Ejemplo n.º 1
/* Inputs are unsigned. */
static int
abs_sub_n (mp_ptr rp, mp_srcptr ap, mp_srcptr bp, mp_size_t n)
  int c;
  MPN_CMP (c, ap, bp, n);
  if (c >= 0)
      mpn_sub_n (rp, ap, bp, n);
      return 0;
      mpn_sub_n (rp, bp, ap, n);
      return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void _tc4_add(mp_ptr rp, mp_size_t * rn, mp_srcptr r1, mp_size_t r1n, 
                                                 mp_srcptr r2, mp_size_t r2n)
   mp_limb_t cy;
   mp_size_t s1 = ABS(r1n);
   mp_size_t s2 = ABS(r2n);
   if (!s1)
      *rn = 0;
   } else if (!s2)
      if (rp != r1) MPN_COPY(rp, r1, s1);
		*rn = r1n;
   } else if ((r1n ^ r2n) >= 0)
      *rn = r1n;
      cy = mpn_add(rp, r1, s1, r2, s2);
      if (cy) 
         rp[s1] = cy;
         if ((*rn) < 0) (*rn)--;
         else (*rn)++;
   } else
      mp_size_t ct;
		if (s1 != s2) ct = 1;
		else MPN_CMP(ct, r1, r2, s1); 
      if (!ct) *rn = 0;
      else if (ct > 0) 
         mpn_sub(rp, r1, s1, r2, s2);
         *rn = s1;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, (*rn));
			if (r1n < 0) *rn = -(*rn);
         mpn_sub_n(rp, r2, r1, s1);
         *rn = s1;
         MPN_NORMALIZE(rp, (*rn));
			if (r1n > 0) *rn = -(*rn);
Ejemplo n.º 3
mpz_cmpabs (mpz_srcptr u, mpz_srcptr v)
  mp_size_t  usize, vsize, dsize;
  mp_srcptr  up, vp;
  int        cmp;

  usize = ABSIZ (u);
  vsize = ABSIZ (v);
  dsize = usize - vsize;
  if (dsize != 0)
    return dsize;

  up = PTR(u);
  vp = PTR(v);
  MPN_CMP (cmp, up, vp, usize);
  return cmp;
Ejemplo n.º 4
mpz_cmp (mpz_srcptr u, mpz_srcptr v)
  mp_size_t  usize, vsize, dsize, asize;
  mp_srcptr  up, vp;
  int        cmp;

  usize = SIZ(u);
  vsize = SIZ(v);
  dsize = usize - vsize;
  if (dsize != 0)
    return dsize;

  asize = ABS (usize);
  up = PTR(u);
  vp = PTR(v);
  MPN_CMP (cmp, up, vp, asize);
  return (usize >= 0 ? cmp : -cmp);
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* Perform a few steps, using some of mpn_nhgcd2, subtraction and division.
   Reduces the size by almost one limb or more, but never below the
   given size s. Return new size for a and b, or 0 if no more steps
   are possible. M = NULL is allowed, if M is not needed.

   Needs temporary space for division, n + 1 limbs, and for
   ngcd_matrix1_vector, n limbs. */
mpn_ngcd_step (mp_size_t n, mp_ptr ap, mp_ptr bp, mp_size_t s,
	       struct ngcd_matrix *M, mp_ptr tp)
  struct ngcd_matrix1 M1;
  mp_limb_t mask;
  mp_limb_t ah, al, bh, bl;
  mp_size_t an, bn, qn;
  mp_ptr qp;
  mp_ptr rp;
  int col;

  ASSERT (n > s);

  mask = ap[n-1] | bp[n-1];
  ASSERT (mask > 0);

  if (n == s + 1)
      if (mask < 4)
	goto subtract;

      ah = ap[n-1]; al = ap[n-2];
      bh = bp[n-1]; bl = bp[n-2];
  else if (mask & GMP_NUMB_HIGHBIT)
      ah = ap[n-1]; al = ap[n-2];
      bh = bp[n-1]; bl = bp[n-2];
      int shift;

      count_leading_zeros (shift, mask);
      ah = MPN_EXTRACT_LIMB (shift, ap[n-1], ap[n-2]);
      al = MPN_EXTRACT_LIMB (shift, ap[n-2], ap[n-3]);
      bh = MPN_EXTRACT_LIMB (shift, bp[n-1], bp[n-2]);
      bl = MPN_EXTRACT_LIMB (shift, bp[n-2], bp[n-3]);

  /* Try an mpn_nhgcd2 step */
  if (mpn_nhgcd2 (ah, al, bh, bl, &M1))
      /* Multiply M <- M * M1 */
      if (M)
	ngcd_matrix_mul_1 (M, &M1);

      /* Multiply M1^{-1} (a;b) */
      return mpn_ngcd_matrix1_vector (&M1, n, ap, bp, tp);

  /* There are two ways in which mpn_nhgcd2 can fail. Either one of ah and
     bh was too small, or ah, bh were (almost) equal. Perform one
     subtraction step (for possible cancellation of high limbs),
     followed by one division. */

  /* Since we must ensure that #(a-b) > s, we handle cancellation of
     high limbs explicitly up front. (FIXME: Or is it better to just
     subtract, normalize, and use an addition to undo if it turns out
     the the difference is too small?) */
  for (an = n; an > s; an--)
    if (ap[an-1] != bp[an-1])

  if (an == s)
    return 0;

