buf); if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); } if (len != 0) { /* compose pei */ TelnetPei(ppei, host, user, password, cmd_file, &cap_sec, &end_cap); /* insert pei */ PeiIns(ppei); } LogPrintf(LV_DEBUG, "Telnet... bye bye. (count:%i)", cntpkt); return NULL; }
static int TelnetLogin(char *buf, char *user, char *pswd, int bsize) { char *tmp, *lgn; long size, i; lgn = strcasestr(buf, "login:"******"login:"******"Password:"******"user name error: %s", lgn); size = bsize - 1; } memcpy(user, lgn, size); user[size] = '\0'; /* password */ lgn = strcasestr(lgn, "Password:"******"password error: %s", lgn); size = bsize - 1; } memcpy(pswd, lgn, size); pswd[size] = '\0'; } /* echo remove */ size = strlen(user); if ((size%2 == 0 && user[0] == ' ') || size%2) { tmp = user; if (user[0] == ' ') { tmp++; size--; } while (size) { if (tmp[0] != tmp[1]) break; tmp += 2; size -=2; } if (size == 0) { /* echo remove */ size = strlen(user)/2; tmp = user; i = 0; while (i != size) { tmp[i] = user[i*2+1]; i++; } tmp[i] = '\0'; } } } return 0; }
void ThreadSendAlert(CConnman& connman) { if (!mapArgs.count("-sendalert") && !mapArgs.count("-printalert")) return; // Wait one minute so we get well connected. If we only need to print // but not to broadcast - do this right away. if (mapArgs.count("-sendalert")) MilliSleep(60*1000); // // Alerts are relayed around the network until nRelayUntil, flood // filling to every node. // After the relay time is past, new nodes are told about alerts // when they connect to peers, until either nExpiration or // the alert is cancelled by a newer alert. // Nodes never save alerts to disk, they are in-memory-only. // CAlert alert; alert.nRelayUntil = GetAdjustedTime() + 15 * 60; alert.nExpiration = GetAdjustedTime() + 30 * 60 * 60; alert.nID = 1; // keep track of alert IDs somewhere alert.nCancel = 0; // cancels previous messages up to this ID number // These versions are protocol versions alert.nMinVer = 70000; alert.nMaxVer = 70103; // // 1000 for Misc warnings like out of disk space and clock is wrong // 2000 for longer invalid proof-of-work chain // Higher numbers mean higher priority alert.nPriority = 5000; alert.strComment = ""; alert.strStatusBar = "URGENT: Upgrade required: see https://www.tincoin.org"; // Set specific client version/versions here. If setSubVer is empty, no filtering on subver is done: // alert.setSubVer.insert(std::string("/Tincoin Core:")); // Sign if(!alert.Sign()) { LogPrintf("ThreadSendAlert() : could not sign alert\n"); return; } // Test CDataStream sBuffer(SER_NETWORK, CLIENT_VERSION); sBuffer << alert; CAlert alert2; sBuffer >> alert2; if (!alert2.CheckSignature(Params().AlertKey())) { printf("ThreadSendAlert() : CheckSignature failed\n"); return; } assert(alert2.vchMsg == alert.vchMsg); assert(alert2.vchSig == alert.vchSig); alert.SetNull(); printf("\nThreadSendAlert:\n"); printf("hash=%s\n", alert2.GetHash().ToString().c_str()); printf("%s", alert2.ToString().c_str()); printf("vchMsg=%s\n", HexStr(alert2.vchMsg).c_str()); printf("vchSig=%s\n", HexStr(alert2.vchSig).c_str()); // Confirm if (!mapArgs.count("-sendalert")) return; while (connman.GetNodeCount(CConnman::CONNECTIONS_ALL) == 0 && !ShutdownRequested()) MilliSleep(500); if (ShutdownRequested()) return; // Send printf("ThreadSendAlert() : Sending alert\n"); int nSent = 0; { connman.ForEachNode([&alert2, &connman, &nSent](CNode* pnode) { if (alert2.RelayTo(pnode, connman)) { printf("ThreadSendAlert() : Sent alert to %s\n", pnode->addr.ToString().c_str()); nSent++; } }); } printf("ThreadSendAlert() : Alert sent to %d nodes\n", nSent); }
void ProcessMessageMasternodePayments(CNode* pfrom, std::string& strCommand, CDataStream& vRecv) { if(!stashedSendPool.IsBlockchainSynced()) return; if (strCommand == "mnget") { //Masternode Payments Request Sync if(pfrom->HasFulfilledRequest("mnget")) { LogPrintf("mnget - peer already asked me for the list\n"); Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 20); return; } pfrom->FulfilledRequest("mnget"); masternodePayments.Sync(pfrom); LogPrintf("mnget - Sent Masternode winners to %s\n", pfrom->addr.ToString().c_str()); } else if (strCommand == "mnw") { //Masternode Payments Declare Winner LOCK(cs_masternodepayments); //this is required in litemode CMasternodePaymentWinner winner; vRecv >> winner; if(pindexBest == NULL) return; CTxDestination address1; ExtractDestination(winner.payee, address1); CIonAddress address2(address1); uint256 hash = winner.GetHash(); if(mapSeenMasternodeVotes.count(hash)) { if(fDebug) LogPrintf("mnw - seen vote %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", hash.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, pindexBest->nHeight); return; } if(winner.nBlockHeight < pindexBest->nHeight - 10 || winner.nBlockHeight > pindexBest->nHeight+20){ LogPrintf("mnw - winner out of range %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", winner.vin.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, pindexBest->nHeight); return; } if(winner.vin.nSequence != std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()){ LogPrintf("mnw - invalid nSequence\n"); Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100); return; } LogPrintf("mnw - winning vote - Vin %s Addr %s Height %d bestHeight %d\n", winner.vin.ToString().c_str(), address2.ToString().c_str(), winner.nBlockHeight, pindexBest->nHeight); if(!masternodePayments.CheckSignature(winner)){ LogPrintf("mnw - invalid signature\n"); Misbehaving(pfrom->GetId(), 100); return; } mapSeenMasternodeVotes.insert(make_pair(hash, winner)); if(masternodePayments.AddWinningMasternode(winner)){ masternodePayments.Relay(winner); } }
/** Initialized Fstat-code: handle user-input and set everything up. */ void InitPFS ( LALStatus *status, ConfigVariables *cfg, const UserInput_t *uvar ) { static const char *fn = "InitPFS()"; SFTCatalog *catalog = NULL; SFTConstraints constraints = empty_SFTConstraints; SkyPosition skypos; LIGOTimeGPS startTime, endTime; REAL8 duration, Tsft; LIGOTimeGPS minStartTimeGPS, maxEndTimeGPS; EphemerisData *edat = NULL; /* ephemeris data */ MultiAMCoeffs *multiAMcoef = NULL; MultiPSDVector *multiRngmed = NULL; MultiNoiseWeights *multiNoiseWeights = NULL; MultiSFTVector *multiSFTs = NULL; /* multi-IFO SFT-vectors */ MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates = NULL; /* pos, vel and LMSTs for detector at times t_i */ UINT4 X, i; INITSTATUS(status); ATTATCHSTATUSPTR (status); { /* Check user-input consistency */ BOOLEAN have_h0, have_cosi, have_cosiota, have_Ap, have_Ac; REAL8 cosi = 0; have_h0 = LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->h0 ); have_cosi = LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->cosi ); have_cosiota = LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->cosiota ); have_Ap = LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->aPlus ); have_Ac = LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->aCross ); /* ----- handle cosi/cosiota ambiguity */ if ( (have_cosi && have_cosiota) ) { LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Need EITHER --cosi [preferred] OR --cosiota [deprecated]!\n"); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EINPUT, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEINPUT ); } if ( have_cosiota ) { cosi = uvar->cosiota; have_cosi = TRUE; } else if ( have_cosi ) { cosi = uvar->cosi; have_cosi = TRUE; } /* ----- handle {h0,cosi} || {aPlus,aCross} freedom ----- */ if ( ( have_h0 && !have_cosi ) || ( !have_h0 && have_cosi ) ) { LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Need both (h0, cosi) to specify signal!\n"); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EINPUT, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEINPUT ); } if ( ( have_Ap && !have_Ac) || ( !have_Ap && have_Ac ) ) { LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Need both (aPlus, aCross) to specify signal!