Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  MSKrescodee  r;
  const MSKint32t numvar = 6,
                  numcon = 1;
  MSKboundkeye bkc[] = { MSK_BK_FX };
  double       blc[] = { 1.0 };
  double       buc[] = { 1.0 };
  MSKboundkeye bkx[] = {MSK_BK_LO,
  double       blx[] = {0.0,
  double       bux[] = {+MSK_INFINITY,
  double       c[]   = {0.0,

  MSKint32t   aptrb[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3},
              aptre[] = {1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3},
              asub[]  = {0, 0, 0, 0};
  double      aval[]  = {1.0, 1.0, 2.0};
  MSKint32t   i,j,csub[3];

  MSKenv_t    env  = NULL;
  MSKtask_t   task = NULL;

  /* Create the mosek environment. */
  r = MSK_makeenv(&env,NULL);

  if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    r = MSK_maketask(env,numcon,numvar,&task);

    if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )

      /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
     The constraints will initially have no bounds. */
      if ( r == MSK_RES_OK )
        r = MSK_appendcons(task,numcon);

      /* Append 'numvar' variables.
     The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */
      if ( r == MSK_RES_OK )
        r = MSK_appendvars(task,numvar);

      for(j=0; j<numvar && r == MSK_RES_OK; ++j)
        /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/  
        if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
          r = MSK_putcj(task,j,c[j]);

        /* Set the bounds on variable j.
       blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
        if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
          r = MSK_putvarbound(task,
                              j,           /* Index of variable.*/
                              bkx[j],      /* Bound key.*/
                              blx[j],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                              bux[j]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

        /* Input column j of A */   
        if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
          r = MSK_putacol(task,
                          j,                 /* Variable (column) index.*/
                          aptre[j]-aptrb[j], /* Number of non-zeros in column j.*/
                          asub+aptrb[j],     /* Pointer to row indexes of column j.*/
                          aval+aptrb[j]);    /* Pointer to Values of column j.*/

      /* Set the bounds on constraints.
       for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
      for(i=0; i<numcon && r==MSK_RES_OK; ++i)
        r = MSK_putconbound(task,
                            i,           /* Index of constraint.*/
                            bkc[i],      /* Bound key.*/
                            blc[i],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                            buc[i]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/
      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
        /* Append the first cone. */
        csub[0] = 3;
        csub[1] = 0;
        csub[2] = 1;
        r = MSK_appendcone(task,
                           0.0, /* For future use only, can be set to 0.0 */

      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
        /* Append the second cone. */
        csub[0] = 4;
        csub[1] = 5;
        csub[2] = 2;

        r = MSK_appendcone(task,

      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
        MSKrescodee trmcode;
        /* Run optimizer */
        r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,&trmcode);

        /* Print a summary containing information
           about the solution for debugging purposes*/
        MSK_solutionsummary (task,MSK_STREAM_MSG);
        if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
          MSKsolstae solsta;
          MSK_getsolsta (task,MSK_SOL_ITR,&solsta);
             case MSK_SOL_STA_OPTIMAL:   
             case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_OPTIMAL:
                 double *xx = NULL;
                 xx = calloc(numvar,sizeof(double));
                 if ( xx )
                   MSK_getxx (task,
                              MSK_SOL_ITR,    /* Request the interior solution. */

                   printf("Optimal primal solution\n");
                   for(j=0; j<numvar; ++j)
                     printf("x[%d]: %e\n",j,xx[j]);
                   r = MSK_RES_ERR_SPACE;
             case MSK_SOL_STA_DUAL_INFEAS_CER:
             case MSK_SOL_STA_PRIM_INFEAS_CER:
             case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_PRIM_INFEAS_CER:  
               printf("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.\n");
             case MSK_SOL_STA_UNKNOWN:
               printf("The status of the solution could not be determined.\n");
               printf("Other solution status.");
          printf("Error while optimizing.\n");
      if (r != MSK_RES_OK)
        /* In case of an error print error code and description. */      
        char symname[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
        char desc[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
        printf("An error occurred while optimizing.\n");     
        MSK_getcodedesc (r,
        printf("Error %s - '%s'\n",symname,desc);
    /* Delete the task and the associated data. */
  /* Delete the environment and the associated data. */

