Ejemplo n.º 1

Check to see if the client wants a file, open it if needed and start pumping the client
Fill up msg with data
void SV_WriteDownloadToClient(client_t *cl, msg_t *msg)
	int curindex;
	int rate;
	int blockspersnap;
	int unreferenced = 1;
	char errorMessage[1024];
	char pakbuf[MAX_QPATH], *pakptr;
	int numRefPaks;

	if (!*cl->downloadName)
		return;	// Nothing being downloaded

		qboolean idPack = qfalse;
		qboolean missionPack = qfalse;

 		// Chop off filename extension.
		Com_sprintf(pakbuf, sizeof(pakbuf), "%s", cl->downloadName);
		pakptr = strrchr(pakbuf, '.');

			*pakptr = '\0';

			// Check for pk3 filename extension
			if(!Q_stricmp(pakptr + 1, "pk3"))
				const char *referencedPaks = FS_ReferencedPakNames();

				// Check whether the file appears in the list of referenced
				// paks to prevent downloading of arbitrary files.
				numRefPaks = Cmd_Argc();

				for(curindex = 0; curindex < numRefPaks; curindex++)
					if(!FS_FilenameCompare(Cmd_Argv(curindex), pakbuf))
						unreferenced = 0;

						// now that we know the file is referenced,
						// check whether it's legal to download it.
						missionPack = FS_idPak(pakbuf, "missionpack");
						idPack = missionPack;
						idPack = (qboolean)(idPack || FS_idPak(pakbuf, "base"));


		cl->download = 0;

		// We open the file here
		if ( !sv_allowDownload->integer ||
			idPack || unreferenced ||
			( cl->downloadSize = FS_SV_FOpenFileRead( cl->downloadName, &cl->download ) ) < 0 ) {
			// cannot auto-download file
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" is not referenced and cannot be downloaded.\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "File \"%s\" is not referenced and cannot be downloaded.", cl->downloadName);
			else if (idPack) {
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" cannot download id pk3 files\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Cannot autodownload Team Arena file \"%s\"\n"
									"The Team Arena mission pack can be found in your local game store.", cl->downloadName);
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Cannot autodownload id pk3 file \"%s\"", cl->downloadName);
			else if ( !sv_allowDownload->integer ) {
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" download disabled\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				if (sv_pure->integer) {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Could not download \"%s\" because autodownloading is disabled on the server.\n\n"
										"You will need to get this file elsewhere before you "
										"can connect to this pure server.\n", cl->downloadName);
				} else {
					Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "Could not download \"%s\" because autodownloading is disabled on the server.\n\n"
                    "The server you are connecting to is not a pure server, "
                    "set autodownload to No in your settings and you might be "
                    "able to join the game anyway.\n", cl->downloadName);
			} else {
        // NOTE TTimo this is NOT supposed to happen unless bug in our filesystem scheme?
        //   if the pk3 is referenced, it must have been found somewhere in the filesystem
				Com_Printf("clientDownload: %d : \"%s\" file not found on server\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName);
				Com_sprintf(errorMessage, sizeof(errorMessage), "File \"%s\" not found on server for autodownloading.\n", cl->downloadName);
			MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_download );
			MSG_WriteShort( msg, 0 ); // client is expecting block zero
			MSG_WriteLong( msg, -1 ); // illegal file size
			MSG_WriteString( msg, errorMessage );

			*cl->downloadName = 0;



		Com_Printf( "clientDownload: %d : beginning \"%s\"\n", (int) (cl - svs.clients), cl->downloadName );

		// Init
		cl->downloadCurrentBlock = cl->downloadClientBlock = cl->downloadXmitBlock = 0;
		cl->downloadCount = 0;
		cl->downloadEOF = qfalse;

	// Perform any reads that we need to
	while (cl->downloadCurrentBlock - cl->downloadClientBlock < MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW &&
		cl->downloadSize != cl->downloadCount) {

		curindex = (cl->downloadCurrentBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW);

		if (!cl->downloadBlocks[curindex])
			cl->downloadBlocks[curindex] = (unsigned char *)Z_Malloc( MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE, TAG_DOWNLOAD, qtrue );

		cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] = FS_Read( cl->downloadBlocks[curindex], MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE, cl->download );

		if (cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] < 0) {
			// EOF right now
			cl->downloadCount = cl->downloadSize;

		cl->downloadCount += cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex];