\n"); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EINPUT, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEINPUT ); } if ( have_h0 && have_Ap ) { LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "Overdetermined: specify EITHER (h0,cosi) OR (aPlus,aCross)!\n"); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EINPUT, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEINPUT ); } /* ----- internally we always use Aplus, Across */ if ( have_h0 ) { cfg->aPlus = 0.5 * uvar->h0 * ( 1.0 + SQ( cosi) ); cfg->aCross = uvar->h0 * uvar->cosi; } else { cfg->aPlus = uvar->aPlus; cfg->aCross = uvar->aCross; } }/* check user-input */ /* ----- prepare SFT-reading ----- */ if ( LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->IFO ) ) if ( (constraints.detector = XLALGetChannelPrefix ( uvar->IFO )) == NULL ) { ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EINPUT, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEINPUT); } minStartTimeGPS.gpsSeconds = uvar->minStartTime; minStartTimeGPS.gpsNanoSeconds = 0; maxEndTimeGPS.gpsSeconds = uvar->maxEndTime; maxEndTimeGPS.gpsNanoSeconds = 0; constraints.minStartTime = &minStartTimeGPS; constraints.maxEndTime = &maxEndTimeGPS; /* ----- get full SFT-catalog of all matching (multi-IFO) SFTs */ LogPrintf (LOG_DEBUG, "Finding all SFTs to load ... "); TRY ( LALSFTdataFind ( status->statusPtr, &catalog, uvar->DataFiles, &constraints ), status); LogPrintfVerbatim (LOG_DEBUG, "done. (found %d SFTs)\n", catalog->length); if ( constraints.detector ) LALFree ( constraints.detector ); if ( catalog->length == 0 ) { LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "No matching SFTs for pattern '%s'!\n", uvar->DataFiles ); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EINPUT, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEINPUT); } /* ----- deduce start- and end-time of the observation spanned by the data */ { GV.numSFTs = catalog->length; /* total number of SFTs */ Tsft = 1.0 / catalog->data[0].header.deltaF; startTime = catalog->data[0].header.epoch; endTime = catalog->data[GV.numSFTs-1].header.epoch; XLALGPSAdd(&endTime, Tsft); duration = GPS2REAL8(endTime) - GPS2REAL8 (startTime); } { /* ----- load ephemeris-data ----- */ edat = XLALInitBarycenter( uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun ); if ( !edat ) { XLALPrintError("XLALInitBarycenter failed: could not load Earth ephemeris '%s' and Sun ephemeris '%s'\n", uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EINPUT, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEINPUT); } } {/* ----- load the multi-IFO SFT-vectors ----- */ UINT4 wings = uvar->RngMedWindow/2 + 10; /* extra frequency-bins needed for rngmed */ REAL8 fMax = uvar->Freq + 1.0 * wings / Tsft; REAL8 fMin = uvar->Freq - 1.0 * wings / Tsft; LogPrintf (LOG_DEBUG, "Loading SFTs ... "); TRY ( LALLoadMultiSFTs ( status->statusPtr, &multiSFTs, catalog, fMin, fMax ), status ); LogPrintfVerbatim (LOG_DEBUG, "done.\n"); TRY ( LALDestroySFTCatalog ( status->statusPtr, &catalog ), status ); } TRY ( LALNormalizeMultiSFTVect (status->statusPtr, &multiRngmed, multiSFTs, uvar->RngMedWindow ), status); TRY ( LALComputeMultiNoiseWeights (status->statusPtr, &multiNoiseWeights, multiRngmed, uvar->RngMedWindow, 0 ), status ); /* correctly handle the --SignalOnly case: * set noise-weights to 1, and * set Sh->1 (single-sided) */ if ( uvar->SignalOnly ) { multiNoiseWeights->Sinv_Tsft = Tsft; for ( X=0; X < multiNoiseWeights->length; X ++ ) for ( i=0; i < multiNoiseWeights->data[X]->length; i ++ ) multiNoiseWeights->data[X]->data[i] = 1.0; } /* ----- handle transient-signal window if given ----- */ if ( LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->transientWindowType ) && strcmp ( uvar->transientWindowType, "none") ) { transientWindow_t transientWindow; /**< properties of transient-signal window */ MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *mTS; if ( !strcmp ( uvar->transientWindowType, "rect" ) ) transientWindow.type = TRANSIENT_RECTANGULAR; /* rectangular window [t0, t0+tau] */ else if ( !strcmp ( uvar->transientWindowType, "exp" ) ) transientWindow.type = TRANSIENT_EXPONENTIAL; /* exponential decay window e^[-(t-t0)/tau for t>t0, 0 otherwise */ else { XLALPrintError ("Illegal transient window '%s' specified: valid are 'none', 'rect' or 'exp'\n", uvar->transientWindowType); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EINPUT, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEINPUT ); } if ( LALUserVarWasSet ( &uvar->transientStartTime ) ) transientWindow.t0 = uvar->transientStartTime; else transientWindow.t0 = XLALGPSGetREAL8( &startTime ); /* if not set, default window startTime == startTime here */ transientWindow.tau = uvar->transientTauDays; if ( (mTS = XLALExtractMultiTimestampsFromSFTs ( multiSFTs )) == NULL ) { XLALPrintError ("%s: failed to XLALExtractMultiTimestampsFromSFTs() from SFTs. xlalErrno = %d.\n", fn, xlalErrno ); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EXLAL, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEXLAL ); } if ( XLALApplyTransientWindow2NoiseWeights ( multiNoiseWeights, mTS, transientWindow ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { XLALPrintError ("%s: XLALApplyTransientWindow2NoiseWeights() failed! xlalErrno = %d\n", fn, xlalErrno ); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EXLAL, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEXLAL ); } XLALDestroyMultiTimestamps ( mTS ); } /* apply transient window to noise-weights */ /* ----- obtain the (multi-IFO) 'detector-state series' for all SFTs ----- */ TRY (LALGetMultiDetectorStates( status->statusPtr, &multiDetStates, multiSFTs, edat), status ); /* normalize skyposition: correctly map into [0,2pi]x[-pi/2,pi/2] */ skypos.longitude = uvar->Alpha; skypos.latitude = uvar->Delta; skypos.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL; TRY (LALNormalizeSkyPosition ( status->statusPtr, &skypos, &skypos), status); TRY ( LALGetMultiAMCoeffs ( status->statusPtr, &multiAMcoef, multiDetStates, skypos ), status); /* noise-weighting of Antenna-patterns and compute A,B,C */ if ( XLALWeightMultiAMCoeffs ( multiAMcoef, multiNoiseWeights ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { LogPrintf (LOG_CRITICAL, "XLALWeightMultiAMCoeffs() failed with error = %d\n\n", xlalErrno ); ABORT ( status, PREDICTFSTAT_EXLAL, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEXLAL ); } /* OK: we only need the antenna-pattern matrix M_mu_nu */ cfg->Mmunu = multiAMcoef->Mmunu; /* ----- produce a log-string describing the data-specific setup ----- */ { struct tm utc; time_t tp; CHAR dateStr[512], line[512], summary[1024]; UINT4 j, numDet; numDet = multiSFTs->length; tp = time(NULL); sprintf (summary, "%%%% Date: %s", asctime( gmtime( &tp ) ) ); strcat (summary, "%% Loaded SFTs: [ " ); for ( j=0; j < numDet; j ++ ) { sprintf (line, "%s:%d%s", multiSFTs->data[j]->data->name, multiSFTs->data[j]->length, (j < numDet - 1)?", ":" ]\n"); strcat ( summary, line ); } utc = *XLALGPSToUTC( &utc, (INT4)GPS2REAL8(startTime) ); strcpy ( dateStr, asctime(&utc) ); dateStr[ strlen(dateStr) - 1 ] = 0; sprintf (line, "%%%% Start GPS time tStart = %12.3f (%s GMT)\n", GPS2REAL8(startTime), dateStr); strcat ( summary, line ); sprintf (line, "%%%% Total time spanned = %12.3f s (%.1f hours)\n", duration, duration/3600 ); strcat ( summary, line ); if ( (cfg->dataSummary = LALCalloc(1, strlen(summary) + 1 )) == NULL ) { ABORT (status, PREDICTFSTAT_EMEM, PREDICTFSTAT_MSGEMEM); } strcpy ( cfg->dataSummary, summary ); LogPrintfVerbatim( LOG_DEBUG, cfg->dataSummary ); } /* write dataSummary string */ /* free everything not needed any more */ TRY ( LALDestroyMultiPSDVector (status->statusPtr, &multiRngmed ), status ); TRY ( LALDestroyMultiNoiseWeights (status->statusPtr, &multiNoiseWeights ), status ); TRY ( LALDestroyMultiSFTVector (status->statusPtr, &multiSFTs ), status ); XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries ( multiDetStates ); XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs ( multiAMcoef ); /* Free ephemeris data */ XLALDestroyEphemerisData (edat); DETATCHSTATUSPTR (status); RETURN (status); } /* InitPFS() */
