Ejemplo n.º 1
DWORD WINAPI ScanThread(LPVOID lpParam) {
    int i;
    ROM_INFO *pRomInfo;
    md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char tempname[100];
     for (i=0;i<ItemList.ListCount;i++)
          if (stopScan) break;
          pRomInfo = &ItemList.List[i];
          //SendMessage( GetDlgItem(romInfoHWND, IDC_TOTAL_ROMS_PROGRESS), PBM_STEPIT, 0, 0 ); 
          SendMessage( GetDlgItem(romInfoHWND, IDC_TOTAL_ROMS_PROGRESS), PBM_SETPOS, i+1, 0 );
          if (!strcmp(TempMessage,"")) {
     //SendMessage( GetDlgItem(romInfoHWND, IDC_TOTAL_ROMS_PROGRESS), PBM_SETPOS, 0, 0 );
static int yubikey_auth_core(myConf_t *myConf, REQUEST *request)
    int passLen = 0, session = 0, counter = 0, i = 0;
    MD5_CTX ctx;
    int result = 0;
    char *filename = "/usr/local/etc/raddb/yubico/users";

    //get password by removing the last 32 characters of the password
    if (strlen(request->password->vp_strvalue) <= 32)
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Password too short.");
        return RLM_MODULE_REJECT;

    passLen = strlen(request->password->vp_strvalue) - 32;
    strncpy(myConf->pass, request->password->vp_strvalue, passLen);
    myConf->pass[passLen] = '\0';
    strncpy(myConf->token, request->password->vp_strvalue + passLen, 32);
    myConf->token[32] = '\0';

    //md5 stuff
    DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: length: %d, string: %s", passLen, myConf->pass);
    MD5Update(&ctx, (unsigned char *)myConf->pass, passLen);
    MD5toString(&ctx, myConf->md5ComputedString);
    myConf->md5ComputedString[32] = '\0';
    DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: MD5string of your pass: %s", myConf->md5ComputedString);
    DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Username: %s", request->username->vp_strvalue);

    //read file
    result = config_read_file(&(myConf->config), filename);
    if (result != CONFIG_TRUE)
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Failed to parse configuration file: config_read_file (&config, filename);");
        DEBUG("config_error_text()= %s and config_error_line()=%d", config_error_text(&(myConf->config)), config_error_line(&(myConf->config)));
        return RLM_MODULE_FAIL;

    //parse file
    myConf->config_setting = config_lookup(&(myConf->config), USERS_PATH);
    if (myConf->config_setting == NULL)
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Failed to parse configuration file: config_lookup failed to find the users node");
        return RLM_MODULE_FAIL;

    //go through the list of users
    for (i = 0; i < config_setting_length(myConf->config_setting); i++)
        DEBUG("Trying i: %d", i);
        config_setting_t *tmpSetting = NULL;
        tmpSetting = config_setting_get_elem(myConf->config_setting, i);
        if (tmpSetting == NULL)
            DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Failed to parse configuration file: config_setting_get_elem(config_setting,i);");
            return RLM_MODULE_FAIL;

        if ((config_setting_get_string_elem(tmpSetting, 0) == NULL) ||
                (config_setting_get_string_elem(tmpSetting, 1) == NULL) ||
                (config_setting_get_string_elem(tmpSetting, 2) == NULL))
            DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Failed to parse configuration file while reading the username/password/aeskey triplet ");
            return RLM_MODULE_FAIL;

        //check usernames are equal
        if (strcmp(request->username->vp_strvalue, config_setting_get_string_elem(tmpSetting, 0)) != 0)
            //users do not match. No need to debug this
            //Go to next iteration

        //check passwords are equal
        if (strcmp(myConf->md5ComputedString, config_setting_get_string_elem(tmpSetting, 1)) != 0)
            //passwords do not match. We debug
            DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Password does not match for user %s", request->username->vp_strvalue);
            //Go to next iteration

        //check aes stuff - mostly copied from the ykdebug.c that comes with the low-level yubikey library
        uint8_t buf[128];
        const char *aeskey = config_setting_get_string_elem(tmpSetting, 2);
        char *token = myConf->token;
        uint8_t key[YUBIKEY_KEY_SIZE];
        yubikey_token_st tok;

        yubikey_modhex_decode((char*) key, token, YUBIKEY_KEY_SIZE);
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:  aeskey: %s", aeskey);

        yubikey_hex_decode((char*) key, aeskey, YUBIKEY_KEY_SIZE);

        /* Pack up dynamic password, decrypt it and verify checksum */
        yubikey_parse((uint8_t*) token, key, &tok);

        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Struct:");
        size_t i;
        char *tmp = (char*) malloc(1024);
        for (i = 0; i < YUBIKEY_UID_SIZE; i++)
            sprintf(tmp + i, "%c ", tok.uid[i] & 0xFF);
        tmp[YUBIKEY_UID_SIZE + i] = 0;
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   uid:%s", tmp);

        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   counter: %d (0x%04x)", tok.ctr, tok.ctr);
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   timestamp (low): %d (0x%04x)", tok.tstpl, tok.tstpl);
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   timestamp (high): %d (0x%02x)", tok.tstph, tok.tstph);
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   session use: %d (0x%02x)", tok.use, tok.use);
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   random: %d (0x%02x)", tok.rnd, tok.rnd);
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   crc: %d (0x%04x)", tok.crc, tok.crc);
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Derived:");
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   cleaned counter: %d (0x%04x)",yubikey_counter(tok.ctr), yubikey_counter(tok.ctr));

        yubikey_modhex_encode((char*) buf, (char*) tok.uid, YUBIKEY_UID_SIZE);

        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   modhex uid: %s", buf);
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   triggered by caps lock: %s", yubikey_capslock(tok.ctr) ? "yes" : "no");
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   crc: %04X", yubikey_crc16((void*) & tok, YUBIKEY_KEY_SIZE));
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   crc check: ");
        if (yubikey_crc_ok_p((uint8_t*) & tok))
            DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   ok");

            char *tmppath = KEYS_PATH;
            char *path = (char*) malloc(strlen(tmppath) + 32 + 1);
            strcpy(path, tmppath);
            strcat(path, aeskey);

            myConf->config_setting = config_lookup(&(myConf->config), path);
            if (myConf->config_setting == NULL)
                DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Error parsing file: %s not found", path);
                return RLM_MODULE_FAIL;

            //checking counter and session and update them if necessary
            counter = config_setting_get_int_elem(myConf->config_setting, 0);
            session = config_setting_get_int_elem(myConf->config_setting, 1);
            DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Read counter: %d, session: %d", counter, session);

            if ((tok.ctr < counter)||((tok.ctr == counter) && (tok.use <= session)))
                DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: someone tried to login with an old generated hash");
                return RLM_MODULE_REJECT;

            //updating config file with counter and session
            config_setting_set_int_elem(myConf->config_setting, 0, tok.ctr);
            config_setting_set_int_elem(myConf->config_setting, 1, tok.use);

            DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Written element: %ld", config_setting_get_int_elem(myConf->config_setting, 0));
            DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Written element: %ld", config_setting_get_int_elem(myConf->config_setting, 1));
            if (CONFIG_FALSE == config_write_file(&(myConf->config), filename))
                DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Failed to write the file.");
                return RLM_MODULE_FAIL;

            return RLM_MODULE_OK;
        DEBUG("rlm_yubikey:   fail");
    DEBUG("rlm_yubikey: Authenticating with password %s", request->password->vp_strvalue);