Ejemplo n.º 1
double ML_DD_Additive(ML_1Level *curr, double *sol, double *rhs,
			  int approx_all_zeros, ML_Comm *comm,
			  int res_norm_or_not, ML *ml)
  ML_Operator * Amat = curr->Amat;
  ML_Operator * Rmat = curr->Rmat;
  ML_Smoother * post      = curr->post_smoother;
  int lengf = Amat->outvec_leng;
  int lengc = Rmat->outvec_leng;

  double * sols = new double[lengf];
  double * rhs2 = new double[lengc];
  double * sol2 = new double[lengc];

  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf; i++ ) sols[i] = 0.0, sol[i] = 0.0;
  for ( int i = 0; i < lengc; i++ ) sol2[i] = 0.0, rhs2[i] = 0.0;

  ML_Smoother_Apply(post, lengf, sol, lengf, rhs, approx_all_zeros);

  ML_Operator_ApplyAndResetBdryPts(Rmat, lengf, rhs, lengc, rhs2);

  ML_Smoother_Apply(Rmat->to->post_smoother, lengc, sol2, lengc, rhs2, ML_NONZERO);

  ML_Operator_ApplyAndResetBdryPts(Rmat->to->Pmat, lengc, sol2, lengf, sols);

  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf; i++ ) sol[i] += sols[i];

  delete [] sols;
  delete [] rhs2;
  delete [] sol2;
  return 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
double ML_DD_Hybrid_2(ML_1Level *curr, double *sol, double *rhs,
		      int approx_all_zeros, ML_Comm *comm,
		      int res_norm_or_not, ML *ml)
  ML_Operator *Amat, *Rmat;
  ML_Smoother *pre,  *post;
  // ML_CSolve   *csolve;
  Amat     = curr->Amat;
  Rmat     = curr->Rmat;
  pre      = curr->pre_smoother;
  post     = curr->post_smoother;
  // csolve   = curr->csolve;
  int lengf    = Amat->outvec_leng;
  int lengc    = Rmat->outvec_leng;

  double * alpha1 = new double[lengf];
  double * alpha2 = new double[lengf];
  double * tmp_c  = new double[lengc];
  double * tmp2_c = new double[lengc];

  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf ; i++ ) alpha1[i] = 0.0, alpha2[i] = 0.0, sol[i] = 0.0;
  for ( int i = 0; i < lengc ; i++ ) tmp_c[i]  = 0.0, tmp2_c[i] = 0.0;

  // first step  
  ML_Smoother_Apply(pre, lengf, alpha1, lengf, rhs, approx_all_zeros);

  // second step
  ML_Operator_ApplyAndResetBdryPts(Amat, lengf, alpha1, lengc, sol);
  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf; i++ ) sol[i] = rhs[i] - sol[i];
  ML_Operator_ApplyAndResetBdryPts(Rmat, lengf, sol, lengc, tmp_c);
  ML_Smoother_Apply(Rmat->to->post_smoother, lengc, tmp2_c, lengc, tmp_c, ML_NONZERO);

  ML_Operator_ApplyAndResetBdryPts(Rmat->to->Pmat, lengc, tmp2_c, lengf, alpha2);
  // third step

  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf ; i++ ) alpha1[i] += alpha2[i];
  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf ; i++ ) alpha2[i] = 0.0, sol[i] = 0.0;
  ML_Operator_ApplyAndResetBdryPts(Amat, lengf, alpha1, lengc, alpha2);
  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf; i++ ) alpha2[i] = rhs[i] - alpha2[i] ;
  ML_Smoother_Apply(post, lengf, sol, lengf, alpha2, approx_all_zeros);
  // compose solution
  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf; i++ ) sol[i] += alpha1[i];

  delete [] alpha1;
  delete [] alpha2;
  delete [] tmp_c;
  delete [] tmp2_c;

  return 0.0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
double ML_DD_OneLevel(ML_1Level *curr, double *sol, double *rhs,
			int approx_all_zeros, ML_Comm *comm,
			    int res_norm_or_not, ML *ml)

  ML_Smoother * post = curr->post_smoother;
  ML_Operator * Amat = curr->Amat;
  int lengf = Amat->outvec_leng;

  for ( int i = 0; i < lengf; i++ ) sol[i] = 0.0;
  ML_Smoother_Apply(post, lengf, sol, lengf, rhs, approx_all_zeros);

  return 0.0;

