Ejemplo n.º 1
boolean_t	tp_tend(boolean_t crit_only)
	block_id		tp_blk;
	boolean_t		history_validated, is_mm, was_crit, x_lock, do_validation;
	boolean_t		do_deferred_writes = FALSE, replication = FALSE;
	bt_rec_ptr_t		bt;
	cache_rec_ptr_t		cr;
	cw_set_element		*cse;
	file_control		*fc;
	jnl_private_control	*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbp;
	jnl_format_buffer	*jfb;
	sgm_info		*si, *tmpsi;
	tp_region		*tr, *tr_last;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa, *tmpcsa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	srch_blk_status		*t1;
	trans_num		ctn, tnque_earliest_tn;
	trans_num		valid_thru;	/* buffers touched by this transaction will be valid thru this tn */
	enum cdb_sc		status;
	gd_region		*save_gv_cur_region;
	int			lcnt, participants;
	jnldata_hdr_ptr_t	jnl_header;
	int			repl_tp_region_count = 0;
	boolean_t		first_time = TRUE, release_crit, yes_jnl_no_repl, retvalue;
	uint4			jnl_status, leafmods, indexmods;
	uint4			total_jnl_rec_size;
	jnlpool_ctl_ptr_t	jpl, tjpl;


	assert(dollar_tlevel > 0);
	assert(0 == jnl_fence_ctl.level);
	participants = 0;
	status = cdb_sc_normal;
	/* if the transaction does no updates and the transaction history has not changed, we do not need any more validation */
	do_validation = FALSE;	/* initially set to FALSE, but set to TRUE below */
	jnl_status = 0;
	if (FALSE == crit_only)
		for (si = first_sgm_info;  (NULL != si); si = si->next_sgm_info)
			sgm_info_ptr = si;
			csa = cs_addrs;
			csd = cs_data;
			if ((csd->wc_blocked) ||			/* If blocked, or.. */
				((dba_mm == csa->hdr->acc_meth) &&	/* we have MM and.. */
				(csa->total_blks != csa->ti->total_blks)))	/* and file has been extended */
			{	/* Force repair */
				t_fail_hist[t_tries] = cdb_sc_helpedout; /* special status to prevent punishing altruism */
				return FALSE;
			/* whenever si->first_cw_set is non-NULL, ensure that si->update_trans is TRUE */
			assert((NULL == si->first_cw_set) || si->update_trans);
			/* whenever si->first_cw_set is NULL, ensure that si->update_trans is FALSE
			 * except when the set noop optimization is enabled */
			assert((NULL != si->first_cw_set) || !si->update_trans || gvdupsetnoop);
			if (!si->update_trans)
				if (si->start_tn == csa->ti->early_tn)
				{	/* read with no change to the transaction history. ensure we haven't overrun
					 * our history buffer and we have reasonable values for first and last */
					assert(si->last_tp_hist - si->first_tp_hist <= si->tp_hist_size);
				} else
					do_validation = TRUE;
			} else
				do_validation = TRUE;
				is_mm = (dba_mm == cs_data->acc_meth);
				/* We are still out of crit if this is not our last attempt. If so, run the region list and check
				 * that we have sufficient free blocks for our update. If not, get them now while we can.
				 * We will repeat this check later in crit but it will hopefully have little or nothing to do.
				 * bypass 1st check if already in crit -- check later
				if (!csa->now_crit && !is_mm && (csa->nl->wc_in_free < si->cw_set_depth + 1)
						&& !wcs_get_space(si->gv_cur_region, si->cw_set_depth + 1, NULL))
					assert(FALSE);	/* wcs_get_space() should have returned TRUE unconditionally in this case */
			if (si->update_trans && JNL_ENABLED(csa))
			{	/* compute the total journal record size requirements before grab_crit().
