MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj ) { MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; MFnPlugin plugin( obj, "MayaPolySmooth", "1.0", "Any"); status = plugin.registerNode( MayaPolySmooth::typeNameStr, MayaPolySmooth::id, MayaPolySmooth::creator, MayaPolySmooth::initialize); MCHECKERR(status, "registerNode"); // Source UI scripts MString path = plugin.loadPath()+"/mayaPolySmooth.mel"; if (not MGlobal::sourceFile(path)) { path = "mayaPolySmooth.mel"; if (not MGlobal::sourceFile(path)) { MGlobal::displayWarning("Failed to source mayaPolySmooth.mel."); } } // RegisterUI status = plugin.registerUI("mayaPolySmooth_addUI()", "mayaPolySmooth_removeUI()"); MCHECKERR(status, "registerUI"); return status; }
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj) { MStatus returnStatus = MS::kSuccess; MFnPlugin plugin( obj ); returnStatus = plugin.deregisterNode( MayaPolySmooth::id ); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "deregisterNode"); return returnStatus; }
// Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to subdivided outMesh // Note: Currently only supporting facet groups (for per-facet shading) MStatus createSmoothMesh_objectGroups(const MFnMeshData &inMeshDat, int subdivisionLevel, MFnMeshData &newMeshDat) { MStatus returnStatus; int facesPerBaseFace = (int)(pow(4.0f, subdivisionLevel)); MIntArray newCompElems; for(unsigned int gi=0; gi < inMeshDat.objectGroupCount(); gi++) { unsigned int compId = inMeshDat.objectGroup(gi, &returnStatus); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "cannot get objectGroup() comp ID."); MFn::Type compType = inMeshDat.objectGroupType(compId, &returnStatus); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "cannot get objectGroupType()."); // get elements from inMesh objectGroupComponent MIntArray compElems; MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn(inMeshDat.objectGroupComponent(compId), &returnStatus ); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "cannot get MFnSingleIndexedComponent for inMeshDat.objectGroupComponent()."); compFn.getElements(compElems); // Only supporting kMeshPolygonComponent ObjectGroups at this time // Skip the other types if (compType == MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent) { // convert/populate newCompElems from compElems of inMesh // (with new face indices) to outMesh newCompElems.setLength( compElems.length() * facesPerBaseFace ); for (unsigned int i=0; i < compElems.length(); i++) { int startElemIndex = i * facesPerBaseFace; int startElemValue = compElems[i] * facesPerBaseFace; for (int j=0; j < facesPerBaseFace; j++) { newCompElems[startElemIndex+j] = startElemValue+j; } } // create comp createComp(newMeshDat, compType, compId, newCompElems); } } return MS::kSuccess; }
// Collect UVs and ColorSet info to represent them as face-varying in OpenSubdiv static MStatus getMayaFvarFieldParams( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn, MStringArray & uvSetNames, MStringArray & colorSetNames, std::vector<int> & colorSetChannels, std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> &colorSetReps, int & totalColorSetChannels) { MStatus returnStatus; returnStatus = inMeshFn.getUVSetNames(uvSetNames); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot get uvSet names"); returnStatus = inMeshFn.getColorSetNames(colorSetNames); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot get colorSet names"); colorSetChannels.resize(colorSetNames.length()); colorSetReps.resize(colorSetNames.length()); totalColorSetChannels = 0; for (unsigned int i=0; i < colorSetNames.length(); i++) { colorSetReps[i] = inMeshFn.getColorRepresentation(colorSetNames[i], &returnStatus); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot get colorSet representation"); if (colorSetReps[i] == MFnMesh::kAlpha) { colorSetChannels[i] = 1; } else if (colorSetReps[i] == MFnMesh::kRGB) { colorSetChannels[i] = 3; } else { colorSetChannels[i] = 4; // kRGBA } totalColorSetChannels += colorSetChannels[i]; } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) { MStatus status; // Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute. If this // node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return // MS::kUnknownParameter. // if( plug == a_output ) { bool createdSubdMesh = false; int subdivisionLevel = data.inputValue(a_subdivisionLevels).asInt(); short stateH = data.inputValue(state).asShort(); if ((subdivisionLevel > 0) and (stateH !=1)) { // == Retrieve input mesh ==================================== // Get attr values MObject inMeshObj = data.inputValue(a_inputPolymesh).asMesh(); short vertBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_vertBoundaryMethod).asShort(); short fvarBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_fvarBoundaryMethod).asShort(); bool fvarPropCorners = data.inputValue(a_fvarPropagateCorners).asBool(); bool smoothTriangles = data.inputValue(a_smoothTriangles).asBool(); short creaseMethodVal = data.inputValue(a_creaseMethod).asShort(); // == Get Mesh Functions and Iterators ========================== MFnMeshData inMeshDat(inMeshObj); MFnMesh inMeshFn(inMeshObj, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshFn\n"); MItMeshPolygon inMeshItPolygon(inMeshObj, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshItPolygon\n"); // Convert attr values to OSD enums OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SchemeType type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK; // == Create Far topology ========================== OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options options; options.SetVtxBoundaryInterpolation(ConvertMayaVtxBoundary(vertBoundaryMethod)); options.