  return ( r );
} /* main */
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  const MSKint32t numvar = 2,
                  numcon = 2;

  double       c[]   = {  1.0, 0.64 };
  MSKboundkeye bkc[] = { MSK_BK_UP,    MSK_BK_LO };
  double       blc[] = { -MSK_INFINITY,-4.0 };
  double       buc[] = { 250.0,        MSK_INFINITY };

  MSKboundkeye bkx[] = { MSK_BK_LO,    MSK_BK_LO };
  double       blx[] = { 0.0,          0.0 };
  double       bux[] = { MSK_INFINITY, MSK_INFINITY };

  MSKint32t    aptrb[] = { 0, 2 },
               aptre[] = { 2, 4 },
               asub[] = { 0,    1,   0,    1 };
  double       aval[] = { 50.0, 3.0, 31.0, -2.0 };
  MSKint32t    i,j;

  MSKenv_t     env = NULL;
  MSKtask_t    task = NULL;
  MSKrescodee  r;

  /* Create the mosek environment. */
  r = MSK_makeenv(&env,NULL);

  /* Check if return code is ok. */
  if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    r = MSK_maketask(env,0,0,&task);

    if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
      r = MSK_linkfunctotaskstream(task,MSK_STREAM_LOG,NULL,printstr);
    /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
     The constraints will initially have no bounds. */
    if ( r == MSK_RES_OK )
      r = MSK_appendcons(task,numcon);

    /* Append 'numvar' variables.
     The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */
    if ( r == MSK_RES_OK )
      r = MSK_appendvars(task,numvar);

    /* Optionally add a constant term to the objective. */
    if ( r ==MSK_RES_OK )
      r = MSK_putcfix(task,0.0);
    for(j=0; j<numvar && r == MSK_RES_OK; ++j)
      /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/  
      if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
        r = MSK_putcj(task,j,c[j]);

      /* Set the bounds on variable j.
       blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
      if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
        r = MSK_putvarbound(task,
                            j,           /* Index of variable.*/
                            bkx[j],      /* Bound key.*/
                            blx[j],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                            bux[j]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

      /* Input column j of A */   
      if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
        r = MSK_putacol(task,
                        j,                 /* Variable (column) index.*/
                        aptre[j]-aptrb[j], /* Number of non-zeros in column j.*/
                        asub+aptrb[j],     /* Pointer to row indexes of column j.*/
                        aval+aptrb[j]);    /* Pointer to Values of column j.*/

    /* Set the bounds on constraints.
       for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
    for(i=0; i<numcon && r==MSK_RES_OK; ++i)
      r = MSK_putconbound(task,
                          i,           /* Index of constraint.*/
                          bkc[i],      /* Bound key.*/
                          blc[i],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                          buc[i]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/
    /* Specify integer variables. */
    for(j=0; j<numvar && r == MSK_RES_OK; ++j)
      r = MSK_putvartype(task,j,MSK_VAR_TYPE_INT);
    if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
      r =  MSK_putobjsense(task,
    if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
      MSKrescodee trmcode;

      /* Run optimizer */
      r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,&trmcode);

      /* Print a summary containing information
         about the solution for debugging purposes*/
      MSK_solutionsummary (task,MSK_STREAM_MSG);

      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
        MSKint32t  j;
        MSKsolstae solsta;
        double     *xx = NULL; 

