Ejemplo n.º 1
void MCStack::setacceleratedrendering(bool p_value)
	// If we are turning accelerated rendering off, then destroy the tilecache.
	if (!p_value)
		m_tilecache = nil;
		// MW-2012-03-15: [[ Bug ]] Make sure we dirty the stack to ensure all the
		//   layer mode attrs are rest.
	// If we are turning accelerated rendering on, and we already have a tile-
	// cache, then do nothing.
	if (m_tilecache != nil)
	// Otherwise, we configure based on platform settings.
	int32_t t_tile_size;
	int32_t t_cache_limit;
	MCTileCacheCompositorType t_compositor_type;
	t_compositor_type = kMCTileCacheCompositorCoreGraphics;
	t_tile_size = 32;
	t_cache_limit = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
#elif defined(_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) || defined(_LINUX_DESKTOP)
	t_compositor_type = kMCTileCacheCompositorSoftware;
	t_tile_size = 32;
	t_cache_limit = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
#elif defined(_IOS_MOBILE) || defined(_ANDROID_MOBILE)
	t_compositor_type = kMCTileCacheCompositorStaticOpenGL;
	const MCDisplay *t_display;
	MCscreen -> getdisplays(t_display, false);
	MCRectangle t_viewport;
	t_viewport = t_display -> viewport;
	bool t_small_screen, t_medium_screen;
	t_small_screen = MCMin(t_viewport . width, t_viewport . height) <= 480 && MCMax(t_viewport . width, t_viewport . height) <= 640;
	t_medium_screen = MCMin(t_viewport . width, t_viewport . height) <= 768 && MCMax(t_viewport . width, t_viewport . height) <= 1024;

	if (t_small_screen)
		t_tile_size = 32, t_cache_limit = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
	else if (t_medium_screen)
		t_tile_size = 64, t_cache_limit = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
		t_tile_size = 64, t_cache_limit = 64 * 1024 * 1024;

	MCTileCacheCreate(t_tile_size, t_cache_limit, m_tilecache);
	MCTileCacheSetViewport(m_tilecache, curcard -> getrect());
	MCTileCacheSetCompositor(m_tilecache, t_compositor_type);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static bool MCTextLayoutFontWithLink(MCTextLayoutFont *p_base, MCTextLayoutLinkedFontEntry *p_link, MCTextLayoutFont*& r_font)
	LOGFONTA t_logfont;
	t_logfont = p_base -> info;
	MCMemoryCopy(&t_logfont . lfFaceName, p_link -> face, MCMax(MCCStringLength(p_link -> face) + 1, sizeof(t_logfont . lfFaceName)));

	MCTextLayoutFont *t_font;
	t_font = MCTextLayoutFontFind(t_logfont);
	if (t_font != nil)
		r_font = t_font;
		return true;
	HFONT t_hfont;
	t_hfont = CreateFontIndirectA(&t_logfont);
	if (t_hfont == nil)
		return false;

	bool t_success;
	t_success = MCTextLayoutFontFromHFONT(t_hfont, t_font);

	r_font = t_font;

	return t_success;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// IM-2014-01-28: [[ HiDPI ]] Return the DPI scale factor of the main screen.
//   This gives us the pixelscale for system-DPI-aware applications.
MCGFloat MCWin32GetLogicalToScreenScale(void)
	// TODO - determine the correct value on Win8.1 - this may depend on the display in question

	uint32_t t_x, t_y;
	/* UNCHECKED */ MCWin32GetScreenDPI(t_x, t_y);

	return (MCGFloat) MCMax(t_x, t_y) / NORMAL_DENSITY;
Ejemplo n.º 4
// IM-2014-01-28: [[ HiDPI ]] Return the DPI scale factor of the given monitor.
//   For system-DPI-aware applications this will be the global system DPI value.
//   For Per-Monitor-DPI-aware applications, this will be the effective DPI scale of the given monitor
bool MCWin32GetMonitorPixelScale(HMONITOR p_monitor, MCGFloat &r_pixel_scale)
	uint32_t t_xdpi, t_ydpi;