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: HrInstallNetComponent // // Purpose: Install the specified net component // // Arguments: // szComponentId [in] component to install // nc [in] class of the component // szInfFullPath [in] full path to primary INF file // required if the primary INF and other // associated files are not pre-copied to // the right destination dirs. // Not required when installing MS components // since the files are pre-copied by // Windows NT Setup. // // Returns: S_OK or NETCFG_S_REBOOT on success, otherwise an error code // // Notes: // HRESULT HrInstallNetComponent(IN PCTSTR szComponentId, IN enum NetClass nc, IN PCTSTR szInfFullPath) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; INetCfg* pnc; // cannot install net adapters this way. they have to be // enumerated/detected and installed by PnP if ((nc == NC_NetProtocol) || (nc == NC_NetService) || (nc == NC_NetClient)) { LogPrintf(_T("Trying to install '%s'...\n"), szComponentId); // if full path to INF has been specified, the INF // needs to be copied using Setup API to ensure that any other files // that the primary INF copies will be correctly found by Setup API // size_t cchPath; StringCchLength(szInfFullPath, MAX_PATH, &cchPath); if (szInfFullPath && cchPath) { TCHAR szInfNameAfterCopy[MAX_PATH+1]; if (SetupCopyOEMInf( szInfFullPath, NULL, // other files are in the // same dir. as primary INF SPOST_PATH, // first param. contains path to INF 0, // default copy style szInfNameAfterCopy, // receives the name of the INF // after it is copied to %windir%\inf MAX_PATH, // max buf. size for the above NULL, // receives required size if non-null NULL)) // optionally retrieves filename // component of szInfNameAfterCopy { LogPrintf(_T("...%s was copied to %s\n"), szInfFullPath, szInfNameAfterCopy); } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogPrintf(_T("Error on SetupCopyOEMInf, error %d"), dwError); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); } } if (S_OK == hr) { // get INetCfg interface hr = HrGetINetCfg(TRUE, &pnc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // install szComponentId LogPrintf(_T("Installing %s\n"), szComponentId); hr = HrInstallNetComponent(pnc, szComponentId, c_aguidClass[nc]); LogPrintf(_T("Installed successfully\n")); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Apply the changes LogPrintf(_T("Applying changes\n")); hr = pnc->Apply(); LogPrintf(_T("Applied successfully\n")); } // release INetCfg (void) HrReleaseINetCfg(TRUE, pnc); } } // show success/failure message ShowHrMessage(hr); } return hr; }
void CMasternode::Check(bool fForce) { LOCK(cs); if(ShutdownRequested()) return; if(!fForce && (GetTime() - nTimeLastChecked < MASTERNODE_CHECK_SECONDS)) return; nTimeLastChecked = GetTime(); LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString()); //once spent, stop doing the checks if(IsOutpointSpent()) return; int nHeight = 0; if(!fUnitTest) { TRY_LOCK(cs_main, lockMain); if(!lockMain) return; CCoins coins; if(!pcoinsTip->GetCoins(vin.prevout.hash, coins) || (unsigned int)vin.prevout.n>=coins.vout.size() || coins.vout[vin.prevout.n].IsNull()) { nActiveState = MASTERNODE_OUTPOINT_SPENT; LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Failed to find Masternode UTXO, masternode=%s\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort()); return; } nHeight = chainActive.Height(); } if(IsPoSeBanned()) { if(nHeight < nPoSeBanHeight) return; // too early? // Otherwise give it a chance to proceed further to do all the usual checks and to change its state. // Masternode still will be on the edge and can be banned back easily if it keeps ignoring mnverify // or connect attempts. Will require few mnverify messages to strengthen its position in mn list. LogPrintf("CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is unbanned and back in list now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort()); DecreasePoSeBanScore(); } else if(nPoSeBanScore >= MASTERNODE_POSE_BAN_MAX_SCORE) { nActiveState = MASTERNODE_POSE_BAN; // ban for the whole payment cycle nPoSeBanHeight = nHeight + mnodeman.size(); LogPrintf("CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is banned till block %d now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), nPoSeBanHeight); return; } int nActiveStatePrev = nActiveState; bool fOurMasternode = fMasterNode && activeMasternode.pubKeyMasternode == pubKeyMasternode; // masternode doesn't meet payment protocol requirements ... bool fRequireUpdate = nProtocolVersion < mnpayments.GetMinMasternodePaymentsProto() || // or it's our own node and we just updated it to the new protocol but we are still waiting for activation ... (fOurMasternode && nProtocolVersion < PROTOCOL_VERSION); if(fRequireUpdate) { nActiveState = MASTERNODE_UPDATE_REQUIRED; if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) { LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString()); } return; } // keep old masternodes on start, give them a chance to receive updates... bool fWaitForPing = !masternodeSync.IsMasternodeListSynced() && !IsPingedWithin(MASTERNODE_MIN_MNP_SECONDS); // // REMOVE AFTER MIGRATION TO 12.1 // // Old nodes don't send pings on dseg, so they could switch to one of the expired states // if we were offline for too long even if they are actually enabled for the rest // of the network. Postpone their check for MASTERNODE_MIN_MNP_SECONDS seconds. // This could be usefull for 12.1 migration, can be removed after it's done. static int64_t nTimeStart = GetTime(); if(nProtocolVersion < 70204) { if(!masternodeSync.IsMasternodeListSynced()) nTimeStart = GetTime(); fWaitForPing = GetTime() - nTimeStart < MASTERNODE_MIN_MNP_SECONDS; } // // END REMOVE // if(fWaitForPing && !fOurMasternode) { // ...but if it was already expired before the initial check - return right away if(IsExpired() || IsWatchdogExpired() || IsNewStartRequired()) { LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state, waiting for ping\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString()); return; } } // don't expire if we are still in "waiting for ping" mode unless it's our own masternode if(!fWaitForPing || fOurMasternode) { if(!IsPingedWithin(MASTERNODE_NEW_START_REQUIRED_SECONDS)) { nActiveState = MASTERNODE_NEW_START_REQUIRED; if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) { LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString()); } return; } bool fWatchdogActive = masternodeSync.IsSynced() && mnodeman.IsWatchdogActive(); bool fWatchdogExpired = (fWatchdogActive && ((GetTime() - nTimeLastWatchdogVote) > MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_MAX_SECONDS)); LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- outpoint=%s, nTimeLastWatchdogVote=%d, GetTime()=%d, fWatchdogExpired=%d\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), nTimeLastWatchdogVote, GetTime(), fWatchdogExpired); if(fWatchdogExpired) { nActiveState = MASTERNODE_WATCHDOG_EXPIRED; if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) { LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString()); } return; } if(!IsPingedWithin(MASTERNODE_EXPIRATION_SECONDS)) { nActiveState = MASTERNODE_EXPIRED; if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) { LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString()); } return; } } if(lastPing.sigTime - sigTime < MASTERNODE_MIN_MNP_SECONDS) { nActiveState = MASTERNODE_PRE_ENABLED; if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) { LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString()); } return; } nActiveState = MASTERNODE_ENABLED; // OK if(nActiveStatePrev != nActiveState) { LogPrint("masternode", "CMasternode::Check -- Masternode %s is in %s state now\n", vin.prevout.ToStringShort(), GetStateString()); } }
