Ejemplo n.º 1
int STable3D::Push4 (int r, int c, int f, int t)
   MFEM_ASSERT(r != c && r != f && r != t && c != f && c != t && f != t,
               " r = " << r << ", c = " << c << ", f = " << f << ", t = " << t);

   int i = 0;
   int max = r;

   if (max < c) { max = c, i = 1; }
   if (max < f) { max = f, i = 2; }
   if (max < t) { max = t, i = 3; }

   switch (i)
      case 0:
         return Push (c,f,t);
      case 1:
         return Push (r,f,t);
      case 2:
         return Push (r,c,t);
      case 3:
         return Push (r,c,f);

   return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
double ElementTransformation::EvalWeight()
   MFEM_ASSERT((EvalState & WEIGHT_MASK) == 0, "");
   EvalState |= WEIGHT_MASK;
   return (Wght = (dFdx.Width() == 0) ? 1.0 : dFdx.Weight());
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ParGridFunction::MakeRef(FiniteElementSpace *f, Vector &v, int v_offset)
   GridFunction::MakeRef(f, v, v_offset);
   pfes = dynamic_cast<ParFiniteElementSpace*>(f);
   MFEM_ASSERT(pfes != NULL, "not a ParFiniteElementSpace");
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ParGridFunction::SetSpace(FiniteElementSpace *f)
   pfes = dynamic_cast<ParFiniteElementSpace*>(f);
   MFEM_ASSERT(pfes != NULL, "not a ParFiniteElementSpace");
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ParGridFunction::MakeRef(FiniteElementSpace *f, double *v)
   GridFunction::MakeRef(f, v);
   pfes = dynamic_cast<ParFiniteElementSpace*>(f);
   MFEM_ASSERT(pfes != NULL, "not a ParFiniteElementSpace");
Ejemplo n.º 6
void BlockVector::Update(const Array<int> &bOffsets)
   blockOffsets = bOffsets.GetData();
   if (OwnsData())
      // check if 'bOffsets' agree with the 'blocks'
      if (bOffsets.Size() == numBlocks+1)
         if (numBlocks == 0) { return; }
         if (Size() == bOffsets.Last())
            for (int i = numBlocks - 1; true; i--)
               if (i < 0) { return; }
               if (blocks[i].Size() != bOffsets[i+1] - bOffsets[i]) { break; }
               MFEM_ASSERT(blocks[i].GetData() == data + bOffsets[i],
                           "invalid blocks[" << i << ']');
   if (numBlocks != bOffsets.Size()-1)
      delete [] blocks;
      numBlocks = bOffsets.Size()-1;
      blocks = new Vector[numBlocks];
Ejemplo n.º 7
// Convert a HYPRE_Int to int
inline int to_int(HYPRE_Int i)
    MFEM_ASSERT(HYPRE_Int(int(i)) == i, "overflow converting HYPRE_Int to int");
    return int(i);
Ejemplo n.º 8
int STable3D::Push (int r, int c, int f)
   STable3DNode *node;

   MFEM_ASSERT(r != c && c != f && f != r,
               "STable3D::Push : r = " << r << ", c = " << c << ", f = " << f);

   Sort3 (r, c, f);

   for (node = Rows[r]; node != NULL; node = node->Prev)
      if (node->Column == c)
         if (node->Floor == f)
            return node->Number;

   node = NodesMem.Alloc ();
   node = new STable3DNode;
   node->Column = c;
   node->Floor  = f;
   node->Number = NElem;
   node->Prev   = Rows[r];
   Rows[r] = node;