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(ConvertMayaFVarBoundary(fvarBoundaryMethod, fvarPropCorners)); options.SetCreasingMethod(creaseMethodVal ? OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_CHAIKIN : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_UNIFORM); options.SetTriangleSubdivision(smoothTriangles ? OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_SMOOTH : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_CATMARK); // Storage for face-varying values (UV sets, vertex colors...) std::vector<MFloatArray> uvSet_uCoords; std::vector<MFloatArray> uvSet_vCoords; std::vector<MColorArray> colorSet_colors; bool hasUVs = false, hasColors = false; float maxCreaseSharpness=0.0f; OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner = gatherTopology( inMeshFn, inMeshItPolygon, type, options, &hasUVs, &hasColors, uvSet_uCoords, uvSet_vCoords, colorSet_colors, &maxCreaseSharpness); assert(refiner); // == Refine & Interpolate ========================== refiner->RefineUniform(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner::UniformOptions(subdivisionLevel)); // Prepare vertex information Vertex const * initialVerts = reinterpret_cast<Vertex const *>(inMeshFn.getRawPoints(&status)); std::vector<Vertex> refinedVerts( refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal() - refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices()); Vertex const * srcVerts = &initialVerts[0]; Vertex * dstVerts = &refinedVerts[0]; // Verify the refiner has the correct number of values // needed to interpolate the different channels int numInitialUVs = refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV); int numInitialColors = refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR); if (hasUVs && numInitialUVs <= 0) { hasUVs = false; MGlobal::displayError("Model with incorrect data, the UV channel will not be interpolated."); } if (hasColors && numInitialColors <= 0) { hasColors = false; MGlobal::displayError("Model with incorrect data, the color channel will not be interpolated."); } // Prepare UV information if needed std::vector<FVarVertexUV> initialUVs, refinedUVs; FVarVertexUV const * srcUV = NULL; FVarVertexUV * dstUV = NULL; if(hasUVs) { initialUVs.resize(numInitialUVs); refinedUVs.resize(refiner->GetNumFVarValuesTotal(CHANNELUV)); for (int i=0; i<numInitialUVs; ++i) { initialUVs[i].u = uvSet_uCoords[0][i]; initialUVs[i].v = uvSet_vCoords[0][i]; } srcUV = &initialUVs[0]; dstUV = &refinedUVs[0]; } // Prepare color information if needed std::vector<FVarVertexColor> initialColors, refinedColors; FVarVertexColor const * srcColor = NULL; FVarVertexColor * dstColor = NULL; if(hasColors) { initialColors.resize(numInitialColors); refinedColors.resize(refiner->GetNumFVarValuesTotal(CHANNELCOLOR)); for (int i=0; i<numInitialColors; ++i) { initialColors[i].r = colorSet_colors[0][i].r; initialColors[i].g = colorSet_colors[0][i].g; initialColors[i].b = colorSet_colors[0][i].b; initialColors[i].a = colorSet_colors[0][i].a; } srcColor = &initialColors[0]; dstColor = &refinedColors[0]; } // Interpolate the vertices and the different channels OpenSubdiv::Far::PrimvarRefiner primvarRefiner(*refiner); for (int level = 1; level <= subdivisionLevel; ++level) { // Interpolate vertices primvarRefiner.Interpolate(level, srcVerts, dstVerts); srcVerts = dstVerts; dstVerts += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices(); // Interpolate the uv set if(hasUVs) { primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(level, srcUV, dstUV, CHANNELUV); srcUV = dstUV; dstUV += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV); } // Interpolate any color set if(hasColors) { primvarRefiner.InterpolateFaceVarying(level, srcColor, dstColor, CHANNELCOLOR); srcColor = dstColor; dstColor += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR); } } // == Convert subdivided OpenSubdiv mesh to MFnMesh Data outputMesh ============= // Create New Mesh Data Object MFnMeshData newMeshData; MObject newMeshDataObj = newMeshData.create(&status); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR creating outputData"); // Create out mesh status = convertToMayaMeshData(*refiner, refinedVerts, hasUVs, refinedUVs, hasColors, refinedColors, inMeshFn, newMeshDataObj); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR convertOsdFarToMayaMesh"); // Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to outMesh (for per-facet shading, etc) status = createSmoothMesh_objectGroups(inMeshFn, inMeshDat, newMeshData, subdivisionLevel, refiner->GetLevel(subdivisionLevel).GetNumFaces()); // Write to output plug MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n"); outMeshH.set(newMeshDataObj); int isolation = std::min(10,(int)ceil(maxCreaseSharpness)+1); data.outputValue(a_recommendedIsolation).set(isolation); // == Cleanup OSD ============================================ // REVISIT: Re-add these deletes delete refiner; // note that the subd mesh was created (see the section below if !createdSubdMesh) createdSubdMesh = true; } // Pass-through inMesh to outMesh if not created the subd mesh if (!createdSubdMesh) { MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status); status = outMeshH.copy(data.outputValue(a_inputPolymesh, &status)); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n"); } // Clean up Maya Plugs data.setClean(plug); } else { // Unhandled parameter in this compute function, so return MS::kUnknownParameter // so it is handled in a parent compute() function. return MS::kUnknownParameter; } return MS::kSuccess; }
static MStatus convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner, std::vector<Vertex> const & refinedVerts, bool hasUVs, std::vector<FVarVertexUV> const & refinedUVs, bool hasColors, std::vector<FVarVertexColor> const & refinedColors, MFnMesh & inMeshFn, MObject newMeshDataObj) { MStatus status; typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray IndexArray; int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel(); OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLastLevel = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel); int nfaces = refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); // Init Maya Data // Face Counts MIntArray faceCounts(nfaces); for (int face=0; face < nfaces; ++face) { faceCounts[face] = 4; } // Face Connects MIntArray faceConnects(nfaces*4); for (int face=0, idx=0; face < nfaces; ++face) { IndexArray fverts = refLastLevel.GetFaceVertices(face); for (int vert=0; vert < fverts.size(); ++vert) { faceConnects[idx++] = fverts[vert]; } } // Points int nverts = refLastLevel.GetNumVertices(); int firstOfLastVert = refiner.GetNumVerticesTotal() - nverts - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices(); MFloatPointArray points(nverts); for (int vIt = 0; vIt < nverts; ++vIt) { Vertex const & v = refinedVerts[firstOfLastVert + vIt]; points.set(vIt, v.position[0], v.position[1], v.position[2]); } // Create New Mesh from MFnMesh MFnMesh newMeshFn; MObject newMeshObj = newMeshFn.