  /* Maintain a > b. When needed, swap a and b, and let col keep track
     of how to update M. */
  if (ap[an-1] > bp[an-1])
      /* a is largest. In the subtraction step, we need to update
	 column 1 of M */
      col = 1;
      MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
      col = 0;

  bn = n;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (bp, bn);  
  if (bn <= s)
    return 0;
  /* We have #a, #b > s. When is it possible that #(a-b) < s? For
     cancellation to happen, the numbers must be of the form

       a = x + 1, 0,            ..., 0,            al
       b = x    , GMP_NUMB_MAX, ..., GMP_NUMB_MAX, bl

     where al, bl denotes the least significant k limbs. If al < bl,
     then #(a-b) < k, and if also high(al) != 0, high(bl) != GMP_NUMB_MAX,
     then #(a-b) = k. If al >= bl, then #(a-b) = k + 1. */

  if (ap[an-1] == bp[an-1] + 1)
      mp_size_t k;
      int c;
      for (k = an-1; k > s; k--)
	if (ap[k-1] != 0 || bp[k-1] != GMP_NUMB_MAX)

      MPN_CMP (c, ap, bp, k);
      if (c < 0)
	  mp_limb_t cy;
	  /* The limbs from k and up are cancelled. */
	  if (k == s)
	    return 0;
	  cy = mpn_sub_n (ap, ap, bp, k);
	  ASSERT (cy == 1);
	  an = k;
	  ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub_n (ap, ap, bp, k));
	  ap[k] = 1;
	  an = k + 1;
    ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub_n (ap, ap, bp, an));
  ASSERT (an > s);
  ASSERT (ap[an-1] > 0);
  ASSERT (bn > s);
  ASSERT (bp[bn-1] > 0);
  if (M)
    ngcd_matrix_update_1 (M, col);

  if (an < bn)
      MPN_PTR_SWAP (ap, an, bp, bn);
      col ^= 1;
  else if (an == bn)
      int c;
      MPN_CMP (c, ap, bp, an);
      if (c < 0)
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
	  col ^= 1;

  /* Divide a / b. Store first the quotient (qn limbs) and then the
     remainder (bn limbs) starting at tp. */
  qn = an + 1 - bn;
  qp = tp;
  rp = tp + qn;

  /* FIXME: We could use an approximate division, that may return a
     too small quotient, and only guarantess that the size of r is
     almost the size of b. */
  mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, rp, 0, ap, an, bp, bn);
  qn -= (qp[qn -1] == 0);

  /* Normalize remainder */
  an = bn;
  for ( ; an > s; an--)
    if (rp[an-1] > 0)

  if (an > s)
    /* Include leading zero limbs */
    MPN_COPY (ap, rp, bn);
      /* Quotient is too large */
      mp_limb_t cy;

      cy = mpn_add (ap, bp, bn, rp, an);

      if (cy > 0)
	  ASSERT (bn < n);
	  ap[bn] = cy;
	  bp[bn] = 0;

      MPN_DECR_U (qp, qn, 1);
      qn -= (qp[qn-1] == 0);

  if (qn > 0 && M)
    ngcd_matrix_update_q (M, qp, qn, col);

  return bn;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: gcdext.c Proyecto: qsnake/mpir
mpn_gcdext (mp_ptr gp, mp_ptr up, mp_size_t *usizep,
	    mp_ptr ap, mp_size_t an, mp_ptr bp, mp_size_t n)
  mp_size_t talloc;
  mp_size_t scratch;
  mp_size_t matrix_scratch;
  mp_size_t ualloc = n + 1;

  mp_size_t un;
  mp_ptr u0;
  mp_ptr u1;

  mp_ptr tp;


  ASSERT (an >= n);
  ASSERT (n > 0);


  /* FIXME: Check for small sizes first, before setting up temporary
     storage etc. */

  /* For initial division */
  scratch = an - n + 1;
  if (scratch > talloc)
    talloc = scratch;

      /* For hgcd loop. */
      mp_size_t hgcd_scratch;
      mp_size_t update_scratch;
      mp_size_t p1 = CHOOSE_P_1 (n);
      mp_size_t p2 = CHOOSE_P_2 (n);
      mp_size_t min_p = MIN(p1, p2);
      mp_size_t max_p = MAX(p1, p2);
      matrix_scratch = MPN_HGCD_MATRIX_INIT_ITCH (n - min_p);
      hgcd_scratch = mpn_hgcd_itch (n - min_p);
      update_scratch = max_p + n - 1;

      scratch = matrix_scratch + MAX(hgcd_scratch, update_scratch);
      if (scratch > talloc)
	talloc = scratch;

      /* Final mpn_gcdext_lehmer_n call. Need space for u and for
	 copies of a and b. */

      if (scratch > talloc)
	talloc = scratch;

      /* Cofactors u0 and u1 */
      talloc += 2*(n+1);

  tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS(talloc);

  if (an > n)
      mpn_tdiv_qr (tp, ap, 0, ap, an, bp, n);

      if (mpn_zero_p (ap, n))
	  MPN_COPY (gp, bp, n);
	  *usizep = 0;
	  return n;

      mp_size_t gn = mpn_gcdext_lehmer_n(gp, up, usizep, ap, bp, n, tp);

      return gn;