		// Load in next block

	// Check to see if we have eof condition and add the EOF block
	if (cl->downloadCount == cl->downloadSize &&
		!cl->downloadEOF &&
		cl->downloadCurrentBlock - cl->downloadClientBlock < MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW) {

		cl->downloadBlockSize[cl->downloadCurrentBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW] = 0;

		cl->downloadEOF = qtrue;  // We have added the EOF block

	// Loop up to window size times based on how many blocks we can fit in the
	// client snapMsec and rate

	// based on the rate, how many bytes can we fit in the snapMsec time of the client
	// normal rate / snapshotMsec calculation
	rate = cl->rate;
	if ( sv_maxRate->integer ) {
		if ( sv_maxRate->integer < 1000 ) {
			Cvar_Set( "sv_MaxRate", "1000" );
		if ( sv_maxRate->integer < rate ) {
			rate = sv_maxRate->integer;

	if (!rate) {
		blockspersnap = 1;
	} else {
		blockspersnap = ( (rate * cl->snapshotMsec) / 1000 + MAX_DOWNLOAD_BLKSIZE ) /

	if (blockspersnap < 0)
		blockspersnap = 1;

	while (blockspersnap--) {

		// Write out the next section of the file, if we have already reached our window,
		// automatically start retransmitting

		if (cl->downloadClientBlock == cl->downloadCurrentBlock)
			return; // Nothing to transmit

		if (cl->downloadXmitBlock == cl->downloadCurrentBlock) {
			// We have transmitted the complete window, should we start resending?

			//FIXME:  This uses a hardcoded one second timeout for lost blocks
			//the timeout should be based on client rate somehow
			if (svs.time - cl->downloadSendTime > 1000)
				cl->downloadXmitBlock = cl->downloadClientBlock;

		// Send current block
		curindex = (cl->downloadXmitBlock % MAX_DOWNLOAD_WINDOW);

		MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_download );
		MSG_WriteShort( msg, cl->downloadXmitBlock );

		// block zero is special, contains file size
		if ( cl->downloadXmitBlock == 0 )
			MSG_WriteLong( msg, cl->downloadSize );

		MSG_WriteShort( msg, cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] );

		// Write the block
		if ( cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] ) {
			MSG_WriteData( msg, cl->downloadBlocks[curindex], cl->downloadBlockSize[curindex] );

		Com_DPrintf( "clientDownload: %d : writing block %d\n", cl - svs.clients, cl->downloadXmitBlock );

		// Move on to the next block
		// It will get sent with next snap shot.  The rate will keep us in line.

		cl->downloadSendTime = svs.time;
Ejemplo n.º 2

Create and send the command packet to the server
Including both the reliable commands and the usercmds

During normal gameplay, a client packet will contain something like:

4	sequence number
2	qport
4	serverid
4	acknowledged sequence number
4	clc.serverCommandSequence
<optional reliable commands>
1	clc_move or clc_moveNoDelta
1	command count
<count * usercmds>

void CL_WritePacket( void ) {
	msg_t		buf;
	byte		data[MAX_MSGLEN];
	int			i, j;
	usercmd_t	*cmd, *oldcmd;
	usercmd_t	nullcmd;
	int			packetNum;
	int			oldPacketNum;
	int			count, key;

	// don't send anything if playing back a demo
	if ( clc.demoplaying || cls.state == CA_CINEMATIC ) {

	Com_Memset( &nullcmd, 0, sizeof(nullcmd) );
	oldcmd = &nullcmd;

	MSG_Init( &buf, data, sizeof(data) );

	MSG_Bitstream( &buf );
	// write the current serverId so the server
	// can tell if this is from the current gameState
	MSG_WriteLong( &buf, cl.serverId );

	// write the last message we received, which can
	// be used for delta compression, and is also used
	// to tell if we dropped a gamestate
	MSG_WriteLong( &buf, clc.serverMessageSequence );

	// write the last reliable message we received
	MSG_WriteLong( &buf, clc.serverCommandSequence );

	// write any unacknowledged clientCommands
	for ( i = clc.reliableAcknowledge + 1 ; i <= clc.reliableSequence ; i++ ) {
		MSG_WriteByte( &buf, clc_clientCommand );
		MSG_WriteLong( &buf, i );
		MSG_WriteString( &buf, clc.reliableCommands[ i & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ] );

