Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Builds a translation matrix. All other elements in 
 * the matrix will be set to zero except for the
 * diagonal which is set to 1.0
void matrix_4x4_translate(math_matrix_4x4 *out, float x,
      float y, float z)
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 3) = x;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 3) = y;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 3) = z;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void matrix_4x4_copy(math_matrix_4x4 *dst, const math_matrix_4x4 *src)
   unsigned i, j;

   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      MAT_ELEM_4X4(*dst, i, j) = MAT_ELEM_4X4(*src, i, j);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void matrix_4x4_scale(math_matrix_4x4 *out, float x, float y,
      float z)
   memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 0) = x;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 1) = y;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 2) = z;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 3) = 1.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * Sets out to the transposed matrix of in
void matrix_4x4_transpose(math_matrix_4x4 *out, const math_matrix_4x4 *in)
   unsigned i, j;
   math_matrix_4x4 mat;

   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
         MAT_ELEM_4X4(mat, j, i) = MAT_ELEM_4X4(*in, i, j);

   *out = mat;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * Builds a rotation matrix using the 
 * rotation around the Z-axis.
void matrix_4x4_rotate_z(math_matrix_4x4 *mat, float rad)
   float cosine = cosf(rad);
   float sine   = sinf(rad);


   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 0) = cosine;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 1) = cosine;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 1) = -sine;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 0) = sine;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * Creates a perspective projection matrix.
void matrix_4x4_projection(math_matrix_4x4 *out, float znear,
      float zfar)
   float delta_z = zfar - znear;

   memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 0) = znear;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 1) = zfar;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 2) = (zfar + znear) / delta_z;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 3) = -2.0f * zfar * znear / delta_z;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 2) = -1.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * Creates a perspective projection matrix.
void matrix_4x4_projection(math_matrix_4x4 *out, 
      float y_fov,
      float aspect,
      float znear,
      float zfar)
   float const a = 1.f / tan(y_fov / 2.f);
   float delta_z = zfar - znear;

   memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 0) = a / aspect;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 1) = a;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 2) = -((zfar + znear) / delta_z);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 3) = -1.f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 2) = -((2.f * zfar * znear) / delta_z);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * Sets mat to an identity matrix
void matrix_4x4_identity(math_matrix_4x4 *mat)
   unsigned i;

   memset(mat, 0, sizeof(*mat));
   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
      MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, i, i) = 1.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * Multiplies a with b, stores the result in out
void matrix_4x4_multiply(
      math_matrix_4x4 *out,
      const math_matrix_4x4 *a,
      const math_matrix_4x4 *b)
   unsigned r, c, k;
   math_matrix_4x4 mat;

   for (r = 0; r < 4; r++)
      for (c = 0; c < 4; c++)
         float dot = 0.0f;
         for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
            dot += MAT_ELEM_4X4(*a, r, k) * MAT_ELEM_4X4(*b, k, c);
         MAT_ELEM_4X4(mat, r, c) = dot;

   *out = mat;
Ejemplo n.º 10
/* TODO/FIXME - finish */
void matrix_4x4_lookat(math_matrix_4x4 *out,
      vec3_t eye,
      vec3_t center,
      vec3_t up)
   vec3_t s, t, f;

   vec3_copy(&f[0], center);
   vec3_subtract(&f[0], eye);

   vec3_cross(&s[0], &f[0], up);

   vec3_cross(&t[0], &s[0], f);

   memset(out, 0, sizeof(*out));

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 0) = s[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 1) = t[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 2) = -f[0];

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 0) = s[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 1) = t[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 2) = -f[1];

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 0) = s[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 1) = t[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 2) = -f[2];

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 3) = 1.f;

#if 0
   mat4x4_translate_in_place(m, -eye[0], -eye[1], -eye[2]);

Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Creates an orthographic projection matrix.
void matrix_4x4_ortho(math_matrix_4x4 *mat,
      float left, float right,
      float bottom, float top,
      float znear, float zfar)
   float rl = right - left;
   float tb = top   - bottom;
   float fn = zfar  - znear;


   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 0) =  2.0f / rl;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 1) =  2.0f / tb;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 2, 2) = -2.0f / fn;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 3) = -(left + right)  / rl;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 3) = -(top  + bottom) / tb;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 2, 3) = -(zfar + znear)  / fn;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Creates an orthographic projection matrix.
void matrix_4x4_ortho(math_matrix_4x4 *mat,
      float left, float right,
      float bottom, float top,
      float znear, float zfar)
   float tx, ty, tz;


   tx = -(right + left) / (right - left);
   ty = -(top + bottom) / (top - bottom);
   tz = -(zfar + znear) / (zfar - znear);

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 0) =  2.0f / (right - left);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 1) =  2.0f / (top - bottom);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 2, 2) = -2.0f / (zfar - znear);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 3) = tx;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 3) = ty;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 2, 3) = tz;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * Builds a rotation matrix using the 
 * rotation around the Y-axis.
void matrix_4x4_rotate_y(math_matrix_4x4 *mat, float rad)
   float cosine             = cosf(rad);
   float sine               = sinf(rad);

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 0) = cosine;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 1) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 2) = -sine;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 0, 3) = 0.0f;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 0) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 1) = 1.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 2) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 1, 3) = 0.0f;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 2, 0) = sine;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 2, 1) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 2, 2) = cosine;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 2, 3) = 0.0f;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 3, 0) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 3, 1) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 3, 2) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*mat, 3, 3) = 1.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 14
void matrix_4x4_lookat(math_matrix_4x4 *out,
      vec3_t eye,
      vec3_t center,
      vec3_t up)
   vec3_t zaxis;   /* the "forward" vector */
   vec3_t xaxis;   /* the "right"   vector */
   vec3_t yaxis;   /* the "up"      vector */

   vec3_copy(&zaxis[0], center);
   vec3_subtract(&zaxis[0], eye);

   vec3_cross(&xaxis[0], &zaxis[0], up);
   vec3_cross(&yaxis[0], &xaxis[0], zaxis);

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 0) = xaxis[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 1) = yaxis[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 2) = -zaxis[0];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 3) = 0.0;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 0) = xaxis[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 1) = yaxis[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 2) = -zaxis[1];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 3) = 0.0f;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 0) = xaxis[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 1) = yaxis[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 2) = -zaxis[2];
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 3) = 0.0f;

   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 0) = -(xaxis[0] * eye[0] + xaxis[1] * eye[1] + xaxis[2] * eye[2]);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 1) = -(yaxis[0] * eye[0] + yaxis[1] * eye[1] + yaxis[2] * eye[2]);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 2) = -(zaxis[0] * eye[0] + zaxis[1] * eye[1] + zaxis[2] * eye[2]);
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 3) = 1.f;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 * Builds a translation matrix. All other elements in 
 * the matrix will be set to zero except for the
 * diagonal which is set to 1.0
void matrix_4x4_translate(math_matrix_4x4 *out, float x,
      float y, float z)
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 0) = 1.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 1) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 2) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 0, 3) = x;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 0) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 1) = 1.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 2) = 1.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 1, 3) = y;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 0) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 1) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 2) = 1.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 2, 3) = z;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 0) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 1) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 2) = 0.0f;
   MAT_ELEM_4X4(*out, 3, 3) = 1.0f;