   return (NElem-1);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: vector.cpp Proyecto: LLNL/mfem
Vector &Vector::operator=(const double *v)
   if (data != v)
      MFEM_ASSERT(data + size <= v || v + size <= data, "Vectors overlap!");
      mfem::Memcpy(data, v, sizeof(double)*size);
   return *this;
Ejemplo n.º 10
const DenseMatrix &ElementTransformation::EvalAdjugateJ()
   MFEM_ASSERT((EvalState & ADJUGATE_MASK) == 0, "");
   adjJ.SetSize(dFdx.Width(), dFdx.Height());
   if (dFdx.Width() > 0) { CalcAdjugate(dFdx, adjJ); }
   EvalState |= ADJUGATE_MASK;
   return adjJ;
Ejemplo n.º 11
const DenseMatrix &IsoparametricTransformation::EvalJacobian()
   MFEM_ASSERT(space_dim == PointMat.Height(),
               "the IsoparametricTransformation has not been finalized;"
               " call FinilizeTransformation() after setup");
   MFEM_ASSERT((EvalState & JACOBIAN_MASK) == 0, "");

   dshape.SetSize(FElem->GetDof(), FElem->GetDim());
   dFdx.SetSize(PointMat.Height(), dshape.Width());
   if (dshape.Width() > 0)
      FElem->CalcDShape(*IntPoint, dshape);
      Mult(PointMat, dshape, dFdx);
   EvalState |= JACOBIAN_MASK;

   return dFdx;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 Point(const Point& p0, const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3)
    dim = p0.dim;
    MFEM_ASSERT(p1.dim == dim && p2.dim == dim && p3.dim == dim, "");
    for (int i = 0; i < dim; i++)
       coord[i] = (p0.coord[i] + p1.coord[i] + p2.coord[i] + p3.coord[i])
                  * 0.25;
Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: array.cpp Proyecto: YPCC/mfem
T Array<T>::Min() const
   MFEM_ASSERT(size > 0, "Array is empty with size " << size);

   T min = operator[](0);
   for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
      if (operator[](i) < min)
         min = operator[](i);

   return min;
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: array.cpp Proyecto: YPCC/mfem
T Array<T>::Max() const
   MFEM_ASSERT(size > 0, "Array is empty with size " << size);

   T max = operator[](0);
   for (int i = 1; i < size; i++)
      if (max < operator[](i))
         max = operator[](i);

   return max;
Ejemplo n.º 15
const DenseMatrix &ElementTransformation::EvalInverseJ()
   // TODO: compute as invJ = / adjJ/Weight,    if J is square,
   //                         \ adjJ/Weight^2,  otherwise.
   MFEM_ASSERT((EvalState & INVERSE_MASK) == 0, "");
   invJ.SetSize(dFdx.Width(), dFdx.Height());
   if (dFdx.Width() > 0) { CalcInverse(dFdx, invJ); }
   EvalState |= INVERSE_MASK;
   return invJ;
Ejemplo n.º 16
void IsoparametricTransformation::Transform (const DenseMatrix &matrix,
                                             DenseMatrix &result)
   MFEM_ASSERT(matrix.Height() == GetDimension(), "invalid input");
   result.SetSize(PointMat.Height(), matrix.Width());

   IntegrationPoint ip;
   Vector col;

   for (int j = 0; j < matrix.Width(); j++)
      ip.Set(matrix.GetColumn(j), matrix.Height());

      result.GetColumnReference(j, col);
      Transform(ip, col);
Ejemplo n.º 17
Archivo: vector.cpp Proyecto: LLNL/mfem
Vector::Vector(const Vector &v)
   int s = v.Size();

