Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	fprintf(stderr, "gd was not compiled with HAVE_LIBTTF defined.\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Install the FreeType library, including the\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "header files. Then edit the gd Makefile, type\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "make clean, and type make again.\n");
	return 1;
	gdImagePtr im;
	int black;
	int white;
	int brect[8];
	int x, y;
	char *err;

#ifdef JISX0208
	char *s = "Hello. こんにちは Qyjpqg,"; /* String to draw. */
	char *s = "Hello. Qyjpqg,"; /* String to draw. */
	double sz = 40.;
	double angle = DEG2RAD(-90);
#ifdef JISX0208
	char *f = "/usr/openwin/lib/locale/ja/X11/fonts/TT/HG-MinchoL.ttf"; /* UNICODE */
	/* char *f = "/usr/local/lib/fonts/truetype/DynaFont/dfpop1.ttf"; */ /* SJIS */
	char *f = "/usr/local/lib/fonts/truetype/misc/times.ttf"; /* TrueType font */
	/* obtain brect so that we can size the image */
	err = gdImageStringTTF((gdImagePtr)NULL,&brect[0],0,f,sz,angle,0,0,s);
	if (err) {fprintf(stderr,err); return 1;}

	/* create an image just big enough for the string */
	x = MAXX(brect) - MINX(brect) + 6;
	y = MAXY(brect) - MINY(brect) + 6;
	im = gdImageCreate(x,y);

	/* Background color (first allocated) */
	white = gdImageColorResolve(im, 255, 255, 255);
	black = gdImageColorResolve(im, 0, 0, 0);

	/* render the string, offset origin to center string*/
	x = 0 - MINX(brect) + 3;
	y = 0 - MINY(brect) + 3;
	err = gdImageStringTTF(im,&brect[0],black,f,sz,angle,x,y,s);
	if (err) {fprintf(stderr,err); return 1;}

	/* Write img to stdout */
	gdImagePng(im, stdout);

	/* Destroy it */

	return 0;
#endif /* HAVE_TTF */
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool KDTree::rayintersectsbox(FSBoundingBox *box)
double pmin, pmax, tmin, tmax;
double dtemp;

//  Get the parametric distance along each direction from the min point to
//  the min and max box planes.  If the min dist is grater than the max
//  dist, we have to swap them.  Keep a running total of the max min and the
//  min max.  The ray intersects the box iff tmin <= tmax and tmax >= 0.0.
//  Otherwise, the ray misses the box or points away from the box (with the
//  starting point outside).

  tmin = (box->xmin - rayxstart)/dx;
  tmax = (box->xmax - rayxstart)/dx;
  if ( tmin > tmax ) {
  dtemp = tmin; tmin = tmax; tmax = dtemp;
  pmin = (box->ymin - rayystart)/dy;
  pmax = (box->ymax - rayystart)/dy;
  if ( pmin > pmax ) {
  dtemp = pmin; pmin = pmax; pmax = dtemp;
  tmin = MAXX(pmin,tmin);
  tmax = MINN(pmax,tmax);

  if ( tmin > tmax ) return false;
  pmin = (box->zmin - rayzstart)/dz;
  pmax = (box->zmax - rayzstart)/dz;
  if ( pmin > pmax ) {
  dtemp = pmin; pmin = pmax; pmax = dtemp;
  tmin = MAXX(pmin,tmin);
  tmax = MINN(pmax,tmax);
  if ( (tmax < 0.0) || (tmin > tmax) ) return false;
  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int InsidePolygon(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, int N, GLfloat* polygon)
	int counter = 0;
	int i;
	GLfloat xinters;
	//Point p1,p2;
	GLfloat x1, y1, x2, y2;
	x1 = polygon[0];
	y1 = polygon[1];
	for (i=1;i<=N;i++) {
		x2 = polygon[2*(i % N)];
		y2 = polygon[2*(i % N)+1];
		if (y > MINN(y1,y2)) {
			if (y <= MAXX(y1,y2)) {
				if (x <= MAXX(x1,x2)) {
					if ( fabs(y1 - y2) > 1e-8 ) {
						xinters = (y-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1)+x1;
						if ( fabs(x1 - x2)<1e-8 || x <= xinters)
		x1 = x2;
		y1 = y2;
	return (counter %2 != 0);
	if (counter % 2 == 0)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * FTP LOGIN function.  Issues a "USER <username> and then "PASS <password>"
 * to login to the remote host and checks that command succeeded.
int ftp_login(int sock, char *username, char *password)
    char *recvbuf;
    char *sendbuf;
    char *header;

    header = read_sock(sock);
    printf("\tserver runs:\t%s", header);
    sendbuf = Malloc((MAXX(strlen(username), strlen(password)) + 7) * 

    sprintf(sendbuf, "USER %s\n", username);
    write_sock(sock, sendbuf);
    recvbuf = read_sock(sock);

    if(atoi(recvbuf) != 331)
	return 0;

    sprintf(sendbuf, "PASS %s\n", password);
    write_sock(sock, sendbuf);
    recvbuf = read_sock(sock);

    if(atoi(recvbuf) != 230)
	return 0;
    return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 5
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	gdImagePtr im;
	int blue;
	int blueAlpha;
	int white;
	int brect[8];
	int x, y, sx, sy;
	char *err;
	FILE *out;
#ifdef JISX0208
	char *s = "Hello. ‚±‚ñ‚É‚¿‚Í Qyjpqg,";	/* String to draw. */
	char *s = "Hello. �ん��� Qyjpqg,";	/* String to draw. */

	double sz = 40.;