  MPN_ZERO (tp, 2*ualloc);
  u0 = tp; tp += ualloc;
  u1 = tp; tp += ualloc;

    /* For the first hgcd call, there are no u updates, and it makes
       some sense to use a different choice for p. */

    /* FIXME: We could trim use of temporary storage, since u0 and u1
       are not used yet. For the hgcd call, we could swap in the u0
       and u1 pointers for the relevant matrix elements. */

    struct hgcd_matrix M;
    mp_size_t p = CHOOSE_P_1 (n);
    mp_size_t nn;

    mpn_hgcd_matrix_init (&M, n - p, tp);
    nn = mpn_hgcd (ap + p, bp + p, n - p, &M, tp + matrix_scratch);
    if (nn > 0)
	ASSERT (M.n <= (n - p - 1)/2);
	ASSERT (M.n + p <= (p + n - 1) / 2);

	/* Temporary storage 2 (p + M->n) <= p + n - 1 */
	n = mpn_hgcd_matrix_adjust (&M, p + nn, ap, bp, p, tp + matrix_scratch);

	MPN_COPY (u0, M.p[1][0], M.n);
	MPN_COPY (u1, M.p[1][1], M.n);
	un = M.n;
	while ( (u0[un-1] | u1[un-1] ) == 0)
	/* mpn_hgcd has failed. Then either one of a or b is very
	   small, or the difference is very small. Perform one
	   subtraction followed by one division. */
	mp_size_t gn;
	mp_size_t updated_un = 1;

	u1[0] = 1;

	/* Temporary storage 2n + 1 */
	n = mpn_gcdext_subdiv_step (gp, &gn, up, usizep, ap, bp, n,
				    u0, u1, &updated_un, tp, tp + n);
	if (n == 0)
	    return gn;

	un = updated_un;
	ASSERT (un < ualloc);

      struct hgcd_matrix M;
      mp_size_t p = CHOOSE_P_2 (n);
      mp_size_t nn;

      mpn_hgcd_matrix_init (&M, n - p, tp);
      nn = mpn_hgcd (ap + p, bp + p, n - p, &M, tp + matrix_scratch);
      if (nn > 0)
	  mp_ptr t0;

	  t0 = tp + matrix_scratch;
	  ASSERT (M.n <= (n - p - 1)/2);
	  ASSERT (M.n + p <= (p + n - 1) / 2);

	  /* Temporary storage 2 (p + M->n) <= p + n - 1 */
	  n = mpn_hgcd_matrix_adjust (&M, p + nn, ap, bp, p, t0);

	  /* By the same analysis as for mpn_hgcd_matrix_mul */
	  ASSERT (M.n + un <= ualloc);

	  /* FIXME: This copying could be avoided by some swapping of
	   * pointers. May need more temporary storage, though. */
	  MPN_COPY (t0, u0, un);

	  /* Temporary storage ualloc */
	  un = hgcd_mul_matrix_vector (&M, u0, t0, u1, un, t0 + un);

	  ASSERT (un < ualloc);
	  ASSERT ( (u0[un-1] | u1[un-1]) > 0);
	  /* mpn_hgcd has failed. Then either one of a or b is very
	     small, or the difference is very small. Perform one
	     subtraction followed by one division. */
	  mp_size_t gn;
	  mp_size_t updated_un = un;

	  /* Temporary storage 2n + 1 */
	  n = mpn_gcdext_subdiv_step (gp, &gn, up, usizep, ap, bp, n,
				      u0, u1, &updated_un, tp, tp + n);
	  if (n == 0)
	      return gn;

	  un = updated_un;
	  ASSERT (un < ualloc);

  if (UNLIKELY (mpn_cmp (ap, bp, n) == 0))
      /* Must return the smallest cofactor, +u1 or -u0 */
      int c;

      MPN_COPY (gp, ap, n);

      MPN_CMP (c, u0, u1, un);
      ASSERT (c != 0);
      if (c < 0)
	  MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, un);
	  MPN_COPY (up, u0, un);
	  *usizep = -un;
	  MPN_COPY (up, u1, un);
	  *usizep = un;

      return n;
  else if (mpn_zero_p (u0, un))
      mp_size_t gn;
      ASSERT (un == 1);
      ASSERT (u1[0] == 1);

      /* g = u a + v b = (u u1 - v u0) A + (...) B = u A + (...) B */
      gn = mpn_gcdext_lehmer_n (gp, up, usizep, ap, bp, n, tp);

      return gn;
      /* We have A = ... a + ... b
		 B =  u0 a +  u1 b

		 a = u1  A + ... B
		 b = -u0 A + ... B

	 with bounds

	   |u0|, |u1| <= B / min(a, b)

	 Compute g = u a + v b = (u u1 - v u0) A + (...) B
	 Here, u, v are bounded by

	 |u| <= b,
	 |v| <= a

      mp_size_t u0n;
      mp_size_t u1n;
      mp_size_t lehmer_un;
      mp_size_t lehmer_vn;
      mp_size_t gn;

      mp_ptr lehmer_up;
      mp_ptr lehmer_vp;
      int negate;

      lehmer_up = tp; tp += n;