				 * there is code later that will check for state changes from now to then
				TOTAL_TPJNL_REC_SIZE(total_jnl_rec_size, si, csa);
				/* compute current transaction's maximum journal space needs in number of disk blocks */
				si->tot_jrec_size = MAX_REQD_JNL_FILE_SIZE(total_jnl_rec_size);
				/* check if current TP transaction's journal size needs are greater than max jnl file size */
				if (si->tot_jrec_size > csd->autoswitchlimit)
					/* can't fit in current transaction's journal records into one journal file */
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_JNLTRANS2BIG, 4, si->tot_jrec_size,
						JNL_LEN_STR(csd), csd->autoswitchlimit);
		}	/* for (si ... ) */
		if (!do_validation)
			if (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries)
				for (tr = tp_reg_list; NULL != tr; tr = tr->fPtr)
				/* Must be done after REVERT since we are no longer in crit */
				if (unhandled_stale_timer_pop)
			return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
int jnl_file_extend(jnl_private_control *jpc, uint4 total_jnl_rec_size)
	file_control		*fc;
	boolean_t		need_extend;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t     	jb;
	jnl_create_info 	jnl_info;
	jnl_file_header		header;
	uint4			new_alq;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	char			prev_jnl_fn[JNL_NAME_SIZE];
	uint4			jnl_status = 0, status;
	int			new_blocks, result;
	GTM_BAVAIL_TYPE		avail_blocks;
	uint4			aligned_tot_jrec_size, count;

	case dba_mm:
	case dba_bg:
		csa = &FILE_INFO(jpc->region)->s_addrs;
	csd = csa->hdr;
	assert(csa == cs_addrs && csd == cs_data);
	assert(csa->now_crit || (csd->clustered && (CCST_CLOSED == csa->nl->ccp_state)));
	assert(jpc->region == gv_cur_region);
	assert(csa->jnl_state == csd->jnl_state);
	if (!JNL_ENABLED(csa) || (NOJNL == jpc->channel) || (JNL_FILE_SWITCHED(jpc)))
		GTMASSERT;	/* crit and messing with the journal file - how could it have vanished? */
	if (!csd->jnl_deq)
		assert(DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_jnl_rec_size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) <= csd->jnl_alq);
		assert(csd->jnl_alq == csd->autoswitchlimit);
		new_blocks = csd->jnl_alq;
	} else
		/* May cause extension of  csd->jnl_deq * n blocks where n > 0 */
		new_blocks = ROUND_UP(DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_jnl_rec_size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE), csd->jnl_deq);
	jpc->status = SS_NORMAL;
	jb = jpc->jnl_buff;
	assert(0 <= new_blocks);
	DEBUG_ONLY(count = 0);
	for (need_extend = (0 != new_blocks); need_extend; )
		/* usually we will do the loop just once where we do the file extension.
		 * rarely we might need to do an autoswitch instead after which again rarely
		 * 	we might need to do an extension on the new journal to fit in the transaction's	journal requirements.
		 * therefore we should do this loop a maximum of twice. hence the assert below.
		assert(count <= 2);
		need_extend = FALSE;
		if (SS_NORMAL == (status = disk_block_available(jpc->channel, &avail_blocks, TRUE)))
			if ((new_blocks * EXTEND_WARNING_FACTOR) > avail_blocks)
				if (new_blocks > avail_blocks)
				{	/* if we cannot satisfy the request, it is an error */
					send_msg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_NOSPACEEXT, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd),
						new_blocks, avail_blocks);
					new_blocks = 0;
					jpc->status = SS_NORMAL;
				} else
						(avail_blocks - new_blocks));
		} else
			send_msg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLFILEXTERR, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), status);
		new_alq = jb->filesize + new_blocks;
		/* ensure current journal file size is well within autoswitchlimit --> design constraint */
		assert(csd->autoswitchlimit >= jb->filesize);
		if (csd->autoswitchlimit < (jb->filesize + (EXTEND_WARNING_FACTOR * new_blocks)))	/* close to max */
			send_msg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLSPACELOW, 3, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), csd->autoswitchlimit - jb->filesize);
		if (csd->autoswitchlimit < new_alq)
		{	/* Reached max, need to autoswitch */
			/* Ensure new journal file can hold the entire current transaction's journal record requirements */
			assert(csd->autoswitchlimit >= MAX_REQD_JNL_FILE_SIZE(total_jnl_rec_size));
			memset(&jnl_info, 0, sizeof(jnl_info));
			jnl_info.prev_jnl = &prev_jnl_fn[0];
			set_jnl_info(gv_cur_region, &jnl_info);
			assert(JNL_ENABLED(csa) && (NOJNL != jpc->channel) && !(JNL_FILE_SWITCHED(jpc)));
			jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open();
			if (0 == jnl_status)
			{	/* flush the cache and jnl-buffer-contents to current journal file before
				 * switching to a new journal. */
				jnl_file_close(gv_cur_region, TRUE, TRUE);
			} else