	// try to get per-monitor DPI setting
	if (!MCWin32GetDPIForMonitor(p_monitor, t_xdpi, t_ydpi) &&
		// fallback to the global system DPI setting
		!MCWin32GetScreenDPI(t_xdpi, t_ydpi))
			return false;

	r_pixel_scale = (MCGFloat)MCMax(t_xdpi, t_ydpi) / NORMAL_DENSITY;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
// IM-2014-01-28: [[ HiDPI ]] Return the DPI scale factor of the main screen.
//   This gives us the pixelscale for system-DPI-aware applications.
MCGFloat MCWin32GetLogicalToScreenScale(void)
	// TODO - determine the correct value on Win8.1 - this may depend on the display in question

	// IM-2014-08-08: [[ Bug 12372 ]] If pixel scaling is disabled, then
	// we don't need to scale from logical -> screen.
	if (!MCResGetUsePixelScaling())
		return 1.0;

	uint32_t t_x, t_y;
	/* UNCHECKED */ MCWin32GetScreenDPI(t_x, t_y);

	return (MCGFloat) MCMax(t_x, t_y) / NORMAL_DENSITY;
Ejemplo n.º 6
bool MCResampledImageRep::LoadImageFrames(MCBitmapFrame *&r_frames, uindex_t &r_frame_count, bool &r_frames_premultiplied)
	uindex_t t_src_width, t_src_height;
	if (!m_source->GetGeometry(t_src_width, t_src_height))
		return false;
	bool t_success = true;
	MCBitmapFrame *t_frames = nil;
	uindex_t t_frame_count = 0;
	t_frame_count = m_source->GetFrameCount();
	// IM-2013-07-03: [[ Bug 11018 ]] fail here if the source has no frames
	t_success = t_frame_count != 0;

	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNewArray(t_frame_count, t_frames);
	MCGFloat t_scale;
	t_scale = MCMax(m_target_width / (float)t_src_width, m_target_height / (float)t_src_height);
	for (uindex_t i = 0; t_success && i < t_frame_count; i++)
		MCBitmapFrame *t_src_frame = nil;
		t_success = m_source->LockBitmapFrame(i, t_scale, t_src_frame);
		if (t_success)
			t_frames[i].duration = t_src_frame->duration;
			t_success = MCImageScaleBitmap(t_src_frame->image, m_target_width, m_target_height, INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC, t_frames[i].image);
			if (t_success)
				MCImageFlipBitmapInPlace(t_frames[i].image, m_h_flip, m_v_flip);
		m_source->UnlockBitmapFrame(i, t_src_frame);
	if (t_success)
		r_frames = t_frames;
		r_frame_count = t_frame_count;
		r_frames_premultiplied = false;
		MCImageFreeFrames(t_frames, t_frame_count);
	return t_success;
Ejemplo n.º 7
MCGAffineTransform view_get_stack_transform(MCStackFullscreenMode p_mode, MCRectangle p_stack_rect, MCRectangle p_screen_rect)
	MCGFloat t_scale;
	MCGAffineTransform t_transform;

	switch (p_mode)
	case kMCStackFullscreenModeNone:
		return MCGAffineTransformMakeIdentity();
	case kMCStackFullscreenResize:
		return MCGAffineTransformMakeIdentity();

	case kMCStackFullscreenExactFit:
		return MCGAffineTransformMakeScale((MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.width / (MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.width, (MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.height / (MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.height);

	case kMCStackFullscreenLetterbox:
	case kMCStackFullscreenShowAll:
		t_scale = MCMin((MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.width / (MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.width, (MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.height / (MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.height);
		t_transform = MCGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(-(MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.width / 2.0, -(MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.height / 2.0);
		t_transform = MCGAffineTransformPreScale(t_transform, t_scale, t_scale);
		t_transform = MCGAffineTransformPreTranslate(t_transform, (MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.width / 2.0, (MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.height / 2.0);

		return t_transform;

	case kMCStackFullscreenNoBorder:
		t_scale = MCMax((MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.width / (MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.width, (MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.height / (MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.height);
		t_transform = MCGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(-(MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.width / 2.0, -(MCGFloat)p_stack_rect.height / 2.0);
		t_transform = MCGAffineTransformPreScale(t_transform, t_scale, t_scale);
		t_transform = MCGAffineTransformPreTranslate(t_transform, (MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.width / 2.0, (MCGFloat)p_screen_rect.height / 2.0);