      /* Call mpn_gcdext_lehmer_n with copies of a and b. */
      MPN_COPY (tp, ap, n);
      MPN_COPY (tp + n, bp, n);
      gn = mpn_gcdext_lehmer_n (gp, lehmer_up, &lehmer_un, tp, tp + n, n, tp + 2*n);

      u0n = un;
      MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, u0n);
      if (lehmer_un == 0)
	  /* u == 0  ==>  v = g / b == 1  ==> g = - u0 A + (...) B */
	  MPN_COPY (up, u0, u0n);
	  *usizep = -u0n;

	  return gn;

      lehmer_vp = tp;
      /* Compute v = (g - u a) / b */
      lehmer_vn = compute_v (lehmer_vp,
			     ap, bp, n, gp, gn, lehmer_up, lehmer_un, tp + n + 1);

      if (lehmer_un > 0)
	negate = 0;
	  lehmer_un = -lehmer_un;
	  negate = 1;

      u1n = un;
      MPN_NORMALIZE (u1, u1n);

      /* It's possible that u0 = 1, u1 = 0 */
      if (u1n == 0)
	  ASSERT (un == 1);
	  ASSERT (u0[0] == 1);

	  /* u1 == 0 ==> u u1 + v u0 = v */
	  MPN_COPY (up, lehmer_vp, lehmer_vn);
	  *usizep = negate ? lehmer_vn : - lehmer_vn;

	  return gn;

      ASSERT (lehmer_un + u1n <= ualloc);
      ASSERT (lehmer_vn + u0n <= ualloc);

      /* Now u0, u1, u are non-zero. We may still have v == 0 */

      /* Compute u u0 */
      if (lehmer_un <= u1n)
	/* Should be the common case */
	mpn_mul (up, u1, u1n, lehmer_up, lehmer_un);
	mpn_mul (up, lehmer_up, lehmer_un, u1, u1n);

      un = u1n + lehmer_un;
      un -= (up[un - 1] == 0);

      if (lehmer_vn > 0)
	  mp_limb_t cy;

	  /* Overwrites old u1 value */
	  if (lehmer_vn <= u0n)
	    /* Should be the common case */
	    mpn_mul (u1, u0, u0n, lehmer_vp, lehmer_vn);
	    mpn_mul (u1, lehmer_vp, lehmer_vn, u0, u0n);

	  u1n = u0n + lehmer_vn;
	  u1n -= (u1[u1n - 1] == 0);

	  if (u1n <= un)
	      cy = mpn_add (up, up, un, u1, u1n);
	      cy = mpn_add (up, u1, u1n, up, un);
	      un = u1n;
	  up[un] = cy;
	  un += (cy != 0);

	  ASSERT (un < ualloc);
      *usizep = negate ? -un : un;

      return gn;
Ejemplo n.º 7
/* Temporary storage: Needs n limbs for the quotient, at qp. tp must
   point to an area large enough for the resulting cofactor, plus one
   limb extra. All in all, 2N + 1 if N is a bound for both inputs and
   outputs. */
mpn_gcdext_subdiv_step (mp_ptr gp, mp_size_t *gn, mp_ptr up, mp_size_t *usizep,
			mp_ptr ap, mp_ptr bp, mp_size_t n,
			mp_ptr u0, mp_ptr u1, mp_size_t *unp,
			mp_ptr qp, mp_ptr tp)
  mp_size_t an, bn, un;
  mp_size_t qn;
  mp_size_t u0n;

  int swapped;

  an = bn = n;

  ASSERT (an > 0);
  ASSERT (ap[an-1] > 0 || bp[an-1] > 0);

  MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);
  MPN_NORMALIZE (bp, bn);

  un = *unp;

  swapped = 0;

  if (UNLIKELY (an == 0))
      MPN_COPY (gp, bp, bn);
      *gn = bn;

      MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, un);
      MPN_COPY (up, u0, un);

      *usizep = swapped ? un : -un;

      return 0;
  else if (UNLIKELY (bn == 0))
      MPN_COPY (gp, ap, an);
      *gn = an;

      MPN_NORMALIZE (u1, un);
      MPN_COPY (up, u1, un);

      *usizep = swapped ? -un : un;

      return 0;

  /* Arrange so that a > b, subtract an -= bn, and maintain
     normalization. */
  if (an < bn)
      MPN_PTR_SWAP (ap, an, bp, bn);
      MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
      swapped ^= 1;
  else if (an == bn)
      int c;
      MPN_CMP (c, ap, bp, an);
      if (UNLIKELY (c == 0))
	  MPN_COPY (gp, ap, an);
	  *gn = an;

	  /* Must return the smallest cofactor, +u1 or -u0 */
	  MPN_CMP (c, u0, u1, un);
	  ASSERT (c != 0 || (un == 1 && u0[0] == 1 && u1[0] == 1));

	  if (c < 0)
	      MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, un);
	      MPN_COPY (up, u0, un);
	      swapped ^= 1;
	      MPN_NORMALIZE_NOT_ZERO (u1, un);
	      MPN_COPY (up, u1, un);

	  *usizep = swapped ? -un : un;
	  return 0;
      else if (c < 0)
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
	  swapped ^= 1;
  /* Reduce a -= b, u1 += u0 */
  ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub (ap, ap, an, bp, bn));
  MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);
  ASSERT (an > 0);

  u1[un] = mpn_add_n (u1, u1, u0, un);
  un += (u1[un] > 0);