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: HrShowNetComponents // // Purpose: Display the list of installed components of the // specified class. // // Arguments: // pnc [in] pointer to INetCfg object // pguidClass [in] pointer to class GUID // // Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code // // Notes: // HRESULT HrShowNetComponents(IN INetCfg* pnc, IN const GUID* pguidClass) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; PWSTR szInfId; PWSTR szDisplayName; DWORD dwcc; INetCfgComponent* pncc; INetCfgClass* pncclass; IEnumNetCfgComponent* pencc; ULONG celtFetched; hr = pnc->QueryNetCfgClass(pguidClass, IID_INetCfgClass, (void**)&pncclass); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // get IEnumNetCfgComponent so that we can enumerate hr = pncclass->EnumComponents(&pencc); ReleaseObj(pncclass); while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (S_OK == (hr = pencc->Next(1, &pncc, &celtFetched)))) { if (pguidClass == &GUID_DEVCLASS_NET) { // we are interested only in physical netcards // hr = pncc->GetCharacteristics(&dwcc); if (FAILED(hr) || !(dwcc & NCF_PHYSICAL)) { hr = S_OK; ReleaseObj(pncc); continue; } } hr = pncc->GetId(&szInfId); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = pncc->GetDisplayName(&szDisplayName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LogPrintf(_T("%-26s %s\n"), szInfId, szDisplayName); CoTaskMemFree(szDisplayName); } CoTaskMemFree(szInfId); } // we dont want to stop enumeration just because 1 component // failed either GetId or GetDisplayName, therefore reset hr to S_OK hr = S_OK; ReleaseObj(pncc); } ReleaseObj(pencc); } if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = S_OK; } return hr; }
GLuint OsmAnd::RenderAPI_OpenGL_Common::linkProgram( GLuint shadersCount, GLuint *shaders ) { GL_CHECK_PRESENT(glCreateProgram); GL_CHECK_PRESENT(glAttachShader); GL_CHECK_PRESENT(glLinkProgram); GL_CHECK_PRESENT(glGetProgramiv); GL_CHECK_PRESENT(glGetProgramInfoLog); GL_CHECK_PRESENT(glDeleteProgram); GLuint program = 0; program = glCreateProgram(); GL_CHECK_RESULT; for(auto shaderIdx = 0u; shaderIdx < shadersCount; shaderIdx++) { glAttachShader(program, shaders[shaderIdx]); GL_CHECK_RESULT; } glLinkProgram(program); GL_CHECK_RESULT; GLint linkSuccessful; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_LINK_STATUS, &linkSuccessful); GL_CHECK_RESULT; if(linkSuccessful != GL_TRUE) { GLint logBufferLen = 0; GLsizei logLen = 0; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, &logBufferLen); GL_CHECK_RESULT; if (logBufferLen > 1) { GLchar* log = (GLchar*)malloc(logBufferLen); glGetProgramInfoLog(program, logBufferLen, &logLen, log); GL_CHECK_RESULT; assert(logLen + 1 == logBufferLen); LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Error, "Failed to link GLSL program:\n%s", log); free(log); } glDeleteProgram(program); GL_CHECK_RESULT; program = 0; return program; } // Show some info GLint attributesCount; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES, &attributesCount); GL_CHECK_RESULT; LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "GLSL program %d has %d input variable(s)", program, attributesCount); GLint uniformsCount; glGetProgramiv(program, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &uniformsCount); GL_CHECK_RESULT; LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "GLSL program %d has %d parameter variable(s)", program, uniformsCount); return program; }
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: HrGetINetCfg // // Purpose: Initialize COM, create and initialize INetCfg. // Obtain write lock if indicated. // // Arguments: // fGetWriteLock [in] whether to get write lock // ppnc [in] pointer to pointer to INetCfg object // // Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code // // Notes: // HRESULT HrGetINetCfg(IN BOOL fGetWriteLock, INetCfg** ppnc) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; // Initialize the output parameters. *ppnc = NULL; // initialize COM hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE | COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Create the object implementing INetCfg. // INetCfg* pnc; hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CNetCfg, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_INetCfg, (void**)&pnc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetCfgLock * pncLock = NULL; if (fGetWriteLock) { // Get the locking interface hr = pnc->QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgLock, (LPVOID *)&pncLock); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Attempt to lock the INetCfg for read/write static const ULONG c_cmsTimeout = 15000; static const WCHAR c_szSampleNetcfgApp[] = L"Sample Netcfg Application (netcfg.exe)"; PWSTR szLockedBy; hr = pncLock->AcquireWriteLock(c_cmsTimeout, c_szSampleNetcfgApp, &szLockedBy); if (S_FALSE == hr) { hr = NETCFG_E_NO_WRITE_LOCK; LogPrintf(_T("Could not lock INetcfg, it is already locked by '%s'"), szLockedBy); } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Initialize the INetCfg object. // hr = pnc->Initialize(NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppnc = pnc; pnc->AddRef(); } else { // initialize failed, if obtained lock, release it if (pncLock) { pncLock->ReleaseWriteLock(); } } } ReleaseObj(pncLock); ReleaseObj(pnc); } if (FAILED(hr)) { CoUninitialize(); } } return hr; }
void OsmAnd::ObfsCollection_P::collectSources() const { QWriteLocker scopedLocker1(&_collectedSourcesLock); QReadLocker scopedLocker2(&_sourcesOriginsLock); // Capture how many invalidations are going to be processed const auto invalidationsToProcess = _collectedSourcesInvalidated.loadAcquire(); if (invalidationsToProcess == 0) return; #if OSMAND_DEBUG const auto collectSources_Begin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); #endif // Check all previously collected sources auto itCollectedSourcesEntry = mutableIteratorOf(_collectedSources); while(itCollectedSourcesEntry.hasNext()) { const auto& collectedSourcesEntry = itCollectedSourcesEntry.next(); const auto& originId = collectedSourcesEntry.key(); auto& collectedSources = collectedSourcesEntry.value(); const auto& itSourceOrigin = _sourcesOrigins.constFind(originId); // If current source origin was removed, // remove entire each collected source related to it if (itSourceOrigin == _sourcesOrigins.cend()) { // Ensure that ObfFile is not being read anywhere for(const auto& itCollectedSource : rangeOf(collectedSources)) { const auto obfFile = itCollectedSource.value(); //NOTE: OBF should have been locked here, but since file is gone anyways, this lock is quite useless itCollectedSource.value().reset(); assert(obfFile.use_count() == 1); } itCollectedSourcesEntry.remove(); continue; } // Check for missing files auto itObfFileEntry = mutableIteratorOf(collectedSources); while(itObfFileEntry.hasNext()) { const auto& sourceFilename = itObfFileEntry.next().key(); if (QFile::exists(sourceFilename)) continue; const auto obfFile = itObfFileEntry.value(); //NOTE: OBF should have been locked here, but since file is gone anyways, this lock is quite useless itObfFileEntry.remove(); assert(obfFile.use_count() == 1); } // If