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(), points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create new mesh"); // Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh MStringArray uvSetNames; MStringArray colorSetNames; std::vector<int> colorSetChannels; std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps; int totalColorSetChannels = 0; status = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames, colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels); // Add new UVs back to the mesh if needed if (hasUVs) { MIntArray fvarConnects(faceConnects.length()); int count = 0; for (int f = 0; f < refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++f) { IndexArray faceIndices = refLastLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(f, CHANNELUV); for (int index = 0 ; index < faceIndices.size() ; ++index) { fvarConnects[count++] = faceIndices[index]; } } int nuvs = refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV); int firstOfLastUvs = refiner.GetNumFVarValuesTotal(CHANNELUV) - nuvs - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELUV); MFloatArray uCoord(nuvs), vCoord(nuvs); for (int uvIt = 0; uvIt < nuvs; ++uvIt) { FVarVertexUV const & uv = refinedUVs[firstOfLastUvs + uvIt]; uCoord[uvIt] = uv.u; vCoord[uvIt] = uv.v; } // Currently, the plugin only supports one UV set int uvSetIndex = 0; if (uvSetIndex > 0) { status = newMeshFn.createUVSetDataMesh( uvSetNames[uvSetIndex] ); MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create UVSet"); } static MString defaultUVName("map1"); MString const * uvname = uvSetIndex==0 ? &defaultUVName : &uvSetNames[uvSetIndex]; status = newMeshFn.setUVs(uCoord, vCoord, uvname); MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot set UVs for set : "+*uvname); status = newMeshFn.assignUVs(faceCounts, fvarConnects, uvname); MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot assign UVs"); } // Add new colors back to the mesh if needed if (hasColors) { int count = 0; MIntArray fvarConnects2(faceConnects.length()); for (int f = 0 ; f < refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); ++f) { IndexArray faceIndices = refLastLevel.GetFaceFVarValues(f, CHANNELCOLOR); for (int index = 0 ; index < faceIndices.size() ; ++index) { fvarConnects2[count++] = faceIndices[index]; } } int ncols = refLastLevel.GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR); int firstOfLastCols = refiner.GetNumFVarValuesTotal(CHANNELCOLOR) - ncols - refiner.GetLevel(0).GetNumFVarValues(CHANNELCOLOR); MColorArray colorArray(ncols); for (int colIt = 0; colIt < ncols; ++colIt) { FVarVertexColor const & c = refinedColors[firstOfLastCols + colIt]; colorArray.set(colIt, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a); } // Currently, the plugin only supports one color sets int colorSetIndex = 0; // Assign color buffer and map the ids for each face-vertex // API Limitation: Cannot set MColorRepresentation here status = newMeshFn.createColorSetDataMesh( colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]); MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create ColorSet"); bool isColorClamped = inMeshFn.isColorClamped( colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], &status); MCHECKERR(status, "Can not get Color Clamped "); status = newMeshFn.setIsColorClamped( colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], isColorClamped); MCHECKERR(status, "Can not set Color Clamped : " + isColorClamped); status = newMeshFn.setColors( colorArray, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], colorSetReps[colorSetIndex]); MCHECKERR(status, "Can not set Colors"); status = newMeshFn.assignColors( fvarConnects2, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]); MCHECKERR(status, "Can not assign Colors"); } return MS::kSuccess; }
// Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to subdivided outMesh // Note: Currently only supporting facet groups (for per-facet shading) MStatus createSmoothMesh_objectGroups( MFnMesh const & inMeshFn, MFnMeshData const & inMeshDat, MFnMeshData &newMeshDat, int level, int numSubfaces ) { MStatus status; MIntArray newCompElems; std::vector<unsigned int> offsets; // mapping of offsets for subdivided faces for(unsigned int gi=0; gi<inMeshDat.objectGroupCount(); gi++) { unsigned int compId = inMeshDat.objectGroup(gi, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "cannot get objectGroup() comp ID."); MFn::Type compType = inMeshDat.objectGroupType(compId, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "cannot get objectGroupType()."); // Only supporting kMeshPolygonComponent ObjectGroups at this time // Skip the other types if (compType == MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent) { // get elements from inMesh objectGroupComponent MIntArray compElems; MFnSingleIndexedComponent compFn( inMeshDat.objectGroupComponent(compId), &status ); MCHECKERR(status, "cannot get MFnSingleIndexedComponent for inMeshDat.objectGroupComponent()."); compFn.getElements(compElems); if (compElems.length()==0) { continue; } // over-allocation to maximum possible length newCompElems.setLength( numSubfaces ); if (offsets.empty()) { // lazy population of the subface offsets table int nfaces = inMeshFn.numPolygons(); offsets.resize(nfaces); for (int i=0, count=0; i<nfaces; ++i) { int nverts = inMeshFn.polygonVertexCount(i), nsubfaces = computeNumSubfaces(nverts, level); offsets[i] = count; count+=nsubfaces; } } unsigned int idx = 0; // convert/populate newCompElems from compElems of inMesh // (with new face indices) to outMesh for (unsigned int i=0; i < compElems.length(); i++) { int nverts = inMeshFn.polygonVertexCount(compElems[i]), nsubfaces = computeNumSubfaces(nverts, level); unsigned int subFaceOffset = offsets[compElems[i]]; for (int j=0; j<nsubfaces; ++j) { newCompElems[idx++] = subFaceOffset++; } } // resize to actual length newCompElems.setLength( idx ); // create comp createComp(newMeshDat, compType, compId, newCompElems); } } return MS::kSuccess; }