   if (s > 0)
      MFEM_ASSERT(v.data, "invalid source vector");
      allocsize = size = s;
      data = mfem::New<double>(s);
      mfem::Memcpy(data, v.data, sizeof(double)*s);
      allocsize = size = 0;
      data = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 18
void ParGridFunction::ProjectBdrCoefficientTangent(VectorCoefficient &vcoeff,
                                                   Array<int> &bdr_attr)
   Array<int> values_counter;
   AccumulateAndCountBdrTangentValues(vcoeff, bdr_attr, values_counter);
   if (pfes->Conforming())
      Vector values(Size());
      for (int i = 0; i < values.Size(); i++)
         values(i) = values_counter[i] ? (*this)(i) : 0.0;
      // Count the values globally.
      GroupCommunicator &gcomm = pfes->GroupComm();
      gcomm.Reduce<int>(values_counter, GroupCommunicator::Sum);
      // Accumulate the values globally.
      gcomm.Reduce<double>(values, GroupCommunicator::Sum);
      // Only the values in the master are guaranteed to be correct!
      for (int i = 0; i < values.Size(); i++)
         if (values_counter[i])
            (*this)(i) = values(i)/values_counter[i];
      // FIXME: same as the conforming case after 'cut-mesh-groups-dev-*' is
      //        merged?
      ComputeMeans(ARITHMETIC, values_counter);
   Array<int> ess_vdofs_marker;
   pfes->GetEssentialVDofs(bdr_attr, ess_vdofs_marker);
   for (int i = 0; i < values_counter.Size(); i++)
      MFEM_ASSERT(pfes->GetLocalTDofNumber(i) == -1 ||
                  bool(values_counter[i]) == bool(ess_vdofs_marker[i]),
                  "internal error");
Ejemplo n.º 19
double ParGridFunction::GetValue(int i, const IntegrationPoint &ip, int vdim)
   Array<int> dofs;
   Vector DofVal, LocVec;
   int nbr_el_no = i - pfes->GetParMesh()->GetNE();
   if (nbr_el_no >= 0)
      int fes_vdim = pfes->GetVDim();
      pfes->GetFaceNbrElementVDofs(nbr_el_no, dofs);
      if (fes_vdim > 1)
         int s = dofs.Size()/fes_vdim;
         Array<int> _dofs(&dofs[(vdim-1)*s], s);
         face_nbr_data.GetSubVector(_dofs, LocVec);
         face_nbr_data.GetSubVector(dofs, LocVec);
      pfes->GetFaceNbrFE(nbr_el_no)->CalcShape(ip, DofVal);
      fes->GetElementDofs(i, dofs);
      fes->DofsToVDofs(vdim-1, dofs);
      const FiniteElement *fe = fes->GetFE(i);
      MFEM_ASSERT(fe->GetMapType() == FiniteElement::VALUE, "invalid FE map type");
      fe->CalcShape(ip, DofVal);
      GetSubVector(dofs, LocVec);

   return (DofVal * LocVec);
Ejemplo n.º 20
int InverseElementTransformation::NewtonSolve(const Vector &pt,
                                              IntegrationPoint &ip)
   MFEM_ASSERT(pt.Size() == T->GetSpaceDim(), "invalid point");

   const double phys_tol = phys_rtol*pt.Normlinf();

   const int geom = T->GetGeometryType();
   const int dim = T->GetDimension();
   const int sdim = T->GetSpaceDim();
   IntegrationPoint xip, prev_xip;
   double xd[3], yd[3], dxd[3], dx_norm = -1.0, err_phys, real_dx_norm = -1.0;
   Vector x(xd, dim), y(yd, sdim), dx(dxd, dim);
   bool hit_bdr = false, prev_hit_bdr = false;

   // Use ip0 as initial guess:
   xip = *ip0;
   xip.Get(xd, dim); // xip -> x
   if (print_level >= 3)
      NewtonPrint(1, 0.); // iter 0
      NewtonPrintPoint(",    ref_pt", x, "\n");

   for (int it = 0; true; )
      // Remarks:
      // If f(x) := 1/2 |pt-F(x)|^2, then grad(f)(x) = -J^t(x) [pt-F(x)].
      // Linearize F(y) at y=x: F(y) ~ L[x](y) := F(x) + J(x) [y-x].
      // Newton iteration for F(y)=b is given by L[x_old](x_new) = b, i.e.
      // F(x_old) + J(x_old) [x_new-x_old] = b.
      // To minimize: 1/2 |F(y)-b|^2, subject to: l(y) >= 0, we may consider the
      // iteration: minimize: |L[x_old](x_new)-b|^2, subject to l(x_new) >= 0,
      // i.e. minimize: |F(x_old) + J(x_old) [x_new-x_old] - b|^2.