all collected sources for current source origin are gone, // remove entire collection attached to source origin ID if (collectedSources.isEmpty()) { itCollectedSourcesEntry.remove(); continue; } } // Find all files uncollected sources for(const auto& itEntry : rangeOf(constOf(_sourcesOrigins))) { const auto& originId = itEntry.key(); const auto& entry = itEntry.value(); auto itCollectedSources = _collectedSources.find(originId); if (itCollectedSources == _collectedSources.end()) itCollectedSources = _collectedSources.insert(originId, QHash<QString, std::shared_ptr<ObfFile> >()); auto& collectedSources = *itCollectedSources; if (entry->type == SourceOriginType::Directory) { const auto& directoryAsSourceOrigin = std::static_pointer_cast<const DirectoryAsSourceOrigin>(entry); QFileInfoList obfFilesInfo; Utilities::findFiles(directoryAsSourceOrigin->directory, QStringList() << QLatin1String("*.obf"), obfFilesInfo, directoryAsSourceOrigin->isRecursive); for(const auto& obfFileInfo : constOf(obfFilesInfo)) { const auto& obfFilePath = obfFileInfo.canonicalFilePath(); if (collectedSources.constFind(obfFilePath) != collectedSources.cend()) continue; auto obfFile = new ObfFile(obfFilePath, obfFileInfo.size()); collectedSources.insert(obfFilePath, std::shared_ptr<ObfFile>(obfFile)); } if (directoryAsSourceOrigin->isRecursive) { QFileInfoList directoriesInfo; Utilities::findDirectories(directoryAsSourceOrigin->directory, QStringList() << QLatin1String("*"), directoriesInfo, true); for(const auto& directoryInfo : constOf(directoriesInfo)) { const auto canonicalPath = directoryInfo.canonicalFilePath(); if (directoryAsSourceOrigin->watchedSubdirectories.contains(canonicalPath)) continue; _fileSystemWatcher->addPath(canonicalPath); directoryAsSourceOrigin->watchedSubdirectories.insert(canonicalPath); } } } else if (entry->type == SourceOriginType::File) { const auto& fileAsSourceOrigin = std::static_pointer_cast<const FileAsSourceOrigin>(entry); if (!fileAsSourceOrigin->fileInfo.exists()) continue; const auto& obfFilePath = fileAsSourceOrigin->fileInfo.canonicalFilePath(); if (collectedSources.constFind(obfFilePath) != collectedSources.cend()) continue; auto obfFile = new ObfFile(obfFilePath, fileAsSourceOrigin->fileInfo.size()); collectedSources.insert(obfFilePath, std::shared_ptr<ObfFile>(obfFile)); } } // Decrement invalidations counter with number of processed onces _collectedSourcesInvalidated.fetchAndAddOrdered(-invalidationsToProcess); #if OSMAND_DEBUG const auto collectSources_End = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); const std::chrono::duration<float> collectSources_Elapsed = collectSources_End - collectSources_Begin; LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "Collected OBF sources in %fs", collectSources_Elapsed.count()); #endif }
int initialiseRingSigs() { if (fDebugRingSig) LogPrintf("initialiseRingSigs()\n"); if (!(ecGrp = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1))) return errorN(1, "initialiseRingSigs(): EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name failed."); if (!(bnCtx = BN_CTX_new())) return errorN(1, "initialiseRingSigs(): BN_CTX_new failed."); BN_CTX_start(bnCtx); //Create a new EC group for the keyImage with all of the characteristics of ecGrp. if(!(ecGrpKi = EC_GROUP_dup(ecGrp))){ return errorN(1, "initialiseRingSigs(): EC_GROUP_dup failed."); } // get order and cofactor bnOrder = BN_new(); if(!EC_GROUP_get_order(ecGrp, bnOrder, bnCtx)){ return errorN(1, "initialiseRingSigs(): EC_GROUP_get_order failed."); } BIGNUM *bnCofactor = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); if(!EC_GROUP_get_cofactor(ecGrp, bnCofactor, bnCtx)){ return errorN(1, "initialiseRingSigs(): EC_GROUP_get_cofactor failed."); } // get the original generator EC_POINT *ptBase = const_cast<EC_POINT*>(EC_GROUP_get0_generator(ecGrp)); //PS: never clear this point // create key image basepoint variable EC_POINT *ptBaseKi = EC_POINT_new(ecGrpKi); BIGNUM *bnBaseKi = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); // get original basepoint in BIG NUMS. EC_POINT_point2bn(ecGrp, ptBase, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, bnBaseKi, bnCtx); //create "1" in BIG NUMS BIGNUM *bnBaseKiAdd = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); std::string num_str = "1"; BN_dec2bn(&bnBaseKiAdd, num_str.c_str()); // add 1 to original base point and store in key image basepoint (BIG NUMS) BN_add(bnBaseKi, bnBaseKi, bnBaseKiAdd); // key image basepoint from bignum to point in ptBaseKi if(!EC_POINT_bn2point(ecGrp, bnBaseKi, ptBaseKi, bnCtx)) return errorN(1, "initialiseRingSigs(): EC_POINT_bn2point failed."); // set generator of ecGrpKi if(!EC_GROUP_set_generator(ecGrpKi, ptBaseKi, bnOrder, bnCofactor)){ return errorN(1, "initialiseRingSigs(): EC_GROUP_set_generator failed."); } if (fDebugRingSig) { // Debugging... const EC_POINT *generator = EC_GROUP_get0_generator(ecGrp); const EC_POINT *generatorKi = EC_GROUP_get0_generator(ecGrpKi); char *genPoint = EC_POINT_point2hex(ecGrp, generator, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED, bnCtx); char *genPointKi = EC_POINT_point2hex(ecGrpKi, generatorKi, POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED, bnCtx); LogPrintf("generator ecGrp: %s\ngenerator ecGrpKi: %s\n", genPoint, genPointKi); } EC_POINT_free(ptBaseKi); BN_CTX_end(bnCtx); return 0; };
// // Bootup the Masternode, look for a 1000DRK input and register on the network // void CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() { std::string errorMessage; if(!fMasterNode) return; if (fDebug) LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - Begin\n"); //need correct adjusted time to send ping bool fIsInitialDownload = IsInitialBlockDownload(); if(fIsInitialDownload) { status = MASTERNODE_SYNC_IN_PROCESS; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - Sync in progress. Must wait until sync is complete to start Masternode.\n"); return; } if(status == MASTERNODE_INPUT_TOO_NEW || status == MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE || status == MASTERNODE_SYNC_IN_PROCESS){ status = MASTERNODE_NOT_PROCESSED; } if(status == MASTERNODE_NOT_PROCESSED) { if(strMasterNodeAddr.empty()) { if(!GetLocal(service)) { notCapableReason = "Can't detect external address. Please use the Masternodeaddr configuration option."; status = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - not capable: %s\n", notCapableReason.c_str()); return; } } else { service = CService(strMasterNodeAddr); } LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - Checking inbound connection to '%s'\n", service.ToString().c_str()); if(Params().NetworkID() == CChainParams::MAIN){ if(service.GetPort() != 9996) { notCapableReason = "Invalid port: " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(service.GetPort()) + " - only 9996 is supported on mainnet."; status = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - not capable: %s\n", notCapableReason.c_str()); return; } } else if(service.GetPort() == 9996) { notCapableReason = "Invalid port: " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(service.GetPort()) + " - 9996 is only supported on mainnet."; status = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - not capable: %s\n", notCapableReason.c_str()); return; } if(!ConnectNode((CAddress)service, service.ToString().c_str())){ notCapableReason = "Could not connect to " + service.ToString(); status = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - not capable: %s\n", notCapableReason.c_str()); return; } if(pwalletMain->IsLocked()){ notCapableReason = "Wallet is locked."; status = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - not capable: %s\n", notCapableReason.c_str()); return; } // Set defaults status = MASTERNODE_NOT_CAPABLE; notCapableReason = "Unknown. Check debug.log for more information."; // Choose coins to use CPubKey pubKeyCollateralAddress; CKey keyCollateralAddress; if(GetMasterNodeVin(vin, pubKeyCollateralAddress, keyCollateralAddress)) { if(GetInputAge(vin) < MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS){ notCapableReason = "Input must have least " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(MASTERNODE_MIN_CONFIRMATIONS) + " confirmations - " + boost::lexical_cast<string>(GetInputAge(vin)) + " confirmations"; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - %s\n", notCapableReason.c_str()); status = MASTERNODE_INPUT_TOO_NEW; return; } LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - Is capable master node!