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(7) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), jpc->status);
			assert(!jgbl.forw_phase_recovery || (NULL != jgbl.mur_pini_addr_reset_fnptr));
			if (jgbl.forw_phase_recovery && (NULL != jgbl.mur_pini_addr_reset_fnptr))
			if (EXIT_NRM == cre_jnl_file(&jnl_info))
				assert(0 == memcmp(csd->jnl_file_name, jnl_info.jnl, jnl_info.jnl_len));
				assert(csd->jnl_file_name[jnl_info.jnl_len] == '\0');
				assert(csd->jnl_file_len == jnl_info.jnl_len);
				assert(csd->jnl_buffer_size == jnl_info.buffer);
				assert(csd->jnl_alq == jnl_info.alloc);
				assert(csd->jnl_deq == jnl_info.extend);
				assert(csd->jnl_before_image == jnl_info.before_images);
				csd->trans_hist.header_open_tn = jnl_info.tn;	/* needed for successful jnl_file_open() */
				fc = gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->file_cntl;
				fc->op = FC_WRITE;
				fc->op_buff = (sm_uc_ptr_t)csd;
				status = dbfilop(fc);
				if (SS_NORMAL != status)
					send_msg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), status);
				/* call jnl_ensure_open instead of jnl_file_open to make sure jpc->pini_addr is set to 0 */
				jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open();	/* sets jpc->status */
				if (0 != jnl_status)
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
				assert(jb->filesize == csd->jnl_alq);
				aligned_tot_jrec_size = ALIGNED_ROUND_UP(MAX_REQD_JNL_FILE_SIZE(total_jnl_rec_size),
										csd->jnl_alq, csd->jnl_deq);
				if (aligned_tot_jrec_size > csd->jnl_alq)
				{	/* need to extend more than initial allocation in the new journal file
					 * to accommodate the current transaction.
					new_blocks = aligned_tot_jrec_size - csd->jnl_alq;
					assert(0 == new_blocks % csd->jnl_deq);
					need_extend = TRUE;
			} else
				send_msg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_JNLCREATERR, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd));
				jpc->status = ERR_JNLNOCREATE;
				new_blocks = -1;
		} else
			assert(!need_extend);	/* ensure we won't go through the for loop again */
			/* Virtually extend currently used journal file */
			jb->filesize = new_alq;	/* Actually this is virtual file size blocks */
			DO_FILE_READ(jpc->channel, 0, &header, JNL_HDR_LEN, jpc->status, jpc->status2);
			if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status)
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLRDERR, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), jpc->status);
			assert((header.virtual_size + new_blocks) == new_alq);
			header.virtual_size = new_alq;
			DO_FILE_WRITE(jpc->channel, 0, &header, JNL_HDR_LEN, jpc->status, jpc->status2);
			if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status)
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLWRERR, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), jpc->status);
		if (0 >= new_blocks)
	if (0 >= new_blocks)
		jpc->status = ERR_JNLREADEOF;
		jnl_file_lost(jpc, ERR_JNLEXTEND);
       		new_blocks = -1;
	return new_blocks;
Ejemplo n.º 3
uint4 jnl_file_extend(jnl_private_control *jpc, uint4 total_jnl_rec_size)
	file_control		*fc;
	boolean_t		need_extend;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t     	jb;
	jnl_create_info 	jnl_info;
	jnl_file_header		*header;
	unsigned char		hdr_buff[REAL_JNL_HDR_LEN + MAX_IO_BLOCK_SIZE];
	uint4			new_alq;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	char			prev_jnl_fn[JNL_NAME_SIZE];
	uint4			jnl_status = 0, status;
	int			new_blocks, warn_blocks, result;
	gtm_uint64_t		avail_blocks;
	uint4			aligned_tot_jrec_size, count;
	uint4			jnl_fs_block_size, read_write_size;

	case dba_mm:
	case dba_bg:
		csa = &FILE_INFO(jpc->region)->s_addrs;
	csd = csa->hdr;
	assert(csa == cs_addrs && csd == cs_data);
	assert(csa->now_crit || (csd->clustered && (CCST_CLOSED == csa->nl->ccp_state)));
	assert(&FILE_INFO(jpc->region)->s_addrs == csa);
	assert(csa->jnl_state == csd->jnl_state);
	assertpro(JNL_ENABLED(csa) && (NOJNL != jpc->channel) && (!JNL_FILE_SWITCHED(jpc)));
		/* crit and messing with the journal file - how could it have vanished? */
	if (!csd->jnl_deq || (csd->jnl_alq + csd->jnl_deq > csd->autoswitchlimit))
		assert(DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_jnl_rec_size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE) <= csd->jnl_alq);
		assert(csd->jnl_alq == csd->autoswitchlimit);
		new_blocks = csd->jnl_alq;
	} else
		/* May cause extension of  csd->jnl_deq * n blocks where n > 0 */
		new_blocks = ROUND_UP(DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(total_jnl_rec_size, DISK_BLOCK_SIZE), csd->jnl_deq);
	jpc->status = SS_NORMAL;
	jb = jpc->jnl_buff;
	assert(0 <= new_blocks);
	DEBUG_ONLY(count = 0);
	for (need_extend = (0 != new_blocks); need_extend; )
		/* usually we will do the loop just once where we do the file extension.