	// we want to send all the usercmds that were generated in the last
	// few packet, so even if a couple packets are dropped in a row,
	// all the cmds will make it to the server
	if ( cl_packetdup->integer < 0 ) {
		Cvar_Set( "cl_packetdup", "0" );
	} else if ( cl_packetdup->integer > 5 ) {
		Cvar_Set( "cl_packetdup", "5" );
	oldPacketNum = (clc.netchan.outgoingSequence - 1 - cl_packetdup->integer) & PACKET_MASK;
	count = cl.cmdNumber - cl.outPackets[ oldPacketNum ].p_cmdNumber;
	if ( count > MAX_PACKET_USERCMDS ) {
	if ( count >= 1 ) {
		if ( cl_showSend->integer ) {
			Com_Printf( "(%i)", count );

		// begin a client move command
		if ( cl_nodelta->integer || !cl.snap.valid || clc.demowaiting
			|| clc.serverMessageSequence != cl.snap.messageNum ) {
			MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_moveNoDelta);
		} else {
			MSG_WriteByte (&buf, clc_move);

		// write the command count
		MSG_WriteByte( &buf, count );

		// use the checksum feed in the key
		key = clc.checksumFeed;
		// also use the message acknowledge
		key ^= clc.serverMessageSequence;
		// also use the last acknowledged server command in the key
		key ^= Com_HashKey(clc.serverCommands[ clc.serverCommandSequence & (MAX_RELIABLE_COMMANDS-1) ], 32);

		// write all the commands, including the predicted command
		for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
			j = (cl.cmdNumber - count + i + 1) & CMD_MASK;
			cmd = &cl.cmds[j];
			MSG_WriteDeltaUsercmdKey (&buf, key, oldcmd, cmd);
			oldcmd = cmd;

	// deliver the message
	packetNum = clc.netchan.outgoingSequence & PACKET_MASK;
	cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_realtime = cls.realtime;
	cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_serverTime = oldcmd->serverTime;
	cl.outPackets[ packetNum ].p_cmdNumber = cl.cmdNumber;
	clc.lastPacketSentTime = cls.realtime;

	if ( cl_showSend->integer ) {
		Com_Printf( "%i ", buf.cursize );

	CL_Netchan_Transmit (&clc.netchan, &buf);	

	// clients never really should have messages large enough
	// to fragment, but in case they do, fire them all off
	// at once
	// TTimo: this causes a packet burst, which is bad karma for winsock
	// added a WARNING message, we'll see if there are legit situations where this happens
	while ( clc.netchan.unsentFragments ) {
		Com_DPrintf( "WARNING: #462 unsent fragments (not supposed to happen!)\n" );
		CL_Netchan_TransmitNextFragment( &clc.netchan );
Ejemplo n.º 3
// IntQryBuildInformation()
// Protocol building routine, the passed parameter is the enquirer version
static void IntQryBuildInformation(const DWORD &EqProtocolVersion, 
    const DWORD &EqTime)
    std::vector<CvarField_t> Cvars;

    // bond - time
    MSG_WriteLong(&ml_message, EqTime);

    // The servers real protocol version
    // bond - real protocol
    MSG_WriteLong(&ml_message, PROTOCOL_VERSION);

    // Built revision of server
    MSG_WriteLong(&ml_message, last_revision);

    cvar_t *var = GetFirstCvar();
    // Count our cvars and add them
    while (var)
        if (var->flags() & CVAR_SERVERINFO)
            CvarField.Name = var->name();
            CvarField.Value = var->cstring();
        var = var->GetNext();
    // Cvar count
    MSG_WriteByte(&ml_message, (BYTE)Cvars.size());
    // Write cvars
    for (size_t i = 0; i < Cvars.size(); ++i)
        MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, Cvars[i].Name.c_str());
		MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, Cvars[i].Value.c_str());
	MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, (strlen(join_password.cstring()) ? MD5SUM(join_password.cstring()).c_str() : ""));
	MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, level.mapname);
    int timeleft = (int)(sv_timelimit - level.time/(TICRATE*60));
	if (timeleft < 0) 
        timeleft = 0;
    MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, timeleft);
    // Team data
    MSG_WriteByte(&ml_message, 2);
    // Blue
    MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, "Blue");
    MSG_WriteLong(&ml_message, 0x000000FF);
    MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, (short)TEAMpoints[it_blueflag]);

    MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, "Red");
    MSG_WriteLong(&ml_message, 0x00FF0000);
    MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, (short)TEAMpoints[it_redflag]);