  /* Arrange so that a > b, and divide a = q b + r */
  if (an < bn)
      MPN_PTR_SWAP (ap, an, bp, bn);
      MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
      swapped ^= 1;
  else if (an == bn)
      int c;
      MPN_CMP (c, ap, bp, an);
      if (UNLIKELY (c == 0))
	goto return_b;
      else if (c < 0)
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
	  swapped ^= 1;

  /* Reduce a -= q b, u1 += q u0 */
  qn = an - bn + 1;
  mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, ap, 0, ap, an, bp, bn);

  if (mpn_zero_p (ap, bn))
    goto return_b;

  n = bn;

  /* Update u1 += q u0 */
  u0n = un;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, u0n);

  if (u0n > 0)
      qn -= (qp[qn - 1] == 0);

      if (qn > u0n)
	mpn_mul (tp, qp, qn, u0, u0n);
	mpn_mul (tp, u0, u0n, qp, qn);

      if (qn + u0n > un)
	  mp_size_t u1n = un;
	  un = qn + u0n;
	  un -= (tp[un-1] == 0);
	  u1[un] = mpn_add (u1, tp, un, u1, u1n);
	  u1[un] = mpn_add (u1, u1, un, tp, qn + u0n);

      un += (u1[un] > 0);

  *unp = un;
  return n;
Ejemplo n.º 8
main (int argc, char **argv)
  gmp_randstate_ptr rands;

  mp_ptr ap, rp, pp, scratch;
  int count = COUNT;
  unsigned i;


  if (argc > 1)
      char *end;
      count = strtol (argv[1], &end, 0);
      if (*end || count <= 0)
	  fprintf (stderr, "Invalid test count: %s.\n", argv[1]);
	  return 1;

  tests_start ();
  rands = RANDS;

  scratch = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (3*MAX_LIMBS); /* For mpn_powlo */

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
      mp_size_t n;
      mp_limb_t k;
      int c;

      n = 1 + gmp_urandomm_ui (rands, MAX_LIMBS);

      if (i & 1)
	mpn_random2 (ap, n);
	mpn_random (ap, n);

      ap[0] |= 1;

      if (i < 100)
	k = 3 + 2*i;
	  mpn_random (&k, 1);
	  if (k < 3)
	    k = 3;
	    k |= 1;
      mpn_broot (rp, ap, n, k);
      mpn_powlo (pp, rp, &k, 1, n, scratch);

      MPN_CMP (c, ap, pp, n);
      if (c != 0)
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr,
		       "mpn_broot returned bad result: %u limbs\n",
		       (unsigned) n);
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr, "k   = %Mx\n", k);
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr, "a   = %Nx\n", ap, n);
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr, "r   = %Nx\n", rp, n);
	  gmp_fprintf (stderr, "r^n = %Nx\n", pp, n);
	  abort ();
  tests_end ();
  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 9
mpz_urandomm (mpz_ptr rop, gmp_randstate_t rstate, mpz_srcptr n)
  mp_ptr rp, np, nlast;
  mp_size_t nbits, size;
  int count;
  int pow2;
  int cmp;

  size = ABSIZ (n);
  if (size == 0)

  nlast = &PTR (n)[size - 1];

  /* Detect whether n is a power of 2.  */
  pow2 = POW2_P (*nlast);
  if (pow2 != 0)
    for (np = PTR (n); np < nlast; np++)
      if (*np != 0)
	  pow2 = 0;		/* Mark n as `not a power of two'.  */

  count_leading_zeros (count, *nlast);
  nbits = size * GMP_NUMB_BITS - (count - GMP_NAIL_BITS) - pow2;
  if (nbits == 0)		/* nbits == 0 means that n was == 1.  */
      SIZ (rop) = 0;

  np = PTR (n);
  if (rop == n)
      mp_ptr tp;
      tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (size);
      MPN_COPY (tp, np, size);
      np = tp;

  /* Here the allocated size can be one too much if n is a power of
     (2^GMP_NUMB_BITS) but it's convenient for using mpn_cmp below.  */
  rp = MPZ_REALLOC (rop, size);
  /* Clear last limb to prevent the case in which size is one too much.  */
  rp[size - 1] = 0;

  count = MAX_URANDOMM_ITER;	/* Set iteration count limit.  */
      _gmp_rand (rp, rstate, nbits);
      MPN_CMP (cmp, rp, np, size);
  while (cmp >= 0 && --count != 0);

  if (count == 0)
    /* Too many iterations; return result mod n == result - n */
    mpn_sub_n (rp, rp, np, size);

  MPN_NORMALIZE (rp, size);
  SIZ (rop) = size;
Ejemplo n.º 10
mpn_ngcdext_subdiv_step (mp_ptr gp, mp_size_t *gn, mp_ptr s0p, mp_ptr u0, mp_ptr u1, 
		             mp_size_t *un, mp_ptr ap, mp_ptr bp, mp_size_t n, mp_ptr tp)
  /* Called when nhgcd or mpn_nhgcd2 has failed. Then either one of a or b
     is very small, or the difference is very small. Perform one
     subtraction followed by one division. */

  mp_size_t an, bn, cy, qn, qn2, u0n, u1n;
  int negate = 0;
  int c;