        MSK_getsolsta (task,MSK_SOL_ITG,&solsta);

        xx = calloc(numvar,sizeof(double));
        if ( xx ) 
             case MSK_SOL_STA_INTEGER_OPTIMAL:
             case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_INTEGER_OPTIMAL :             
                         MSK_SOL_ITG,    /* Request the integer solution. */
               printf("Optimal solution.\n");
               for(j=0; j<numvar; ++j)
                 printf("x[%d]: %e\n",j,xx[j]);                              
             case MSK_SOL_STA_PRIM_FEAS:
               /* A feasible but not necessarily optimal solution was located. */
               printf("Feasible solution.\n");
               for(j=0; j<numvar; ++j)
                 printf("x[%d]: %e\n",j,xx[j]);               
             case MSK_SOL_STA_UNKNOWN:
                 MSKprostae prosta; 
                 switch (prosta) 
                    case MSK_PRO_STA_PRIM_INFEAS_OR_UNBOUNDED:
                      printf("Problem status Infeasible or unbounded\n"); 
                    case MSK_PRO_STA_PRIM_INFEAS:
                      printf("Problem status Infeasible.\n"); 
                    case MSK_PRO_STA_UNKNOWN:
                      printf("Problem status unknown.\n"); 
                      printf("Other problem status."); 
               printf("Other solution status."); 
          r = MSK_RES_ERR_SPACE;

    if (r != MSK_RES_OK)
      /* In case of an error print error code and description. */
      char symname[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
      char desc[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];

      printf("An error occurred while optimizing.\n");
      MSK_getcodedesc (r,
      printf("Error %s - '%s'\n",symname,desc);


  printf("Return code: %d.\n",r);
  return ( r );
} /* main */
Ejemplo n.º 3
template <typename _Scalar> typename MosekOpt<_Scalar>::ReturnType
update( bool verbose )
    if ( _task != NULL )
        std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "update can only be called once! returning." << std::endl;
        return MSK_RES_ERR_UNKNOWN;

    /* Create the optimization task. */
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        _r = MSK_maketask( _env, this->getConstraintCount(), this->getVarCount(), &_task );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not create task with " << this->getVarCount() << " vars, and " << this->getConstraintCount() << " constraints" << std::endl;

    // redirect output
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        _r = MSK_linkfunctotaskstream( _task, MSK_STREAM_LOG, NULL, mosekPrintStr );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not create rewire output to mosekPrintStr(), continuing though..." << std::endl;

    // Append _numCon empty constraints. The constraints will initially have no bounds.
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_appendcons(_task,"<< this->getConstraintCount() <<");" << std::endl;
        _r = MSK_appendcons( _task, this->getConstraintCount() );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not append " << this->getConstraintCount() << " constraints" << std::endl;

    // Append _numVar variables. The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0).
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_appendvars(_task," << this->getVarCount() <<");" << std::endl;
        _r = MSK_appendvars( _task, this->getVarCount() );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not append " << this->getVarCount() << " variables" << std::endl;

    // Optionally add a constant term to the objective.
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_putcfix(_task," << this->getObjectiveBias() << ");" << std::endl;
        _r = MSK_putcfix( _task, this->getObjectiveBias() );
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "could not add constant " << this->getObjectiveBias() << " to objective function" << std::endl;

    // set Variables
    for ( size_t j = 0; (j < this->getVarCount()) && (MSK_RES_OK == _r); ++j )
        // set Variable j's Bounds // blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j]
        if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
            _r = MSK_putvarbound( _task,
                                  j,                                                     /* Index of variable.*/
                                  MosekOpt<Scalar>::getBoundTypeCustom( this->getVarBoundType(j) ), /* Bound key.*/
                                  this->getVarLowerBound(j),                             /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                                  this->getVarUpperBound(j) );                           /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

            if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_putvarbound(_task," << j << "," << this->getVarBoundType(j) << "," << this->getVarLowerBound(j) << "," << this->getVarUpperBound(j) << ");" << std::endl;

        // set Variable j's Type
        if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
            _r = MSK_putvartype( _task, j, MosekOpt<Scalar>::getVarTypeCustom(this->getVarType(j)) );

        // set Variable j's linear coefficient in the objective function
        if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
            if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: putcj(_task," << j << "," << this->getLinObjectives()[j] << ")" << std::endl;
            _r = MSK_putcj( _task, j, this->getLinObjectives()[j] );