    // TODO: When real dynamic teams are implemented
    //byte TeamCount = (byte)sv_teamsinplay;
    //MSG_WriteByte(&ml_message, TeamCount);
    //for (byte i = 0; i < TeamCount; ++i)
        // TODO - Figure out where the info resides
        //MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, "");
        //MSG_WriteLong(&ml_message, 0);
        //MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, TEAMpoints[i]);        

	// Patch files	
	MSG_WriteByte(&ml_message, patchfiles.size());
	for (size_t i = 0; i < patchfiles.size(); ++i)
        MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, patchfiles[i].c_str());
	// Wad files
	MSG_WriteByte(&ml_message, wadnames.size());
	for (size_t i = 0; i < wadnames.size(); ++i)
        MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, wadnames[i].c_str());
        MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, wadhashes[i].c_str());
    MSG_WriteByte(&ml_message, players.size());
    // Player info
    for (size_t i = 0; i < players.size(); ++i)
        MSG_WriteString(&ml_message, players[i].userinfo.netname);
        MSG_WriteByte(&ml_message, players[i].userinfo.team);
        MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, players[i].ping);

        int timeingame = (time(NULL) - players[i].JoinTime)/60;
        if (timeingame < 0) 
            timeingame = 0;

        MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, timeingame);

        // FIXME - Treat non-players (downloaders/others) as spectators too for
        // now
        bool spectator;

        spectator = (players[i].spectator || 
            ((players[i].playerstate != PST_LIVE) &&
            (players[i].playerstate != PST_DEAD) &&
            (players[i].playerstate != PST_REBORN)));

        MSG_WriteBool(&ml_message, spectator);

        MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, players[i].fragcount);
        MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, players[i].killcount);
        MSG_WriteShort(&ml_message, players[i].deathcount);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void SV_CreateClientGameStateMessage( client_t *client, msg_t *msg ) {
	int			start;
	entityState_t	*base, nullstate;

	// NOTE, MRE: all server->client messages now acknowledge
	// let the client know which reliable clientCommands we have received
	MSG_WriteLong( msg, client->lastClientCommand );

	// send any server commands waiting to be sent first.
	// we have to do this cause we send the client->reliableSequence
	// with a gamestate and it sets the clc.serverCommandSequence at
	// the client side
	SV_UpdateServerCommandsToClient( client, msg );

	// send the gamestate
	MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_gamestate );
	MSG_WriteLong( msg, client->reliableSequence );

	// write the configstrings
	for ( start = 0 ; start < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS ; start++ ) {
		if (sv.configstrings[start][0]) {
			MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_configstring );
			MSG_WriteShort( msg, start );
			MSG_WriteBigString( msg, sv.configstrings[start] );

	// write the baselines
	Com_Memset( &nullstate, 0, sizeof( nullstate ) );
	for ( start = 0 ; start < MAX_GENTITIES; start++ ) {
		base = &sv.svEntities[start].baseline;
		if ( !base->number ) {
		MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_baseline );
		MSG_WriteDeltaEntity( msg, &nullstate, base, qtrue );

	MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_EOF );

	MSG_WriteLong( msg, client - svs.clients);

	// write the checksum feed
	MSG_WriteLong( msg, sv.checksumFeed);

	//rwwRMG - send info for the terrain
	if ( TheRandomMissionManager )
		z_stream zdata;

		// Send the height map
		memset(&zdata, 0, sizeof(z_stream));
		deflateInit ( &zdata, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION );

		unsigned char heightmap[15000];
		zdata.next_out = (unsigned char*)heightmap;
		zdata.avail_out = 15000;
		zdata.next_in = TheRandomMissionManager->GetLandScape()->GetHeightMap();
		zdata.avail_in = TheRandomMissionManager->GetLandScape()->GetRealArea();
		deflate(&zdata, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);

		MSG_WriteShort ( msg, (unsigned short)zdata.total_out );
		MSG_WriteBits ( msg, 1, 1 );
		MSG_WriteData ( msg, heightmap, zdata.total_out);


		// Send the flatten map
		memset(&zdata, 0, sizeof(z_stream));
		deflateInit ( &zdata, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION );

		zdata.next_out = (unsigned char*)heightmap;
		zdata.avail_out = 15000;
		zdata.next_in = TheRandomMissionManager->GetLandScape()->GetFlattenMap();
		zdata.avail_in = TheRandomMissionManager->GetLandScape()->GetRealArea();
		deflate(&zdata, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);