// Create and Add Attributes // // Description: // This method is called to create and initialize all of the attributes // and attribute dependencies for this node type. This is only called // once when the node type is registered with Maya. // // Return Values: // MS::kSuccess // MS::kFailure // MStatus MayaPolySmooth::initialize() { MStatus stat; MFnCompoundAttribute cAttr; MFnEnumAttribute eAttr; MFnGenericAttribute gAttr; MFnLightDataAttribute lAttr; MFnMatrixAttribute mAttr; MFnMessageAttribute msgAttr; MFnNumericAttribute nAttr; MFnTypedAttribute tAttr; MFnUnitAttribute uAttr; // MAYA_NODE_BUILDER:BEG [ATTRIBUTE CREATION] ========== // a_inputPolymesh : This is a description for this attribute a_inputPolymesh = tAttr.create("inputPolymesh", "ip", MFnData::kMesh, MObject::kNullObj, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::inputPolymesh" ); stat = tAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::inputPolymesh.setReadable()" ); stat = tAttr.setWritable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::inputPolymesh.setWritable()" ); stat = tAttr.setHidden(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::inputPolymesh.setHidden()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_inputPolymesh ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_inputPolymesh)" ); // a_output : This is a description for this attribute a_output = tAttr.create("output", "out", MFnData::kMesh, MObject::kNullObj, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::output" ); stat = tAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::output.setReadable()" ); stat = tAttr.setWritable(false); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::output.setWritable()" ); stat = tAttr.setHidden(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::output.setHidden()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_output ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_output)" ); // a_subdivisionLevels : The number of recursive quad subdivisions to perform on each face. a_subdivisionLevels = nAttr.create("subdivisionLevels", "sl", MFnNumericData::kInt, 0.0, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::subdivisionLevels" ); stat = nAttr.setDefault(2); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::subdivisionLevels.setDefault(2)" ); stat = nAttr.setMin(0); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::subdivisionLevels.setMin(0)" ); stat = nAttr.setMax(10); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::subdivisionLevels.setMax(10)" ); stat = nAttr.setSoftMax(4); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::subdivisionLevels.setSoftMax(4)" ); stat = nAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::subdivisionLevels.setReadable()" ); stat = nAttr.setWritable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::subdivisionLevels.setWritable()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_subdivisionLevels ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_subdivisionLevels)" ); // a_recommendedIsolation : The number of recursive quad subdivisions to perform on each face. a_recommendedIsolation = nAttr.create("recommendedIsolation", "ri", MFnNumericData::kInt, 0.0, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::recommendedIsolation" ); stat = nAttr.setDefault(2); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::recommendedIsolation.setDefault(0)" ); stat = nAttr.setMin(0); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::recommendedIsolation.setMin(0)" ); stat = nAttr.setMax(10); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::recommendedIsolation.setSoftMax(10)" ); stat = nAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::recommendedIsolation.setReadable()" ); stat = nAttr.setWritable(false); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::recommendedIsolation.setWritable()" ); stat = nAttr.setHidden(false); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::recommendedIsolation.setHidden()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_recommendedIsolation ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_recommendedIsolation)" ); // a_vertBoundaryMethod : Controls how boundary edges and vertices are interpolated. <ul> <li>Smooth, Edges: Renderman: InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly</li> <li>Smooth, Edges and Corners: Renderman: InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner</li> </ul> a_vertBoundaryMethod = eAttr.create("vertBoundaryMethod", "vbm", 0, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::vertBoundaryMethod" ); stat = eAttr.addField("Interpolate Edges", k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::vertBoundaryMethod.addField(Interpolate Edges, k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly)" ); stat = eAttr.addField("Interpolate Edges And Corners", k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::vertBoundaryMethod.addField(Interpolate Edges And Corners, k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner)" ); stat = eAttr.setDefault(k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::vertBoundaryMethod.setDefault(k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly)" ); stat = eAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::vertBoundaryMethod.setReadable()" ); stat = eAttr.setWritable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::vertBoundaryMethod.setWritable()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_vertBoundaryMethod ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_vertBoundaryMethod)" ); // a_fvarBoundaryMethod : Controls how boundaries are treated for face-varying data (UVs and Vertex Colors). <ul> <li>Bi-linear (None): Renderman: InterpolateBoundaryNone</li> <li>Smooth, (Edge Only): Renderman: InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly</li> <li>Smooth, (Edges and Corners: Renderman: InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner</li> <li>Smooth, (ZBrush and Maya "Smooth Internal Only"): Renderman: InterpolateBoundaryAlwaysSharp</li> </ul> a_fvarBoundaryMethod = eAttr.create("fvarBoundaryMethod", "fvbm", 0, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::fvarBoundaryMethod" ); stat = eAttr.addField("Bi-linear (None)", k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryNone); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarBoundaryMethod.addField(Bi-linear (None), k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryNone)" ); stat = eAttr.addField("Smooth (Edge Only)", k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarBoundaryMethod.addField(Smooth (Edge Only), k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeOnly)" ); stat = eAttr.addField("Smooth (Edge and Corner)", k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarBoundaryMethod.addField(Smooth (Edge and Corner), k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryEdgeAndCorner)" ); stat = eAttr.addField("Smooth (Always Sharp)", k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryAlwaysSharp); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarBoundaryMethod.addField(Smooth (Always Sharp), k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryAlwaysSharp)" ); stat = eAttr.setDefault(k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryNone); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarBoundaryMethod.setDefault(k_BoundaryMethod_InterpolateBoundaryNone)" ); stat = eAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarBoundaryMethod.setReadable()" ); stat = eAttr.setWritable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarBoundaryMethod.setWritable()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_fvarBoundaryMethod ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_fvarBoundaryMethod)" ); // a_fvarPropagateCorners : a_fvarPropagateCorners = nAttr.create("fvarPropagateCorners", "fvpc", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0.0, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::fvarPropagateCorners" ); stat = nAttr.setDefault(false); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarPropagateCorners.setDefault(false)" ); stat = nAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarPropagateCorners.setReadable()" ); stat = nAttr.setWritable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::fvarPropagateCorners.setWritable()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_fvarPropagateCorners ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_fvarPropagateCorners)" ); // a_smoothTriangles : Apply a special subdivision rule be applied to all triangular faces that was empirically determined to make triangles subdivide more smoothly. a_smoothTriangles = nAttr.create("smoothTriangles", "stri", MFnNumericData::kBoolean, 0.0, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::smoothTriangles" ); stat = nAttr.setDefault(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::smoothTriangles.setDefault(true)" ); stat = nAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::smoothTriangles.setReadable()" ); stat = nAttr.setWritable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::smoothTriangles.setWritable()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_smoothTriangles ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_smoothTriangles)" ); // a_creaseMethod : Controls how boundary edges and vertices are interpolated. <ul> <li>Normal</li> <li>Chaikin: Improves the appearance of multiedge creases with varying weight</li> </ul> a_creaseMethod = eAttr.create("creaseMethod", "crm", 0, &stat); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot create MayaPolySmooth::creaseMethod" ); stat = eAttr.addField("Normal", k_creaseMethod_normal); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::creaseMethod.addField(Normal, k_creaseMethod_normal)" ); stat = eAttr.addField("Chaikin", k_creaseMethod_chaikin); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::creaseMethod.addField(Chaikin, k_creaseMethod_chaikin)" ); stat = eAttr.setDefault(0); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::creaseMethod.setDefault(0)" ); stat = eAttr.setReadable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::creaseMethod.setReadable()" ); stat = eAttr.setWritable(true); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::creaseMethod.setWritable()" ); stat = addAttribute( a_creaseMethod ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot MayaPolySmooth::addAttribute(a_creaseMethod)" ); // MAYA_NODE_BUILDER:END [ATTRIBUTE CREATION] ========== // Set up a dependency between the input and the output. This will cause // the output to be marked dirty when the input changes. The output will // then be recomputed the next time the value of the output is requested. // // MAYA_NODE_BUILDER:BEG [ATTRIBUTE DEPENDS] ========== stat = attributeAffects( a_creaseMethod, a_output ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute creaseMethod affect output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_inputPolymesh, a_output ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute inputPolymesh affect output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_subdivisionLevels, a_output ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute subdivisionLevels affect output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_smoothTriangles, a_output ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute smoothTriangles affect output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_fvarPropagateCorners, a_output ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute fvarPropagateCorners affect output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_vertBoundaryMethod, a_output ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute vertBoundaryMethod affect output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_fvarBoundaryMethod, a_output ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute fvarBoundaryMethod affect output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_creaseMethod, a_recommendedIsolation ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute creaseMethod affect .si output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_inputPolymesh, a_recommendedIsolation ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute inputPolymesh affect .si output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_subdivisionLevels, a_recommendedIsolation ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute subdivisionLevels affect .si output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_smoothTriangles, a_recommendedIsolation ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute smoothTriangles affect .si output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_fvarPropagateCorners, a_recommendedIsolation ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute fvarPropagateCorners affect .si output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_vertBoundaryMethod, a_recommendedIsolation ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute vertBoundaryMethod affect .si output" ); stat = attributeAffects( a_fvarBoundaryMethod, a_recommendedIsolation ); MCHECKERR( stat, "cannot have attribute fvarBoundaryMethod affect .si output" ); // MAYA_NODE_BUILDER:END [ATTRIBUTE DEPENDS] ========== return MS::kSuccess; }