  ASSERT (n > 0);
  ASSERT (ap[n-1] > 0 || bp[n-1] > 0);

  /* See to what extend ap and bp are the same */
  for (an = n; an > 0; an--)
    if (ap[an-1] != bp[an-1])

  if (an == 0)
      /* ap OR bp is the gcd, two possible normalisations
	     u1 or -u0, pick the smallest
      MPN_COPY (gp, ap, n);
	  (*gn) = n;

      MPN_CMP(c, u1, u0, *un);
	  if (c <= 0) // u1 is smallest
		 MPN_NORMALIZE(u1, (*un));
         MPN_COPY (s0p, u1, (*un));
	  } else // -u0 is smallest
		 MPN_NORMALIZE(u0, (*un));
         MPN_COPY (s0p, u0, (*un));
		 (*un) = -(*un);
	  return 0;

  if (ap[an-1] < bp[an-1]) /* swap so that ap >= bp */
	 MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
    MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
	 negate = ~negate;

  bn = n;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (bp, bn);
  if (bn == 0)
      /* ap is the gcd */
		MPN_COPY (gp, ap, n);
      MPN_NORMALIZE(u1, (*un));
      MPN_COPY (s0p, u1, (*un));
		if (negate) (*un) = -(*un);
      (*gn) = n;
	  return 0;

  ASSERT_NOCARRY (mpn_sub_n (ap, ap, bp, an)); /* ap -= bp, u1 += u0 */
  MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);
  ASSERT (an > 0);
  cy = mpn_add_n(u1, u1, u0, *un);
  if (cy) u1[(*un)++] = cy;

  if (an < bn) /* make an >= bn */
	  MPN_PTR_SWAP (ap, an, bp, bn);
	  MP_PTR_SWAP(u0, u1);
	  negate = ~negate;
  else if (an == bn)
      MPN_CMP (c, ap, bp, an);
      if (c < 0)
			MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
		   MP_PTR_SWAP(u0, u1);
	      negate = ~negate;
      } else if (c == 0) /* gcd is ap OR bp */
		 /* this case seems to never occur 
			it should happen only if ap = 2*bp
		 MPN_COPY (gp, ap, an);
         (*gn) = an;
		 /* As the gcd is ap OR bp, there are two possible 
		    cofactors here u1 or -u0, and we want the 
			least of the two.
		 MPN_CMP(c, u1, u0, *un);
		 if (c < 0) // u1 is less
			MPN_NORMALIZE(u1, (*un));
            MPN_COPY (s0p, u1, (*un));
            if (negate) (*un) = -(*un);
		 } else if (c > 0) // -u0 is less
			MPN_NORMALIZE(u0, (*un));
            MPN_COPY (s0p, u0, (*un));
            if (!negate) (*un) = -(*un);
		 } else // same
		    MPN_NORMALIZE(u0, (*un));
            MPN_COPY (s0p, u0, (*un));
		 return 0;

  ASSERT (an >= bn);

  qn = an - bn + 1;
  mpn_tdiv_qr (tp, ap, 0, ap, an, bp, bn); /* ap -= q * bp, u1 += q * u0 */

  /* Normalizing seems to be the simplest way to test if the remainder
     is zero. */
  an = bn;
  MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);
  if (an == 0)
      /* this case never seems to occur*/
	  /* gcd = bp */
	  MPN_COPY (gp, bp, bn);
      MPN_NORMALIZE(u0, (*un));
      MPN_COPY (s0p, u0, (*un));
      if (!negate) (*un) = -(*un);
      (*gn) = bn;
	  return 0;

  qn2 = qn;
  u0n = (*un);
  MPN_NORMALIZE (tp, qn2);
  MPN_NORMALIZE (u0, u0n);

  if (u0n > 0)

  if (qn2 > u0n) mpn_mul(tp + qn, tp, qn2, u0, u0n);
  else mpn_mul(tp + qn, u0, u0n, tp, qn2);

  u0n += qn2;
  MPN_NORMALIZE(tp + qn, u0n);

  if ((*un) >= u0n) 
	  cy = mpn_add(u1, u1, (*un), tp + qn, u0n);
	  if (cy) u1[(*un)++] = cy;
  } else
	  cy = mpn_add(u1, tp + qn, u0n, u1, (*un));
	  (*un) = u0n;
	  if (cy) u1[(*un)++] = cy;

  return bn;
Ejemplo n.º 11
mpn_gcdext (mp_ptr gp, mp_ptr s0p, mp_size_t *s0size,
	    mp_ptr ap, mp_size_t an, mp_ptr bp, mp_size_t n)
  mp_size_t init_scratch, orig_n = n;
  mp_size_t scratch, un, u0n, u1n;
  mp_limb_t t;
  mp_ptr tp, u0, u1;
  int swapped = 0;
    struct ngcd_matrix M;
    mp_size_t p;
    mp_size_t nn;
  mp_limb_signed_t a;
  int c;
  ASSERT (an >= n);
  if (an == 1)
    if (!n)
       /* shouldn't ever occur, but we include for completeness */
		gp[0] = ap[0];
       s0p[0] = 1;
       *s0size = 1;
	   return 1;
	gp[0] = mpn_gcdinv_1(&a, ap[0], bp[0]);
    if (a < (mp_limb_signed_t) 0)
	   s0p[0] = -a;
       (*s0size) = -1;
	} else
	   s0p[0] = a;
       (*s0size) = 1 - (s0p[0] == 0);
	return 1;

  init_scratch = MPN_NGCD_MATRIX_INIT_ITCH (n-P_SIZE(n));
  scratch = mpn_nhgcd_itch ((n+1)/2);