      // This method uses:
      // Newton iteration:    x := x + J(x)^{-1} [pt-F(x)]
      // or when dim != sdim: x := x + [J^t.J]^{-1}.J^t [pt-F(x)]

      // Compute the physical coordinates of the current point:
      T->Transform(xip, y);
      if (print_level >= 3)
         NewtonPrint(11, 0.); // continuation line
         NewtonPrintPoint("approx_pt", y, ", ");
         NewtonPrintPoint("exact_pt", pt, "\n");
      subtract(pt, y, y); // y = pt-y

      // Check for convergence in physical coordinates:
      err_phys = y.Normlinf();
      if (err_phys < phys_tol)
         if (print_level >= 1)
            NewtonPrint(1, (double)it);
            NewtonPrint(3, dx_norm);
            NewtonPrint(30, err_phys);
         ip = xip;
         if (solver_type != Newton) { return Inside; }
         return Geometry::CheckPoint(geom, ip, ip_tol) ? Inside : Outside;
      if (print_level >= 1)
         if (it == 0 || print_level >= 2)
            NewtonPrint(1, (double)it);
            NewtonPrint(3, dx_norm);
            NewtonPrint(18, err_phys);

      if (hit_bdr)
         xip.Get(xd, dim); // xip -> x
         if (prev_hit_bdr || it == max_iter || print_level >= 2)
            prev_xip.Get(dxd, dim); // prev_xip -> dx
            subtract(x, dx, dx);    // dx = xip - prev_xip
            real_dx_norm = dx.Normlinf();
            if (print_level >= 2)
               NewtonPrint(41, real_dx_norm);
            if (prev_hit_bdr && real_dx_norm < ref_tol)
               if (print_level >= 0)
                  if (print_level <= 1)
                     NewtonPrint(1, (double)it);
                     NewtonPrint(3, dx_norm);
                     NewtonPrint(18, err_phys);
                     NewtonPrint(41, real_dx_norm);
                  mfem::out << "Newton: *** stuck on boundary!\n";
               return Outside;

      if (it == max_iter) { break; }

      // Perform a Newton step:
      T->InverseJacobian().Mult(y, dx);
      x += dx;
      if (solver_type != Newton)
         prev_xip = xip;
         prev_hit_bdr = hit_bdr;
      xip.Set(xd, dim); // x -> xip

      // Perform projection based on solver_type:
      switch (solver_type)
         case Newton: break;
         case NewtonSegmentProject:
            hit_bdr = !Geometry::ProjectPoint(geom, prev_xip, xip); break;
         case NewtonElementProject:
            hit_bdr = !Geometry::ProjectPoint(geom, xip); break;
         default: MFEM_ABORT("invalid solver type");
      if (print_level >= 3)
         NewtonPrint(1, double(it));
         xip.Get(xd, dim); // xip -> x
         NewtonPrintPoint(",    ref_pt", x, "\n");

      // Check for convergence in reference coordinates:
      dx_norm = dx.Normlinf();
      if (dx_norm < ref_tol)
         if (print_level >= 1)
            NewtonPrint(1, (double)it);
            NewtonPrint(27, dx_norm);
         ip = xip;
         if (solver_type != Newton) { return Inside; }
         return Geometry::CheckPoint(geom, ip, ip_tol) ? Inside : Outside;
   if (print_level >= 0)
      if (print_level <= 1)
         NewtonPrint(1, (double)max_iter);
         NewtonPrint(3, dx_norm);
         NewtonPrint(18, err_phys);
         if (hit_bdr) { NewtonPrint(41, real_dx_norm); }
      mfem::out << "Newton: *** iteration did not converge!\n";
   ip = xip;
   return Unknown;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// Check if the mesh of the solution was modified.
 bool MeshIsModified()
    long mesh_sequence = solution->FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetSequence();
    MFEM_ASSERT(mesh_sequence >= current_sequence, "");
    return (mesh_sequence > current_sequence);