// ==================================== // Compute // ==================================== // // Description: // This method computes the value of the given output plug based // on the values of the input attributes. // // Arguments: // plug - the plug to compute // data - object that provides access to the attributes for this node // MStatus OsdPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) { MStatus returnStatus; // Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute. If this // node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return // MS::kUnknownParameter. // if( plug == a_output ) { bool createdSubdMesh = false; int subdivisionLevel = data.inputValue(a_subdivisionLevels).asInt(); short stateH = data.inputValue(state).asShort(); if ((subdivisionLevel > 0) and (stateH !=1)) { // == Retrieve input mesh ==================================== // Get attr values MObject inMeshObj = data.inputValue(a_inputPolymesh).asMesh(); short vertBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_vertBoundaryMethod).asShort(); short fvarBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_fvarBoundaryMethod).asShort(); bool fvarPropCorners = data.inputValue(a_fvarPropagateCorners).asBool(); bool smoothTriangles = data.inputValue(a_smoothTriangles).asBool(); short creaseMethodVal = data.inputValue(a_creaseMethod).asShort(); // Convert attr values to OSD enums HMesh::InterpolateBoundaryMethod vertInterpBoundaryMethod = ConvertMayaBoundaryMethodShortToOsdInterpolateBoundaryMethod(vertBoundaryMethod); HMesh::InterpolateBoundaryMethod fvarInterpBoundaryMethod = ConvertMayaBoundaryMethodShortToOsdInterpolateBoundaryMethod(fvarBoundaryMethod); HCatmark::CreaseSubdivision creaseMethod = (creaseMethodVal == k_creaseMethod_chaikin) ? HCatmark::k_CreaseChaikin : HCatmark::k_CreaseNormal; HCatmark::TriangleSubdivision triangleSubdivision = smoothTriangles ? HCatmark::k_New : HCatmark::k_Normal; // == Get Mesh Functions and Iterators ========================== MFnMeshData inMeshDat(inMeshObj); MFnMesh inMeshFn(inMeshObj, &returnStatus); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "ERROR getting inMeshFn\n"); MItMeshPolygon inMeshItPolygon(inMeshObj, &returnStatus); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "ERROR getting inMeshItPolygon\n"); // == Convert MFnMesh to OpenSubdiv ============================= // Create the hbrMesh // Note: These fvar values only need to be kept alive through the life of the farMesh std::vector<int> fvarIndices; std::vector<int> fvarWidths; HMesh *hbrMesh = createOsdHbrFromPoly( inMeshFn, inMeshItPolygon, fvarIndices, fvarWidths); assert(hbrMesh); // Create the farMesh if successfully created the hbrMesh if (hbrMesh) { // Set Boundary methods and other hbr paramters hbrMesh->SetInterpolateBoundaryMethod( vertInterpBoundaryMethod ); hbrMesh->SetFVarInterpolateBoundaryMethod( fvarInterpBoundaryMethod ); hbrMesh->SetFVarPropagateCorners(fvarPropCorners); hbrMesh->GetSubdivision()->SetCreaseSubdivisionMethod(creaseMethod); // Set HBR Catmark Subdivision parameters HCatmark *catmarkSubdivision = dynamic_cast<HCatmark *>(hbrMesh->GetSubdivision()); if (catmarkSubdivision) { catmarkSubdivision->SetTriangleSubdivisionMethod(triangleSubdivision); } // Finalize subd calculations -- apply boundary interpolation rules and resolves singular verts, etc. // NOTE: This HAS to be called after all HBR parameters are set hbrMesh->Finish(); int ncoarseverts = hbrMesh->GetNumVertices(); // Create a FarMesh from the HBR mesh and pass into // It will be owned by the OsdMesh and deleted in the ~OsdMesh() FMeshFactory meshFactory(hbrMesh, subdivisionLevel, false); FMesh *farMesh = meshFactory.Create((hbrMesh->GetTotalFVarWidth() > 0)); // == Setup OSD Data Structures ========================= int numVertexElements = 3; // only track vertex positions int numVaryingElements = 0; // XXX Future: Revise to include varying ColorSets int numVertices = inMeshFn.numVertices(); int numFarVerts = farMesh->GetNumVertices(); static OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuComputeController computeController = OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuComputeController(); OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuComputeController::ComputeContext *computeContext = OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuComputeController::ComputeContext::Create(farMesh); OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuVertexBuffer *vertexBuffer = OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuVertexBuffer::Create(numVertexElements, numFarVerts ); OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuVertexBuffer *varyingBuffer = (numVaryingElements) ? OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuVertexBuffer::Create(numVaryingElements, numFarVerts) : NULL; // == UPDATE VERTICES (can be done after farMesh generated from topology) == float const * vertex3fArray = inMeshFn.getRawPoints(&returnStatus); vertexBuffer->UpdateData(vertex3fArray, 0, numVertices ); // Hbr dupes singular vertices during Mesh::Finish() - we need // to duplicate their positions in the vertex buffer. if (ncoarseverts > numVertices) { MIntArray polyverts; for (int i=numVertices; i<ncoarseverts; ++i) { HVertex const * v = hbrMesh->GetVertex(i); HFace const * f = v->GetIncidentEdge()->GetFace(); int vidx = -1; for (int j=0; j<f->GetNumVertices(); ++j) { if (f->GetVertex(j)==v) { vidx = j; break; } } assert(vidx>-1); inMeshFn.getPolygonVertices(f->GetID(), polyverts); int vert = polyverts[vidx]; vertexBuffer->UpdateData(&vertex3fArray[0]+vert*numVertexElements, i, 1); } } // == Delete HBR // Can now delete the hbrMesh as we will only be referencing the farMesh from this point on delete hbrMesh; hbrMesh = NULL; // == Subdivide OpenSubdiv mesh ========================== computeController.Refine(computeContext, farMesh->GetKernelBatches(), vertexBuffer, varyingBuffer); computeController.Synchronize(); // == Convert subdivided OpenSubdiv mesh to MFnMesh Data outputMesh ============= // Create New Mesh Data Object MFnMeshData newMeshData; MObject newMeshDataObj = newMeshData.create(&returnStatus); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "ERROR creating outputData"); // Create out mesh returnStatus = convertOsdFarToMayaMeshData(farMesh, vertexBuffer, subdivisionLevel, inMeshFn, newMeshDataObj); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "ERROR convertOsdFarToMayaMesh"); // Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to outMesh (for per-facet shading, etc) returnStatus = createSmoothMesh_objectGroups(inMeshDat, subdivisionLevel, newMeshData ); // Write to output plug MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &returnStatus); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n"); outMeshH.set(newMeshDataObj); // == Cleanup OSD ============================================ // REVISIT: Re-add these deletes delete(vertexBuffer); delete(varyingBuffer); delete(computeContext); delete(farMesh); // note that the subd mesh was created (see the section below if !createdSubdMesh) createdSubdMesh = true; } } // Pass-through inMesh to outMesh if not created the subd mesh if (!createdSubdMesh) { MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &returnStatus); returnStatus = outMeshH.copy(data.outputValue(a_inputPolymesh, &returnStatus)); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n"); } // Clean