\n"); status = MASTERNODE_IS_CAPABLE; notCapableReason = ""; pwalletMain->LockCoin(vin.prevout); // send to all nodes CPubKey pubKeyMasternode; CKey keyMasternode; if(!darkSendSigner.SetKey(strMasterNodePrivKey, errorMessage, keyMasternode, pubKeyMasternode)) { LogPrintf("Register::ManageStatus() - Error upon calling SetKey: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str()); return; } /* donations are not supported in dash.conf */ CScript donationAddress = CScript(); int donationPercentage = 0; if(!Register(vin, service, keyCollateralAddress, pubKeyCollateralAddress, keyMasternode, pubKeyMasternode, donationAddress, donationPercentage, errorMessage)) { LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - Error on Register: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str()); } return; } else { notCapableReason = "Could not find suitable coins!"; LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - %s\n", notCapableReason.c_str()); } } //send to all peers if(!Dseep(errorMessage)) { LogPrintf("CActiveMasternode::ManageStatus() - Error on Ping: %s\n", errorMessage.c_str()); } }
int verifyRingSignature(data_chunk &keyImage, uint256 &txnHash, int nRingSize, const uint8_t *pPubkeys, const uint8_t *pSigc, const uint8_t *pSigr) { if (fDebugRingSig) { // LogPrintf("%s size %d\n", __func__, nRingSize); // happens often }; int rv = 0; BN_CTX_start(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnT = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnH = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnC = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnR = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); BIGNUM *bnSum = BN_CTX_get(bnCtx); EC_POINT *ptT1 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT2 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptT3 = NULL; EC_POINT *ptPk = NULL; EC_POINT *ptKi = NULL; EC_POINT *ptL = NULL; EC_POINT *ptR = NULL; EC_POINT *ptSi = NULL; uint8_t tempData[66]; // hold raw point data to hash uint256 commitHash; CHashWriter ssCommitHash(SER_GETHASH, PROTOCOL_VERSION); ssCommitHash << txnHash; // zero sum if (!bnSum || !(BN_zero(bnSum))) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_zero failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if ( !(ptT1 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT2 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptT3 = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptPk = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptKi = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptL = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptSi = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp)) || !(ptR = EC_POINT_new(ecGrp))) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_new failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // get keyimage as point if (!(bnT = BN_bin2bn(&keyImage[0], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT)) || !(ptKi) || !(ptKi = EC_POINT_bn2point(ecGrp, bnT, ptKi, bnCtx))) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptKi failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; for (int i = 0; i < nRingSize; ++i) { // Li = ci * Pi + ri * G // Ri = ci * I + ri * Hp(Pi) if ( !bnC || !(bnC = BN_bin2bn(&pSigc[i * EC_SECRET_SIZE], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnC)) || !bnR || !(bnR = BN_bin2bn(&pSigr[i * EC_SECRET_SIZE], EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnR))) { LogPrintf("%s: extract bnC and bnR failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // get Pk i as point if (!(bnT = BN_bin2bn(&pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT)) || !(ptPk) || !(ptPk = EC_POINT_bn2point(ecGrp, bnT, ptPk, bnCtx))) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptPk failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT1 = ci * Pi if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT1, NULL, ptPk, bnC, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT2 = ri * G if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT2, bnR, NULL, NULL, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptL = ptT1 + ptT2 if (!EC_POINT_add(ecGrp, ptL, ptT1, ptT2, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_add failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT3 = Hp(Pi) if (hashToEC(&pPubkeys[i * EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE], EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, bnT, ptT3) != 0) { LogPrintf("%s: hashToEC failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // DEBUGGING: ------- check if we can find the signer... // ptSi = Pi * bnT if ((!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptSi, NULL, ptPk, bnT, bnCtx) || false) && (rv = errorN(1, "%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.1", __func__))) goto End; if (0 == EC_POINT_cmp(ecGrp, ptSi, ptKi, bnCtx) ) LogPrintf("signer is index %d\n", i); // DEBUGGING: - End - check if we can find the signer... // ptT1 = k1 * I if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT1, NULL, ptKi, bnC, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptT2 = k2 * ptT3 if (!EC_POINT_mul(ecGrp, ptT2, NULL, ptT3, bnR, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_mul failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // ptR = ptT1 + ptT2 if (!EC_POINT_add(ecGrp, ptR, ptT1, ptT2, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: EC_POINT_add failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // sum = (sum + ci) % N if (!BN_mod_add(bnSum, bnSum, bnC, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod_add failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // -- add ptL and ptR to hash if ( !(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptL, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[0], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE) || !(EC_POINT_point2oct(ecGrp, ptR, POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED, &tempData[33], 33, bnCtx) == (int) EC_COMPRESSED_SIZE)) { LogPrintf("%s: extract ptL and ptR failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; ssCommitHash.write((const char*)&tempData[0], 66); }; commitHash = ssCommitHash.GetHash(); if (!(bnH) || !(bnH = BN_bin2bn(commitHash.begin(), EC_SECRET_SIZE, bnH))) { LogPrintf("%s: commitHash -> bnH failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; if (!BN_mod(bnH, bnH, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // bnT = (bnH - bnSum) % N if (!BN_mod_sub(bnT, bnH, bnSum, bnOrder, bnCtx)) { LogPrintf("%s: BN_mod_sub failed.\n", __func__); rv = 1; goto End; }; // test bnT == 0 (bnSum == bnH) if (!BN_is_zero(bnT)) { LogPrintf("%s: signature does not verify.\n", __func__); rv = 2; }; End: EC_POINT_free(ptT1); EC_POINT_free(ptT2); EC_POINT_free(ptT3); EC_POINT_free(ptPk); EC_POINT_free(ptKi); EC_POINT_free(ptL); EC_POINT_free(ptR); EC_POINT_free(ptSi); BN_CTX_end(bnCtx); return rv; };