    // set Quadratic Objectives
    if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
        const int numNonZeros = this->getQuadraticObjectives().size();
        MSKint32t *qsubi = new MSKint32t[numNonZeros],
                  *qsubj = new MSKint32t[numNonZeros];
        double    *qval  = new double[numNonZeros];

        for ( size_t qi = 0; qi != this->getQuadraticObjectives().size(); ++qi )
            qsubi[qi] = this->getQuadraticObjectives()[qi].row();
            qsubj[qi] = this->getQuadraticObjectives()[qi].col();
            qval [qi] = this->getQuadraticObjectives()[qi].value();

        if ( verbose ) std::cout<<"my: putqobj( _task, " << numNonZeros << ",\n";
        for ( size_t vi = 0; vi != numNonZeros; ++vi )
            if ( verbose ) std::cout << qsubi[vi] << "," << qsubj[vi] << ", " << qval[vi] << std::endl;
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << ");" << std::endl;

        _r = MSK_putqobj( _task, numNonZeros, qsubi, qsubj, qval );

        if ( qsubi ) { delete[] qsubi; qsubi = NULL; }
        if ( qsubj ) { delete[] qsubj; qsubj = NULL; }
        if ( qval  ) { delete[] qval ; qval  = NULL; }

        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "Setting Quadratic Objectives caused error code " << (int)_r << std::endl;
    } // ...Quadratic objective

    // set Linear Constraints
        typename ParentType::SparseMatrix A( this->getLinConstraintsMatrix() );
//        ( this->getConstraintCount(), this->getVarCount() );
//        A.setFromTriplets( this->getLinConstraints().begin(), this->getLinConstraints().end() );
        std::vector<double>         aval;                // Linear constraints coeff matrix (sparse)
        std::vector<int>            asub;                // Linear constraints coeff matrix indices
        std::vector<int>            aptrb, aptre;
        for ( int row = 0; (row < A.outerSize()) && (MSK_RES_OK == _r); ++row )
            // set Constraint Bounds for row
            if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
                if ( verbose ) std::cout << "my: MSK_putconbound( _task, " << row << ", "
                                         << MosekOpt<Scalar>::getBoundTypeCustom( this->getConstraintBoundType(row) ) << ", "
                                         << this->getConstraintLowerBound( row ) << ", "
                                         << this->getConstraintUpperBound( row ) << ")"
                                         << std::endl; fflush( stdout );

                _r = MSK_putconbound( _task,
                                      row,                                                          /* Index of constraint.*/
                                      MosekOpt<Scalar>::getBoundTypeCustom(this->getConstraintBoundType(row)), /* Bound key.*/
                                      this->getConstraintLowerBound(row),                           /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                                      this->getConstraintUpperBound(row) );                         /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/

            // set Linear Constraint row
            if ( MSK_RES_OK == _r )
                // new line starts at index == current size
                aptrb.push_back( aval.size() );
                // add coeffs from new line
                for ( typename ParentType::SparseMatrix::InnerIterator it(A,row); it; ++it )
                    if ( row != it.row() ) std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "this shouldn't happen" << std::endl;
                    // coeff value
                    aval.push_back( it.value() );  // TODO: A should be a matrix, not a vector...
                    // coeff subscript
                    asub.push_back( it.col() );
                // new line ends at index == new size
                aptre.push_back( aval.size() );

                if ( verbose ) {
                    std::cout << "my: MSK_putarow( _task, "
                              << row << ", "
                              << aptre[row] - aptrb[row] << ", "
                              << *(asub.data() + aptrb[row]) << ", "
                              << *(aval.data() + aptrb[row]) << ");"
                              << std::endl; fflush( stdout );

                _r = MSK_putarow( _task,
                                  row,                 /* Row index.*/
                                  aptre[row] - aptrb[row], /* Number of non-zeros in row i.*/
                                  asub.data() + aptrb[row],     /* Pointer to column indexes of row i.*/
                                  aval.data() + aptrb[row]);    /* Pointer to values of row i.*/
        } // ... for A.rows