up Maya Plugs data.setClean(plug); } else { // Unhandled parameter in this compute function, so return MS::kUnknownParameter // so it is handled in a parent compute() function. return MS::kUnknownParameter; } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus convertOsdFarToMayaMeshData( FMesh const * farMesh, OpenSubdiv::OsdCpuVertexBuffer * vertexBuffer, int subdivisionLevel, MFnMesh const & inMeshFn, MObject newMeshDataObj ) { MStatus returnStatus; // Get sizing data from OSD const OpenSubdiv::FarPatchTables *farPatchTables = farMesh->GetPatchTables(); int numPolygons = farPatchTables->GetNumFaces(); // use the highest level stored in the patch tables const unsigned int *polygonConnects_orig = farPatchTables->GetFaceVertices(); // use the highest level stored in the patch tables const OpenSubdiv::FarSubdivisionTables<OpenSubdiv::OsdVertex> *farSubdivTables = farMesh->GetSubdivisionTables(); unsigned int numVertices = farSubdivTables->GetNumVertices(subdivisionLevel); unsigned int vertexOffset = farSubdivTables->GetFirstVertexOffset(subdivisionLevel); // Init Maya Data MFloatPointArray points(numVertices); MIntArray faceCounts(numPolygons); // number of edges for each polygon. Assume quads (4-edges per face) MIntArray faceConnects(numPolygons*4); // array of vertex ids for all edges. assuming quads // -- Face Counts for (int i=0; i < numPolygons; ++i) { faceCounts[i] = 4; } // -- Face Connects for (unsigned int i=0; i < faceConnects.length(); i++) { faceConnects[i] = polygonConnects_orig[i] - vertexOffset; // adjust vertex indices so that v0 is at index 0 } // -- Points // Number of floats in each vertex. (positions, normals, etc) int numFloatsPerVertex = vertexBuffer->GetNumElements(); assert(numFloatsPerVertex == 3); // assuming only xyz stored for each vertex const float *vertexData = vertexBuffer->BindCpuBuffer(); float *ptrVertexData; for (unsigned int i=0; i < numVertices; i++) { // make sure to offset to the first osd vertex for that subd level unsigned int osdRawVertexIndex = i + vertexOffset; // Lookup the data in the vertexData ptrVertexData = (float *) vertexData + ((osdRawVertexIndex) * numFloatsPerVertex); points.set(i, ptrVertexData[0], ptrVertexData[1], ptrVertexData[2]); } // Create New Mesh from MFnMesh MFnMesh newMeshFn; MObject newMeshObj = newMeshFn.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(), points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &returnStatus); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot create new mesh"); // Attach UVs (if present) // ASSUMPTION: Only tracking UVs as FVar data. Will need to change this // ASSUMPTION: OSD has a unique UV for each face-vertex int fvarTotalWidth = farMesh->GetTotalFVarWidth(); if (fvarTotalWidth > 0) { // Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh MStringArray uvSetNames; MStringArray colorSetNames; std::vector<int> colorSetChannels; std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps; int totalColorSetChannels = 0; returnStatus = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames, colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels); int numUVSets = uvSetNames.length(); int expectedFvarTotalWidth = numUVSets*2 + totalColorSetChannels; assert(fvarTotalWidth == expectedFvarTotalWidth); const OpenSubdiv::FarPatchTables::FVarDataTable &fvarDataTable = farPatchTables->GetFVarDataTable(); assert(fvarDataTable.size() == expectedFvarTotalWidth*faceConnects.length()); // Create an array of indices to map each face-vert to the UV and ColorSet Data MIntArray fvarConnects(faceConnects.length()); for (unsigned int i=0; i < faceConnects.length(); i++) { fvarConnects[i] = i; } MFloatArray uCoord(faceConnects.length()); MFloatArray vCoord(faceConnects.length()); for (int uvSetIndex=0; uvSetIndex < numUVSets; uvSetIndex++) { for(unsigned int vertid=0; vertid < faceConnects.length(); vertid++) { int fvarItem = vertid*fvarTotalWidth + uvSetIndex*2; // stride per vertex is the fvarTotalWidth uCoord[vertid] = fvarDataTable[fvarItem]; vCoord[vertid] = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+1]; } // Assign UV buffer and map the uvids for each face-vertex if (uvSetIndex != 0) { // assume uvset index 0 is the default UVset, so do not create returnStatus = newMeshFn.createUVSetDataMesh( uvSetNames[uvSetIndex] ); } MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot create UVSet"); newMeshFn.setUVs(uCoord,vCoord, &uvSetNames[uvSetIndex]); newMeshFn.assignUVs(faceCounts, fvarConnects, &uvSetNames[uvSetIndex]); } MColorArray colorArray(faceConnects.length()); int colorSetRelativeStartIndex = numUVSets*2; for (unsigned int colorSetIndex=0; colorSetIndex < colorSetNames.length(); colorSetIndex++) { for(unsigned int vertid=0; vertid < faceConnects.length(); vertid++) { int fvarItem = vertid*fvarTotalWidth + colorSetRelativeStartIndex; if (colorSetChannels[colorSetIndex] == 1) { colorArray[vertid].r = fvarDataTable[fvarItem]; colorArray[vertid].g = fvarDataTable[fvarItem]; colorArray[vertid].b = fvarDataTable[fvarItem]; colorArray[vertid].a = 1.0f; } else if (colorSetChannels[colorSetIndex] == 3) { colorArray[vertid].r = fvarDataTable[fvarItem]; colorArray[vertid].g = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+1]; colorArray[vertid].b = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+2]; colorArray[vertid].a = 1.0f; } else { colorArray[vertid].r = fvarDataTable[fvarItem]; colorArray[vertid].g = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+1]; colorArray[vertid].b = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+2]; colorArray[vertid].a = fvarDataTable[fvarItem+3]; } } // Assign UV buffer and map the uvids for each face-vertex // API Limitation: Cannot set MColorRepresentation here returnStatus = newMeshFn.createColorSetDataMesh(colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]); MCHECKERR(returnStatus, "Cannot create ColorSet"); bool isColorClamped = inMeshFn.isColorClamped(colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], &returnStatus); newMeshFn.setIsColorClamped(colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], isColorClamped); newMeshFn.setColors(colorArray, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex], colorSetReps[colorSetIndex]); newMeshFn.assignColors(fvarConnects, &colorSetNames[colorSetIndex]); // Increment colorSet start location in fvar buffer colorSetRelativeStartIndex += colorSetChannels[colorSetIndex]; } } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus MayaPolySmooth::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data ) { MStatus status; // Check which output attribute we have been asked to compute. If this // node doesn't know how to compute it, we must return // MS::kUnknownParameter. // if( plug == a_output ) { bool createdSubdMesh = false; int subdivisionLevel = data.inputValue(a_subdivisionLevels).asInt(); short stateH = data.inputValue(state).asShort(); if ((subdivisionLevel > 0) and (stateH !