} /* ML_DD_OneLevel */
// ============================================================================
// Visualize aggregates and (for XYZ or VTK format) also plot vectors
// date: Aug-04
int ML_Epetra::MultiLevelPreconditioner::
Visualize(bool VizAggre, bool VizPreSmoother,
      bool VizPostSmoother, bool VizCycle,
      int NumApplPreSmoother, int NumApplPostSmoother,
      int NumCycleSmoother)
  ML_Aggregate *aggregates = agg_;

  char filename[80] = "";
  int NumDimensions = 0;
  ML_Aggregate_Viz_Stats *grid_info =
        (ML_Aggregate_Viz_Stats *) ml_->Grid[LevelID_[0]].Grid;

  double * x_coord = grid_info->x;
  double * y_coord = grid_info->y;
  double * z_coord = grid_info->z;

  if( x_coord ) NumDimensions++;
  if( y_coord ) NumDimensions++;
  if( z_coord ) NumDimensions++;

  assert( NumDimensions != 0 );

  if (VizAggre == true) {

    // stats about level matrix sizes
    if( verbose_ )
      std::cout << std::endl << "- number of rows for each level's matrix:" << std::endl << std::endl;

    for( int ilevel=0 ; ilevel < NumLevels_ ; ++ilevel ) {
      int imin, iavg, imax;
      int Nrows = ml_->Amat[LevelID_[ilevel]].outvec_leng/NumPDEEqns_;
      Comm().SumAll(&Nrows,&iavg,1); iavg /= Comm().NumProc();

      if( verbose_ ) {
    printf( "\t(level %d) rows per process (min) = %d\n", ilevel, imin);
    printf( "\t(level %d) rows per process (avg) = %d\n", ilevel, iavg);
    printf( "\t(level %d) rows per process (max) = %d\n", ilevel, imax);
    std::cout << std::endl;

    if( verbose_ )
      std::cout << std::endl << "- analysis of the computational domain (finest level):"
    << std::endl << std::endl;


  // prepare output format. Now it can be:
  // - OpenDX (1D/2D/3D)
  // - XD3D (2D only)
  // - Paraview, or any other package that can read .vtk files (1D/2D/3D)

  int Format;
  std::string FileFormat = List_.get("viz: output format", "vtk");
  // you are a cool guy if you plot with "xyz"
  if( FileFormat == "xyz" ) Format = 1;
  // you are a poor man if you need "dx". God bless you.
  else if( FileFormat == "dx" ) Format = 0;
  // you are a very cool guy if you plot with the "vtk" option (paraview)
  else if( FileFormat == "vtk" ) Format = 2;
  else {
    std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "Option `viz: output format' has an incorrect" << std::endl
      << ErrorMsg_ << "value (" << FileFormat << "). Possible values are" << std::endl
      << ErrorMsg_ << "<dx> / <xyz> / <vtk>" << std::endl;
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

  int ieqn             = List_.get("viz: equation to plot", -1);
  if (AMGSolver_ == ML_MAXWELL) ieqn = -1;
  if( ieqn >= NumPDEEqns_ ) ieqn = 0;
  bool PrintStarting   = List_.get("viz: print starting solution", false);

  ML_Smoother * ptr;
  double * tmp_rhs = new double[NumMyRows()];
  double * tmp_sol = new double[NumMyRows()];
  double * plot_me = new double[NumMyRows()/NumPDEEqns_];

  // Note that this requires the new version of the
  // visualization routines. OpenDX cannot visualize vectors.

  if( ( VizPreSmoother || VizPostSmoother || VizCycle ) && ( Format == 0) ) {
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    std::cerr << ErrorMsg_ << "Option `viz: output format' == `dx' cannot be used"
         << std::endl << ErrorMsg_
         << "to visualize the effect of smoothers and cycle." << std::endl;
    std::cerr << std::endl;
    VizPreSmoother = false;
    VizPostSmoother = false;
    VizCycle = false;

  if( verbose_ )
    std::cout << std::endl << "- visualization:" << std::endl << std::endl;

  // =============================================================== //
  // cycle over all levels. Note that almost the same thing          //
  // is done for pre-smoothing, post-smoothing, and the effect       //
  // of the cycle itself. For each of these, I plot on file          //
  // the starting solution (before-), the final solution (after-),   //
  // for each equation, and for each level (smoother only).          //
  // All these junk works with XYZ only, and it should work in       //
  // 3D too (although I never tested in 3D).                         //
  //                                                                 //
  // JJH 3/11/2005 Paraview has been tested in 3D for .vtk output,   //
  // and it works.                                                   //
  // =============================================================== //

  std::cout << "cycling thru levels 0 to " << NumLevels_ -1 << std::endl;

  for( int ilevel=0 ; ilevel<NumLevels_ ; ++ilevel ) {

    // =================== //
    // plot the aggregates //
    // =================== //

    if( VizAggre )