        // report error
        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "Setting Lin constraints caused error code " << (int)_r << std::endl;
    } // ...set Linear Constraints

    // set Quadratic constraints
    if ( verbose ) std::cout << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "adding q constraints" << std::endl;
    for ( size_t constr_id = 0; (constr_id != this->getQuadraticConstraints().size()) && (MSK_RES_OK == _r); ++constr_id )
        const int numNonZeros = this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id).size();

        MSKint32t *qsubi = new MSKint32t[numNonZeros],
                  *qsubj = new MSKint32t[numNonZeros];
        double    *qval  = new double[numNonZeros];

        for ( size_t qi = 0; qi != this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id).size(); ++qi )
            qsubi[qi] = this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id)[qi].row();
            qsubj[qi] = this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id)[qi].col();
            qval [qi] = this->getQuadraticConstraints(constr_id)[qi].value();

        if ( verbose ) std::cout<<"my: MSK_putqonk( _task, " << constr_id << ", " << numNonZeros << ",\n";
        for(size_t vi=0;vi!=numNonZeros;++vi)
            if ( verbose ) std::cout << qsubi[vi] << "," << qsubj[vi] << ", " << qval[vi] << std::endl;
        if ( verbose ) std::cout << "); " << std::endl;

        _r = MSK_putqconk(_task,

        if ( qsubi ) { delete[] qsubi; qsubi = NULL; }
        if ( qsubj ) { delete[] qsubj; qsubj = NULL; }
        if ( qval  ) { delete[] qval ; qval  = NULL; }

        if ( MSK_RES_OK != _r )
            std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "Setting Quad constraints caused error code " << (int)_r << std::endl;
    } // ...set Quadratic Constraints

    // save to file
        if ( _r == MSK_RES_OK )
            _r = MSK_putintparam( _task, MSK_IPAR_WRITE_DATA_FORMAT, MSK_DATA_FORMAT_LP );
            if ( _r == MSK_RES_OK )
                _r = MSK_writedata( _task, "mosek.lp" );
                if ( _r != MSK_RES_OK )
                    std::cerr << "[" << __func__ << "]: " << "Writedata did not work" << (int)_r << std::endl;

    if ( _r == MSK_RES_OK )
        this->_updated = true;

    // return error code
    return _r;
} // ...MosekOpt::update()
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
  const MSKint32t numvar = 3, 
                  numcon = 3;
  MSKint32t       i,j;
  double          c[]    = {1.5, 2.5, 3.0};
  MSKint32t       ptrb[] = {0, 3, 6},
                  ptre[] = {3, 6, 9},
                  asub[] = { 0, 1, 2,
                             0, 1, 2,
                             0, 1, 2};
  double          aval[] = { 2.0, 3.0, 2.0,
                             4.0, 2.0, 3.0,
                             3.0, 3.0, 2.0};
  MSKboundkeye    bkc[]  = {MSK_BK_UP, MSK_BK_UP, MSK_BK_UP    };
  double          blc[]  = {-MSK_INFINITY, -MSK_INFINITY, -MSK_INFINITY};
  double          buc[]  = {100000, 50000, 60000};
  MSKboundkeye    bkx[]  = {MSK_BK_LO,     MSK_BK_LO,    MSK_BK_LO};
  double          blx[]  = {0.0,           0.0,          0.0,};
  double          bux[]  = {+MSK_INFINITY, +MSK_INFINITY,+MSK_INFINITY};
  double          *xx=NULL;               
  MSKenv_t        env;
  MSKtask_t       task;
  MSKint32t       varidx,conidx; 
  MSKrescodee     r;

  /* Create the mosek environment. */
  r = MSK_makeenv(&env,NULL);

  if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
    /* Create the optimization task. */
    r = MSK_maketask(env,numcon,numvar,&task);