		 * rarely we might need to do an autoswitch instead after which again rarely
		 * 	we might need to do an extension on the new journal to fit in the transaction's	journal requirements.
		 * therefore we should do this loop a maximum of twice. hence the assert below.
		assert(count <= 2);
		need_extend = FALSE;
		if (SS_NORMAL == (status = disk_block_available(jpc->channel, &avail_blocks, TRUE)))
			warn_blocks = (csd->jnl_alq + csd->jnl_deq > csd->autoswitchlimit)
					? ((csd->jnl_deq > csd->autoswitchlimit) ? csd->jnl_deq : csd->autoswitchlimit)
					: new_blocks;

			if ((warn_blocks * EXTEND_WARNING_FACTOR) > avail_blocks)
				if (new_blocks > avail_blocks)
				{	/* If we cannot satisfy the request, it is an error, unless the anticipatory freeze
					 * scheme is in effect in which case, we will assume space is available even if
					 * it is not and go ahead with writes to the disk. If the writes fail with ENOSPC
					 * we will freeze the instance and wait for space to become available and keep
					 * retrying the writes. Therefore, we make the NOSPACEEXT a warning in this case.
						send_msg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_NOSPACEEXT, 4,
							JNL_LEN_STR(csd), new_blocks, avail_blocks);
						new_blocks = 0;
						jpc->status = SS_NORMAL;
					} else
							JNL_LEN_STR(csd), new_blocks, avail_blocks);
				} else
					send_msg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DSKSPACEFLOW, 3, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), (avail_blocks - warn_blocks));
		} else
			send_msg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLFILEXTERR, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), status);
		new_alq = jb->filesize + new_blocks;
		/* ensure current journal file size is well within autoswitchlimit --> design constraint */
		assert(csd->autoswitchlimit >= jb->filesize);
		if (csd->autoswitchlimit < (jb->filesize + (EXTEND_WARNING_FACTOR * new_blocks)))	/* close to max */
			send_msg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLSPACELOW, 3, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), csd->autoswitchlimit - jb->filesize);
		if (csd->autoswitchlimit < new_alq)
		{	/* Reached max, need to autoswitch */
			/* Ensure new journal file can hold the entire current transaction's journal record requirements */
			assert(csd->autoswitchlimit >= MAX_REQD_JNL_FILE_SIZE(total_jnl_rec_size));
			memset(&jnl_info, 0, SIZEOF(jnl_info));
			jnl_info.prev_jnl = &prev_jnl_fn[0];
			set_jnl_info(gv_cur_region, &jnl_info);
			assert(JNL_ENABLED(csa) && (NOJNL != jpc->channel) && !(JNL_FILE_SWITCHED(jpc)));
			jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open();
			if (0 == jnl_status)
			{	/* flush the cache and jnl-buffer-contents to current journal file before
				 * switching to a new journal. Set a global variable in_jnl_file_autoswitch
				 * so jnl_write can know not to do the padding check. But because this is a global
				 * variable, we also need to make sure it is reset in case of errors during the
				 * autoswitch (or else calls to jnl_write after we are out of the autoswitch logic
				 * will continue to incorrectly not do the padding check. Hence a condition handler.
				in_jnl_file_autoswitch = TRUE;
				/* Also make sure time is not changed. This way if "jnl_write" as part of writing a
				 * journal record invokes jnl_file_extend, when the autoswitch is done and writing
				 * of the parent jnl_write resumes, we want it to continue with the same timestamp
				 * and not have to reset its time (non-trivial task) to reflect any changes since then.
				jgbl.save_dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time;
				jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = TRUE;
				/* Establish a condition handler so we reset a few global variables that have
				 * temporarily been modified in case of errors inside wcs_flu/jnl_file_close.