    // ============ //
    // pre-smoother //
    // ============ //

    ptr = ((ml_->SingleLevel[LevelID_[ilevel]]).pre_smoother);

    if( ptr != NULL && VizPreSmoother ) {


      // visualize starting vector
      if( PrintStarting ) {
        if( ieqn != -1 ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
          sprintf(filename,"before-presmoother-eq%d", ieqn);
            printf("%s, numrows = %d\n",filename, NumMyRows());
        } else { // by default, print out all equations
          for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
            sprintf(filename,"before-presmoother-eq%d", eq);
            printf("%s, numrows = %d\n",filename, NumMyRows());
            for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ ) {
              plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
              //FIXME JJH temporary print
              //printf("(eq %d, %d) %d: %lf\n",eq,LevelID_[ilevel],i,tmp_sol[i+eq]);

      // increase the number of applications of the smoother
      // and run the smoother
      int old_ntimes = ptr->ntimes;
      ptr->ntimes = NumApplPreSmoother;
            tmp_rhs, ML_NONZERO);
      ptr->ntimes = old_ntimes;

      // visualize
      // user may have required one specific equation only
      if( ieqn != -1 ) {
        for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
          plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
        sprintf(filename,"after-presmoother-eq%d", ieqn);
      } else { // by default, print out all equations
        for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
          sprintf(filename,"after-presmoother-eq%d", eq);
    } // VizPreSmoother

    // ============= //
    // post-smoother //
    // ============= //

    ptr = ((ml_->SingleLevel[LevelID_[ilevel]]).post_smoother);
    if( ptr != NULL && VizPostSmoother ) {

      // random solution and 0 rhs

      // visualize starting vector
      if( PrintStarting ) {
        if( ieqn != -1 ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
          sprintf(filename,"before-postsmoother-eq%d", ieqn);
        } else { // by default, print out all equations
          for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
            for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
              plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
            sprintf(filename,"before-postsmoother-eq%d", eq);

      // increase the number of applications of the smoother
      // and run the smoother
      int old_ntimes = ptr->ntimes;
      ptr->ntimes = NumApplPostSmoother;
            tmp_rhs, ML_ZERO);
      ptr->ntimes = old_ntimes;

      // visualize
      // user may have required one specific equation only
      if( ieqn != -1 ) {
        for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
          plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
        printf(filename,"after-postsmoother-eq%d", ieqn);
      } else { // by default, print out all equations
        for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
          sprintf(filename,"after-postsmoother-eq%d", eq);
    } // VizPostSmoother
  } // for( ilevel )

  // =============================== //
  // run ML cycle on a random vector //
  // =============================== //

  if( VizCycle ) {

    // random solution and zero rhs
    RandomAndZero(tmp_sol, tmp_rhs,ml_->Amat[LevelID_[0]].outvec_leng);

    // visualize starting vector
    if( PrintStarting ) {
      if( ieqn != -1 ) {
        for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
          plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
        sprintf(filename,"before-cycle-eq%d", ieqn);
      } else { // by default, print out all equations
        for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
          for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
            plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
          sprintf(filename,"before-cycle-eq%d", eq);

    // run the cycle
    for( int i=0 ; i<NumCycleSmoother ; ++i )
          tmp_sol, tmp_rhs, ML_NONZERO, ml_->comm, ML_NO_RES_NORM, ml_);

    // visualize
    // user may have required one specific equation only
    if( ieqn != -1 ) {
      for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
        plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+ieqn];
      sprintf(filename,"after-cycle-eq%d", ieqn);
    } else { // by default, print out all equations
      for( int eq=0 ; eq<NumPDEEqns_ ; eq++ ) {
        for( int i=0 ; i<NumMyRows() ; i+=NumPDEEqns_ )
          plot_me[i/NumPDEEqns_] = tmp_sol[i+eq];
        sprintf(filename,"after-cycle-eq%d", eq);
  } // VizCycle

  // =================== //
  // clean up and return //
  // =================== //

  delete [] tmp_sol;
  delete [] tmp_rhs;
  delete [] plot_me;