    /* Directs the log task stream to the 
       'printstr' function. */

    /* Append the constraints. */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_appendcons(task,numcon);

    /* Append the variables. */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_appendvars(task,numvar);

    /* Put C. */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_putcfix(task, 0.0);

    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      for(j=0; j<numvar; ++j)
        r = MSK_putcj(task,j,c[j]);

    /* Put constraint bounds. */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      for(i=0; i<numcon; ++i)
        r = MSK_putconbound(task,i,bkc[i],blc[i],buc[i]);

    /* Put variable bounds. */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      for(j=0; j<numvar; ++j)
        r = MSK_putvarbound(task,j,bkx[j],blx[j],bux[j]);
    /* Put A. */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      if ( numcon>0 )
        for(j=0; j<numvar; ++j)
          r = MSK_putacol(task,
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_putobjsense(task,

    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,NULL);

    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      xx = calloc(numvar,sizeof(double));
      if ( !xx )
        r = MSK_RES_ERR_SPACE;

    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_getxx(task,
                    MSK_SOL_BAS,       /* Basic solution.       */
/* Make a change to the A matrix */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_putaij(task, 0, 0, 3.0);
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,NULL);

    /* Get index of new variable, this should be 3 */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_getnumvar(task,&varidx);

    /* Append a new variable x_3 to the problem */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_appendvars(task,1);
    /* Set bounds on new variable */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_putvarbound(task,
    /* Change objective */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_putcj(task,varidx,1.0);
    /* Put new values in the A matrix */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      MSKint32t acolsub[] = {0,   2};
      double    acolval[] =  {4.0, 1.0};
       r = MSK_putacol(task,
                       varidx, /* column index */
                       2, /* num nz in column*/
    /* Change optimizer to free simplex and reoptimize */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,NULL);

    /* Get index of new constraint*/
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_getnumcon(task,&conidx);

    /* Append a new constraint */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_appendcons(task,1);
    /* Set bounds on new constraint */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_putconbound(task,

    /* Put new values in the A matrix */
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      MSKidxt arowsub[] = {0,   1,   2,   3  };
      double arowval[] =  {1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 1.0};
      r = MSK_putarow(task,
                      conidx, /* row index */
                      4,      /* num nz in row*/
    if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
      r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,NULL);

    if ( xx )

  printf("Return code: %d (0 means no error occured.)\n",r);