#if 0
	double angle = 0.;
	double angle = DEG2RAD (90);
	char *f;
	if (argc == 2) {
		f = argv[1];
	} else {
		/* 2.02: usage message. Defaulting to Times wasn't working well for the
		   many people with no /usr/share/fonts/truetype. */
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: gdtestft fontfilename\n"
			 "If fontfilename is not a full or relative path, GDFONTPATH is searched for\n"
		         "it. If GDFONTPATH is not set, /usr/share/fonts/truetype is searched.\n");
		return 1;
	/* obtain brect so that we can size the image */
	err =
	    gdImageStringFT ((gdImagePtr) NULL, &brect[0], 0, f, sz, angle, 0, 0, s);
	if (err) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err);
		return 1;

	/* create an image just big enough for the string (x3) */
	sx = MAXX (brect) - MINX (brect) + 6;
	sy = MAXY (brect) - MINY (brect) + 6;
#if 0
	/* Would be palette color 8-bit (which of course is still allowed,
	   but not impressive when used with a JPEG background and antialiasing
	   and alpha channel and so on!) */
	im = gdImageCreate (sx * 3, sy);
	/* gd 2.0: true color images can use freetype too,
	   and they can do antialiasing against arbitrary
	   complex backgrounds. */
	im = gdImageCreateTrueColor (sx * 3, sy);
	/* Background color. gd 2.0: fill the image with it; truecolor
	   images have a black background otherwise. */
	white = gdImageColorResolve (im, 255, 255, 255);
	/* Load a pretty background and resample it to cover the entire image */
		FILE *in = fopen ("eleanor.jpg", "rb");
		gdImagePtr imb = NULL;
		if (in) {
			imb = gdImageCreateFromJpeg (in);
			fprintf(stderr, "No JPEG library support.\n");

			if (!imb) {
				fprintf(stderr, "gdImageCreateFromJpeg failed\n");
				return 1;
			if (!im->trueColor) {
				/* If destination is not truecolor, convert the JPEG to a
				   reasonably high-quality palette version. This is not as good
				   as creating a truecolor output file, of course. Leave many
				   colors for text smoothing. */
#if 1
				gdImageTrueColorToPalette (imb, 0, 128);
			/* Resample background image to cover new image exactly */
			gdImageCopyResampled (im, imb, 0, 0, 0, 0, sx * 3, sy,
			                      gdImageSX (imb), gdImageSY (imb));
		} else {
			/* Can't get background, so paint a simple one */
			/* Truecolor images start out black, so paint it white */
			gdImageFilledRectangle (im, 0, 0, sx * 3, sy, white);
	/* TBB 2.0.2: only black was working, and I didn't know it because
	   the test program used black. Funny, huh? Let's do a more interesting
	   color this time.  */
	blue = gdImageColorResolve (im, 128, 192, 255);
	/* Almost-transparent blue (alpha blending), with antialiasing */
	blueAlpha = gdImageColorResolveAlpha (im, 128, 192, 255, gdAlphaMax / 2);
	/* render the string, offset origin to center string */
	x = 0 - MINX (brect) + 3;
	y = 0 - MINY (brect) + 3;

	/* With antialiasing (positive color value) */
	err = gdImageStringFT (im, NULL, blue, f, sz, angle, x, y, s);
	if (err) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err);
		return 1;
	/* Without antialiasing (negative color value) */
	err = gdImageStringFT (im, NULL, -blue, f, sz, angle, sx + x, y, s);
	if (err) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err);
		return 1;
	/* With antialiasing, and 50% alpha blending (truecolor only) */
	err = gdImageStringFT (im, NULL, blueAlpha, f, sz, angle, sx * 2 + x, y, s);
	if (err) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err);
		return 1;
	/* TBB: Write img to test/fttest.jpg or test/fttest.png */
	if (im->trueColor) {
		out = fopen ("test/fttest.jpg", "wb");
		if (!out) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Can't create test/fttest.jpg\n");
			exit (1);
		/* Fairly high JPEG quality setting */
		gdImageJpeg (im, out, 90);
		fclose (out);
		fprintf(stderr, "Test image written to test/fttest.jpg\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Test image not written; No JPEG library support.\n");
	} else {
		out = fopen ("test/fttest.png", "wb");
		if (!out) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Can't create test/fttest.png\n");
			exit (1);
		/* 2.0.10: correct ifdef, thanks to Gabriele Verzeletti */
		gdImagePng (im, out);
		fclose (out);
		fprintf(stderr, "Test image written to test/fttest.png\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Test image not written; No PNG library support.\n");
	/* Destroy it */
	gdImageDestroy (im);

	return 0;