std::unique_ptr<CBlockTemplate> BlockAssembler::CreateNewBlock(const CScript& scriptPubKeyIn, bool fMineWitnessTx) { int64_t nTimeStart = GetTimeMicros(); resetBlock(); pblocktemplate.reset(new CBlockTemplate()); if(!pblocktemplate.get()) return nullptr; pblock = &pblocktemplate->block; // pointer for convenience // Add dummy coinbase tx as first transaction pblock->vtx.emplace_back(); pblocktemplate->vTxFees.push_back(-1); // updated at end pblocktemplate->vTxSigOpsCost.push_back(-1); // updated at end LOCK2(cs_main, mempool.cs); CBlockIndex* pindexPrev = chainActive.Tip(); assert(pindexPrev != nullptr); nHeight = pindexPrev->nHeight + 1; pblock->nVersion = ComputeBlockVersion(pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus()); // -regtest only: allow overriding block.nVersion with // -blockversion=N to test forking scenarios if (chainparams.MineBlocksOnDemand()) pblock->nVersion = gArgs.GetArg("-blockversion", pblock->nVersion); pblock->nTime = GetAdjustedTime(); const int64_t nMedianTimePast = pindexPrev->GetMedianTimePast(); nLockTimeCutoff = (STANDARD_LOCKTIME_VERIFY_FLAGS & LOCKTIME_MEDIAN_TIME_PAST) ? nMedianTimePast : pblock->GetBlockTime(); // Decide whether to include witness transactions // This is only needed in case the witness softfork activation is reverted // (which would require a very deep reorganization) or when // -promiscuousmempoolflags is used. // TODO: replace this with a call to main to assess validity of a mempool // transaction (which in most cases can be a no-op). fIncludeWitness = IsWitnessEnabled(pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus()) && fMineWitnessTx; int nPackagesSelected = 0; int nDescendantsUpdated = 0; addPackageTxs(nPackagesSelected, nDescendantsUpdated); int64_t nTime1 = GetTimeMicros(); nLastBlockTx = nBlockTx; nLastBlockWeight = nBlockWeight; // Create coinbase transaction. CMutableTransaction coinbaseTx; coinbaseTx.vin.resize(1); coinbaseTx.vin[0].prevout.SetNull(); coinbaseTx.vout.resize(1); coinbaseTx.vout[0].scriptPubKey = scriptPubKeyIn; coinbaseTx.vout[0].nValue = nFees + GetBlockSubsidy(nHeight, chainparams.GetConsensus()); coinbaseTx.vin[0].scriptSig = CScript() << nHeight << OP_0; pblock->vtx[0] = MakeTransactionRef(std::move(coinbaseTx)); pblocktemplate->vchCoinbaseCommitment = GenerateCoinbaseCommitment(*pblock, pindexPrev, chainparams.GetConsensus()); pblocktemplate->vTxFees[0] = -nFees; LogPrintf("CreateNewBlock(): block weight: %u txs: %u fees: %ld sigops %d\n", GetBlockWeight(*pblock), nBlockTx, nFees, nBlockSigOpsCost); // Fill in header pblock->hashPrevBlock = pindexPrev->GetBlockHash(); UpdateTime(pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus(), pindexPrev); pblock->nBits = GetNextWorkRequired(pindexPrev, pblock, chainparams.GetConsensus()); pblock->nNonce = 0; pblocktemplate->vTxSigOpsCost[0] = WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR * GetLegacySigOpCount(*pblock->vtx[0]); CValidationState state; if (!TestBlockValidity(state, chainparams, *pblock, pindexPrev, false, false)) { throw std::runtime_error(strprintf("%s: TestBlockValidity failed: %s", __func__, FormatStateMessage(state))); } int64_t nTime2 = GetTimeMicros(); LogPrint(BCLog::BENCH, "CreateNewBlock() packages: %.2fms (%d packages, %d updated descendants), validity: %.2fms (total %.2fms)\n", 0.001 * (nTime1 - nTimeStart), nPackagesSelected, nDescendantsUpdated, 0.001 * (nTime2 - nTime1), 0.001 * (nTime2 - nTimeStart)); return std::move(pblocktemplate); }
bool OsmAnd::BinaryMapDataProvider_P::obtainData( const TileId tileId, const ZoomLevel zoom, std::shared_ptr<MapTiledData>& outTiledData, BinaryMapDataProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData* const metric_, const IQueryController* const queryController) { #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS BinaryMapDataProvider_Metrics::Metric_obtainData localMetric; const auto metric = metric_ ? metric_ : &localMetric; #else const auto metric = metric_; #endif std::shared_ptr<TileEntry> tileEntry; for (;;) { // Try to obtain previous instance of tile _tileReferences.obtainOrAllocateEntry(tileEntry, tileId, zoom, [] (const TiledEntriesCollection<TileEntry>& collection, const TileId tileId, const ZoomLevel zoom) -> TileEntry* { return new TileEntry(collection, tileId, zoom); }); // If state is "Undefined", change it to "Loading" and proceed with loading if (tileEntry->setStateIf(TileState::Undefined, TileState::Loading)) break; // In case tile entry is being loaded, wait until it will finish loading if (tileEntry->getState() == TileState::Loading) { QReadLocker scopedLcoker(&tileEntry->_loadedConditionLock); // If tile is in 'Loading' state, wait until it will become 'Loaded' while (tileEntry->getState() != TileState::Loaded) REPEAT_UNTIL(tileEntry->_loadedCondition.wait(&tileEntry->_loadedConditionLock)); } // Try to lock tile reference outTiledData = tileEntry->_tile.lock(); // If successfully locked, just return it if (outTiledData) return true; // Otherwise consider this tile entry as expired, remove it from collection (it's safe to do that right now) // This will enable creation of new entry on next loop cycle _tileReferences.removeEntry(tileId, zoom); tileEntry.reset(); } const Stopwatch totalTimeStopwatch( #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS true #else metric != nullptr #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS ); // Obtain OBF data interface const Stopwatch obtainObfInterfaceStopwatch(metric != nullptr); const auto& dataInterface = owner->obfsCollection->obtainDataInterface(); if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForObtainingObfInterface += obtainObfInterfaceStopwatch.elapsed(); // Get bounding box that covers this tile const auto tileBBox31 = Utilities::tileBoundingBox31(tileId, zoom); // Perform read-out const Stopwatch totalReadTimeStopwatch(metric != nullptr); QList< std::shared_ptr< const ObfMapSectionReader::DataBlock > > referencedMapDataBlocks; QList< std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> > referencedMapObjects; QList< proper::shared_future< std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> > > futureReferencedMapObjects; QList< std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> > loadedMapObjects; QSet< uint64_t > loadedSharedMapObjects; auto tileFoundation = MapFoundationType::Undefined; dataInterface->loadMapObjects( &loadedMapObjects, &tileFoundation, zoom, &tileBBox31, [this, zoom, &referencedMapObjects, &futureReferencedMapObjects, &loadedSharedMapObjects, tileBBox31, metric] (const std::shared_ptr<const ObfMapSectionInfo>& section, const uint64_t id, const AreaI& bbox, const ZoomLevel firstZoomLevel, const ZoomLevel lastZoomLevel) -> bool { const Stopwatch objectsFilteringStopwatch(metric != nullptr); // This map object may be shared only in case it crosses bounds of a tile const auto canNotBeShared = tileBBox31.contains(bbox); // If map object can not be shared, just read it if (canNotBeShared) { if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForObjectsFiltering += objectsFilteringStopwatch.elapsed(); return true; } // Otherwise, this map object can be shared, so it should be checked for // being present in shared mapObjects storage, or be reserved there std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> sharedMapObjectReference; proper::shared_future< std::shared_ptr<const Model::BinaryMapObject> > futureSharedMapObjectReference; if (_sharedMapObjects.obtainReferenceOrFutureReferenceOrMakePromise(id, zoom, Utilities::enumerateZoomLevels(firstZoomLevel, lastZoomLevel), sharedMapObjectReference, futureSharedMapObjectReference)) { if (sharedMapObjectReference) { // If map object is already in shared objects cache and is available, use that one referencedMapObjects.push_back(qMove(sharedMapObjectReference)); } else { futureReferencedMapObjects.push_back(qMove(futureSharedMapObjectReference)); } if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForObjectsFiltering += objectsFilteringStopwatch.elapsed(); return false; } // This map object was reserved, and is going to be shared, but needs to be loaded loadedSharedMapObjects.insert(id); return true; }, _dataBlocksCache.get(), &referencedMapDataBlocks, nullptr,// query controller metric ? &metric->loadMapObjectsMetric : nullptr); // Process loaded-and-shared map objects for (auto& mapObject : loadedMapObjects) { // Check if this map object is shared if (!loadedSharedMapObjects.contains(mapObject->id)) continue; // Add unique map object under lock to all zoom levels, for which this map object is valid assert(mapObject->level); _sharedMapObjects.fulfilPromiseAndReference( mapObject->id, Utilities::enumerateZoomLevels(mapObject->level->minZoom, mapObject->level->maxZoom), mapObject); } for (auto& futureMapObject : futureReferencedMapObjects) { auto mapObject = futureMapObject.get(); referencedMapObjects.push_back(qMove(mapObject)); } if (metric) metric->elapsedTimeForRead += totalReadTimeStopwatch.elapsed(); // Prepare data for the tile const auto sharedMapObjectsCount = referencedMapObjects.size() + loadedSharedMapObjects.size(); const auto allMapObjects = loadedMapObjects + referencedMapObjects; // Create tile const std::shared_ptr<BinaryMapDataTile> newTile(new BinaryMapDataTile( _dataBlocksCache, referencedMapDataBlocks, tileFoundation, allMapObjects, tileId, zoom)); newTile->_p->_weakLink = _link->getWeak(); newTile->_p->_refEntry = tileEntry; // Publish new tile outTiledData = newTile; // Store weak reference to new tile and mark it as 'Loaded' tileEntry->_tile = newTile; tileEntry->setState(TileState::Loaded); // Notify that tile has been loaded { QWriteLocker scopedLcoker(&tileEntry->_loadedConditionLock); tileEntry->_loadedCondition.wakeAll(); } if (metric) { metric->elapsedTime += totalTimeStopwatch.elapsed(); metric->objectsCount += allMapObjects.size(); metric->uniqueObjectsCount += allMapObjects.size() - sharedMapObjectsCount; metric->sharedObjectsCount += sharedMapObjectsCount; } #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS #if OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%d map objects (%d unique, %d shared) read from %dx%d@%d in %fs", allMapObjects.size(), allMapObjects.size() - sharedMapObjectsCount, sharedMapObjectsCount, tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalTimeStopwatch.elapsed()); #else LogPrintf(LogSeverityLevel::Info, "%d map objects (%d unique, %d shared) read from %dx%d@%d in %fs:\n%s", allMapObjects.size(), allMapObjects.size() - sharedMapObjectsCount, sharedMapObjectsCount, tileId.x, tileId.y, zoom, totalTimeStopwatch.elapsed(), qPrintable(metric ? metric->toString(QLatin1String("\t - ")) : QLatin1String("(null)"))); #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS <= 1 #endif // OSMAND_PERFORMANCE_METRICS return true; }
void PrintLockContention(const char* pszName, const char* pszFile, int nLine) { LogPrintf("LOCKCONTENTION: %s\n", pszName); LogPrintf("Locker: %s:%d\n", pszFile, nLine); }
/** HTTP request callback */ static void http_request_cb(struct evhttp_request* req, void* arg) { // Disable reading to work around a libevent bug, fixed in 2.2.0. if (event_get_version_number() >= 0x02010600 && event_get_version_number() < 0x02020001) { evhttp_connection* conn = evhttp_request_get_connection(req); if (conn) { bufferevent* bev = evhttp_connection_get_bufferevent(conn); if (bev) { bufferevent_disable(bev, EV_READ); } } } std::unique_ptr<HTTPRequest> hreq(new HTTPRequest(req)); // Early address-based allow check if (!ClientAllowed(hreq->GetPeer())) { LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "HTTP request from %s rejected: Client network is not allowed RPC access\n", hreq->GetPeer().ToString()); hreq->WriteReply(HTTP_FORBIDDEN); return; } // Early reject unknown HTTP methods if (hreq->GetRequestMethod() == HTTPRequest::UNKNOWN) { LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "HTTP request from %s rejected: Unknown HTTP request method\n", hreq->GetPeer().ToString()); hreq->WriteReply(HTTP_BADMETHOD); return; } LogPrint(BCLog::HTTP, "Received a %s request for %s from %s\n", RequestMethodString(hreq->GetRequestMethod()), SanitizeString(hreq->GetURI(), SAFE_CHARS_URI).substr(0, 100), hreq->GetPeer().ToString()); // Find registered handler for prefix std::string strURI = hreq->GetURI(); std::string path; std::vector<HTTPPathHandler>::const_iterator i = pathHandlers.begin(); std::vector<HTTPPathHandler>::const_iterator iend = pathHandlers.end(); for (; i != iend; ++i) { bool match = false; if (i->exactMatch) match = (strURI == i->prefix); else match = (strURI.substr(0, i->prefix.size()) == i->prefix); if (match) { path = strURI.substr(i->prefix.size()); break; } } // Dispatch to worker thread if (i != iend) { std::unique_ptr<HTTPWorkItem> item(new HTTPWorkItem(std::move(hreq), path, i->handler)); assert(workQueue); if (workQueue->Enqueue(item.get())) item.release(); /* if true, queue took ownership */ else { LogPrintf("WARNING: request rejected because http work queue depth exceeded, it can be increased with the -rpcworkqueue= setting\n"); item->req->WriteReply(HTTP_INTERNAL, "Work queue depth exceeded"); } } else { hreq->WriteReply(HTTP_NOTFOUND); } }
WalletModel::SendCoinsReturn WalletModel::sendCoins(const QList<SendCoinsRecipient> &recipients, const CCoinControl *coinControl) { qint64 total = 0; QSet<QString> setAddress; QString hex; if(recipients.empty()) { return OK; } // Pre-check input data for validity foreach(const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp, recipients) { if(!validateAddress(rcp.address)) { return InvalidAddress; } setAddress.insert(rcp.address); if(rcp.amount <= 0) { return InvalidAmount; } total += rcp.amount; } if(recipients.size() > setAddress.size()) { return DuplicateAddress; } int64_t nBalance = 0; std::vector<COutput> vCoins; wallet->AvailableCoins(vCoins, true, coinControl,false); for (auto const& out : vCoins) nBalance += out.tx->vout[out.i].nValue; if(total > nBalance) { return AmountExceedsBalance; } if((total + nTransactionFee) > nBalance) { return SendCoinsReturn(AmountWithFeeExceedsBalance, nTransactionFee); } std::string txid = ""; std::string messages = ""; std::string hashBoinc = ""; { LOCK2(cs_main, wallet->cs_wallet); // Sendmany std::vector<std::pair<CScript, int64_t> > vecSend; foreach(const SendCoinsRecipient &rcp, recipients) { CScript scriptPubKey; scriptPubKey.SetDestination(CBitcoinAddress(rcp.address.toStdString()).Get()); vecSend.push_back(make_pair(scriptPubKey, rcp.amount)); std::string smessage = MakeSafeMessage(FromQStringW(rcp.Message)); messages += "<MESSAGE>" + smessage + "</MESSAGE>"; } CWalletTx wtx; CReserveKey keyChange(wallet); int64_t nFeeRequired = 0; if (!msAttachmentGuid.empty()) { LogPrintf("Adding attachment to tx %s",wtx.hashBoinc); wtx.hashBoinc += "<ATTACHMENT><TXID>" + wtx.GetHash().ToString() + "</TXID><ATTACHMENTGUID>" + msAttachmentGuid + "</ATTACHMENTGUID></ATTACHMENT>"; } wtx.hashBoinc += messages; bool fCreated = wallet->CreateTransaction(vecSend, wtx, keyChange, nFeeRequired, coinControl); if(!fCreated) { if((total + nFeeRequired) > nBalance) // FIXME: could cause collisions in the future { return SendCoinsReturn(AmountWithFeeExceedsBalance, nFeeRequired); } return TransactionCreationFailed; } std::string samt = FormatMoney(wtx.vout[0].nValue); if(!uiInterface.ThreadSafeAskFee(nFeeRequired, tr("Sending...").toStdString())) { return Aborted; } if(!wallet->CommitTransaction(wtx, keyChange)) { return TransactionCommitFailed; } hex = QString::fromStdString(wtx.GetHash().GetHex()); txid = wtx.GetHash().GetHex(); hashBoinc = wtx.hashBoinc; }