		MSG_WriteShort ( msg, (unsigned short)zdata.total_out );
		MSG_WriteBits ( msg, 1, 1 );
		MSG_WriteData ( msg, heightmap, zdata.total_out);


		// Seed is needed for misc ents and noise
		MSG_WriteLong ( msg, TheRandomMissionManager->GetLandScape()->get_rand_seed ( ) );

		SV_WriteRMGAutomapSymbols ( msg );
		MSG_WriteShort ( msg, 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 5

Entity baselines are used to compress the update messages
to the clients -- only the fields that differ from the
baseline will be transmitted
void SV_CreateBaseline (void)
	int			i;
	edict_t		*svent;
	int			entnum;
	int			max_edicts;

	// because baselines for entnum >= 512 don't make sense
	// FIXME, translate baselines nums as well as packet entity nums?
	max_edicts = min (sv.num_edicts, 512);

	for (entnum = 0; entnum < max_edicts ; entnum++)
		svent = EDICT_NUM(entnum);
		if (!svent->inuse)
		// create baselines for all player slots,
		// and any other edict that has a visible model
		if (entnum > MAX_CLIENTS && !svent->v.modelindex)

	// create entity baseline
		MSG_PackOrigin (svent->v.origin, svent->baseline.s_origin);
		MSG_PackAngles (svent->v.angles, svent->baseline.s_angles);
		svent->baseline.frame = svent->v.frame;
		svent->baseline.skinnum = svent->v.skin;
		if (entnum > 0 && entnum <= MAX_CLIENTS)
			svent->baseline.colormap = entnum;
			svent->baseline.modelindex = SV_ModelIndex("progs/player.mdl");
			svent->baseline.colormap = 0;
			svent->baseline.modelindex =

		// flush the signon message out to a separate buffer if
		// nearly full
		SV_FlushSignon ();

		// add to the message
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon,svc_spawnbaseline);		
		MSG_WriteShort (&sv.signon,entnum);

		MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, svent->baseline.modelindex);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, svent->baseline.frame);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, svent->baseline.colormap);
		MSG_WriteByte (&sv.signon, svent->baseline.skinnum);
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
			MSG_WriteShort (&sv.signon, svent->baseline.s_origin[i]);
			MSG_WriteChar (&sv.signon, svent->baseline.s_angles[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void CL_Netchan_Transmit( netchan_t *chan, msg_t* msg ) {
	MSG_WriteByte( msg, clc_EOF );

	CL_Netchan_Encode( msg );
	Netchan_Transmit( chan, msg->cursize, msg->data );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void SV_WriteFrameToClient( sv_client_t *cl, sizebuf_t *msg )
	client_frame_t	*frame, *oldframe;
	int		lastframe;

	// this is the frame we are creating
	frame = &cl->frames[sv.framenum & SV_UPDATE_MASK];

	if( cl->lastframe <= 0 )
		// client is asking for a retransmit
		oldframe = NULL;
		lastframe = -1;
	else if( sv.framenum - cl->lastframe >= (SV_UPDATE_BACKUP - 3))
		// client hasn't gotten a good message through in a long time
		oldframe = NULL;
		lastframe = -1;
	{	// we have a valid message to delta from
		oldframe = &cl->frames[cl->lastframe & SV_UPDATE_MASK];
		lastframe = cl->lastframe;

		// the snapshot's entities may still have rolled off the buffer, though
		if( oldframe->first_entity <= svs.next_client_entities - svs.num_client_entities )
			MsgDev( D_WARN, "%s: ^7delta request from out of date entities.\n", cl->name );
			oldframe = NULL;
			lastframe = 0;

	// refresh physinfo if needs
	if( cl->physinfo_modified )
		cl->physinfo_modified = false;
		MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_physinfo );
		MSG_WriteString( msg, cl->physinfo );

	// delta encode the events
	SV_EmitEvents( cl, frame, msg );

	MSG_WriteByte( msg, svc_frame );
	MSG_WriteLong( msg, sv.framenum );
	MSG_WriteLong( msg, sv.time );		// send a servertime each frame
	MSG_WriteLong( msg, sv.frametime );
	MSG_WriteLong( msg, lastframe );		// what we are delta'ing from
	MSG_WriteByte( msg, cl->surpressCount );	// rate dropped packets
	MSG_WriteByte( msg, frame->index );		// send a client index
	cl->surpressCount = 0;