=1)) { // == Retrieve input mesh ==================================== // Get attr values MObject inMeshObj = data.inputValue(a_inputPolymesh).asMesh(); short vertBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_vertBoundaryMethod).asShort(); short fvarBoundaryMethod = data.inputValue(a_fvarBoundaryMethod).asShort(); bool fvarPropCorners = data.inputValue(a_fvarPropagateCorners).asBool(); bool smoothTriangles = data.inputValue(a_smoothTriangles).asBool(); short creaseMethodVal = data.inputValue(a_creaseMethod).asShort(); // == Get Mesh Functions and Iterators ========================== MFnMeshData inMeshDat(inMeshObj); MFnMesh inMeshFn(inMeshObj, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshFn\n"); MItMeshPolygon inMeshItPolygon(inMeshObj, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting inMeshItPolygon\n"); // Convert attr values to OSD enums OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SchemeType type = OpenSubdiv::Sdc::SCHEME_CATMARK; // // Create Far topology // OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options options; options.SetVtxBoundaryInterpolation(ConvertMayaVtxBoundary(vertBoundaryMethod)); options.SetFVarLinearInterpolation(ConvertMayaFVarBoundary(fvarBoundaryMethod, fvarPropCorners)); options.SetCreasingMethod(creaseMethodVal ? OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_CHAIKIN : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::CREASE_UNIFORM); options.SetTriangleSubdivision(smoothTriangles ? OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_SMOOTH : OpenSubdiv::Sdc::Options::TRI_SUB_CATMARK); float maxCreaseSharpness=0.0f; OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner * refiner = gatherTopology(inMeshFn, inMeshItPolygon, type, options, &maxCreaseSharpness); assert(refiner); // Refine & Interpolate refiner->RefineUniform(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner::UniformOptions(subdivisionLevel)); Vertex const * controlVerts = reinterpret_cast<Vertex const *>(inMeshFn.getRawPoints(&status)); std::vector<Vertex> refinedVerts( refiner->GetNumVerticesTotal() - refiner->GetLevel(0).GetNumVertices()); Vertex const * srcVerts = controlVerts; Vertex * dstVerts = &refinedVerts[0]; for (int level = 1; level <= subdivisionLevel; ++level) { OpenSubdiv::Far::PrimvarRefiner(*refiner).Interpolate(level, srcVerts, dstVerts); srcVerts = dstVerts; dstVerts += refiner->GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices(); } // == Convert subdivided OpenSubdiv mesh to MFnMesh Data outputMesh ============= // Create New Mesh Data Object MFnMeshData newMeshData; MObject newMeshDataObj = newMeshData.create(&status); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR creating outputData"); // Create out mesh status = convertToMayaMeshData(*refiner, refinedVerts, inMeshFn, newMeshDataObj); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR convertOsdFarToMayaMesh"); // Propagate objectGroups from inMesh to outMesh (for per-facet shading, etc) status = createSmoothMesh_objectGroups(inMeshFn, inMeshDat, newMeshData, subdivisionLevel, refiner->GetLevel(subdivisionLevel).GetNumFaces()); // Write to output plug MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n"); outMeshH.set(newMeshDataObj); int isolation = std::min(10,(int)ceil(maxCreaseSharpness)+1); data.outputValue(a_recommendedIsolation).set(isolation); // == Cleanup OSD ============================================ // REVISIT: Re-add these deletes delete refiner; // note that the subd mesh was created (see the section below if !createdSubdMesh) createdSubdMesh = true; } // Pass-through inMesh to outMesh if not created the subd mesh if (!createdSubdMesh) { MDataHandle outMeshH = data.outputValue(a_output, &status); status = outMeshH.copy(data.outputValue(a_inputPolymesh, &status)); MCHECKERR(status, "ERROR getting polygon data handle\n"); } // Clean up Maya Plugs data.setClean(plug); } else { // Unhandled parameter in this compute function, so return MS::kUnknownParameter // so it is handled in a parent compute() function. return MS::kUnknownParameter; } return MS::kSuccess; }
static MStatus convertToMayaMeshData(OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyRefiner const & refiner, std::vector<Vertex> const & vertexBuffer, MFnMesh const & inMeshFn, MObject newMeshDataObj) { MStatus status; typedef OpenSubdiv::Far::ConstIndexArray IndexArray; int maxlevel = refiner.GetMaxLevel(); OpenSubdiv::Far::TopologyLevel const & refLastLevel = refiner.GetLevel(maxlevel); int nfaces = refLastLevel.GetNumFaces(); // Init Maya Data // -- Face Counts MIntArray faceCounts(nfaces); for (int face=0; face < nfaces; ++face) { faceCounts[face] = 4; } // -- Face Connects MIntArray faceConnects(nfaces*4); for (int face=0, idx=0; face < nfaces; ++face) { IndexArray fverts = refLastLevel.GetFaceVertices(face); for (int vert=0; vert < fverts.size(); ++vert) { faceConnects[idx++] = fverts[vert]; } } // -- Points MFloatPointArray points(refLastLevel.GetNumVertices()); Vertex const * v = &; for (int level=1; level<=maxlevel; ++level) { int nverts = refiner.GetLevel(level).GetNumVertices(); if (level==maxlevel) { for (int vert=0; vert < nverts; ++vert, ++v) { points.set(vert, v->position[0], v->position[1], v->position[2]); } } else { v += nverts; } } // Create New Mesh from MFnMesh MFnMesh newMeshFn; MObject newMeshObj = newMeshFn.create(points.length(), faceCounts.length(), points, faceCounts, faceConnects, newMeshDataObj, &status); MCHECKERR(status, "Cannot create new mesh"); int fvarTotalWidth = 0; if (fvarTotalWidth > 0) { // Get face-varying set names and other info from the inMesh MStringArray uvSetNames; MStringArray colorSetNames; std::vector<int> colorSetChannels; std::vector<MFnMesh::MColorRepresentation> colorSetReps; int totalColorSetChannels = 0; status = getMayaFvarFieldParams(inMeshFn, uvSetNames, colorSetNames, colorSetChannels, colorSetReps, totalColorSetChannels); #if defined(DEBUG) or defined(_DEBUG) int numUVSets = uvSetNames.length(); int expectedFvarTotalWidth = numUVSets*2 + totalColorSetChannels; assert(fvarTotalWidth == expectedFvarTotalWidth); #endif // XXXX fvar stuff here } return MS::kSuccess; }