				ESTABLISH_RET(jnl_file_autoswitch_ch, EXIT_ERR);
				/* It is possible we still have not written a PINI record in this journal file
				 * (e.g. mupip extend saw the need to do jnl_file_extend inside jnl_write while
				 * trying to write a PINI record). Write a PINI record in that case before closing
				 * the journal file that way the EOF record will have a non-zero pini_addr.
				if (0 == jpc->pini_addr)
				jnl_file_close(gv_cur_region, TRUE, TRUE);
				in_jnl_file_autoswitch = FALSE;
				jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = jgbl.save_dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time;
				DEBUG_ONLY(jgbl.save_dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time = FALSE);
				assert((dba_mm == cs_data->acc_meth) || (csd == cs_data));
				csd = cs_data;	/* In MM, wcs_flu() can remap an extended DB, so reset csd to be sure */
			} else
				if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status)
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(7) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
					rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
			assert(!jgbl.forw_phase_recovery || (NULL != jgbl.mur_pini_addr_reset_fnptr));
			assert(jgbl.forw_phase_recovery || (NULL == jgbl.mur_pini_addr_reset_fnptr));
			if (NULL != jgbl.mur_pini_addr_reset_fnptr)
			if (EXIT_NRM == cre_jnl_file(&jnl_info))
				assert(0 == memcmp(csd->jnl_file_name, jnl_info.jnl, jnl_info.jnl_len));
				assert(csd->jnl_file_name[jnl_info.jnl_len] == '\0');
				assert(csd->jnl_file_len == jnl_info.jnl_len);
				assert(csd->jnl_buffer_size == jnl_info.buffer);
				assert(csd->jnl_alq == jnl_info.alloc);
				assert(csd->jnl_deq == jnl_info.extend);
				assert(csd->jnl_before_image == jnl_info.before_images);
				csd->jnl_checksum = jnl_info.checksum;
				csd->jnl_eovtn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn;
				fc = gv_cur_region->dyn.addr->file_cntl;
				fc->op = FC_WRITE;
				fc->op_buff = (sm_uc_ptr_t)csd;
				fc->op_len = SGMNT_HDR_LEN;
				fc->op_pos = 1;
				status = dbfilop(fc);
				if (SS_NORMAL != status)
					send_msg(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), status);
				/* call jnl_ensure_open instead of jnl_file_open to make sure jpc->pini_addr is set to 0 */
				jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open();	/* sets jpc->status */
				if (0 != jnl_status)
					if (jpc->status)
						rts_error(VARLSTCNT(7) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
						rts_error(VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
				assert(jb->filesize == csd->jnl_alq);
				if (csd->jnl_alq + csd->jnl_deq <= csd->autoswitchlimit)
					aligned_tot_jrec_size = ALIGNED_ROUND_UP(MAX_REQD_JNL_FILE_SIZE(total_jnl_rec_size),
											csd->jnl_alq, csd->jnl_deq);
					if (aligned_tot_jrec_size > csd->jnl_alq)
					{	/* need to extend more than initial allocation in the new journal file
						 * to accommodate the current transaction.
						new_blocks = aligned_tot_jrec_size - csd->jnl_alq;
						assert(0 == new_blocks % csd->jnl_deq);
						need_extend = TRUE;
			} else
				send_msg(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_JNLNOCREATE, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd));
				jpc->status = ERR_JNLNOCREATE;
				new_blocks = -1;
		} else
			assert(!need_extend);	/* ensure we won't go through the for loop again */
			/* Virtually extend currently used journal file */
			jnl_fs_block_size = jb->fs_block_size;
			header = (jnl_file_header *)(ROUND_UP2((uintszofptr_t)hdr_buff, jnl_fs_block_size));
			read_write_size = ROUND_UP2(REAL_JNL_HDR_LEN, jnl_fs_block_size);
			assert((unsigned char *)header + read_write_size <= ARRAYTOP(hdr_buff));
			DO_FILE_READ(jpc->channel, 0, header, read_write_size, jpc->status, jpc->status2);
			if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status)
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLRDERR, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), jpc->status);
			assert((header->virtual_size + new_blocks) == new_alq);
			jb->filesize = new_alq;	/* Actually this is virtual file size blocks */
			header->virtual_size = new_alq;
			JNL_DO_FILE_WRITE(csa, csd->jnl_file_name, jpc->channel, 0,
					header, read_write_size, jpc->status, jpc->status2);
			if (SS_NORMAL != jpc->status)
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_JNLWRERR, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), jpc->status);
		if (0 >= new_blocks)
	if (0 < new_blocks)
		INCR_GVSTATS_COUNTER(csa, csa->nl, n_jnl_extends, 1);
		return EXIT_NRM;
	jpc->status = ERR_JNLREADEOF;
	jnl_file_lost(jpc, ERR_JNLEXTEND);
       	return EXIT_ERR;