	// send over the areabits
	MSG_WriteByte( msg, frame->areabits_size );	// never more than 255 bytes
	MSG_WriteData( msg, frame->areabits, frame->areabits_size );

	// delta encode the entities
	SV_EmitPacketEntities( oldframe, frame, msg );
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * record <demoname>
 * Begins recording a demo from the current position
	char name[MAX_OSPATH];
	byte buf_data[MAX_MSGLEN];
	sizebuf_t buf;
	int i;
	int len;
	entity_state_t *ent;
	entity_state_t nullstate;

	if (Cmd_Argc() != 2)
		Com_Printf("record <demoname>\n");

	if (cls.demorecording)
		Com_Printf("Already recording.\n");

	if (cls.state != ca_active)
		Com_Printf("You must be in a level to record.\n");

	Com_sprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s/demos/%s.dm2", FS_Gamedir(), Cmd_Argv(1));

	Com_Printf("recording to %s.\n", name);
	cls.demofile = fopen(name, "wb");

	if (!cls.demofile)
		Com_Printf("ERROR: couldn't open.\n");

	cls.demorecording = true;

	/* don't start saving messages until a non-delta compressed message is received */
	cls.demowaiting = true;

	/* write out messages to hold the startup information */
	SZ_Init(&buf, buf_data, sizeof(buf_data));

	/* send the serverdata */
	MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_serverdata);
	MSG_WriteLong(&buf, 0x10000 + cl.servercount);
	MSG_WriteByte(&buf, 1);  /* demos are always attract loops */
	MSG_WriteString(&buf, cl.gamedir);
	MSG_WriteShort(&buf, cl.playernum);

	MSG_WriteString(&buf, cl.configstrings[CS_NAME]);

	/* configstrings */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONFIGSTRINGS; i++)
		if (cl.configstrings[i][0])
			if (buf.cursize + strlen(cl.configstrings[i]) + 32 > buf.maxsize)
				len = LittleLong(buf.cursize);
				fwrite(&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
				fwrite(buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
				buf.cursize = 0;

			MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_configstring);

			MSG_WriteShort(&buf, i);
			MSG_WriteString(&buf, cl.configstrings[i]);

	/* baselines */
	memset(&nullstate, 0, sizeof(nullstate));

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_EDICTS; i++)
		ent = &cl_entities[i].baseline;

		if (!ent->modelindex)

		if (buf.cursize + 64 > buf.maxsize)
			len = LittleLong(buf.cursize);
			fwrite(&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
			fwrite(buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
			buf.cursize = 0;

		MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_spawnbaseline);

		MSG_WriteDeltaEntity(&nullstate, &cl_entities[i].baseline,
				&buf, true, true);

	MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_stufftext);

	MSG_WriteString(&buf, "precache\n");

	/* write it to the demo file */
	len = LittleLong(buf.cursize);
	fwrite(&len, 4, 1, cls.demofile);
	fwrite(buf.data, buf.cursize, 1, cls.demofile);
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: host.c Proyecto: indev/asquake

This only happens at the end of a game, not between levels
void Host_ShutdownServer(qboolean crash)
    int i;
    int count;
    sizebuf_t buf;
    char message[4];
    double start;

    if (!sv.active)

    sv.active = false;

// stop all client sounds immediately
    if (cls.state == ca_connected)

// flush any pending messages - like the score!!!
    start = Sys_FloatTime();
    do {
	count = 0;
	for (i = 0, host_client = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients;
	     i++, host_client++) {
	    if (host_client->active && host_client->message.cursize) {
		if (NET_CanSendMessage(host_client->netconnection)) {
		} else {
	if ((Sys_FloatTime() - start) > 3.0)
    while (count);

// make sure all the clients know we're disconnecting
    buf.data = message;
    buf.maxsize = 4;
    buf.cursize = 0;
    MSG_WriteByte(&buf, svc_disconnect);
    count = NET_SendToAll(&buf, 5);
    if (count)
	    ("Host_ShutdownServer: NET_SendToAll failed for %u clients\n",

    for (i = 0, host_client = svs.clients; i < svs.maxclients;
	 i++, host_client++)
	if (host_client->active)

// clear structures
    memset(&sv, 0, sizeof(sv));
    memset(svs.clients, 0, svs.maxclientslimit * sizeof(client_t));