		return t_transform;

	case kMCStackFullscreenNoScale:
		// offset so stack is centered in screen
		MCRectangle t_rect;
		t_rect = MCU_center_rect(p_screen_rect, p_stack_rect);
		// IM-2013-12-19: [[ Bug 11590 ]] Adjust for screen rect origins other than 0,0
		return MCGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(t_rect.x - p_screen_rect.x, t_rect.y - p_screen_rect.y);
Ejemplo n.º 8
// IM-2014-01-28: [[ HiDPI ]] Return the DPI scale factor of the given monitor.
//   For system-DPI-aware applications this will be the global system DPI value.
//   For Per-Monitor-DPI-aware applications, this will be the effective DPI scale of the given monitor
bool MCWin32GetMonitorPixelScale(HMONITOR p_monitor, MCGFloat &r_pixel_scale)
	UINT t_xdpi, t_ydpi;
	HRESULT t_result;
	// try to get per-monitor DPI setting
	if (!MCWin32GetDPIForMonitor(t_result, p_monitor, kMCWin32MDTDefault, &t_xdpi, &t_ydpi) ||
		t_result != S_OK)
		// fallback to the global system DPI setting
		uint32_t t_screen_xdpi, t_screen_ydpi;
		if (!MCWin32GetScreenDPI(t_screen_xdpi, t_screen_ydpi))
			return false;
		t_xdpi = t_screen_xdpi;
		t_ydpi = t_screen_ydpi;

	r_pixel_scale = (MCGFloat)MCMax(t_xdpi, t_ydpi) / NORMAL_DENSITY;

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void MCStack::view_setacceleratedrendering(bool p_value)
#ifdef _SERVER
    // We don't have accelerated rendering on Server
	// If we are turning accelerated rendering off, then destroy the tilecache.
	if (!p_value)
		m_view_tilecache = nil;
		// MW-2012-03-15: [[ Bug ]] Make sure we dirty the stack to ensure all the
		//   layer mode attrs are rest.
	// If we are turning accelerated rendering on, and we already have a tile-
	// cache, then do nothing.
	if (m_view_tilecache != nil)
	// Otherwise, we configure based on platform settings.
	int32_t t_tile_size;
	int32_t t_cache_limit;
	MCTileCacheCompositorType t_compositor_type;
	t_compositor_type = kMCTileCacheCompositorCoreGraphics;
	t_tile_size = 32;
	t_cache_limit = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
#elif defined(_WINDOWS_DESKTOP) || defined(_LINUX_DESKTOP) || defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__)
	t_compositor_type = kMCTileCacheCompositorSoftware;
	t_tile_size = 32;
	t_cache_limit = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
#elif defined(_IOS_MOBILE) || defined(_ANDROID_MOBILE)
	t_compositor_type = kMCTileCacheCompositorStaticOpenGL;
	const MCDisplay *t_display;
	MCscreen -> getdisplays(t_display, false);
	MCRectangle t_viewport;
	t_viewport = t_display -> viewport;
	// IM-2014-01-30: [[ HiDPI ]] Use backing-surface size to determine small, medium, or large
	t_viewport = MCRectangleGetScaledBounds(t_viewport, view_getbackingscale());
	bool t_small_screen, t_medium_screen;
	t_small_screen = MCMin(t_viewport . width, t_viewport . height) <= 480 && MCMax(t_viewport . width, t_viewport . height) <= 640;
	t_medium_screen = MCMin(t_viewport . width, t_viewport . height) <= 768 && MCMax(t_viewport . width, t_viewport . height) <= 1024;
	if (t_small_screen)
		t_tile_size = 32, t_cache_limit = 16 * 1024 * 1024;
	else if (t_medium_screen)
		t_tile_size = 64, t_cache_limit = 32 * 1024 * 1024;
		t_tile_size = 64, t_cache_limit = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
#   error "No tile cache implementation defined for this platform"
	MCTileCacheCreate(t_tile_size, t_cache_limit, m_view_tilecache);
	MCTileCacheSetCompositor(m_view_tilecache, t_compositor_type);
#endif /* !_SERVER */