Ejemplo n.º 1
bool steepest_descent_step(void) {
  Cell *cell;
  Particle *p;
  int c, i, j, np;
  double f_max = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  double f;
  /* Verlet list criterion */
  const double skin2 = SQR(0.5*skin);
  double f_max_global;
  double dx[3], dx2;
  const double max_dx2 = SQR(params->max_displacement);

  for (c = 0; c < local_cells.n; c++) {
    cell = local_cells.cell[c];
    p  = cell->part;
    np = cell->n;
    for(i = 0; i < np; i++) {
      f = 0.0;
      dx2 = 0.0;
      if (ifParticleIsVirtual(&p[i])) continue;
      for(j=0; j < 3; j++){
        if (!(p[i].p.ext_flag & COORD_FIXED(j)))
            f += SQR(p[i].f.f[j]);	    	    
	    dx[j] = params->gamma * p[i].f.f[j];	    
	    dx2 += SQR(dx[j]);
	    MINIMIZE_ENERGY_TRACE(printf("part %d dim %d dx %e gamma*f %e\n", i, j, dx[j], params->gamma * p[i].f.f[j]));
	else {
	  dx[j] = 0.0;	  

      if(dx2 <= max_dx2) {
	p[i].r.p[0] += dx[0];
	p[i].r.p[1] += dx[1];
	p[i].r.p[2] += dx[2];
      } else {
	const double c = params->max_displacement/std::sqrt(dx2);
	p[i].r.p[0] += c*dx[0];
	p[i].r.p[1] += c*dx[1];
	p[i].r.p[2] += c*dx[2];
      if(distance2(p[i].r.p,p[i].l.p_old) > skin2 ) resort_particles = 1;
      f_max = std::max(f_max, f);
  MINIMIZE_ENERGY_TRACE(printf("f_max %e resort_particles %d\n", f_max, resort_particles));
  MPI_Allreduce(&f_max, &f_max_global, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm_cart);
  return (sqrt(f_max_global) < params->f_max);
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool steepest_descent_step(void) {
  Cell *cell;
  Particle *p;
  int c, i, j, np;
  // Maximal force encountered on node
  double f_max = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  // and globally
  double f_max_global;
  // Square of force,torque on particle
  double f,t;
  // Positional increments
  double dp, dp2, dp2_max = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  // Iteration over all local particles
  for (c = 0; c < local_cells.n; c++) {
    cell = local_cells.cell[c];
    p  = cell->part;
    np = cell->n;
    for(i = 0; i < np; i++) {
      f = 0.0;
      t = 0.0;
      dp2 = 0.0;
        // Skip, if coordinate is fixed
        if (!(p[i].p.ext_flag & COORD_FIXED(j)))
      // For all Cartesian coordinates
      for(j=0; j < 3; j++){
      // Skip positional increments of virtual particles
      if (!ifParticleIsVirtual(&p[i])) 
            // Square of force on particle
	    f += SQR(p[i].f.f[j]);	    	    
	    // Positional increment
	    dp = params->gamma * p[i].f.f[j];
	    if(fabs(dp) > params->max_displacement)
	      // Crop to maximum allowed by user
	      dp = sgn<double>(dp)*params->max_displacement;
	    dp2 += SQR(dp);
	    // Move particle
	    p[i].r.p[j] += dp;
	    MINIMIZE_ENERGY_TRACE(printf("part %d dim %d dp %e gamma*f %e\n", i, j, dp, params->gamma * p[i].f.f[j]));
	// Rotational increment
	double dq[3]; // Vector parallel to torque

        for (int j=0;j<3;j++){
          // Square of torque
	  t += SQR(p[i].f.torque[j]);	    	    
	  // Rotational increment
	  dq[j] = params->gamma * p[i].f.torque[j];
      // Normalize rotation axis and compute amount of rotation
      double l=normr(dq);
      if (l>0.0)
        for (j=0;j<3;j++)
        if(fabs(l) > params->max_displacement)
          // Crop to maximum allowed by user
//        printf("dq: %g %g %g, l=%g\n",dq[0],dq[1],dq[2],l);
        // Rotate the particle around axis dq by amount l

      // Note maximum force/torque encountered
      f_max = std::max(f_max, f);
      f_max = std::max(f_max, t);
      dp2_max = std::max(dp2_max, dp2);
      resort_particles = 1;
  MINIMIZE_ENERGY_TRACE(printf("f_max %e resort_particles %d\n", f_max, resort_particles));
  // Synchronize maximum force/torque encountered
  MPI_Allreduce(&f_max, &f_max_global, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm_cart);
  // Return true, if the maximum force/torque encountered is below the user limit.
  return (sqrt(f_max_global) < params->f_max);