  /* Space needed for mpn_ngcd_matrix_adjust */
  if (scratch < 2*n)
    scratch = 2*n;
  if (scratch < an - n + 1) /* the first division can sometimes be selfish!! */
	 scratch = an - n + 1;

 /* Space needed for cofactor adjust */
  scratch = MAX(scratch, 2*(n+1) + P_SIZE(n) + 1);

  if (5*n + 2 + MPN_GCD_LEHMER_N_ITCH(n) > init_scratch + scratch) 
    tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (7*n+4+MPN_GCD_LEHMER_N_ITCH(n)); /* 2n+2 for u0, u1, 5*n+2 + MPN_GCD_LEHMER_N_ITCH(n) for Lehmer
                                                              and copies of ap and bp and s (and finally 3*n+1 for t and get_t) */
    tp = TMP_ALLOC_LIMBS (2*(n+1) + init_scratch + scratch);
  if (an > n)
      mp_ptr qp = tp;

      mpn_tdiv_qr (qp, ap, 0, ap, an, bp, n);
      an = n;
      MPN_NORMALIZE (ap, an);
      if (an == 0)
	  MPN_COPY (gp, bp, n);
	  (*s0size) = 0;
	  return n;
      n = mpn_ngcdext_lehmer (gp, s0p, s0size, ap, bp, n, tp);
	  return n;
    u0 = tp; /* Cofactor space */
    u1 = tp + n + 1;

    MPN_ZERO(tp, 2*(n+1));

    tp += 2*(n+1);
    /* First iteration, setup u0 and u1 */

    p = P_SIZE(n);
    mpn_ngcd_matrix_init (&M, n - p, tp);
	 ASSERT(tp + init_scratch > M.p[1][1] + M.n);
	 nn = mpn_nhgcd (ap + p, bp + p, n - p, &M, tp + init_scratch);
  if (nn > 0)
		 n = mpn_ngcd_matrix_adjust (&M, p + nn, ap, bp, p, tp + init_scratch);
            (ap'', bp'')^T = M^-1(ap', bp')^T 
		    and (ap', bp') = (1*ap + ?*bp, 0*ap + ?*bp) 
		    We let u0 be minus the factor of ap appearing 
            in the expression for bp'' and u1 be the 
            factor of ap appearing in the expression for ap''

       MPN_COPY(u0, M.p[1][0], M.n);
	    MPN_COPY(u1, M.p[1][1], M.n);

	    un = M.n;
	    while ((u0[un-1] == 0) && (u1[un-1] == 0)) un--; /* normalise u0, u1, both cannot be zero as det = 1*/
	   mp_size_t gn;

		un = 1;
	   u0[0] = 0; /* bp = 0*ap + ?*bp, thus u0 = -0 */
	   u1[0] = 1; /* ap = 1*ap + ?*bp, thus u1 = 1 */
	   n = mpn_ngcdext_subdiv_step (gp, &gn, s0p, u0, u1, &un, ap, bp, n, tp);
	 if (n == 0)
	      /* never observed to occur */
		   (*s0size) = un;
			ASSERT(s0p[*s0size - 1] != 0);
		   return gn;

      struct ngcd_matrix M;
      mp_size_t p = P_SIZE(n);
      mp_size_t nn;
      mpn_ngcd_matrix_init (&M, n - p, tp);
      nn = mpn_nhgcd (ap + p, bp + p, n - p, &M, tp + init_scratch);
		if (nn > 0)
	   n = mpn_ngcd_matrix_adjust (&M, p + nn, ap, bp, p, tp + init_scratch);

		ngcdext_cofactor_adjust(u0, u1, &un, &M, tp + init_scratch);
            (ap'', bp'')^T = M^-1(ap', bp')^T 
		    and (ap', bp') = (u1*ap + ?*bp, -u0*ap + ?*bp) 
		    So we need u0' = -(-c*u1 + a*-u0) = a*u0 + c*u1
            and we need u1' = (d*u1 -b*-u0) = b*u0 + d*u1 

		ASSERT(un <= orig_n + 1);

	}  else	
	  mp_size_t gn;
	  n = mpn_ngcdext_subdiv_step (gp, &gn, s0p, u0, u1, &un, ap, bp, n, tp);
	  ASSERT(un <= orig_n + 1);
	  if (n == 0)
	      (*s0size) = un;
			ASSERT(((*s0size) == 0) || (s0p[ABS(*s0size) - 1] != 0));
		   return gn;

  ASSERT (ap[n-1] > 0 || bp[n-1] > 0);
  ASSERT (u0[un-1] > 0 || u1[un-1] > 0);

  if (ap[n-1] < bp[n-1])
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (ap, bp);
	  MP_PTR_SWAP (u0, u1);
	  swapped = 1;
  an = n; /* {ap, an} and {bp, bn} are normalised, {ap, an} >= {bp, bn} */
  MPN_NORMALIZE (bp, n);

  if (n == 0)
      /* If bp == 0 then gp = ap
		   with cofactor u1
			If we swapped then cofactor is -u1
			This case never seems to happen
		MPN_COPY (gp, ap, an);
		MPN_NORMALIZE(u1, un);
		MPN_COPY(s0p, u1, un);
      (*s0size) = un;
		if (swapped) (*s0size) = -(*s0size);
	  return an;

     If at this point we have s*ap' + t*bp' = gp where gp is the gcd
	  and (ap', bp') = (u1*ap + ?*bp, -u0*ap + ?*bp)
	  then gp = s*u1*ap - t*u0*ap + ?*bp
	  and the cofactor we want is (s*u1-t*u0).