  return ( r );
} /* main */
Ejemplo n.º 5
int do_thing()
   const MSKint32t numvar = 4,
   numcon = 3;
   double       c[]     = {3.0, 1.0, 5.0, 1.0};
   /* Below is the sparse representation of the A
    matrix stored by column. */
   MSKint32t    aptrb[] = {0, 2, 5, 7},
   aptre[] = {2, 5, 7, 9},
   asub[]  = { 0, 1,
      0, 1, 2,
      0, 1,
      1, 2};
   double       aval[]  = { 3.0, 2.0,
      1.0, 1.0, 2.0,
      2.0, 3.0,
      1.0, 3.0};
   /* Bounds on constraints. */
   MSKboundkeye bkc[]  = {MSK_BK_FX, MSK_BK_LO,     MSK_BK_UP    };
   double       blc[]  = {30.0,      15.0,          -MSK_INFINITY};
   double       buc[]  = {30.0,      +MSK_INFINITY, 25.0         };
   /* Bounds on variables. */
   MSKboundkeye bkx[]  = {MSK_BK_LO,     MSK_BK_RA, MSK_BK_LO,     MSK_BK_LO     };
   double       blx[]  = {0.0,           0.0,       0.0,           0.0           };
   double       bux[]  = {+MSK_INFINITY, 10.0,      +MSK_INFINITY, +MSK_INFINITY };
   MSKenv_t     env  = NULL;
   MSKtask_t    task = NULL;
   MSKrescodee  r;
   MSKint32t    i,j;
   /* Create the mosek environment. */
   r = MSK_makeenv(&env,NULL);
   if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
      /* Create the optimization task. */
      r = MSK_maketask(env,numcon,numvar,&task);
      /* Directs the log task stream to the 'printstr' function. */
      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
         r = MSK_linkfunctotaskstream(task,MSK_STREAM_LOG,NULL,printstr);
      /* Append 'numcon' empty constraints.
       The constraints will initially have no bounds. */
      if ( r == MSK_RES_OK )
         r = MSK_appendcons(task,numcon);
      /* Append 'numvar' variables.
       The variables will initially be fixed at zero (x=0). */
      if ( r == MSK_RES_OK )
         r = MSK_appendvars(task,numvar);
      for(j=0; j<numvar && r == MSK_RES_OK; ++j)
         /* Set the linear term c_j in the objective.*/
         if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
            r = MSK_putcj(task,j,c[j]);
         /* Set the bounds on variable j.
          blx[j] <= x_j <= bux[j] */
         if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
            r = MSK_putvarbound(task,
                                j,           /* Index of variable.*/
                                bkx[j],      /* Bound key.*/
                                blx[j],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                                bux[j]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/
         /* Input column j of A */
         if(r == MSK_RES_OK)
            r = MSK_putacol(task,
                            j,                 /* Variable (column) index.*/
                            aptre[j]-aptrb[j], /* Number of non-zeros in column j.*/
                            asub+aptrb[j],     /* Pointer to row indexes of column j.*/
                            aval+aptrb[j]);    /* Pointer to Values of column j.*/
      /* Set the bounds on constraints.
       for i=1, ...,numcon : blc[i] <= constraint i <= buc[i] */
      for(i=0; i<numcon && r==MSK_RES_OK; ++i)
         r = MSK_putconbound(task,
                             i,           /* Index of constraint.*/
                             bkc[i],      /* Bound key.*/
                             blc[i],      /* Numerical value of lower bound.*/
                             buc[i]);     /* Numerical value of upper bound.*/
      /* Maximize objective function. */
      if (r == MSK_RES_OK)
         r = MSK_putobjsense(task, MSK_OBJECTIVE_SENSE_MAXIMIZE);
      if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
         MSKrescodee trmcode;
         /* Run optimizer */
         r = MSK_optimizetrm(task,&trmcode);
         /* Print a summary containing information
          about the solution for debugging purposes. */
         MSK_solutionsummary (task,MSK_STREAM_LOG);
         if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
            MSKsolstae solsta;
            if ( r==MSK_RES_OK )
               r = MSK_getsolsta (task,
               case MSK_SOL_STA_OPTIMAL:
               case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_OPTIMAL:
                  double *xx = (double*) calloc(numvar,sizeof(double));
                  if ( xx )
                               MSK_SOL_BAS,    /* Request the basic solution. */
                     printf("Optimal primal solution\n");
                     for(j=0; j<numvar; ++j)
                        printf("x[%d]: %e\n",j,xx[j]);
                     r = MSK_RES_ERR_SPACE;
               case MSK_SOL_STA_DUAL_INFEAS_CER:
               case MSK_SOL_STA_PRIM_INFEAS_CER:
               case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_DUAL_INFEAS_CER:
               case MSK_SOL_STA_NEAR_PRIM_INFEAS_CER:
                  printf("Primal or dual infeasibility certificate found.\n");
               case MSK_SOL_STA_UNKNOWN:
                  char symname[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
                  char desc[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
                  /* If the solutions status is unknown, print the termination code
                   indicating why the optimizer terminated prematurely. */
                  printf("The solution status is unknown.\n");
                  printf("The optimizer terminitated with code: %s\n",symname);
                  printf("Other solution status.\n");
      if (r != MSK_RES_OK)
         /* In case of an error print error code and description. */
         char symname[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
         char desc[MSK_MAX_STR_LEN];
         printf("An error occurred while optimizing.\n");     
         MSK_getcodedesc (r,
         printf("Error %s - '%s'\n",symname,desc);
      /* Delete the task and the associated data. */
   /* Delete the environment and the associated data. */
   return r;