	  First there is the special case u0 = 0, u1 = 1 in which case we do not need 
	  to compute t...
  ASSERT(u1 + un <= tp);
  u0n = un;
  MPN_NORMALIZE(u0, u0n);  /* {u0, u0n} is now normalised */

  if (u0n == 0) /* u1 = 1 case is rare*/
	  mp_size_t gn;
	  gn = mpn_ngcdext_lehmer (gp, s0p, s0size, ap, bp, n, tp);
	  if (swapped) (*s0size) = -(*s0size);
	  return gn;
	  /* Compute final gcd. */
	  mp_size_t gn, sn, tn;
	  mp_ptr s, t;
	  mp_limb_t cy;
	  int negate = 0;
      /* Save an, bn first as gcdext destroys inputs */
	  s = tp;
	  tp += an;
     MPN_COPY(tp, ap, an);
	  MPN_COPY(tp + an, bp, an);
	  if (mpn_cmp(tp, tp + an, an) == 0) 
	     /* gcd is tp or tp + an 
		    return smallest cofactor, either -u0 or u1
	     gn = an;
		 MPN_NORMALIZE(tp, gn);
		 MPN_COPY(gp, tp, gn);
		 MPN_CMP(c, u0, u1, un);
		 if (c < (mp_limb_signed_t) 0)
		    MPN_COPY(s0p, u0, u0n);
			(*s0size) = -u0n;
		 } else
		    MPN_NORMALIZE(u1, un);
			MPN_COPY(s0p, u1, un);
			(*s0size) = un;
		 return gn;

      gn = mpn_ngcdext_lehmer (gp, s, &sn, tp, tp + an, an, tp + 2*an);
	  /* Special case, s == 0, t == 1, cofactor = -u0 case is rare*/

	  if (sn == 0)
		  MPN_COPY(s0p, u0, u0n);
		  (*s0size) = -u0n;
		  if (swapped) (*s0size) = -(*s0size);
		  return gn;

	  /* We'll need the other cofactor t = (gp - s*ap)/bp 

	  t = tp;
	  tp += (an + 1);
	  gcdext_get_t(t, &tn, gp, gn, ap, an, bp, n, s, sn, tp);

	  ASSERT((tn == 0) || (t[tn - 1] > 0)); /* {t, tn} is normalised */

	  ASSERT(tn <= an + 1);

	  /* We want to compute s*u1 - t*u0, so if s is negative
	     t will be positive, so we'd be dealing with negative
		  numbers. We fix that here.

	  if (sn < 0)
		  sn = -sn;
		  negate = 1;

	  /* Now we can deal with the special case u1 = 0 */

	  u1n = un; 
	  MPN_NORMALIZE(u1, u1n); /* {u1, u1n} is now normalised */
	  if (u1n == 0) /* case is rare */
		  MPN_COPY(s0p, t, tn);
		  (*s0size) = -tn;
		  if (swapped ^ negate) (*s0size) = -(*s0size);
		  return gn;

	  /* t may be zero, but we need to compute s*u1 anyway */
	  if (sn >= u1n)
		  mpn_mul(s0p, s, sn, u1, u1n);
		  mpn_mul(s0p, u1, u1n, s, sn);

	  (*s0size) = sn + u1n;
	  (*s0size) -= (s0p[sn + u1n - 1] == 0);

	  ASSERT(s0p[*s0size - 1] > 0); /* {s0p, *s0size} is normalised now */

	  if (tn == 0) /* case is rare */
		  if (swapped ^ negate) (*s0size) = -(*s0size);
		return gn;

	  /* Now compute the rest of the cofactor, t*u0
	     and subtract it
		  We're done with u1 and s which happen to be
		  consecutive, so use that space

	  ASSERT(u1 + tn + u0n <= t);

     if (tn > u0n)
		  mpn_mul(u1, t, tn, u0, u0n);
		  mpn_mul(u1, u0, u0n, t, tn);

	  u1n = tn + u0n;
	  u1n -= (u1[tn + u0n - 1] == 0);

	  ASSERT(u1[u1n - 1] > 0);

	  /* Recall t is now negated so s*u1 - t*u0 
	     involves an *addition* 

	  if ((*s0size) >= u1n)
		  cy = mpn_add(s0p, s0p, *s0size, u1, u1n);
		  if (cy) s0p[(*s0size)++] = cy;
		  cy = mpn_add(s0p, u1, u1n, s0p, *s0size);
        (*s0size) = u1n;
	     if (cy) s0p[(*s0size)++] = cy;

	  if (swapped ^ negate) (*s0size) = -(*s0size);
	 return gn;